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Namikaze Clan

Member Since 05 Nov 2014
Offline Last Active Jun 16 2019 12:45 AM

#899528 New Boruto Manga?

Posted by Namikaze Clan on 24 January 2016 - 01:35 AM

What will be interesting to me is whether Boruto the manga will be able to stand on its own, or if it will start to falter and have to bring back old characters to support it. Not just cameos here and there, but bringing back the some old character/storylines on a permanent basis.

Should be interesting to see. Legend of Korra managed to carry 52 epiosdes without resorting to borrowing plotlines from the first series and had a mostly solid new cast without older characters dominating the sequel. Not sure if Boruto can manage as well

Hell if what I'm predicting will happen in the Mitsuki oneshot comes true, then the Boruto manga may already rip off a certain arc of part 1

#899524 New Boruto Manga?

Posted by Namikaze Clan on 24 January 2016 - 01:04 AM

but why the narusaku fans



Maybe out of curiosity as I pointed out earlier or just to make fun of it as others stated.  Either way I`m confident that there will be some members from this site who will read it

#897947 An outcast in the Naruto fandom

Posted by Namikaze Clan on 14 January 2016 - 08:03 AM

Yeah I`m not too happy with the ending of the series, but really I`m not upset to the point were it sours the rest of my life.


Personally I`ve moved on from the ending and have put my focus towards much more better manga and anime.  Hell One Piece and HxH is a thousand times better than anything Kishi could ever write.

#885923 The Neverending Debate over the End of Naruto

Posted by Namikaze Clan on 06 November 2015 - 06:17 AM

Found this quote in the discussion section.  Glad to know some people have sense

Joined: 04 Nov 2015
Posts: 3

  icon_minipost.gifPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 12:40 pm icon_quote.gif This article is certainly well written, and Amy McNulty doesn't show any ill intentions toward NS shippers or the like. However, no matter how much I try, I can never fully side with NH reasoning. Maybe because I was an NS shipper, and how the pairing itself was handled in the last chapter and in The Last, but no matter how long I think about it, the less and less NH makes sense to me. There's just too many contradictions to make it work for me, to many convolutions to ultimately make the pairing work in the end.

I'm not trying to be mean-spirited here (though honestly I have plenty of negative emotions with this subject matter, which I'm trying to suppress), but the article's main defense about how Naruhina works doesn't make sense to me. The author of the article is not being mean, or doesn't come across as unknowledgeable about the subject matter, it just doesn't really add up to me. Yes, in real life you wont end up liking the same person as you did as a kid. It is a part of growing up, it is when we mature and discover what we truly like.

Yet I call shenanigans on that because the world of Naruto was never an accurate depiction of the real world. In world where Ninjas have incredible powers to destroy mountains, it couldn't be farther to our own reality. But it doesn't mean we can't find similarities to our own world with it, so the theme of maturing and liking someone else can still be prevalent... except that theme is consist with the other character. As the author pointed out, Sakura still ends up with her childhood crush, she didn't grow out of it and there is even LESS justification for that pairing to get together. Further, Minato and Kushina knew each other since childhood and were teenage sweethearts. FURTHER further more, Jairaya has had a crush on Tsunade since they were young, and he never let go of it. It was never shown in a negative light, so readers were never under the assumption he needed to let go unless thought about it critically, as it can be looked as a problem since he never moved from it. EXCEPT it was implied right before he died that Tsunade was finally going to reciprocate those feelings. FURTHER further further more, the whole thing with the parallels with Obito and Naruto is now frustrating inaccurate, even though the Kishimoto made great strides to point out the connection between the two. Obito did everything because Rin died, because he loved her, which could have been seen as a negative way to show what happens if you keep hold of your childhood crush... EXCEPT he still gets with her in the afterlife!!!

Then there is the whole thing with The Last, which almost feels like Kishi's way of trying to make NH work outside the manga. I haven't seen it so wont make any judgements on the actually quality of the work, but it is just frustrating to me he needed to have movie made after the fact to justify Naruto and Hinata getting together. If it was really important in the first place, then there should have been more panel time with it in the actual manga. Road to Ninja, which also had Kishi's involvement, makes things even more confusing as that was a very Naruto and Sakura focus movie. While not romantic per se, there was still some interesting parallels between NS and Naruto's parents. It also came off as pretty anti-Sasusaku. Yes I know Road to Ninja is "not Canon", it's just weird that Kishi would be involved with something like Road to Ninja and than go on to make The Last.

The last paragraph was me going off on a tangent, though to also point out how the Naruto "romance" doesn't really work, unless not to me. Another major point that Amy points out as the reason why she is glad that NH became canon is the fact that she liked Hinata and is glad she got what she wanted. I see this all the time, and I can't essentially disagree with it. If you like Hinata, then of course you would be more likely to like the outcome of Naruto. Not only that, NH end pairing does give other shy girls/women hope and courage that they too can be get someone to like them through courage.

