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#862349 Boruto - the movie

Posted by dejavu on 30 July 2015 - 05:06 AM

tumblr_nsa6wuzygn1riec0ho1_540.pngrest in peace narusaku i still find it funny that their was no nh page in this montage not even 615 still i hope some people have the guts to bash kishi at nycc

What montage is that??

I just have to roll my eyes whenever i read or hear about Naruto getting over Sakura BS.. its like covering a big kittenin elephant in the room with a piece of tissue paper. And we have to pretend were blind and retarded not to notice.

I hope they throw Boruto and Sarada in their parent's past. Like Boruto will be on Naruto's young body and Sarada on Sakura's but they cant control their actions..and they can only feel and watch how thru their parents eyes.

Boruto feeling that stabbing pain and happiness from his father whenever he tries to support the girl that isnt his mother. And if Sarada is really smart and insightful as described then she could easily decipher her mother's real feelings and how the mother she knew is so gaddammed different from this awesome girl who cared and cried too much for the man that isnt her father

From that experience theyll know that they shouldnt have existed.. pssh fanfic ideas of mine that i can no longer publish online.

#859793 Naruto Hokage-Oneshot

Posted by dejavu on 24 July 2015 - 04:50 PM

I have always imagined Naruto ending in that kind of fashion.
-Naruto wins a friendly match with his rival and finally surpasses him.
- Sakura treats them and scolds them for fighting on such an important day. Karin comes to treat Sasuke and scold him. They are implied to be together.
- Naruto finally confesses to Sakura FMA style or Lady gt style. She accepts.
- The trio walk through the village and we see that Naruto is very popular.
- They meet Rock Lee having tons of fans and even a dojo or special training for non ninjutsu users. He is still Lee (Gai is dead in my version). Tenten is with him and is being the president of punchline for him and is a join kunoichi admired by lot of young girls. They are implied to be together and exchange some funny lines with naruto who tells him that they are gonna need him more than ever with a thumbs up. The fans are in awe that he is respected by Naruto so much.
- Neji and Hinata are officially the leaders of the hyuugas. They are together and the curse tradition was forsaken. They both thank Naruto for what he did for them and changing their fates. Now, the clan is harmony and is getting prepared for an event. Hinata helps Neji to dress up and we see that the seal is not here anymore.
- They meet Shino and Kiba and kind of  joke around.
- They meet Ino and Shoji (who is not fat anymore) who are with Kurenai's kid. Sakura and Ino have some heartwarming words and Shoji is shown to be reliable and admired as well. Kurenai might make some funny remarks about Narusaku and talk about Asuma
- They meet Gaar and co. Naruto and Gaara have some heartwarming words and can't believe that they came from so far for him for that event. Gaara says that being here for that day is more important than his own ambitions. Shikamaru shows up
- Shikamaru shows up and is challenged by Temari at chess. They play and shikamaru promises her something if she wins and we see a ring hidden near shikamaru.
- Sai is Sai and wants to paint the event.
- Naruto eats with Iruka like old times and chats happily about time flying him and being proud of him and we see an older Konohamaru being very naruto with his friends and goofing off with sexy no jutsu teased at the start of part 2. Sakura senses that and punches him harder.
- We meet Tsunade and Shine getting things prepped up. The 5th tells sakura how she is proud of her for succeeding where she fail and Naruto being with her and she has a flashback of her moments with Jiraya . She is a bit sad but yet happy.
- Team 7 is reunited and are expecting kakashi to be late and is actually on time without his mask (comical scene and they did not recognize him immediately). He states that this team is the greatest thing that happened and Obito would be proud and he doesn't need to mourn anymore.
- The ceremony starts and it is official Naruto is Hokage and can't help being happy and Sakura and sasuk scold him for being too laid-back and try not goof too much in public. His friends are happy and are his closest advisors like the 3rd. Karachi is an advisor along with Tsunade and Iraku.
- Naruto faces the village so that we can see all these characters one last time being acknowledged. Sakura crying and being happy. We have a shot of mount  Hokage with Naruto's face.
- Team 7 takes a photo similar to when they were young and this is the last image.

Sounds good.

What manga/anime is that??

#859447 Show Yourself V3.0!

Posted by dejavu on 23 July 2015 - 01:50 PM

woah, you girls are so beautiful
@dejavu, 21-23; 24 at most 
here's me I suppose, so sad I ruined the shirt with red wine...

  :wow: :wow: :wow:
good boy!now let's pretend I'm no older than that :lulz:
error 404 red wine stain not found :monocle:
and since i've stumbled upon this thread again.. let's see a recent picture ere, as its getting chilly ..

