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#717381 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 28 December 2014 - 05:45 AM




#716773 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 27 December 2014 - 03:07 PM

There will be 12 more movies.. so expect a lot of BS for the next 12 years, I guess... since apparently it's one per year...

Twelve more movies and twelve more years at that..? How on Earth can they plan that far into the future especially now that the series has ended..? There's no guarantee that part 3 will be a success.  


Twelve years is a long time and lets be honest, this series is not that good to last another 10 years. Its losing fans on a daily basis and its reputation is sinking faster than the Titanic. The way things are going , I'd say this series is well on its way to become dead, buried and completely forgotten in a year or two. 

#716714 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 27 December 2014 - 10:11 AM

fodder's lives don't matter as long as you have friends in high places, another positive message from Kishimoto.

Nothing matters as long as your name is Sasuke Uchiha.


Zabuza, Nagato, Itachi, Obito and Madara and almost every Akatsuki paid for their crimes with their lives. They were forgiven but they were not given a second chance. They die regretting their sins. 


Sasuke however got excused from every awful thing he did and nobody questioned his actions. He roams around freely and he even got the most beautiful girl in the Naruto-verse.... 


Really Baffling. 

#716681 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 27 December 2014 - 07:39 AM

Sakura loved Naruto because she understood who he was as a person. She showed time and time again that she was willing to sacrifice to help him achieve his dreams. Do we ever see the same level of understanding from Hinata? Does she ever show that she cares about what Naruto wants? His hopes and dreams? I don't think so. We only ever see that Hinata loves her conception of Naruto as a hero who can try to motivate her beyond her everyday way of acting.

True. Sakura understood Naruto as a person-- his personality, his strengths, his weaknesses, his bonds, his abilities and his dreams-- wholly, while Hinata's understanding never went beyond his pain of loneliness and his nindo.


In my opinion, Hinata's views about Naruto were objectified and there would be no difference of note to her if Naruto were to be replaced by any other character with a similar, inspiring personality. 

I remember defending Neji's death once when it came under fire as being too random. I argued that Kishimoto decided to kill off Neji to illustrate the gravity and inherent unpredictability of death in war by sacrificing a character that was fleshed out and whose death would resonate with the audience. 


Then the cupid comment happened.

Neji is yet another character that got crashed and burnt because of Kishimoto's interviews. 


Like many other characters, Neji was amazing in part 1 with a lot of potential only to fizzle out and get wasted in the end. His one man fight against injustice in the Hyuuga clan was one of the more interesting side-plots.


His fight with Naruto in the Chuunin exams is what gets to me though. Neji learns that his father chose to die to finally escape the cursed destiny of the side branch and be free.  'Forge your own destiny Neji, your fate is something you create with your own hands' --These were Hizashi's final words to his son. Neji promises to find his own destiny and this was symbolically compared to a bird freeing itself from a cage.


What a sad fate that Neji ended up sacrificing himself for the main branch heiress, just like his father. Neji never managed to find a destiny of his own, he became a victim of the cursed destiny of being born into the side branch.


As if this wasn't harsh enough, Kishimoto comes out and announces that Neji died merely for the sake of getting Naruto and Hinata closer to each other. Adding insult to the injury, destroying Neji in the process.  

#716319 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 26 December 2014 - 09:09 PM

Yeah ...Hinata was praying for Naruto to stay alive just so she can marry him later... huh 


:hm:  :hm:

It greatly annoys me whenever I see Hinata / NaruHina fans brush off her failure in 662 as 'no big deal' . It is a big deal because SHE GAVE UP. The common excuse I see is 'She was out of chakra so she was helpless '. For someone who is supposed to really really love Naruto, its pathetic that she was ready to give up on his life at the very first hurdle. Rather than choosing to fight against all odds to save Naruto, she resorted to pray and hope for the best instead. 


And it is here that you can see a clear difference between NaruSaku and NaruHina.


'' I'm gonna save Sakura-chan, no matter what ! ''-- These were Naruto's resolute words, all the way back in part 1, when Gaara had captured Sakura. I quote Sasuke- '' Naruto fought tooth and nail to save you,Sakura. He displayed a kind of strength he'd never shown before''. Who can forget the sight of Naruto crawling on his chin to ensure Sakura's safety ? 


Its the same with Sakura. Hinata wasn't the only person to run out of chakra, Sakura had run out her chakra too. But unlike Hinata, she did not want to let Naruto's fate be decided by God's hands. '' As long as I'm around, there's no way I'm going to let you die ''. She did everything in her power to keep Naruto alive.


