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Bail o' Lies

Member Since 06 Apr 2015
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#825818 Whats made naruto into a smash hit?

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 19 May 2015 - 09:54 AM

For one thing it got on toonami while Bleach went to adult swim and One Piece went to 4 kids. Meaning it was able to corner the American and therefore the international market. Since, in theory, Bleach was only seen by teenagers and adult. While One Piece was edited to make it 'kid friendly.'


Also, Naruto was a lot more engaging and draw viewers attention much quicker and keep them invested more than One Piece or Bleach did early on. One Piece was a slow build.


It didn't really have much competition on toonami. So, it quickly became its best and biggest show for years becoming the next Dragonball in the US.


It had decent action and morals to keep people interested in the story.


But most importantly the characters were likable and relatable enough that viewers got invested in the characters.


The reasons for its decline was people knew the giant filler arc was coming and lost interest. The problem was toonami was already in the red so when enough people stop watching Naruto filler arc it went down. It moved to Disney XD (cause disney thought it would be a money maker) which most people didn't watch before it was shuffled back to toonami/adultswim. During this people just started watching the anime online then reading the manga online.


People also didn't want to be associated with the weeboos, and the crazy obsessive toxic nH/SS pairing fans. So, if they continued to watch/read Naruto they did so in private. Since, those two group were so bad most anime fans turned their nose up at it. Also, most anime fans consider Naruto too well know and popular and would rather watch and discuss lesser known more obscurer anime so they could more elite about themselves compared to those peasants in the Naruto fanbase.


Also the editors constantly changing after the pein arc, the war arc itself, SP going all out with their desire to make Hinata Naruto's love interest at all cost, and general mismanagement as well as a decline in quality in both the manga and the anime.

#824735 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 18 May 2015 - 02:54 AM

That's too bad. Theres so much Naruto merchandise and they just want to add this bad ending to it. Not buying.

Remember, they believe that this is what the western fanbase more importantly the American fanbase wants. The entire ending happened because this is what the people at SP and SJ thought this is what the international fans more importantly the American fanbase wanted. So, of course they are going to ship as much as they can over. They have to make back the money they lost since the ending 'cause it's going into the red in Japan.

#823859 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 16 May 2015 - 09:13 PM

"The goddess has return" and the "Hinata's hair has more development than Sakura" comments should make it easy to see why they like the last and this gaiden. They don't care about the plot whether it is good or not whether it makes sense or not. They only care about their prefect waifu Hinata is there so they can fantasizes about having sex with her. Also it not the hard to stay fanatically loyal to something when you don't actually have to pay for it.

#822818 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 15 May 2015 - 07:56 AM

This.. This chapter was just nonsensical, on all fronts.

First of all, how did Chouchou and Salad get out of Konoha in the first place? There's only one way out of the village, right, and shouldn't there be someone at the gates seeing who goes out and who goes in? Two twelve years just stroll out, no mission and no adult with them?

Second.. Naruto leaves, with his Hokage cloak on and everything. I mean, I'm sure the entire world recognises him at first glance anyway but you'd think he might not be out in the open, in case someone sees he's gone from the village and thinks this is the perfect opportunity to attack. And why couldn't he wait a minute or two longer for Bolt? Sasuke's not going anywhere, and Naruto should be really fast by now..

What was up with Salad insisting on getting the lunch to Naruto? I know it's because she doesn't have a dad and all and that makes her want everyone to appreciate their father (and other relatives I guess) but she was acting as if Naruto didn't know someone had made that for him, but he did. He was expecting it, he knows someone loves him.. It's not that big a deal imo tbh.

And lastly, WHY did shikamaru let salad and Chouchou go after Naruto? They're twelve year olds with no real world experience at all, never having gone on missions, but he allows them to go after Naruto when he knows there's a threat out there? With Salad having an uchiha symbol plastered on her back, for the world to see? I thought Shikamaru was supposed to be smart.

Also.. ngl, shin's endearing to me. haha.
ha, that's awesome.

I'l pull answers out of my ass and it well have more thought put into it that kishi did.


1. Maybe the guards were distracted by the hokage leaving or maybe they saw them and thought they were just watching the hokage.