#859405 Boruto - the movie

Posted by dejavu on 23 July 2015 - 09:38 AM


i did it for you :) lol


lol thanksss


i mean i thought the story was about Naruto and how people including us readers will grow to admire him and support him in his goals.. that aside or rather MORE THAN being a Hokage, he wanted the people he loves the most to acknowledge and be with him.


but nope. we got stuck with all this forced pairings.

like a bad case of fanfiction.. like what manga shoved each and every character to pair up and procreate.

i dunno but its worse than ecchi or harem mangas out there.


i mean i thought i was suppose to look forward to team 7 being together again or if they won't then i was hoping for a proper closure among them. but all i saw was that they were just back from the start. if not much worse.


Sasuke still don't care xcept for his husbando Naruto

Sakura is still the fangirl that she was

and Naruto oh deal god, Naruto... he was suppose to change the world and the people around him, but the world and people ended up changing him instead. what did he accomplish anyway? 

#858387 Orange(Orenji) by Ichigo Takano

Posted by dejavu on 20 July 2015 - 03:02 PM

I'm weak when it comes to the Horror genre :sweat: So I think this will do for now.

Thx for the links? Any recommendations for good live-action movies?


lol horror is one of my fave genre ... how about you? Ghost Hunt and Shiki are some of my faves on that genre


as for live-actions.. if you really want to venture on that side well maybe

Rurouni Kenshin.. the best live action so far. I watched it on the big screen and everyone seems to love it. the crowd was crazy that time lol.

then the others hm...i wouldn't really say they are great but decent for someone who wants to give live-actions a chance.

perhaps...Kimi ni Todoke, Koizora, I Give My First Love to You, and maybe the Detective Conan movie and tv series (Junpei Mizobata version..Shun Oguri looked too old and derailed from Shinichi's real personality)


well i guess those are a few that didn't really made me cringe ...well that much lol.




okay.. i take that back about the new Death Note Live Action Series.

It isn't spectacular but its refreshing. its like Death Note but with different characters just with the same name.

I'm just in the middle of the 1st episode tho... but i have to stop because someone is bothering me at the moment lol.


I mean we all know what happened in the manga and anime... whats the point of doing the exact same thing? if you watched it with an open mind without nit picking too much about what you already know about the story then you might enjoy it.. you can always watch the anime or read the manga if you prefer the original story. I guess they use a more "relate-able" approach. As the original Light is too out of this world lol






#858258 New Kishimoto interview

Posted by dejavu on 20 July 2015 - 09:57 AM

I read about this interview elsewhere. Why is it not surprising to me that Kishi would become tongue-tied when it comes to justifying SS? You're damn right it's contrived. How can you justify someone sacrificing every ounce of dignity, their family, their friends, and their dreams just to be with an enigmatic stranger whom she knows nothing about and has spurned her advances in some of the cruelest manners possible just to be with someone who never loved her? The tragedy writes itself.
What about the fact that the first thing which comes to mind when thinking about Hinata are her breasts? That's not what this Taniguchi person was apparently thinking about when remarking how Hinata was their favourite character. Is that all Kishi is able to reflect on when it comes to the wife of his supposed avatar who forsook everything he once stood for to appease a girl who was just as fanatically obsessed with him "like a drug" as Sakura was to Sasuke? That doesn't even make sense. So by that logic, was Ino addicted to Sasuke and Sai "like a drug"? What about every other fangirl who misconstrued hormonal lust for being genuine altruistic love?  
I hope Kishi appreciates his own handiwork. His personal self-assurances, Pierrot, and the lines of nH/SS fans are all he has left. 

This totally sums it up.

I guess Kishi doesn't love his work anymore as he did before. He should love his creations.

And thats probably why most of us are saying all these negative things and yet we still look at whats new about this series.

We probably love his work than kishimoto does now. Thats why arguably we still DO care. And kishi should continue doing so..regardless of the crazy ending he made.

#857090 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by dejavu on 14 July 2015 - 12:46 PM

Actually there is people who don't want to start from chapter 1 when planning to start reading naruto. I happen to encounter few of this people who wants to start reading naruto because they either play the games and they say awesome or they see them in TV shows. They ask me they want to start reading naruto and want my advice so i told them to read from chapter 1 but guess what they say ? "How many chapter until ending?" i said the total chapter is 700, and they said "What? its troublesome to read that many chapter i don't have much time is it ok to read from half way or chapter 500 for example?" and i said to them that they will miss some important or key point and ended up with the wrong conclusion but they don't care and few weeks latter i meet them again and guess what they become either SS or NH fans LOL. They say sakura is useless and violent, hinata confession is the sweetest thing and sakura confession is a lie she just use naruto feelings as her personal tools. Abusive girl must end up with abusive man thats karma. Thats what they say.
Imagine if half of the fandom start reading naruto from pein arc, no wonder they are blind and ended up as SS or NH fans.

