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Member Since 15 Jul 2014
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#548538 Naruto 685

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 18 July 2014 - 06:24 PM

But do we want him to be sad?

Its sad that our fandom is the only one that seems to root for Naruto, the main character.

#548434 Naruto 685

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 18 July 2014 - 03:17 AM

How will Sakura react when she wants to separate from Sasuke?


- Taking her for surprise and make her blush.


- Make her sad and hurt because Sasuke was being a jerk.


- Nothing happened  she only stand up  and try to recover.


- Making her mad and telling him do not touch her so paybak.

eh? option 2 doesn't make sense.

It'll most likely be the third one, but fourth one would be awesome especially if she continues that with  :sakura:

#548095 Naruto 685

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 17 July 2014 - 12:36 PM

By resolution, I mean that she needs to realize that she is not in love with Sasuke anymore. She needs to have his acknowledgement and positive interactions with him to realize that she cares for him as a friend, not as a romantic interest. If she goes to Naruto, because Sasuke is a villain, that makes Naruto a silver medal.

And btw, how does Sakura and Sasuke acting like friends hurt the NS image? We all KNOW that Sasuke is going to be a good guy again and become a member of team seven due to Naruto's Jesus no Jutsu. It's only a matter of sooner or later. I prefer to have it sooner.

I don't get this 'silver medal' argument. Sakura has been shown to care more about Naruto than Sasuke in part 2. If she were shown to be the opposite and suddenly at the end switch allegiance to Naruto then that would indeed make him a silver medal. Not now.

#547621 Naruto 685

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 16 July 2014 - 02:44 PM

I have a question for all of you. Why do you care what Sawyer or Whateverworld says? Do people actually care what these two idiots are going to say?


Now I've already said this a while back, I have to be honest, I've been a subscriber to Sawyer and watched his videos about Naruto until the whole Obito/Tobi thing. That's when I've unsubscribe. And the reason I watched him was because at first he seemed funny and I wanted to know how the other fandom sees things.


But now I just don't care.

No, just no. They are ordinary fans like any of us. They can have any opinion they want, it doesn't mean squat. 

#547097 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 15 July 2014 - 06:53 PM

Fello NSers, Hello  :happy:
First post!
Been on the Guest status for a long time now. Gotta say compared to the levels of delusion and double standards in most of the forums this place seems to have the most logical and sensible debaters,debates  :thumb:
I actually became a Naruto fan from the anime. Started off hating Sasuke and all his fangirls including Sakura but the famous bench scene changed it. SS and NH fans claim all the 'reading each others eyes', 'eyesmex' nonsense, but Naruto saying the exact words that Sakura desparetely wanted to hear and later Sakura realizing that she was wrong to treat Naruto the way she did and that she would be nicer to him. That was exactly what Naruto seeked from all the villagers. All this was in the very beginning even before they even knew each other. Then the Zabuza arc where she saw and admired the 'never give up' ninja way of Naruto. The Chuunin exam tenth question sealed it for me. Sakura supporting Naruto's dream- the dream which defines Naruto. 
So here we have the girl who the Anti NS claim 'doesnt get' Naruto when actually she undestood and supported the two things Naruto valued most and she did so before anybody else in the manga. Erm I'd be lying if I say that. Second person after Iruka.
From Naruto's side we all know how much he admires her. Gotta say the hospital scene wasnt the easiest to swallow but you just know at that moment Naruto will win her in the end. Then my favourite part, the PoaL where Sakura realized  Naruto was the one who would always be there for her. Seeing him bandaged in the hospital later, where he promises  her again he would keep his word was the point I believe she started to feel strong emotions towards him though as the Databooks say she hasnt figured what kind of emotions they are.That is where Yamato's acknowledgement comes but Kishi cuts it off. He then uses a supposedly socially inept Sai as his mouthpiece throwing hints here and there. Very clever Kishi!  :hehehe:
The weekly chapter system makes you question him plus the small fact that he's a bigtime troll master but if the entire manga is read
continously, Kishi has been pretty consistent with the bond between Naruto and Sakura going from disdain to selflessness 
from Sakura's pov. There have been lots of bumps on this road and there will be more but that is why I like this pairing.
Because that is THE thing in this manga that relates most to reality. There is nothing more unreal than the 
'all butterflies and daisies' NH or '......'cant find the suitable words to express the utter nonsensity that is SS.
NS is in the middle and its awesome :nsdance: