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Member Since 29 Aug 2014
Offline Last Active Jun 14 2017 04:56 PM

#573042 Chapter 690

Posted by Anthony on 01 September 2014 - 07:30 AM

We can all agree on the fact that Naruto will only be beaten by Sakura, period. (F that part 1 Naruto versus Sakuke it was biased.)


I'll still hold onto my theory that Hagoromo is not on their side at all.

#572936 My Naruto Fanart

Posted by Anthony on 01 September 2014 - 02:22 AM

Looking pretty good, except for some things. You should get some profi pencils if you want to draw or a drawing tablet. Both are comfortable but the latter option saves you of spending more money on ink and a printer.


Another thing that I don't like is the nose, they just don't look good. Kishi's been inspired about that one, no doubt. Yet again, it's your work so you decide.


Keep it up.

#572282 Rate The Person Above's Avatar and Signature

Posted by Anthony on 30 August 2014 - 08:05 PM

I like when people get all graphic design nerdy. There's more people like me!


Since you changed your avatar:


Avatar; 10/10

Sig; 9/10

Haha, yeah me too. I love giving advice even though I rarely take them in account!

Avatar- 9/10 (dat expression)
Signature - 10/10 (Breathtaking)

#572233 Rate The Person Above's Avatar and Signature

Posted by Anthony on 30 August 2014 - 07:28 PM

Avatar: 7/10

Signature: 7/10 (the colors are too fake and the render doesn't have any link with the background, the border should be 1 px at most and the text is pretty simple, you should try to integrate both render and text into the background, give it some depth, contrast and light!)

#571859 Tips on becoming a better artist?

Posted by Anthony on 30 August 2014 - 03:55 AM

Try something new, something you have never done before.


Bring another artwork of yours. Then proceed comparing those two pieces side by side and see differences between them, how to improve both. Even after you finish them, there WILL always BE room for IMPROVEMENT, remember that. Mistakes can be corrected even after you finish the lineart or coloring, it doesn't really matter.


What I'm trying to say is that no matter how much you struggle during the process, it won't affect the design one bit. It might just ruin your idea, actually.


Ever thought about 2D art? If not, give it a go. It's relatively easy and it might come in handy should you decide to move on to bigger things like... comics, doujinshi's etc.



#571125 Chapter 690

Posted by Anthony on 29 August 2014 - 02:55 AM

Now, Sakura is the only girl left with all the guys around :hehehe:  

What about Sasuke?( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)