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#490880 Are the Hyugas and Hinata really necessary?

Posted by Sojobo on 02 September 2013 - 03:22 PM

The Hyuuga story could have been interesting, but... it only resume as "Naruto-kun"

In my point of view, it's a "no", Hyuuga and Hinata weren't necessary for the main plot.

#485219 Neji's Death Was BEYOND Horrible

Posted by Sojobo on 05 August 2013 - 05:53 PM

I found there was not enough emotion in his death.

Gaara's death was so much more better.


I thought that Neji was the Hyuuga Clan's futur, but I was wrong. 

From the beginning, Hinata was the character who was suppose to become the leader of Hyuuga clan. I you look carefully, she makes a better ninja than Neji, even if her cousin was a genious, and not her. Hinata was supposed to be stronger and stronger by time, and today, finally, Neji has to die to finish her developpement.

Yes, his death was all for Hinata's developpement, nothing more. 


I found it sad, cause to me, Neji was a better Hyuuga, and... a better character with better background and developpement until war.

I think that Kishimoto really destroyed Neji's character by sacrifising him like this. He died without showing anything great in the manga.

He died without fighting Lee, without showing some new jutsus.


But yeah, it's Kishimoto's writing. I don't understand how Hyuuga Clan didn't have any importance in the story?

They have one of the three Dojutsus, and yet... Kishimoto doesn't use this for making the Hyuuga story more interesting.

Hinata is now the only hope to get some interesting developpement for Hyuuga Clan, but sadly, this character only exist for Naruto and her own lovestory...

#484541 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Sojobo on 02 August 2013 - 02:17 PM

 Lmao. Naruto doesn't love Sakura? Its obvious IMO that it was way more than a crush in part 1. Look at his response to the hospital scene. His declaration to bring Sasuke back for her. It hurt him and he still did it. Its definitely more than mere crush and what Rock Lee felt for her doesn't even compare. Sure, his affections are sweet but they don't really shoot anywhere past that. 


Its funny how one can claim such a thing as this but totally feel Naruto has flourishing feelings for Hinata. Straight up bananas imo. Lol Denial at its finest.

Man I agree,


Naruto doesn't love Sakura because he never said he loves her?


Those guys (the opposite fandom, who else :zaru: ) need really to go read first chapters.

Naruto said himself in class when he introduced Sakura, that she is the girl he likes, and after that, in chapter 3, he says why he "loves" her. Man, if we're going to deny everything in the manga, and just remember only the NH panels, than, there is no need to take part of the pairing debate with the opposite fandom.


And it's funny, cause they never talk about the fact that Naruto never told Hinata that he's in love with her, or that he completely friendzoned her. There is also this translation that has been modify "I like people like you" into "I like girls like you"...

It's just laugh, really... :no:


Now, about Naruto's love, I agree that his love in the beginning of the manga wasn't really mature.

It became only a few chapters later. I mean, you can tell the difference between the guy who doesn't care about the girl's feelings and than later understand everything about them. In the beginning he wanted just Sasuke to dissapear in front of Sakura, now, he just wants to get him back, cause he's concerned about Sakura's feelings (he didn't understand them in the beginning). He cares about her so much, that he's ready to sacrifice his own happiness for hers.

Because of that, he suffered a lot, Sai confirmed it later to Sakura, that Sasuke wasn't the only one who hurted him.


What do we have today? The mother of the hero who wants a girl who looks like her, and a father who sees his wife in Sakura.

I mean... :confused: come on, if you can't see the evidence in this means that you really don't want to see it come true.

It was the same story for Tobito. The fact that he revealed Kamui and that he got his eye technic on the bridge was enough to know whoes face was under the mask. But some people were lying to themself and were hoping that it would be someone else, Shisui, Izuna or wethever, cause they didn't want Obito as Tobi.


Today we have the same story with NaruSaku. Nobody wants to see this pairing becoming canon, so everyone (I say everyone cause the opposite fandom is so kittening big ^^) don't want to look at the evidence and hope that NaruHina or Hinata gets a new/another Naru-moment.


What I hope, is that this takes an end soon, cause reading certain posts like "Naruto never loved Sakura caus he never said he loved her" really makes me laugh. I became even arrogant because of that. -___-


And that's no good... ^__^


Onegai Kishi-sama, make an end of this pairing war, so that we can talk normally again in pairing threads.

#483660 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Sojobo on 28 July 2013 - 11:30 PM

@TXD & pshyco

I believe the next arc is like saving sasuke arc, but this time sakura will fight too. Now who will become the sound five? I think orochimaru, juugo and suigetsu will become the fighter. And there's chance for sakura to learn sage mode in that arc, and if she learn it orochimaru will become his opponent(maybe with the help of kakashi), but if not juugo will be his enemy.


That's what I was speculating before NS became so much obvious. I even think that Kabuto will join Naruto, and fight Orochimaru in Sasuke's mini arc.

Itaci used Izanami because he wanted to realize Kabuto who he really was, when Kabuto will accept himself, he will without no doubt becoming good.

That scene where his old friend of the orphanage who was confindent about seeing Kabuto back is foreshadowing Kabuto returning to the good side.

When this time will come, he will only have to face Orochimaru to end his developpement.


That's why Kishi didn't kill him.


About Juugo and Suigetsu, yeah, they will probably follow Sasuke's path and protect him.