Hinata though..? Gave up and just hoped for the best. She was okay with the possibility that Naruto could die. If the worst had indeed happened and Naruto had died, Hinata would probably cry a lot, chant 'Naruto-kun' a million times and then commit suicide to end her miserable life. 

#716178 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 26 December 2014 - 05:41 PM

merry christmas to h&e users~

This was such a symbolic chapter, especially when you consider Sakura's devotion to Naruto and his dream. Throughout Naruto's journey, there's only been one person who was a constant support and its the one who was at his side when all hope seemed lost. Its safe to say Naruto would not have made his dreams come true, if not for Sakura. And it tied in perfectly with Itachi's words- 'Minato could never have become the Hokage he was without Kushina's support' .


Now I'm suddenly supposed to accept that Hinata was the most important person to Naruto..? Yeah, let me know when Hinata is shown in such a situation. Oh wait, the manga is finished ! and during this particular moment, Hinata was flat on the floor praying for her dead cousin to save her pathetic ass again. Seriously, has Hinata ever thought about Naruto's dream..? 


Its why I can never take Hinata seriously. The only meaningful moment she had with Naruto was 615 and it involved yet another suicidal attempt and Neji paid the ultimate price.

#716101 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 26 December 2014 - 03:12 PM

another thing: You said that  "all the unrest and war in the world were solely due to a rivalry between two men." but first it was only Konoha's problem only, right? it became a worldwide one when Obito declared the war to the 5 nations. and it wasn't the source of all the issues between the five nations that happened before. 

Good point. That solution to peace is something I will never understand. 'Common enemy brings everyone together' - Kishi used this to create an understanding and harmony between all five nations.


But how exactly does it ensure that no conflicts arise in the future..? 


The entire war arc was Kishi playing roulette with villains , all this to give an answer as to who was the one who manipulated the entire Shinobi system and created conflict. So one person, Kaguya, was responsible for all hatred and war in the world..? Once Naruto defeated Kaguya it ensured permanent world peace..? 


Then there is this-- ' As long as the Shinobi system exists, there can never be peace '. Kishi reiterated this phrase so many times that I've lost count. So Shinobi system being removed as a whole is the answer..? Is that why there are sky-scrapers and macbooks 15 years into the future...? 


Then there's the Jinchuriki issue. What happens to the tailed beasts..? They were how the balance of power was maintained across all nations. Humans and tailed beasts understood each other thanks to Naruto but what happens in the future generations..?


Such an utterly shambolic resolution and ending.  

#716083 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 26 December 2014 - 02:20 PM

When I look back at this once great series and how it became nothing more than a disappointment in the end-- The plot-holes, the misleads, characters with potential who were either wasted or forgotten, character developments that got trashed, solutions that were never given, promises that were never fulfilled, awful pacing-- all come to mind. 


' The younger generation will succeed where the older ones failed, they will surpass the older generation '-- Kishimoto loved to throw this statement around so much so that it got accepted as a fact. 700 chapters and a 'canon' movie later, its still difficult to convincingly say the younger generation did any better than their predecessors.  


Jiraiya, Obito, Kakashi, Tsunade, Madara... Every one of these characters exemplified failure and all of them reiterated that the younger generation would succeed where they failed. But did it really happen..?


Jiraiya's death scene was one of the most emotional scene in the manga. Utterly defeated and shattered by his former student, Jiraiya was ready to die thinking he turned out to be a total failure. Emotionally and physically wounded beyond repair, the light in his eyes faded and his heart-beat slowed to the point of no return.


But then...he remembers Naruto. Such was his faith in Naruto that he managed to cheat death for a few minutes by sheer will power alone. Did Naruto really do justice to his master's faith in him..?


Jiraiya remembers his failures:

' I failed to save the lives of my teacher and my student '-- Naruto succeeded in saving Kakashi but failed to save his other mentor, Jiraiya himself. 

' I was continually rejected by Tsunade '-- FAIL. Naruto settled for silvermedal-hime instead.

' I couldn't save my friend ' -- Jiraiya wanted to bring back Orochimaru . Though Naruto succeeded in saving Sasuke , he failed to get back his best friend. Sasuke ended up a wanderer.

