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#721063 My Blog

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 01 January 2015 - 01:33 PM

Same to you ! I gotta say I really love your new status update  :yes:

#721002 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 01 January 2015 - 07:44 AM

So only her feelings matter?


You would have Naruto just accept it right there? With zero regard to how she felt about Sasuke? With zero resolution of her feelings towards Sasuke? He was supposed to just ignore all that and go along with it? 


What about him?


I just felt that was a little harsh in regards to Naruto because he was forced into an uncomfortable situation, and there really wasn't much he could do. It wasn't entirely his fault, thus the unfairness. All in all, the situation was a sh*tty one, and neither Sakura or Naruto approached it in the correct way. It's unfair to claim one was at fault, because both of them f**cked up. That's what I was trying to say from the start. Neither Sakura nor Naruto are innocent. 




So it's Naruto's fault that his feelings got blown up in front of everybody? So it's Naruto's fault that the only time Sakura ever showed love in front of him was when it was about Sasuke?


I never once said that it was ok for Naruto to decide how she felt, but it is damn sure within his rights to challenge her given her history and her sudden change of heart, especially when she told the blatant lie that Sasuke meant nothing to her. 


Naruto was wrong for calling her a liar in front of everyone (even though he was justified), but neither was she right for bringing everyone there in the first place. He didn't have the right to tell her how she felt, but nor did she have the right to determine that his feelings were only worth enough for her to manipulate without giving proper thought to them. She should have been straight up with him from the start, as she told Shikimaru she would. Her believing it had do be done doesn't excuse the fact that her actions were just as much wrong as his were. 

Excellent, excellent posts man. I'm very glad that there are members like you and Narufan85 who look at that whole fiasco from Naruto's pov.


Here's what I think-- I find it difficult to believe Sakura was completely honest. 


Why do I say this ? Because 693 and 699. If she was honest about having gotten over Sasuke, why would she say the things she did in 693 and 699..?


The strongest argument against her confession not being completely honest is '' Kishimoto said she was honest ! ''. I think its a little bit hypocritical to accept this particular comment of Kishimoto's as the undisputed, absolute truth when every other thing he's said/ been saying is being laughed at. 


Now, her intentions were purely for Naruto's well-being and it shows how much she cared about him. Her desire to protect Naruto from confronting Sasuke , even if it meant losing out on her dream of one day seeing Team Seven laugh together again, is heroic to say the least. BUT this doesn't mean her words were honest and she had no conflict. 


Why is Naruto being blamed for not accepting her confession..? Like you pointed out very well, Naruto up until that point had never seen Sakura care for him the way he saw her care for Sasuke. He was shocked when he heard her confess. We can see this from his expressions and the very first thing he asks her " But..I thought you really loved Sasuke. What changed..? ". We cannot blame him for his disbelief, it was to be expected. 


What Naruto always wanted to hear, finally came. But along with sheer joy came confusion and then doubts started to creep inside his head. Her confession seemed out of place and it came at a strange time. Naturally he wanted to quell his doubts. He asks her '' Why now, all of a sudden..? and what happened, I thought you loved Sasuke ".


Sakura says " I switched from Sasuke to you.They say a woman's heart changes like the autumn skies ".  Put yourself in Naruto's place. You love a girl from all your heart, you know she really loves another guy. One day she comes to you and confesses. You get happy but you also hesitate. You get insecure, you want answers, you need answers from her. But when she merely says " I switched, girls are fickle " would you not get angry..?


Naruto gets bashed because he believed, for a good reason, that she might be lying. Naruto gets bashed because he tried to confront her and said " You are probably lying and I hate people who lie to themselves ".


This is the same guy who promised on his life that he would bring Sasuke back to her, this is the same guy who was prepared to bury his own feelings for as long as Sakura-chan was happy. And now, just because he wasn't convinced that she was being honest , just because he claimed she was lying to herself, he's reprehensible..?


Here's what people need to understand -- Naruto and Sakura are Best Friends. Naruto and Sakura know each other better than anyone else. Sakura is not a stranger to Naruto !  They are allowed to confront each other, get angry at each other sometimes, expect complete honesty from each other, reprimand the other if the situation calls for it.... and eventually go back to supporting and being there for each other.