2. Technically Naruto doesn't know what he walking into other than Sasuke found someone who has the Sharingan, and he going to where Sasuke is get the whole story and then help investigate if need be. Also he's the hokage we seen most of them fight with their robes on.

3. Salad...understood the importance of a bento.

4. Well shikamaru originally wanted Bolt to go after his dad to give him he bento. (Bolt is the one who handed it to Salad) My guess is he hope Naruto would stop after he notice to kids chasing after him and stop to ask what they want. Naruto probably doesn't even recall anything about the bento but knows Salad was listen in on his conversation about Sasuke. So, he instead decided to out run them in hopes they would give up soon enough and go back to the village. Also, he didn't know salad was going to be targeted.

#822628 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 14 May 2015 - 08:43 PM

I didn't read the new series, but I just skimmed through some comments from you guys on it...
Needless to say, my reaction to it was...

title="This will probably be my first memes....


Yikes! What a mess...


As I said before, smart readers who wanted to read qualified story will definitely stay away from the Naruto Gaiden as well as Naruto series' ending. A huge part of this series' ex-fans are currently here just to laugh off at how the series has become... a scape goat for mockery, thanks to its under qualified story telling....


Right now, the general perception of Naruto fans (those people supporting the ending & following the spin-off) are synonymous with NH/SS shippers who can't appreciate a good story and lack of moral message...


Up till 5 years ago (till about end of the Pein Arc, I suppose), following this series was synonymous with 'cool' as its general perception... "Wow, do you read Naruto too? That's cool!" --it was the feedback I got when I met some acquaintances from neighboring countries who happen to follow anime/manga industry. A journey of the never give-up boy, trying to change the world....


Now, I really prefer not to associate myself with this series anymore around my circles... God forbid, I'm not sure what they'd think of me if I'm still following this series... And vice versa as well, if I met someone who root for what the series has become and supports SS/NH, sorry, but you can guarantee that person will lost all my respects immediately :D



Where are you from in the US? Naruto hasn't been acceptably popular from what I've seen since toonami shut down? That partially because everyone got bored from the filler, and they hated it because they believe it's the reason toonami was shutdown. But mainly the fans that are called weeboos or something from what I recall make most people keep any interest in Naruto on the down low. Since, people don't want to be associated with those losers.

#821941 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 14 May 2015 - 03:40 AM

What's really messed up, is that you can complain about every single character in this series. Everyone.


Whether it's for botched development, too little development, horrible handling, or whatever. You could find something to complain about for every character.


Kishi really sucks at writing.

Kishi's greatest strength was always the likability and reliability of the characters. Which allowed most fans to ignore or tolerate the problems of the series. With that gone because the ending destroyed the characters the we had grown to love. The problems with the series become very apparent and since we have an negative view of the series became much more negative perception then the series is used to.

#821933 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 14 May 2015 - 03:28 AM

You're joking right? He was the most power hungry person in the series. If he didn't want power over others, then his rivalry with Naruto wouldn't have been nearly as intense. The main reason he left the village was because he got pissy that Naruto started to make him look like a run of the mill ninja, his constant jealousy of Naruto's growth shows that he wanted to consistently asset him over Naruto, and he hated the fact that Naruto was changing that. You're confusing power with strength. Naruto wanted strength, Sasuke wanted power, and wanted it for himself.

The simplest answer is "Sasuke always wanted power to get revenge." It's the reason he didn't want to loss the bell test (since being unable to become a genin means he's weak). It is the reason he wanted to fight in the Chunin exam(to test himself out on stronger opponents). It's the reason he went to Orochimaru (he fear Naruto was surpassing him and fear the he was becoming weak. It is the reason he let Tobi plant Itachi's eyes in him and so on.


And since Sasuke is obsessed with revenge; he is also obsessed with power as well.

#821317 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 12 May 2015 - 06:37 PM


They barely missed their mark by 2 million yen. I would hardly that a failure. The cumulative international releases will more than compensate for the discrepancy. 

*sigh* Are you really doing this again? This is like the fourth time I've seen you do that, "I don't understand these numbers seem good to me," thing since I've been on this site. The reason why these numbers are bad the same with the books, that  are same with the volume 72 sale, the same with the US movie numbers, the same with the anime ratings numbers; is that they are all under preforming beneath the bare minimum of what SP and SJ were expecting.