There's definitely a moral that can be view with NH, however I can't believe it in myself because I want another pairing to win out and the fact that it does contradicts many elements from the manga. Though, to be fair, the manga has many, MANY other contradictions. So in the end, I do disagree with this article, strongly in fact, but that doesn't mean it is wrong. It is just her perspective on a manga she obviously loves, a series that also loved, yet I feel I can never see a single image of it again for how it was handle (and I didn't talk about my issues with Sasusaku and the other issues with the final chapter). I just wish Amy showcase more on the NS side of things, but then again you can't please everyone.

(By the way, Naruto and Hinata have known each other since childhood too, so they still ended up with people they knew since they were young. Also, HINATA NEVER GREW OUT HER CHILDHOOD CRUSH EITHER, JUST LIKE SAKURA. Sure it isn't as bad as Sakura, but still...)

#884350 Does Kishimoto's wife feel cheated on...?

Posted by Namikaze Clan on 27 October 2015 - 08:46 PM

Would you kindly stop this nonsense. Ever since the ending, this guy has been telling lies left and right. I think some truth is hidden behind his words but we have no clue what that's truth or lie since it's all buried in a pile of lies, and it's all coming out of his own mouth.
That comment about his wife being mad at him could be another lie. Thing is we don't really know. But one thing we know and it's 100% confirmed is that Kishi can't be trusted.

What could he possibly gain from lying about his wife? Given how much she has been compared to Kushina and Sakura, it's totally believable that she would be upset

#881581 Masashi kishimoto will be going to comic con in new york city

Posted by Namikaze Clan on 12 October 2015 - 10:11 PM

If someone asked him why Naruto and Sakura didnt happen, I'd imagine he'd just give the same answer he did that one SK fan. That's why I see no point in asking him about the pairings

#879090 Boruto - the movie

Posted by Namikaze Clan on 29 September 2015 - 03:51 AM





Disturbing isn't it

#878392 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Namikaze Clan on 25 September 2015 - 02:31 AM

  1. tumblr_nr356o2Tnk1u176cmo1_1280.png

#877723 What is considered canon in Naruto?

Posted by Namikaze Clan on 20 September 2015 - 11:08 PM

Anything Kishi says is canon is canon. The Last had errors and was bad, but I will never say its not canon regardless of how much I dislike it.

#876774 Masashi kishimoto will be going to comic con in new york city

Posted by Namikaze Clan on 16 September 2015 - 07:04 AM

I'm sure they will have Junko defending NH. I wouldn't be surprised if they are pushing her to. If nothing else I doubt she is going to say anything negative against the ending.

It's been almost a year since the series ended. She might not even care anymore

#875605 Boruto - the movie

Posted by Namikaze Clan on 11 September 2015 - 03:30 PM

I wonder how long they're going to continue padding things out. The manga has been finished for almost an entire year now. Does anyone at this point have any genuine investment in the anime? I stopped caring about it years before the downward spiral even began, partly because of the halfhearted effort on Pierrot's side to draw and animate the series while instead dedicating more resources for their precious oppai caricature. 

I stopped watching the anime years ago. Too much filler for my liking.

as for why they're still continuing the anime, to milk it for all it's worth before the inevitable end

#875170 Boruto - the movie

Posted by Namikaze Clan on 09 September 2015 - 06:26 PM

Ahh the good old days when romance was left up to the viewer instead of becoming the very focus in the end

He could have left it open ended in regards to the pairings and it still would have been a better ending

#874950 Boruto - the movie

Posted by Namikaze Clan on 08 September 2015 - 04:58 PM

Only 18 million? That's quite low when you compare it to other films, like Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection F which managed to make close to 10 million here in America alone, and now it's grand total is 61 million. There's no way Boruto will hope to reach that much given it's only very limited openings here in America come October.

DBZ has a bigger fanbase than Naruto both in Japan and the West. No Naruto film would ever do better than DBZ

18 million is still a good profit for SP

#874804 Boruto - the movie

Posted by Namikaze Clan on 07 September 2015 - 06:36 PM

Honestly why couldn't the Last Naruto movie be the last.

Well in a sense it was the last in that it was the last movie with Naruto as the lead. From this point any movies afterwards will have Boruto as the lead

#874467 A look back at Naruto, my thoughts

Posted by Namikaze Clan on 06 September 2015 - 04:14 AM

The whole underdog aspect of Naruto's character seemed to have been ignored in part two. He was the son of a Hokage, a member of a famous and powerful clan (as important as the senjus and uchihas), and ths reincarnation of the oldest son of the sage. Why did Kishi even bring it up?