And this is what Naruto and Sakura did. Sure, there was tension and a bit of heated arguments but very soon afterwards, Naruto ends up saving her life and Sakura ends up thanking him and appreciating his unwavering support to make her dream of a Team Seven reunion come true. Sakura did not hold Naruto's harsh words against him, its the opposite in fact. When he dozed off because of the effect of the poisoned kunai, she gives that special smile of hers while looking at Naruto.

#720109 My Blog

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 31 December 2014 - 01:37 PM

Happy New Year  :smile:

#719445 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 30 December 2014 - 06:55 PM

I love NF, so glad that the anti clubs are still going strong.

anti Hinata

#719293 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 30 December 2014 - 02:25 PM

Some of the animators of SP are perverted sickos, as simple as that. I can't imagine the type of romantic scenes SP would have come up with if this series was targeted at a more mature audience.



Now this is a Real Couple right here. How many times have we seen something like this between these two..? Even NH/SS fans will never be able to deny how natural and easy on the eye this scene is.


Contrast this with the superfluous and overly sensual scenes of NH and you realize that no matter how much NH/SS fans harp on about their victory, their pairings will never have the chemistry that NS has. NH scenes come off as fake and forced while NS is more natural. And this is what elevates NS to heights that NH/SS can never reach.

#719278 My Blog

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 30 December 2014 - 01:37 PM

Lmao this was gold  :lmao:

#718672 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 29 December 2014 - 06:28 PM





it's only me or do I consider Obito as one of most realistic characters in naruto world? He might have did bad actions, but I found him really human.

Actually ones that Kishi touched upon the least came across as most realistic. The more Kishi wrote about a character, the more unrealistic the character tended to become. 


Naruto, Sakura and Hinata- too obsessive, Sasuke -too wacky, Kakashi wasn't the same by the end, Sai disappeared, Yamato dropped out of existence..... In the end, I'd say TenTen turned out to be the most realistic character. 

#718485 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 29 December 2014 - 02:46 PM

It's good to know that if you support the guy, it's only good friendship. Thank you. I should tell my girlfriend to stop supporting me in many ways, including my goals, so we can stay as lovers...

...This series sucks.

I don't get it man. An entire movie that focuses on Naruto and Sakura going on a journey together in a strange world, facing difficulties, fighting and protecting one other, understanding each other in the process. Why make this movie where Naruto and Sakura's deepest desires become real but they end up realizing that they'd rather be with each other in the real world..? Why make a movie that mocks SS/ NH and completely focuses on the NS bond if NH/SS were meant to be canon all along..?  


If a non-Naruto fan were to see RtN, I bet he would come to the conclusion that Naruto and Sakura are already together OR will end up together. Its that obvious !


Kishimoto says he mislead NS fans in the manga. So what about RtN then..? The manga wasn't sufficient enough and he needed an entire movie just to mislead people more..? Nobody can believe this !


Masashi Kishimoto-- Lying through his teeth since 699/700.

#718443 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 29 December 2014 - 02:08 PM



Images like this remind me of what a total joke the NaruHina and SasuSaku 'bonds' are. 


'' Naruto and Sakura needed a scene where they part ways ''...  Damn you Kishimoto, these two perfectly understood each other and had the most beautiful bond in the series.

#718369 My Blog

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 29 December 2014 - 01:11 PM

Sakura's Reaction to NaruHina


Naruto's Reaction to SasuSaku



EDIT: I'll listen to them later 

#718198 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 29 December 2014 - 06:21 AM

It's doing good financially. 


¥1.49 billion ($12.8 million), The Last: Naruto the Movie (Toho) Week 4



It's earned in one month what RTN did in two.

I'd take that with a grain of salt because it doesn't tell the whole story. 


Here's the whole truth: Unlike RtN, The Last movie's box office started off with a bang because-- 

1) It is the last Naruto movie and it was supposed to be canon linked to the manga. So the regular readers and even ones who loved Naruto for nostalgia flocked to theaters on the opening day.

2) It was the most heavily advertised Naruto movie ever.

3) It followed RtN which was quite a big hit. The popularity of the previous movie of the same franchise is very important to how the next movie will be received, especially on opening day.  