They were expecting the Last to at least make 2 billion yen in Japan, but what they really wanted it to make was 3 billion/4 billion/5 billion/and so on. Instead they made 1.98 billion despite putting a huge amount of money into production and ads as well as the fact that their is another movie on the way that they were hoping would also make similar number but now they lucky if that thing breaks even as well.


The last volume 72 sold 800,000 copies it first week and sold about at little over a million by the end of that month, but what they wanted was for it to sell over a million the first week, and that's again with them adding extras like a SNS box and an artbook along with the volume.


The Kakashi novel did from what people have said about it sales above average for those types of novels. Shikamaru's did average, Sakura's did below average but was a disaster because everyone hated it, and the nH wedding novel people don't even care about it so I doubt it doing well. But what they wanted was for all 6 novels to make at least what the Kakashi made not a sharp decline in sale for each novels compared to the last one before it.


In the States, they were at least hoping for a million but probably wanted at least 4 million from the US fans. Since, you know, this was the fanbase they made the ending for so it would kind of be nice for them to at least be able to put a million into what they said for years what they wanted. It got after stretching it out as far as they could they got about $545,000.


I can't find the rating for the anime to see how for it has fallen since the ending but from what i hear most of the fans have stopped watching it in Japan.


But, once again, when people say the they were hoping The Last would make 2 billion in Japan that was the bare minimum they were expecting it to at least make 2 billion in Japan. Naruto is under-preforming their lowest expectations in everything that is the problem. That is why when we see these numbers they are bad for this franchise is that it's not even reaching the bare minimum for what they were expecting let alone their target goal.

#821180 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 12 May 2015 - 09:54 AM


He probably turned her into a houswife as vengeance and punishment for her crazy fans and stripping sakura of her role as a main character. She doesn't seem active and busy at all during the middle of the day.


Kenji taira actually developed her character in the spinoff which felt consistent with part 1. Hannabi is literally a female ninja and is able to defeat her and prove her worth to dad. Its heartwarming. hinatards considers it inferior to part 2 hinata lol.

We haven't seen Hinata at all yet in this Gaiden and honestly I hope we don't see her at all just to piss off her fans.


Honestly, Kishi didn't use Hinata that much till he editors kept forcing him to use her during the war arc. But here's my opinion of what happen with her development. Kishi had no real interest with her and she wasn't relevant to the story at all when his original editor Yahagi was around in part two. But she didn't have any development destroying scenes scene when he was around. My guess is that the new editors were told by SP that Hinata was popular and kishi should include hinata more in the story because she was more popular than Sakura. So the editors told kishi to make Hinata like her SP counter part since she was clearly the hinata that was incredibly popular or something like that. 

#819157 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 08 May 2015 - 09:45 AM

I bet Forneverworld and Koshej are calling Kishi, Shakespeare.

Is forneverworld that fat loser on youtube with braces with the annoying voice that sounds like his balls never dropped...and he looks older than me?

#818899 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 07 May 2015 - 07:39 PM

The technology in Naruto has always been horribly inconsistent though I wonder if they can fight with guns now...

Remember one of the biggest complaint everyone had was how sudden Naruto went to having tv from 80's-90's at best to having macs and ipad, and computers after the ending. Notice how we don't see much of that now is because kishi clearly scaled it back from the 700 and what he was clearly originally plan the tech to be at look at the nH's breakfast picture. To now where we haven't really seen stuff like that yet.

#818885 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 07 May 2015 - 07:28 PM


Based on the information I'm gathering from you guys, It seems really, really Boring, Stupid and Redundant


Plus it seems like Kishi is trying to target the pairing fans with this Gaiden....I don't think that'll make this successful  -_-  

It's desperation. Remember kishi knows he has lost most of his fan base because he destroyed the story for the end pairings. But the problem is he can't just say kitten it and not put any effort into this gaiden. Since we know how important Naruto's sales are to several companies because it was their biggest seller for years. They also believe that Naruto had international appeal that one piece just doesn't have. Which is probably one of the reason kishi is given a chance to make this gaiden and the movie because they hope he has some sort magic touch that will draw in the fans and make them a lot of money that SP and editors said The Last would bring them if they made nH canon.


