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Member Since 14 Jul 2014
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#855973 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Swagkura on 10 July 2015 - 08:14 PM

Yeah, pretty much. I've seen him all over my dash arguing with people that have posted anti stuff, and clearly have tagged correctly. The guy lives in the anti tag, even though he's pro ending. He's an annoyance. Pretty sure Swagkura has had a run in or 3 with him.

Bruh, he's literally everywhere, ugh. I had to block his ass because I wasn't in the mood for his crap :no:

#851948 Naruto Gaiden 700.10

Posted by Swagkura on 02 July 2015 - 03:24 PM

Yeah and who told him that? Sakura, she's the one that made that statement, Naruto himself neither admit or denied it, so you could read it as Sakura's method of forcing him to move away from her by using his rivalry and love for Sasuke.
Just to make it clear, I still like Sakura, and I hate Naruto allot more than Sakura at the moment, but I can understand the hate for Sakura, it's easy to read this manga to place all the blame on Sakura because thats how Kishi wrote it. He wants Naruto's and Sasukes mistakes to be expained away as misunderstandings, and for that Sakura has to be the fall guy. Her charactor was screwed over more times than another other charactor in the manga, even the last chapter, we find out she stalked Sasuke when heavily pregnant and if not for Karin, Sarada might have died at childbirth, her obsession with Sasuke went beyond the safety of her own unborn child.
Sakura was a charactor full of potential, but because of one thing that was still mareketble (SS) Kishi kept dragging her charactor down.

Him not denying it just makes him look worse in my opinion. I still love Sakura, and I do agree that she's basically the whipping girl of the series. And yes, her potential(and everyone else's) went down the drain once 699 and 700(plus the sh*tty Gaiden) happened. Naruto's just a tragedy when I look at it now.

#851926 Naruto Gaiden 700.10

Posted by Swagkura on 02 July 2015 - 02:59 PM

Well that's what the manga and movie told us, Sakura never got over her obsession with Sasuke, and there can't be a NS without both parties being involved. Even Naruto's and Hinata it sounded like it was Sakura who tried to force the two together, she literally did not care if Naruto felt anything for Hinata, she just cared for Hinata to get her man. She knew Naruto didn't love Hinata. We've still not seen Naruto actuall loving Hinata, his feeling for her was due a genjutsu telling him how much she loves him, not a single moment telling him the opposite was true.
So yes NS didn't happen because of Sakura.

Ok, but then you have Naruto's love for Sakura being shown as a lie because all he really wanted to do was one up Sasuke. He literally used her just so he could get back at his boy toy. Then Naruto's basically obsessing over Hinata during the whole entire movie, so I don't see how you can put all the blame on Sakura when Naruto sh*tted all over NaruSaku too.

#851584 Naruto Gaiden 700.10

Posted by Swagkura on 02 July 2015 - 05:28 AM

Sasuke just swerved the f**ck out of Sakura right in front of their daughter. What kinda fricking marriage is this? Am I supposed to look at them and be like, "Goals"? I honestly just can't see it at all. Sasuke literally just came back from a 12 year mission and he's already going back out to do whatever the hell he has to do. Plus the SS moments were literally so awkward. They are without a doubt the worse possible family Kishimoto could ever conjure up in this mess he calls a manga.

#851374 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Swagkura on 02 July 2015 - 12:07 AM

Anyways, all of us should put the Naruto down and pick the Boku no Hero Academia up.  :D

I'm starting that after I finish Kuroko no Basuke and the Breaker new waves. I've been trying to catch up with my anime/manga :hm:

#850997 Tokyo Ghoul

Posted by Swagkura on 01 July 2015 - 01:25 PM

Happy birthday Touka-chan :eager:
Just to let you guys know that is Touka since today's her birthday :P

#850889 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Swagkura on 01 July 2015 - 04:29 AM

Lmao, even Sakura made a speech about not having to share DNA to be considered family, so there really is no fricking point in Sarada going through all that crap just to figure out that Sakura was her real mom after all. Unless Kishimoto wants to make the story even more of a clusterf*ck, which I could perfectly see him doing.

#850295 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Swagkura on 29 June 2015 - 05:31 PM

Sarada's a frcking goddess compared to Duracell, lmao. She has the freaking Sharingan, plus if Karin really is her mother, she'll have Uzumaki DNA too. Also can't forget the fact that she has Sakura's super strength, and if Sakura does end up teaching her medical ninjutsu...:twitch:
Wtf is Bolt gonna be able to do against that :zaru:

#847346 Tokyo Ghoul

Posted by Swagkura on 23 June 2015 - 12:07 AM

I ship them because it's pretty obvious that Hinami's the main reason why Ayato's changed so much for the better. And then it's obvious that Ayato cares for her a lot, and we've never seen that from him before. Although you can say that he also does care for Touka like that in an albeit more violent way.

#845158 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Swagkura on 18 June 2015 - 01:29 PM

I prefer the Storm fighting engine, but the Ultimate ninja series fighting was great too. It also did seem like they put more into their ultimate Jutsus than the Storm series does, and I really do appreciate that.

#845147 Naruto Gaiden- Chapter 700.8

Posted by Swagkura on 18 June 2015 - 01:23 PM

Sakura looked pretty

That's the only thing I really cared for in this chapter. That and the Sakura taking care of Sarada flashback. It was a sweet little moment.

#844928 Naruto Gaiden- Chapter 700.8

Posted by Swagkura on 18 June 2015 - 06:31 AM

Naruto and Sakura(along with the rest of the ninja world) are obviously all still brainwashed by Sasuke. I mean, how else can he get away with all of the bullsh*t he's done so easily :zaru:

#844902 Naruto Gaiden- Chapter 700.8

Posted by Swagkura on 18 June 2015 - 06:14 AM

The ItaSasu fans are gonna be pissed, lmfao :lmao:
Other than Sakura being beautiful, and her and Sarada being cute together, the whole chapter was Naruto basically reliving the time when him and the series actually had some type of morals and made an ounce of sense. Sasuke calling Sakura his wife was so forced. Guess they have to force feed the fact that they're "happily married". Naruto's honestly a better father to Sarada than he is to Boruto. No wonder Bolt doesn't care for him, lol. I'm surprised Kishimoto's letting Sakura get to fight so much in this series though. And to think I thought she'd be completely irrelevant in Gaiden.

#844467 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Swagkura on 17 June 2015 - 03:37 PM

Tears? Swagkura I'm pretty sure you and I both know that SS fans are gonna eat that crap like it's a gourmet meal.

True. They're level of delusion is too high to think any different when it comes to the sh*tty ass pairing that's literally a carnival of destruction.

#841275 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Swagkura on 11 June 2015 - 02:13 AM

TK4L :sad:
It doesn't feel the same :hm: