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Member Since 20 Nov 2014
Offline Last Active Sep 16 2016 06:43 PM

#669853 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Nami on 23 November 2014 - 08:42 AM


Guys, I've asked this one tumblr user who lives in Japan (and speaks fluent English) about the Japanese reactions. Looks, like some people still hope for a surprise ending, implying how sh*tty this ending is! I love tumblr; without it, I would never be able to ask people this directly:



"It’s mixed at the moment on how they feel about hinata, but when i went to the shop recently to buy a gundam figure i noticed how a lot of hinata merchandise that came out 2 weeks ago were still packed up on the shelves. People i know dont really like hinata much at all, my husband said to me also that many people said at the theaters ,who saw the poster of naruto the last, were not going to watch the movie or will watch it but hope there will be a suprise ending that will show naruto confessing to sakura or the world actually ending for them lol overall they are surprised at what happened but many of them are actually wondering more of the choji relationship and how that came to be xD so when i see what people are saying about how everyone over here loves hinata…it’s not all true :/ we actually had a blood drive in tokyo that had sakura and naruto on the front picture with sakura wearing a nurse outfit…i’v seen more pictures of them together here than anywhere else…so yes this hinata business was a big shock and kind of disappointing."



Oh this is pretty cool, thanks for sharing that with us! Wouldn't it be funny that after Kishi changing the main pairing just so has can make money, the movie flops big time?  :kukuku:  I don't think it will, though, because I still believe a lot of people like Hinata and the rest who don't are still going to watch the movie hoping they get some kind of explanation,

#669262 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Nami on 22 November 2014 - 09:05 PM

Would rather have Naruto kitten Shion than Hinata. NHer's reactions would've been funny.


At least she wouldn't faint in the middle of it.

#668931 Rants on Hinata

Posted by Nami on 22 November 2014 - 04:00 PM

I'm with you Kns, I never really understood why Hinata is so popular. There are many interesting characters in this manga (or were, since Kishi managed to destroy most of them with just one chapter, but let's pretend for a second that it doesn't exist). I guess I was similar to Hinata growing up, I was very shy, introverted, refused to do anything by myself, felt helpless and so on, and logically Hinata should appeal to be because I see myself in her, but that was never the case. I always felt attracted to the strong girls. I looked up to then, learned from them and wanted to be them and better myself. It may sound funny but I believe that precisely these characters had an impact on me and in a way helped me become the woman I am today.


Hinata doesn't appeal to me in any possible way. Maybe I would have rooted for her if she even tried to better herself and be someone. Seriously she does nothing for herself in this manga. And Kishi, instead of helping her find her own path and testing her, he practically gives her an award for being so bland.

#668202 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by Nami on 21 November 2014 - 08:51 PM

In the leaked movie sketches, Hanabi loses her eyes right? Or her eyes are really damaged?



Probably did that to herself so she wouldn't have to watch the rest of the movie, poor girl. 

#666947 Kishimoto on why Sakura is with Sasuke, and other horrible ideas.

Posted by Nami on 20 November 2014 - 08:16 PM

Naruto died in that river bank next to Sasuke. That's the ending to Naruto. They both died side by side. Despressing, but not as despressing as what got afterwords.


Don't forget about Sakura. You know the strong brave kunoichi that had a backbone? Haven't seen her in the last few chapters....