But like i said even by this point he knows he lost his fans because of the ending but to prevent from losing his job, and being able to continue working he needs to show that he can still draw in the fans. But the story was destroyed for the pairings so he has to make the plot pairings related. It can't be about nH or Bolt because the nH fans showed how much they support the series when they were given what they always wanted. So it had to be about SS and it had to be about Sasuke because he one of the most popular characters, and SS is one of the most popular pairings in Japan.

#815517 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 03 May 2015 - 04:54 AM

Kishi even admits that all the possible NH moment in the manga doesn't mean kitten coz every romance related only begun in the movie alone.

That's mocking the people who supported your work..

Remember everyone of those excuse were an attempt to justify the ending that no one believe any way.


The end pairings lack positive development in the story=It was planned since the beginning

Why did Sakura get with Sasuke instead of Naruto=because she would be a terrible woman if she gave up on her love

Why did Hinata end up with Naruto= pity

Why did you have so many hints towards NS= well I thought of going with NS but nH and SS were more popular

What's with all the parallels that hint towards NS=Those were read herrings 

When did Naruto start have feeling for Hinata= ....uh... he falls in love with her in The Last

and so on. 


When one didn't work they just went with another one.

#814731 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 02 May 2015 - 12:33 AM



Even if Oda wanted to talk about how kitten Kishi's series is, I highly that doubt they would publish it and Sell it at a Naruto Exhibit, you know  :sweat:


Also, when Oda was saying that Naruto is more popular in Foreign Countries (which is mostly True)... He probably didn't want to hurt Kishi's feelings by saying that Manga outside of JP barely even sell, so it's a pointless victory in that sense  :sweat:

From the two translation I read it comes of that Oda is being really nice and complimentary to him is because they are both friends. Also there really isn't a point for Oda to rub it in Kishi face about how his series is failing. Since it's failing and the reason behind (the decision to go with that ending and The Last) are probably open secrets at Jump.


I'm actually glad the designs are so ugly now. Makes it easier to say, these are not the Naru, Saku, and the Sas that was canon for 698 chapters.

Honestly Sakura the only one that actually looks good. Naruto looks terrible (some time he does look ok at best) with that incredibly short hair and it only looks good in images from The Last is when he had his headband on to hide his forehead. Sasuke barely even recognizable now.


It was like a moment of clarity in a story written by a mad man wasn't it? Which I guess it was honestly. Why are their child soldiers in a world of supposed peace? It's obviously developed into a capitalistic society somehow, yet the villages are still teaching kids how to kill people when the chances of war have all but been erased according to the author himself.


Why is there a military dictatorship in a land where there is no war?

Why are parents happily still training their children to be killers in a time of supposed everlasting peace?

How is the ninja system going to survive in a world where economic consumption, and trading are obviously the biggest drives of the economy, and plundering and war are no longer profitable?


Kishimoto of course didn't take any of that into consideration, because this story is nothing more then a setup for an SS wedding and maybe in the end Burrito and Salad will grow up and have sex. Why? Because the drive of this story is now about nothing more then soap opera dramas, and the most popular pairings, in order for Kishimoto to make as much profit as he can with the fan base he still has.

I think the whole ninja were going to fade out along with everything else you were wondering about was abandoned the second he realized that the spin off/sequel would be boring (not a lot of action) if the kids weren't ninjas. So Naruto accomplished nothing so his son's story could be even slightly interesting.


I'm starting to get the gist that despite chapter 700, in this mini series. Sakura and Sarada is shown to live in the Uchiha district with the Uchiha Crest all over their destroyed house. In chapter 700, Sakura's house was shown to be near the Hokage's tower, which I think is the origins of what could have been a NS house. Sakura was also wearing two red hairpins, which symbolizes a NS red thread of faith. Kishi either is a sick twisted writer or he just dumped whatever he intended with NS into that last chapter. It was obvious that Sakura was going to be Naruto's wife. 

Everything shows how clearly the final pairing were decided at the last minute, and none of it was set up in the story.