That is totally SPOT ON.

Similar to what you said.

I started the anime during chunin exams exactly that moment where Sakura cut off her hair and had those flashbacks bout ino and sasuke. I switch channels and i got interested and thought they were an item. Well at that point all pairings have a fair chance then from there i skip some parts and only focus on those episode where there were ss and nh involved.

After sometime doing that i got tired of it and stopped watching Naruto. Then after like 2 years i pick up the manga and read it from the start.

And that made me shift my views into NS.

I guess thats one way to answer it.. and Kishi seems to have the same mindset as them.

#856177 Boruto - the movie

Posted by dejavu on 11 July 2015 - 12:31 PM

If people care here are the character designs; http://2prettydorks....aruto-the-movie


Shikamaru in a onesie; http://41.media.tumb...e017o1_1280.jpg



ahh yes.. this is it. another movie that continuously feed peoples mind with so much nonsense.


if this was a year ago we are like:


Everything will be daijoubu




and those character descriptions ...bravo!

Sasuke..jokes? lol what kind of mistranslation is this.. :laughcry: 

just goes to show how low this series had become

How about they give us the REAL CHARACTER DESCRIPTIONS??


should have been like this:


Uzumaki Naruto.

The BIG failure of the ninja world. He used to be a mischievous child but was sincere and full of dreams, now he cannot even protect a girl because he was getting rusty as he bury himself into his office with god knows what work he does with it.

He was supposed to be the MC of this series but was brainwashed to be Sasuke's underling and Hinata's D trophy.

He used to be the most sympathetic person during his prime due to his own sad experience of being alone with no parents or relatives to be there for him but has found a new family of his own in the presence of his teammates and mentors. However due to money and horny fans he ended up dying during his last fight with Sasuke and a new persona awakes. He is now a father who could not even know how to handle his own son when in fact he was shown to be good with problematic children even when he was young (i.e. Konohamaru). This new Naruto also found a new love of his life that he would rather grow senile in his office gorging cup ramen and sake.


He turns out to be a jerk like his best bud Sasuke who would go for a girl out of rivalry. He seems to have developed dementia and schizophrenia.

He now became a hokage like what he dreams of, but without the two precious people in his life. in the end he did not accomplish anything other than waste people's 15 years worth of time and dedication.



Uzumaki Hinata

The stalker who finally got the D (not ONCE but TWICE as her fans would fight a war of justifying), thanks to her huge racks and rabid fanboys but still remains irrelevant. Her special moves are "naruto-kun" and "Na-Naruto-kuuuuuuuuuuun" plus scarf making.

She cares for no one but her husbando Narudo-kuun and could care less about her bratty son. Her mere presence can ruin 15 years of development.



Uchiha Sasuke

The PURE child. He is actually the real MC of this show. His D brings all the fangirls in the yard. and could never be wronged or shamed.

His talent is to be a jerk without even trying. His hobby is to poke annoying girls on their forehead to make them believe that he cares.

Uchiha Sakura

developed dementia and schizophrenia like Naruto. She is the ultimate slave of the Uchihas

She is usually caring and strong-willed but all these disappears in the presence of her husbando Sasuke-kun

She has delusions and would even manipulate facts to make people believe her delusions.

She is terrible with photoshop and currently has a loan. Yes, along with Naruto she died during the war therefore the great medic was no more but a doormat who doesn't even know if her husband wars glasses. She is a nut case.

#855940 Why didn't Naruto let Sasuke become Hokage? Would it be better if he did?

Posted by dejavu on 10 July 2015 - 06:33 PM

Lol is this even a question? Did you miss the person Sasuke was at the end?

What are you trying to imply here?

Sasuke was and will always be PURE.

Until the end he was purely a jerk. By words and in action. He is not even hiding that fact.

While Naruto, the supposed to be MC who played as the good, honest and sympathetic guy turns out to be a jerk the whole time.. or rather he was magically turned into a pathetic nobody.

So it is very clear here that Sasuke will be a better hokage than Naruto.

Atleast he doesnt have to blame the position for him not spending time with his family. He simply just dont see them. Hokage or not.
unlike some hokage out there whose specialty is to multiply himself but only multiplies his imcompetence.

P.S. please dont take this post nor this manga seriously. Its all a big pile of kitten. Yes both this post and the manga

#855378 Why didn't Naruto let Sasuke become Hokage? Would it be better if he did?