Because of these reasons the opening day collection was 175 % more than what RtN collected in its first day. The collection by 3pm on its opening day was around US$4.3 million. By the end of third day, the collection was 156 % more than what RtN collected after its third day. So I'm guessing The Last's box office was already more than 8 million after 3 days. 




Now, the collection is US$12.8 million apparently. So in the three weeks and four days that followed, its only collected about 4.5 million dollars. And this is telling.


Because RtN was not as advertised and did not initially have the same attraction factor that the Last had, it started off slower. The reviews were good , more people went to see the movie and the collection rocketed. So the main reason for RtN's success was because the plot was good, the characters were treated well and the movie got excellent reviews.  


Contrast this to the Last. It was advertised heavily, it had a lot of pulling power and this showed in the opening day collection. But what happened afterwards..? The reviews were bad, many demanded refunds and the collection rate is gradually dropping. You only need to see the initial estimation to realize this. Because the movie was so well recieved on the first day, it was expected that the collection would top 2 billion yen. Its looking extremely unlikely that it will collect another 4 million in one month. 


In a nutshell, RtN's success was down to the quality of the movie and The Last's success is down to the pulling power of 'Naruto' and the false advertising. 

#718060 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 29 December 2014 - 03:59 AM

Is it just me or did anyone else notice that Kishi seems obsessed with the whole 'enduring' concept. He came up with the idea of a little boy enduring loneliness and using this pain as motivation, another little boy silently endures the pain of seeing his parents killed before his eyes and ultimately goes crazy while still remaining 'pure at heart'  :roll:


Kishi also seems to believe love is about enduring any hardships that come in the way and still managing to retain feelings for the person-- Hinata keeps on loving Naruto until he starts to notice her and Sakura....well, she's practically named after a flower that supposedly endures. According to Kishi logic, Sakura's love for Sasuke is 'true love' because she endured all sort of verbal and mental abuse from the guy and still loved him  :twitch:


The movie Road to Ninja confirms Kishi's obsession with 'enduring'. The movie starts off with Naruto asking ' What makes a ninja..? ' and in the end of the movie he says ' A ninja is one who endures '. 


For someone who practically preached the notion of enduring difficulties and sticking to one's ideals, how ironic is it that Kishi failed in every regard to follow his own message. All the plot development, the character developments and the values they represent, the rules that were established, every moral and ideal that his story represented -- Everything was forgotten and thrown away by the same man in the end. 


Kishi preached one thing and did something else entirely-- The very definition of a Hypocrite. 

#717724 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 28 December 2014 - 07:28 PM

Wonderful. What Ch.700 is doing wrong is exactly what you were describing: The misrepresentation of the new as well as the previous generation.

Especially Bolt's and Naruto's behavior shocked me!!!!

Bolt acting like a rebel although shows the lack of attention he gets in his family.

Naruto basically telling his son to suck it up- I wish I could have punched that Naruto in the face.

I wish I could punch Kishi in the face  :hm:


Dude, YOU summed it up nicely too :D

Haha, Thank you  :D

this series was kitten long before the ending. but now? it's nothing. i should have known something bad was going to happen at the end of this series when kishi said he didn't know how to defeat madara, and then he just replaces madara with an even more sh*tty villain. 

I don't know...It wasn't amazing towards the end, I'll give you that... but I don't think it was kitten.


A proper ending and this manga would be up there with the very best. But unfortunately, now it'll forever be remembered as a 'what could've been' and 'what should've been' story.

#717701 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 28 December 2014 - 06:51 PM

So I was thinking of how chapter 700 was more of an advertisement to part three rather than a conclusion to the series. A Reboot, but it shouldn't excuse Kishi of the awful way he handled it.


Right of the bat 700 started off in questionable fashion with Bolt seeking the attention of his classmates by loudly proclaiming about an amazing prank he's planned. While the intention was probably to establish 'Like Father, like son' , the execution raises eyebrows and the ramifications are awful.  


Kishi had established that Iruka and then Naruto resorted to become pranksters only as a way to seek attention, only to make people notice them. They were orphans and had no other alternative. So why would Bolt,  who has parents and a sister, do the same...? what does it tell you about Naruto and Hinata..? 