' I couldn't bring peace to the world '-- This has to be Kishi's biggest 'kitten you' to his readers. I was dumbfounded when I read his grand explanation that all the unrest and war in the world were solely due to a rivalry between two men. As if that wasn't lame enough, this rivalry manages to pass down from generation to generation like some genetic thing... :roll:  


Masashi Kishimoto's answer to World peace- Two 'reincarnated' men fight and come to 'understand each other'. And BOOM ! World peace gets established.   :twitch: 



Tsunade became Hokage and she was the most celebrated medic ever who did not take any crap from any man. Sakura ended up as a housewife to the man who specialized in humiliating and torturing her. Sakura became a masochist with no dignity or self-respect around this unworthy man 


Tsunade failed to save the life of ones precious to her-- Sakura succeeded to save Naruto.

Tsunade failed to move on from her first love and as a result, lead a miserable life gambling and drinking wine-- While Sakura did manage to marry her first love, her life looks to be just as miserable as her mentor's, if not even worse. Sakura is a housewife and single mom who spends her time dusting bookshelves, looks to be out of touch with her friends and waits for a man that won't show up. Damn ! 



Madara's biggest regret was shown right at the end when he wishes he had cherished his friendship with Hashirama and compromised wiith Hashirama's ideals instead of trying to be a revolutionary. Sasuke manages to understand Naruto and even accept Naruto's ideals but what's the point..? He leads a wandering life of solitude, making the same mistake of not cherishing the bonds of family and friendship. Sasuke started alone and ends up alone !  :confused:  


Kakashi had a traumatic childhood as a result of which became an irresponsible adult and disappointing teacher. Did Naruto do any better? Nope, he is a disappointing father who asks his son to 'endure' loneliness.


Obito was another character whose failures were supposed to be a life-lesson for Naruto. Obito died regretting his sins and hoped Naruto would be able to live his dreams.


Obito wanted to become the greatest Hokage-- Okay, Naruto succeeded in becoming a Hokage. But... When did he become the Hokage? How did he become the Hokage ? How is Naruto, as Hokage ? Is he amazing ? What does he do as the Hokage? The life-long dream of his MC.. and this is the best Kishi could come up with. 

Obito failed first and then succeeded to win over Rin-- FAIL.Not just a fail, its a tragedy. Naruto failed to win over the girl he loved all through the manga. Obito, after all his crimes, managed to do better than Naruto !


The Hero and MC failed to surpass a psychotic murderer and Villain-- Sums up this failure of a series perfectly.

#715574 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 25 December 2014 - 08:47 PM

gotta love this post


#715271 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 25 December 2014 - 07:00 AM

Merry Christmas to all my fellow fans who celebrate it rvsxcs6.png

something hot for Christmas eve

#715222 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 25 December 2014 - 04:25 AM

I got a response from a NH fan from one of my tumblr posts about why NS was impossible in the context of the story. Said the usual things, "no proof of love from Naruto", "NS was shot down in 469", blah blah just the typical ignorant things we hear from them but okay I was willing to hear it out.


"Hinata's feelings were always glorified and exaggerated. Kishi won't have unrequited love at the end of the story. For Hinata's feelings to be shoved aside would not only be superfluous be downright tragic---"

What's actually tragic is that the 40 year old mangaka has the same crappy mentality.


That's why kishi to need to justify this pairing.
The fact that studio clown and kishi need to erase NS only proof of how bad nh is.

That and Kishi went out of his way to retcon NS just to save face. He talked about how he believed that Hinata's long-standing feelings for Naruto deserved a happy ending. Side character's feelings matter more than main character's feelings ? So he had to downplay Naruto's selfless feelings for Sakura or else his Hinata argument would come off as hypocritical. 


Kishi and SP knew there was no way they could ever make NarHina look as good as NaruSaku. That ship had sailed because all the pairing developments were set in stone in the manga chapters. So they chose the cowardly way out of this fix. They asspulled filler flashbacks and over-sensualized the NH scenes while at the same time pushed Naruto and Sakura apart. All this just to raise NH's bar and lower NS's bar in an attempt to justify their bs ending and save face.


Too bad it worked out the exact opposite way though. Majority of the Naruto fans, even ones who did not care about the pairings found this cheap and disgusting. Hell, I have even seen some NH fans expressing disappointment with the way the NS bond was treated in the end. Kishi's retcons backfired spectacularly.

#715038 My Blog

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 24 December 2014 - 09:00 PM

These are simply amazing. Simple yet balanced and meaningful. I wish I could like more than once.