Not sure about Karin. Will she be on his side without trying to save him and getting that smile that made her in love in the past back?



About Sakura realizing her feelings for Naruto, I think this will happen in the Obito's Arc.

But for sure, NaruSaku is probably the ending pairing. Minato just "Flying Thunder Godded" NaruHina with his comment on Sakura.

The opposite fandom pretend to be blind or try to interpretate it like some kind of non serious matter.

Anyway, we just have to wait Sakura's developpement.


To me, it's all done... :ermm:

#482803 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Sojobo on 22 July 2013 - 11:48 PM

Yeah, I liked Sakura right from the beginning and liked her even more when I saw that she was normal compared to her peers and lacked fighting prowess. I love that she didn't like the main right away and actually warmed up to him throughout all of the story. I love that she's relatable in many ways.

Of course, I had another view of her in part 2, and I end up interpretate part 1 Sakura differently.

Yeah, it's nice to see that she doesn't fall in love at first sight with Naruto, I love the way Kishimoto is developping their relationship.


But to me, Naruto's love is the most interesting. I like the way he suffers from it, knows that he has no chances, but still, try to do the only things he can do to get her smile, that he loves so much, back. That fake smile during the promise of a lifetime, that sad face when Karui is asking what Sasuke really is to her...


I will not say that NH isn't developped, they have a lot of developpement recently, but NaruSaku is the one I prefered, and definitly the most devellopped pairing in the entire series.


Now we'll see how Sakura will get rid of her feelings for Sasuke. To me, her feelings for him can't be real love. I mean :


When you're really in love with someone, you don't ask yourself what you feel about other boys.

Opposite fandom usually use that argument of "Sakura loves Sasuke, she didn't gave up until now, so she will never love Naruto".

I say, if she really was in love ith him, how the hell can she even ask herself about the nature of her feelings for another guy, if she already love someone else?

Woudn't be your feelings clear enough about other guys, when you're already in love?


If Sakura ask herself about her feelings for Naruto, while loving Sasuke at the same time, this means that she doesn't love her the most.

I search in the whole manga, and I didn't find Sakura finding an answer about her ambiguis feelings for Naruto.

We're at chapter 640 right now, why the hell Kishi would choose that moment whe we're near to the climax of the story?

Because this moment will be canon. That's what I think, and that's what it seems to be in the end.


If Kishimoto's intentions where to not make a NaruSaku paring, he would have gave us Sakura's answer a long time ago.

Minato's troll just confirms that I'm right.

#482790 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Sojobo on 22 July 2013 - 10:19 PM

Hinata is overrated,  never saw a secondary character having so much credits by the readers.

I don't hate the character, I just find that we're giving her to much credits.


The character only exist when Naruto is around. Kishi never gave a kitten about her when he was developping Hyuuga story, it was all but Neji.

Naruto, Naruto, Naruto, Naruto and Naruto... even in the last chapter where every rookie is showing there power ups, Hinata again, is thinking about Naruto.

And again, a lot of people are so excited about that.


I mean, I like NaruSaku a lot, but I don't like Naruto and Sakura because of NaruSaku.

I'm a Naruto fan, not a Sakura fan, but I like Sakura, because of her link with team 7, her fight again Akatsuki Sasori, the fact she's not special, and even if she doesn't come from a special Clan with Kekkei Genkai, she can match with Naruto and Sasuke, and surpass even Tsunade.


Sakura is much more developped. I didn't like her in part one, because of her obsession for Sasuke, but in part 2, she became a more serious character, and she became stronger.


I really don't understand why Hinata is much more popular, when Sakura makes a better character in all the aspects.

Anyway, I agree with the guys who says that chapter 631 ends NH for good.

Naruto just friendzoned her, I don't know if she knows that he's in love with Sakura, but I hope she will realize it soon, cause, she really looks pathetic in chapter 633.


Minato just confirmed what we NaruSaku fans were saying all the time about Kushina parallel and her words about "finding someone like your mother".

If you don't admit that this is foreshadowing NaruSaku, than, your analys skills are poor.


Of course, NaruSaku will decieve a lot of fans, like Tobito, but, that's the way Kishimoto always wanted to be, we should respect his decision.


Anyway, do you think that the fact that Juubito and Sasuke made Naruto their target, is a good opportunity to devellop NaruSaku?

I mean, I didn't give up about a possible death of Naruto, wich can be a good lesson for Sakura, and help her realize her feelings because of the strong pain in her heart.


Anyway, can't wait about that. Hope NaruSaku happens before final fight against final vilain Sasuke/Taka, so that I can appreciate those final moments without thinking anymore about NaruSaku. ^^

#479651 Naruto 636

Posted by Sojobo on 02 July 2013 - 12:00 PM

I predict that Hinata saves Obito at the cost of her life because he reminds her of Naruto.


Oh wait.... bth_trollface_emoticon.gif

Hehe... :no:

More seriously, I think that Hinata's developpement is done. And it's the same for the other rookies.

I always said here that the last events are gonna be the most important one, and that's why we had to waited for Sakura's screentime until now.

Sai and Shikamaru are also part of those. Don't forget what Kishimoto said in his Interview about Shikamaru and Naruto relationship.


The only time Hinata will have screentime, is when she has to face for the first time Naruto's feelings for Sakura.