He's lying for the most part because he does not want to admit that he gave up. Him saying he rewarded Hinata by giving her Naruto out of pity and how he suffered from Sasuke and Sakura (SS) for 15 years and does not know how they end up otherwise proves that he doesn't like like those pairings at all. Other than telling the NS fandom that he was misleading them and Sakura cannot move on from Sasuke because she will be a terrible woman, he never said a bad thing or mocked NS at all.


speaking of Sakura being a terrible woman. It seems like Kishi is unaware that he's depicted her as one in the first chapter, so she is a terrible woman from withhelding information, using a Team Taka picture as her own. Kishi's brains is scramble and needs to get his head examined  :lmao:  :lmao:  :lmao:  :lmao:

It is obvious that kishi never really consider making either nH and ss canon until he was forced to, or really given thought to how the couples would work if he had to make them the official couples.


As for the excuses why NS didn't happen. Every interview it feels like they had to come up with a new reason why NS couldn't happen and why the two other pairing did happen. The reasons are obvious they are trying to find an excuse/justification for why the ending had to be this way to appease the disgruntle fans and justify the ending in their own minds. When an excuse angered those fans instead of calmed them down they tried another one.


Information about Gaiden....




Naruto, Salad master confirmed?

Wait I thought Sasuke was going to be their team captain? Is it more about apprenticeship ie Sasuke take Bolt under his wing and Naruto does the same for Salad?



I always had the feeling he was forced to do this. (thank you for all those informations)

It was probably and mixture or coercion (this is what all your fans truly want, and you can have another story a sequel your fans will love and you can write the spin off movie) and being forced (we all already have a movie 6 books the sequel movie in production either you do this ending or fans will question why the ending corridict all this stuff/ also the editor are not letting you do a NS ending) to do it.


Well NS is kind of the core, in that they were the ones trying to keep team 7 together/alive. If they didn't they never would have been a team again (which they really aren't now but w/e...)

Both Sasuke and Kakashi were aloner in the group. Naruto and Sakura were needed for the group to work. Naruto interested Kakashi with his potential, and Sasuke with the brotherly/rivalry bond. While Sakura gave support where she could. Also the first half of part 2 especially the reintroduction and bell rest shows how well Naruto and Sakura work together and how close they are. 


No way in hell is NS a red herring. Does Kishi really expect me to believe that? 

From what i recall it was an excuse to try to explain away all all the MK=NS parallels. 


I'm never calling it a red herring, even sarcastically. It's an unresolved subplot, I absolutely hate that. It was very obviously Kishi's intended outcome. The only reason I supported it was because it had all of the necessary evidence supporting it.

I also hate the fact that Naruto becoming Hokage had almost no weight behind it. It was supposed to be the crowning moment of the seties. Instead it was soulless. Like watching Gohan go from being the most powerful fighter in the universe to his old wimpy self. Years of development thrown away. A crime against good writing.

Honestly what was the point of Naruto or Kakashi becoming hokage if we don't actually see it? Sure Kakashi was a last minute thing but Naruto people have been waiting to see that since chapter one. Everything.


I am watching a video about all stupid (and illogical) things in Naruto, and the guy mentioned a thing I've never thought about : "How did Lee pass the exam in the academy if he can't use ninjutsu ?" 

I always thought it was because Guy volunteered/requested he be put on his genin team. So as long as Lee could do all the non chakra related skill adequately he passed.


:wot: :wot: :wot:  They're trying to give Naruto Kushina's temper(which he never had!!??) because Hinata is nothing like her.

Seems that way.


Hypocritical considering how most of them shunned parallels & comparisons and yet they're treated to THIS. NH is the embodiment of double standards.

nH fans hated MK=NS parallels they love nH=MK parallels. Remember all they ever care about was being right logic doesn't matter to them. They decided early on Sakura was a slut who needs to die and Hinata was a goddess who should get anything she ever wanted and nothing was going to change that.


kittening gross. Naruto is on his stupid laptop. Hinata's boobs are bigger than ever. Himawari still looks ugly. And Boruto just copies Naruto.

Of course Hinata's boobs are bigger. Kishi finally been told why her fans love her and why they wanted her to get together with Naruto. Her gigantic breast. In the manga they were always hidden behind jackets... most of the time, the original sketch for her outfit for the Last they were cover by so jacket, and in chapter 700 they weren't that big or noticeable. But since he now know what the fans want make those thing as big and visable as possible.


Yeah, comparing the pics side by side, the original carries more weight because we actually know the characters. The NH/MK pic just looks like a joke.