Quite simply, it was a cheap way of trying to establish the father-son similarity. But then Sarada...stalks ? Neither Sasuke nor Sakura were ever shown to stalk anybody as kids. So where does Sarada get this from..? Bolt is just like his father, Shikadai is shown to have the same lazy personality of Shikamaru... but Chouchou apparently doesn't get angry like Choji when called a 'fatty'.


Why so many inconsistencies..?   :confused:


Next we see Ino, Sai, Choji and Karui out in the field. I found it laughable that the best thing that Kishi could come up with for these families was the InoShikaChou combination again ! One generation was okay,two was pushing it but the same for even the third generation..?! So Lazy BUT even this cannot compare to the sheer laziness in which Rock-Lee was handled. The next gen kid whose name wasn't even mentioned is a carbon-copy of Gai and Lee.


Sakura wasn't spared from Kishi's evil clutches. Ino and Karui were outside with their husbands, Temari was catching-up with her brothers, Ten-Ten is working in her shop, Hinata is outside with her daughter, even Moegi is shown in the Hokage office..... but Sakura, the strongest and most-talented of all the Kunoichies, is dusting shelves and waiting for her-jackass of a husband, who has not a care in the world, to show up. 


" Naruto and Sakura mutually understood that they were not romantically interested in each other. So they had to be separated "-- Kishimoto's latest interview. Okay, so they were not in love but why should they be separated..? Sakura should be working and she should be there in the Hokage office by Naruto's side. 


But being close with Naruto would make Sakura a terrible woman I guess. She has to stay away from him and stay inside her house like a good waifu waiting for a husband who may or may not show up. Meanwhile , Sasuke can do whatever the hell he wants to. No rules bind a man like him   :twitch:  


So disgusting but none of these can compare to what followed. This has already been said countless times but that doesn't make Naruto's cold-hearted words to his son any less awful.


'' Dad, I just want you to notice me and spend time with me '' and the response..'' I know its hard for you.. but son, just learn to endure your loneliness '' . 


Kishimoto might as well have drawn a panel of him stabbing Naruto in the heart because he assassinated Naruto anyway. Why, Why on Earth would Naruto be so cold-hearted when he went through the same ? Why would he fail to understand his son when he spent so many years convincing everyone that he understood Sasuke's pain and suffering..?! 


Konohamaru reprimands Bolt but of all people, Iruka defends Naruto's actions. The same Iruka who had gone through the pain of loneliness, the same Iruka that shed tears in part 1 when he said -" I understand your pain Naruto, you feel lonely and it hurts and I could have been there for you more. I let you down. No one should have to suffer that pain ". Did Kishi forget this ? The same Iruka now says- " One day Bolt will understand " ......?!   :twitch: 


To cap it all off, when Konohamaru scolds Bolt , Naruto is shown to be thinking- ' Konohamaru, you did the same with the third in the past '


Are you kidding me now, Kishimoto ?!  Konohamaru did not trouble his grand-father because he felt lonely. He did so because he was tired of being called 'Honorable grand-son' and he wanted people to call him by his own name. Konohamaru only wanted a identity of his own. Its a complete joke that Kishi forgot this. 


Everything swept under the grand notion that Naruto is now a mature man and this is what I hate. So the matured Naruto believes that pulling pranks to seek attention is wrong and its better to just suck it up and 'endure' instead. Naruto is indirectly saying that the things he did as a child were silly ! 


Basically Kishimoto made Naruto mock his own painful childhood. He's not just mocking Naruto, he is mocking every one of us fans who sympathized with Naruto's loneliness and rooted for the kid to prove everyone wrong by becoming Hokage. Kishimoto, you hack ! Remind me again why we invested so much time following your manga...? On second thought, forget it. I don't want to hear any more bs that comes out of your mouth and tarnish the characters I loved.  

#717695 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by ns.Believe.It on 28 December 2014 - 06:39 PM

So I was thinking of how chapter 700 was more of an advertisement to part three rather than a conclusion to the series. A Reboot, but it shouldn't excuse Kishi of the awful way he handled it.


