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Member Since 31 Jan 2014
Offline Last Active Sep 11 2024 11:55 PM

#989416 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 06 May 2023 - 11:55 PM

If you don't like talking about NS, why are you even here?

Because we speak the truth on this BS because we know SS is a bad toxic relationship, teaching young women that they can change a crazy nut job into loving them, and nothing would go wrong. I even talked to my next-door neighbour yesterday, a woman, and she said Sasuke is a kitten.


So yeah, the mask is slipping from what I can see, just a NH fan or pro ender wanting a threat to go away because, again, we speak the truth on the BS manga. And that Kishi isn't a good writer and never was one.

#989299 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 27 April 2023 - 08:49 AM

Posting this while on holiday.

I agree with BlueStar on this many who do like SS are young girls who love the god awful bad boy BS which they think they can change him. I blame Twilight for this.

Look the fact is SS is bad and sends a bad message to little girls remember what Greg said at the end of Kishi sending a bad message to his daughters.

My mum was abused by my ass of a father and according to Kishi she should have stayed with him.

Again the only ones who love SS are girls who are so brainwashed into thinking they can change Sasuke. It the same with Hinata with the males wanting a doll for their fantasies.

#989263 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 21 April 2023 - 12:05 PM

Lol I think we all know who Narutos true love was say it with me everyone.


#989235 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 16 April 2023 - 04:29 PM

Wasnt the Road to Ninja Novel only for Japan and a select few places around the world?

#989209 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 14 April 2023 - 12:08 AM

Damn, I do wish we also voted for others, so Hinata wasn't even in the top 10; not sure if we could have voted more than once, but it seems Hinata fans came out in droves to vote for Hinata.


Wasn't she at 12th when the polls were open, so who was 10th?

#989162 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 03 April 2023 - 07:09 PM

The First Naruto chapter came out on October 4th, 1999, and if we skip to when Hinata first showed up in chapter 34, which came out on June 19th, 2000.


Now if we look at the anime which started in 2002 in October, the 3rd had Hinata in the first episode.


Clearly, this shows right from the start, SP had favoritism toward Hinata. Now this might not be true, and I could be overthinking this, but I think SP was trying to set up Hinata the moment they got their hands on this manga thanks to all the filler that had Hinata and painted her in a better light than all the other girls.

#989134 Naruto: Alternative The Last (Doujinshi)

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 28 March 2023 - 12:05 AM

Okay, we have a new page here, and it seems that Naruto is worried for Sakura not sure if he was like this is the film or not, but I do like how worried Naruto is for Sakura.



#989131 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 27 March 2023 - 09:44 PM


The actual episode goes like this:

  • The whole episode was about Hinata and her confession
  • The team added a filler flashback on how she fell in love with Naruto when she was being picked on by three kids and he "tried" to save her, mind you, that back in Part 1, the Hyuga family was basically royalty.
  • Speaking of the royalty status, the only thing was correct was Hiashi mistreated her because of her shy personality. But because they want her to be interesting to the audience, they ignored Sakura's situation of being bullied because of her forehead and give Hinata a situation of her being bullied by others, which was downright stupid in both the kids and in the writer's perspective.  Why would you write about that for her when she was supposed to be royal status for the Leaf?
  • Did I mentioned that she had a lolicon design as a child?
  • Then the unnecessary "determine to save Naruto" fight scene with the "Sailor Hinata hair" animation because the one-hit KO from Pain in the manga most likely pissed off the Hinata fandom at Studio Pierrot and want her to look pretty while being beaten up. 

So SP use the animation resources to make sure Hinata looks as gorgeous as possible for her episode. And when we get to the actual hyped episode of Naruto (Tailed-Beast 5-6 Mode) Vs. Pain, well.. you guys saw what happened.


Also, I mentioned before but have you noticed on The Last, it is very similar to that flashback.

Thanks, Derock, for clearing it all up as I blocked much of it from my mind as I only remember a few things.


But yeah, again it never made sense why someone would pick on Hinata when her clan is royalty.

#989129 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 27 March 2023 - 06:29 PM

I have no idea, but if I remember in the episode that had Hinata confess her love for Naruto, and then the forced back story with her getting picked on oddly by three bullies, the same as Sakura's back story with her getting bullied. Anyway, from what I remember, and this was a long time ago, but SP did work far better on Hinata's episodes or anything that had her play big moments.

#989107 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 20 March 2023 - 09:27 PM


 i know why Hinata isn't popular anymore. 

 Serious Hinata Boobs size in Boruto is a common complaint for NH fans.


Well, it shows where their priorities lie, doesn't it?


They only care about how big Hinata's boobs are and not for how good a story should be, nope all the Hinata fans want is Hinata's boobs being big.

#989054 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 13 March 2023 - 09:25 PM


This isn't a great Year for NH. 
First Hinata was ignored in the 20Y video anniversary.
SS Manga.
Sakura beating Hinata by a large advantage in the global poll.
Official merchandising Videos ignoring NH as the supposed "main" couple in the series.
Now Pierrot is trolling them.
They made Naruto being too harsh to Hinata in Anime version. He called her a idiot and made her come back to the Kitchen.
NH stans are furious.
Hinata isn't really a good mother.
She never thinks in her daughter when she wants to die for Nardo.


Lol, oh, God, this is so sweet to hear that the nH fans are getting so dame angry over everything that is happening, and I love it so freaking much because all of what you posted is true, and the nH fans are hating this so much I bet. Knowing how butt hurt they are feeling right now, they will hate on Sakura even more, not knowing that Hinata has always been the weak link in Naruto.

#988981 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 03 March 2023 - 08:07 PM

What got me that they said Ashura and Indra are super popular...


...when the hell they became popular?!

I have no idea, but weren't they shoved in just so that they could push the whole Naruto and Sasuke are as close as brothers, and this was why they had this So-called bond with Sasuke.


But I have no idea why people would think they are popular.

#988844 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 16 February 2023 - 01:30 AM

The thing is people are losing interest for the Hinata fans who only ever wanted Hinata with Naruto they dont care they got what they wanted.
And since shes not showing up none of them care neither is her daughter who if I remember didnt a nH fan make an art of Hinatas daughter with big boobs?

Plus no one likes Boruto maybe a few do, but their taste isnt the best if they like trash like this.

We have to remember also that we have learned Ashs story from Pokemon is ending and some are already jumping to conclusions that Ash will get married and the girl we see is his daughter.

I dont think she is since they could possibly want to keep Ash around if this new show with new main characters dosent work out.

Plus theres also better works in Japan too.

#988781 Naruto: Sasuke's Story-The Uchiha and the Heavenly Stardust: Chapter 7

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 11 February 2023 - 06:31 PM

Why were they so trusting with criminals they didn't really know Bail?

Easy Naruto, dude is so kittening stupid its leaking onto other characters they all probably think they have a tragic past.

#988711 Naruto: Alternative The Last (Doujinshi)

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 08 February 2023 - 12:30 AM

Okay, here we go, everyone, we have a new page, and it seems we have gone back to Naruto.