#715015 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 24 December 2014 - 08:10 PM

this. THIS. THIS. 

Someone finally said it !!!! I really thought I was the only one who thought that. Sasuke deserted Konoha TOO early, cause we almost haven't seen anything about team 7 being..a real team, except the zabuza arc and some little missions.

Sasuke never showed real interests in his team (even if we saw how he really felt about them in chapter 698 ) I understand that Naruto and Sasuke were jealous of each other before/After being in the same team....but Idk, it wasn't developed enough ! 


Plus, Naruto AND Sakura were supposed to work together  to bring Sasuke back, but in a certain way, it wasn't really possible, since Sakura never understood Sasuke, his real motive, what he really lived... 

and of course, the part where they keep saying 'one day, we'll all laugh together again"....heuu..when ? that scene in 699 doesn't really count. they were supposed to stay together .... 

Well, I sometimes wish Sasuke had never become a member of the team. Team Seven without Sasuke would have been so much better. But this would be my fanfiction, not canon :sweat:  .


As far as canon story goes, Kishimoto had two options. He could have developed Team Seven more and given us better reasons to find all this drama more acceptable. Or he could have made Naruto and Sakura less obsessive towards Sasuke and also part 2 should not have been entirely Team Seven oriented. He did neither !


Personally, I wanted Naruto and Sakura to move on from Sasuke. Its fine if they wanted to rescue him but the excessive 'Team bond' bs was just difficult to digest. Sasuke had done nothing to deserve it, plus he had strayed too far from the path of sanity. The redeemed Sasuke should have been left as the leader of Taka. 


Team Seven should have ended with Sai as the permanent member because he was a better person & a better friend who understood Naruto and Sakura way more than Sasuke ever did.  

#714980 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 24 December 2014 - 06:53 PM

forgotten bonds...


Or were they..? Overall, did Team Seven prove to be as important as Kishimoto was trying to force feed us in the entirety of part two ? Personally, I think this is another part of the manga where Kishimoto failed completely.


This has been said time and time again-- ' Why is it that Naruto and Sakura care so much about Sasuke? What exactly did Sasuke do for them to put their lives on the line to save him? ' -- and its enough of a proof to highlight Kishi's failure. Nobody gets it, nobody understands what was so great about Team Seven in the first place.


There's a good reason why this team is called 'Team Dysfunctional'. They hardly worked together and on the rare occasions they were shown to fight together, it wasn't a 'team effort' but Naruto and Sasuke doing everything while Sakura stood in the background often reduced to the role of commenting ' just how awesome NaruSasu was'. :twitch: 


They were never shown to understand each other, they were never shown to relish each other's company and they were never shown to enjoy working together as a team. Kishimoto gave a grand total of one, ONE mission for team seven ! We are then expected to believe they miraculously bonded with each other and cherished the Team Seven bond to such a degree that they desperately craved the prospect of 'laughing together like old times'. Here's the irony though--  When were Team Seven shown to laugh together in the first place ?!  


Say you do manage to let this go . You see Naruto and Sakura desperate to get back their lost teammate, you see them working towards this goal for hundreds of chapters. So you come to accept that Team Seven is perhaps significant. You expect an emotional scene after they rescue Sasuke, you expect them to ' laugh together again ' in the end.


Kishimoto however did what he seems to do best-- He failed to deliver. He was the one who built up our hopes for Team Seven and he ended up pouring cold water over any expectation of a emotional Team reunion . Forget laughing together, they didn't even get to stand alongside and talk to each other as team in the end.  


Kishimoto didn't bother to develop Team Seven in the beginning, he then stuffed 'the importance of Team Seven bonds' down our throats for the entire part 2 , but wasn't arsed to give them a decent ending. 


Just another addition to Kishimoto's ever growing list of failures as a mangaka.

#713996 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 23 December 2014 - 08:28 PM

Best guess is that they are going to try to push Bolt/Salad into part 3. As a way of making up to the whole fandom.


They will probably make Sasuke into Bolt's sensei, like Jiraiya was with Naruto.


Best case scenario for them, is that we will open our eyes to the new chosen child, and forget all about Naruto. By the first 10 chapters they hope we say. Naruto who? Oh...his dad? Didn't he died?


Best case scenario for me, is that in part 3 both Naruto and Sasuke die.

Best case scenario is that part 3 flops so hard that they'll be forced to drop it in the middle, not managing to even complete the series.