And hello? Comparing Hinata to Minato??? He's the freaking Hokage!! He's the most powerful guy in the village, a practiced killer who can effortlessly wipe out whole teams at once. He's not a mousey, shy housewife-type who was a mediocre shinobi that had to be saved at almost every turn. 


This pic is ridiculous, and clearly only done to give validity to the massive retconning at the end of the manga. Again, it stands out that they are trying so hard to convince everyone that NH was meant to be. Where's the SS pics? Where's the SS parallels. Oh that's right — there aren't any. This manga was supposed to end NS.


So this was at the gallery show? That was months ago - wonder why this is only turning up now? What else was at that awful show? Wish we could just see it all and get it over with.

Wait this was from the gallery show!?... This just goes to show how uninterested Japanese fans are of nH. Since none of them bothered to post this image online (but they did they SS family photo) we would know if they did since the nH fans would be bring it up in all their arguments(which they will probably start doing).



I know what you mean, Tricks. Seriously, Hinata is NOTHING like Minato, since you said it yourself. Not to mention Hinata's character didn't get the depth Minato has, in spite of the fact she had so much potential.


The pic is also very ridiculous and shows Kishimoto-sensei didn't intend to end Naruto NH, but with NS, and he's just covering his tracks to ignore the fact he failed, as I've been saying for months!


I think those family pictures in black and white of NH and SS were at that gallery show. ~_~ I just feel SMH for Naruto right now, even if a majority of that hate is toward Kishimoto-sensei for screwing us over like he has.

This image was probably drawn around the same time as the SS family photo or Sp did that other nh=MK picture. The intention behind were to suppress the MK=NS parallel. Remember one of the big reason why no one believe the ending were because of all the parallels to NS=JT/OR/MK. So to dismiss that point someone told/suggested/order kishi to probably do this image to help support the ending and the nH=MK parallels.


Don't really know if this is going to work since I'm having some bizarre problems with my internet connection.


My impression is close to yours with some differences.

When I look at the original I see the family that could've been. When I look at the NH, all I see is a dead family. Naruto sort of cares but is more preoccupied with his new technological toy, Burrito is pathetic copy of the old Naruto, the mop is just there with no reason to exist or to live she has no purpose to exist, she's just there and Hinata is what in my language is known is a "carpa de sters pe jos" the translation for that would be "a rag for wiping the floor" basically she's worthless. She can't do anything and everyone can do anything with her. She's pathetic, if you tell her to do something or to shut the hell up she's do it as along as someone notices her, she has no backbone.

Here my comparison of the two images.


First off who was in charge of coloring for this new image? All the colors are dull and subdued. It help remove the lively comical effect the original image colors help add to the scene instead this one has a more dull depressing somber tone instead.




Original: The original house was very vibrant and colorful had picture on the wall we can see a kitchen behind Naruto. Looks like a family lives there.


 New: Those table and chairs are the most colorful things in that room! Even they look dull in color compared to the old picture. Everything else is uniform and bland, and the window look metallic. It just make that house fell cold and lifeless.




 Original: Since we know who Naruto is we know he in a rush to start his day so he can get one step closer to becoming Hokage. He also look more cheerful with the lighter colors.


 New: The only thing we know about Bolt is that he hate his sh*tty old man. So for all we know he's trying to escape his sh*tty family sh*tty breakfast. His hair is hiding if he has a quirked eyebrow like Naruto does in the original so I can't tell if he is being playful or not or if he is angry? Also since we only seen the daughter smiling in the three images we have of her. I can't tell what she is thinking since she always has the expression. Dull surprise/"oh that's my brother"/the egg is going to fall out what!?



Original: The upset parent Kushina has her hair rise up in a comical fashion also is holding a spatula and frying pan in her hands. She is also somewhat the secondary focus of the image because the scene is Kushina reacting to Naruto racing out of the house instead of having breakfast with the family. Her husband looks on with a nervous expression. It feels very comical and live like this is another day with the wacky Uzumaki's.


New: Naruto right arm is covered by Bolt. His expression i guess is suppose to look comical, but because the colors, his expression and everything else removes that effect entirely. Hinata doesn't react to her husband at all and just has a dull surprise expression looking at Bolt.