Right of the bat 700 started off in questionable fashion with Bolt seeking the attention of his classmates by loudly proclaiming about an amazing prank he's planned. While the intention was probably to establish 'Like Father, like son' , the execution raises eyebrows and the ramifications are awful.  


Kishi had established that Iruka and then Naruto resorted to become pranksters only as a way to seek attention, only to make people notice them. They were orphans and had no other alternative. So why would Bolt,  who has parents and a sister, do the same...? what does it tell you about Naruto and Hinata..? 


Quite simply, it was a cheap way of trying to establish the father-son similarity. But then Sarada...stalks ? Neither Sasuke nor Sakura were ever shown to stalk anybody as kids. So where does Sarada get this from..? Bolt is just like his father, Shikadai is shown to have the same lazy personality of Shikamaru... but Chouchou apparently doesn't get angry like Choji when called a 'fatty'.


Why so many inconsistencies..?  :confused:


Next we see Ino, Sai, Choji and Karui out in the field. I found it laughable that the best thing that Kishi could come up with for these families was the InoShikaChou combination again ! One generation was okay,two was pushing it but the same for even the third generation..?! So Lazy BUT even this cannot compare to the sheer laziness in which Rock-Lee was handled. The next gen kid whose name wasn't even mentioned is a carbon-copy of Gai and Lee.


Sakura wasn't spared from Kishi's evil clutches. Ino and Karui were outside with their husbands, Temari was catching-up with her brothers, Ten-Ten is working in her shop, Hinata is outside with her daughter, even Moegi is shown in the Hokage office..... but Sakura, the strongest and most-talented of all the Kunoichies, is dusting shelves and waiting for her-jackass of a husband, who has not a care in the world, to show up. 


" Naruto and Sakura mutually understood that they were not romantically interested in each other. So they had to be separated "-- Kishimoto's latest interview. Okay, so they were not in love but why should they be separated..? Sakura should be working and she should be there in the Hokage office by Naruto's side. 


But being close with Naruto would make Sakura a terrible woman I guess. She has to stay away from him and stay inside her house like a good waifu waiting for a husband who may or may not show up. Meanwhile , Sasuke can do whatever the hell he wants to. No rules bind a man like him  :twitch:  


So disgusting but none of these can compare to what followed. This has already been said countless times but that doesn't make Naruto's cold-hearted words to his son any less awful.


'' Dad, I just want you to notice me and spend time with me '' and the response..'' I know its hard for you.. but son, just learn to endure your loneliness '' . 


Kishimoto might as well have drawn a panel of him stabbing Naruto in the heart because he assassinated Naruto anyway. Why, Why on Earth would Naruto be so cold-hearted when he went through the same ? Why would he fail to understand his son when he spent so many years convincing everyone that he understood Sasuke's pain and suffering..?! 


Konohamaru reprimands Bolt but of all people, Iruka defends Naruto's actions. The same Iruka who had gone through the pain of loneliness, the same Iruka that shed tears in part 1 when he said -" I understand your pain Naruto, you feel lonely and it hurts and I could have been there for you more. I let you down. No one should have to suffer that pain ". Did Kishi forget this ? The same Iruka now says- " One day Bolt will understand " ......?!  :twitch: 


To cap it all off, when Konohamaru scolds Bolt , Naruto is shown to be thinking- ' Konohamaru, you did the same with the third in the past '


Are you kidding me now, Kishimoto ?!  Konohamaru did not trouble his grand-father because he felt lonely. He did so because he was tired of being called 'Honorable grand-son' and he wanted people to call him by his own name. Konohamaru only wanted a identity of his own. Its a complete joke that Kishi forgot this. 


Everything swept under the grand notion that Naruto is now a mature man and this is what I hate. So the matured Naruto believes that pulling pranks to seek attention is wrong and its better to just suck it up and 'endure' instead. Naruto is indirectly saying that the things he did as a child were silly ! 


Basically Kishimoto made Naruto mock his own painful childhood. He's not just mocking Naruto, he is mocking every one of us fans who sympathized with Naruto's loneliness and rooted for the kid to prove everyone wrong by becoming Hokage. Kishimoto, you hack ! Remind me again why we invested so much time following your manga...? On second thought, forget it. I don't want to hear any more bs that comes out of your mouth and tarnish the characters I loved.