Posted by dejavu on 09 July 2015 - 05:49 AM

reasons aside I would have rather have Sasuke as the Hokage, an Uchiha.


It may sound ridiculous with his crimes but heck what is he right now? nor is Gaara.


Then I'll be more satisfied if Naruto died and Sasuke would be left to atone his sins and gratitude to that one person who believed in him until the very end.


He'll become Hokage in his stead,

marry his girl in his stead

and forever carry the burden in his stead.

He will see the world for him.


That will be a good irony.

Naruto wanted to become Hokage but not more than wanting Sasuke to finally accept and acknowledge him.

So now, Sasuke will atone for his sins in the name of his real husbando Naruto.

coz i still think Naruto is the seme and Sasuke is the uke..


lol sorry for ending this with a joke but anything would be a better ending than the one we had

#855374 Favorite Anime Openings and Endings Thread

Posted by dejavu on 09 July 2015 - 05:28 AM

Wow since most my favorites are up already.. i still have some great ones that aren't mentioned yet.

First let's have this one ENDING that scarred me (for my whole life i think lol)

that episode 18.. with its mini interlude ughh the feels i just love it when there is something at the end part of a show that you don't usually see.


Psycho Pass ending #2

Title: All Alone With You

Artist: EGOIST


"You'll never walk alone .." damn you Kogami why!? whyy??? lol



Next is Opening and Ending of Hanasakeru Seishounen

J-min the artist is actually a korean singer but mostly promotes her works in japanese

She sang bothe the OP and ED for this great anime.

All i can say it that she CAN really sing :thumb:







Rumati ftw lol


unreal man, most of the japanese band who sings in english do so in the well know "engrish" form
these guys are talented

I agree they are great. This one too, they can sing in english well also.
It's one if not my most favorite anime ending from Death Parade (what an awesome anime)
aside from the good english from this japanese band its also very emotional and never fails to give me the right kind of chills

Last Theater by NoisyCell



I suggest you listen to this using a headphone and it will blow you off more

#855127 Show Yourself V3.0!

Posted by dejavu on 08 July 2015 - 05:19 PM

Hello everyone! so it's nighttime here and i just finished watching a horror movie and stumbled upon this thread again so i might as well post  then delete after a day lol my work will not allow me to post such personal data but im a rebel hohoo
Also, these aren't recent photos, it was taken probably several months ago approx during the Naruto apocalypse hence why i look like this, plus its nighttime lol
my hair is a reflection of my life. a MESS :rainbowsheep:
and my eyes are not too "catty" here so i kinda prefer it like this.
I hope i didn't scare you guys too much, don't worry i don't look as scary in the morning...just a lil bit brighter lol
well i wonder if someone can get my age right lol

#853577 Naruto Gaiden 700.10

Posted by dejavu on 05 July 2015 - 04:25 PM

And Sasuke in the end comes of looking like a real jerk. Not the cool guy. But just a jerk. He snubs his wife in front of his child before he leaves them both for another decade or more. And yeah, Ino is still shown as a fangirl. So Sasuke is shown still being favored by Sakura, Karin and Ino. (and the first two he tried to kill!) Does that qualify as a harem? He's a total Mary Sue/GaryStu hero, while Naruto is reduced to plot grease to move Sasuke's story along. 

But tricksie...he poked their forehead desu. Danna anata sama truly cares about his waifu and tomatosalad. He wasnt being a jerk. Thats the ultimate gesture of truelab.

He just have to go on a journey where he could pretend they never exist. Pls understand as it hurts my kokoro

#853110 Last Game

Posted by dejavu on 04 July 2015 - 03:14 PM



i love this manga too!


Kujo and Yanagi is just too cute lol


fluffy and frustrating at the same time... poor Yanagi, that shoujo male MC who dug his own grave lol

#850947 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by dejavu on 01 July 2015 - 11:14 AM

So...... Sasuke had definitely an affair with Karin? :err:

No. It was Naruto or could we even call it an affair? I mean is ss really married? The constant my waifu and husbando dialogue is like the charm where you repeat things to make it real.

Now regarding Evil's troll spoilers.. i still think the mother is Sakura as the answer should always be the most stupid one.

I find myself in a funny situation.
A ss fan message me saying that it was ns fans fault that ss is currently being mocked when they were simply enjoying their ship. And that i as one of the nsfans is mean as the goal of our selfish fandom is to put everyone down.

Im loving the breakdown lol seriously this is entertaining. But i just have to remind her that her beloved SS ship don't need any pulling from nsfans to go down in shambles. Its already broken and down no pulling needed.

This person out of nowhere message me in nf as we were in each others contact list as i have been part of that ridiculous fandom once in the past .