#809237 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Bail o' Lies on 24 April 2015 - 08:55 PM

Sorry should have probably posted these thing here instead of that other topic.


Haven't been on in awhile. My impressions of This...what ever this side story wants to call it self.


So the first chapter is about Salad. She has an outfit the looks like Sakura's but she acts like Sasuke. There is some blue haired boy that look like he's friend with Bolt. Most likely he's going to be there teammate. Is he Karin and Suigetsu's child?...please no. So the story is everyone about to graduate and become ninja and Salad wonders what that means and what is a ninja. Also Everyone is hanging out with their dad's except her. even Bolt is playing tag with Naruto. I guess kishi got enough complaints about people don't like Naruto being and neglectful dad he drop it so Bolt now just wants to suppress his sh*tty Old Man because why not.


Wait So Salad has NEVER seen her father once... that mean Sasuke has been in the village for TWELVE YEARS!!!! so in this chapter Salad ask her mother some basic question about her father. Did her wear glasses when he was young answer no Sakura's answer I don't know. *bangs head against wall* Then she proceeds to ask question about thing we been asking for months. I'll skip them since people most likely already pointed them out. Sakura can't answer them get really frustrated and smashes the ground in front of her daughter to silence her (great parenting). Which ends up destroying their house cause Sakura to faint cause she hasn't finish paying it off. More Character derailment for her from Shizune. And then finally Salad finds out that the family photo of her Mother and her Father isn't of her mother and father but a picture of team taka and Sakura just putting a picture of herself in front of Karin. That is some creepy kitten.


This is a fine chapter if you don't care about Sakura or Sasuke. I'm not sure what Kishi is doing now is he intentionally trying to piss of the last part of his fan base that actually willingly pays for anything? I can't imagine SS would be happy about there ship being... well this. Honestly i get this feeling of bitterness from the manga. i indifferent from it but i get the feeling who ever wrote this is really bitter about having to write this.



Well After a day of think about the Gaiden, and not reading anyone thoughts of it. Well other than when I was on here for an hour or so. Here are the two possible reasons for why kishi went with this story. Bitterness or Ratings.


What I'm talking about bitterness is the main meat of this chapter is the interaction/argument between Salad and Sakura as well as her family issues. In chapter 700 it sounded like Sasuke did visit every once and awhile and Sakura was content to wait for him to return because there is love between them. Here he hasn't been back in 12 years, and when Salad brings up several questions such as is Sakura even married to Sasuke. Sakura has a violent reaction. Which come off that even she has doubts about the love between them. Not only that but the fact that the chapter ends with the question is Salad really Sakura's daughter. The answer is yes since she did raise her but is she her biological mother? All does is piss off the SS fans since they now have read further chapter to see if Salad is Sakura or Karin’s daughter. So it possible that Kishi knows how much people do not care about this Gaiden.  He knows now that what SP and his editors convinced him to do was a bad idea, and has basically destroyed his reputation, Naruto popularity, and the fan base love for the story. And the only two groups that love the ending is nH and SS fans people they told him were the majority fan base and would financially support the series, which they aren't. So why should he bother to make them happy? So instead he has taken all the negative implications one could make about SS relationship (Sasuke is never home, Sakura desperately trying to convince herself Sasuke loves them and will be back soon, Salad lack a father figure, she looks more the Karin’s daughter than Sakura’s, and so on) and put them to the extreme to upset the SS fans. And to upset the nH fans since they will accept any crap (they did love the Last) the only thing he can really do is just not show Hinata in any scenes.


The second possible reason is ratings. Think about out of the children who have come out of the ending who has the most fan art about them…other than Shinachiku? Salad.  So why not make this Gaiden about her? No one liked that plot point of Naruto was a neglectful parent so remove that, and no one was really that interested in Bolt other than nH, but then what should this story be about then? Well he already got the neglectful father set up for both Naruto and Sasuke (dropped for Naruto) but that isn't that interesting he needs something to draw in the readers. Some sort of spice like a mystery. Well by this point he has probably received numerous letters that tell him no one believes that Salad is Sakura daughter and she look like Karin. So why not make that question the mystery of the story?  It either going to be answered in that next chapter or so if people don’t talk about it or it going to be strung along for the rest of the Gaiden in hopes that people will keep reading to find out.