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Member Since 23 Jul 2014
Offline Last Active Sep 26 2015 08:22 AM

#636883 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by Geninja on 05 November 2014 - 01:43 PM

Well on the plus side with this I do not see them going the DBZ route so it's whatever. 


I'm gonna be frank, I'm not really that passionate about Naruto so the blow for me is just kind of eh whatever. NS is what drew me to this manga and I have read it but never kept up with it religiously.


So I can only imagine how this must feel for you guys that have actually kept up with it and been loyal to it since the beginning. The thing you have to do now and everybody else is know that you won't stand for this bullsh**. Let Kishi know how you feel about this. 


Protest any future manga series written by Kishi, don't support it. Go out with your head held high and realize that ultimately Naruto was a manga that will forever go down as just another wannabee DBZ that didn't amount to nothing in the end except bad storytelling and recons galore.


In fact Naruto is already overshadowed by not only One Piece but also Hunter X Hunter. There are tons of better material out there then this overrated stuff. Naruto's always been overrated and this to me is proof of that.


I do not see this going to another project, Kishi's done with Naruto and he wants to move on to another manga series.


P.S Don't support the movie and let people know that as well. If NS has this big fanbase as many say they do in Japan then this movie is indeed gonna flop bc nobody wants NH/SS in Japan.

#635586 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Geninja on 05 November 2014 - 07:13 AM

so much damage control guys,


Like being hung up on Kurenai's kid being younger than Naruto's kids. Ever heard of timeskip?


Ever heard of go fly a kite?

#635323 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by Geninja on 05 November 2014 - 06:19 AM


That doesn't prove anything. Anybody can photoshop all the people on to one photoset. Anybody. Shoot I could even do that.



Major red flag. Look at Kurenai's child. That little girl should be older than both NH's kids and she's not. Kurenai was pregnant already. That's the BIG error in all of this. If they are real then NH's kids are not real, they're gonna be genjutso.


This is the big error in all of this.

#635009 Chapters 699+700 spoilers

Posted by Geninja on 05 November 2014 - 05:30 AM

New word going around is the NH kids are indeed fake. It's going around tumblr now and I believe this because Kurenai's child was born before these two and yet the NH kids are older than Kurenai's. That to me is a giant red flag that something is not right. It's not me being delusional, it's just me using logic and common sense.

#630917 Naruto Databook IV [Manga Spoilers]

Posted by Geninja on 04 November 2014 - 10:33 AM

I guess everyone forgot about the movie promos and the next chapter spoilers


I guess you realized that the thread was being happy and positive that you decided to come in and be negative once again? I swear this is all you do and it's getting annoying.


Just cause you're negative all the time, that gives you no right to try to drag others down with you. 


Anyway movie promos= Deception through editing and doing anything to make money or draw buzz aka the way any marketing team works especially SP.

Next chapter spoilers= Sasuke doing something to Sakura that has been paralleled between him and his brother, aka a sibling thing. 


There I answered your concerns, you happy? Or will you twist this into a negative remark as well?


I guess someone is feeling salty



LOL very salty. ;)

#625547 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Geninja on 01 November 2014 - 11:33 PM

She was asking for something else but Nevermind she said.


They're job is to promote the movie and draw buzz. It doesn't matter what methods they use and deception is one of the most common ones.

#623135 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Geninja on 31 October 2014 - 07:52 PM

After seeing the trailer I'm not so sure about this...


The trailer had nothing in it that is a cause for concern IMO.

#622611 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Geninja on 31 October 2014 - 02:27 PM

Naruto told his father that Sakura was basically his girlfriend recently so...yeah. I think it's pretty clear he very much still loves her.



It's not the absence of comical scenes, but the absence of his romantic toughts about anyone. They're a mystery. The last time when he really demonstrated something was in Sai's flashback about why he didn't declare to Sakura yet. It's a fact that he loves (or loved) her, but it's also a fact that Naruto never made any question of being in a serious relationship with her. He accepts anything she can offer to him.


After Hinata's confession at the Pain arc, Naruto just frost his romantic side. We know that he still likes Sakura, but we don't know the current level of it and if he has something in development for Hinata. And if you ask me... Games, fillers, and etc with NH materal now looks like that everything was to prepare terrain for those two. 


If Naruto stays with Hinata, it'll have a great message! It'll mean that things don't have to be decided only by fate, that you can give a chance to live something different out of the boderlines of the previsible. Parallels, past events, development in the trash... This is all about maturity. Who never spent a lot of time in a crush to someone that simply didn't work out? NS have a great storyline, they share a beautiful bond of friendship and care, they share a huge karma (the fool boy, the smart girl and the dark friend)... It's really cool. But it's not just because you want something that you'll get it. Life is about some things not going accord with the plans very well, as well!

It's true, Naruto's the main character... But that means that everything will go as he pleases? 


That's not the only positive message that NH can send, but I'm not going deep on this because I really don't want to sound like a shipper. I'm just accepting things... I prefer NS over any other pairings, but if things have to go like this... I'm finding the animation really gorgeous, but I'm not satisfied with the plot, it sounds too generic... :( The only thing I hope is that there's more about the movie than just this NH romance between the end of the world. If Sakura had an big role in the movie too it would be awesome! A love triangle is better, it's always better.



Just wait and see, a lot of your posts since yesterday have been negative. There are still so many mysteries about this movie. I'm not gonna let SP effect my outlook, they have an agenda. They're not subtle about it, just don't let it get to you.


This thread for the past two days has been mostly people jumping the gun COMPLETELY with no proof, just assumptions. We've gotten 3 trolls that I hope have been taken care of and I'm sure more are gonna be on the way.


We just got to wait it out. Everything will be clear soon.

#622607 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Geninja on 31 October 2014 - 02:20 PM

Honestly I'm just waiting for next week, basically. At this point to me there's no need to panic. The magic of editing does wonders to decieve people. Voiceovers that sound shippy are actually not shippy when you view the context. 


It's very clear SP are marketing this movie as Hinata hour BUT that does not mean NH at all. Nor does it mean Hinata may be playing as big a role SP are marketing her as. In the trailer you can clearly hear 3 people call for Naruto but only Hinata's is heard. Clear bias and editing on their part.


They know what they need to do to garner interest and they have a clear bias.

#620116 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Geninja on 30 October 2014 - 01:41 PM


It's okay that they have doubts. But people shouldn't forget that a movie cannot and will nor earse everyhing that has happened in the manga. It cannot. Hinata wants her feelings to reach. So maybe they'll reach. But that doesn't make NaruHina canon. 
Just think abou it... why make the movie going with such a plot that makes the romance came out of nowhere if indeed NH gets canon? Why not resolve such a thing in the manga? Kishimoto had enough time and unnesaccary panels he could've used (Minato comment, NS hug in that way, CPR with her failing)
But if NS het's canon in the other hand, the movie would make sense because it can give Hinata a closure and don't make the panels used look wasted at all.


Hey you're preaching to the choir here, I hundred percent agree. 

#620000 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Geninja on 30 October 2014 - 01:02 PM

I'm not even gonna bother to watch the trailer.... since I already 100% expect NH ever since that cd cover, and don't need to see anymore of that kitten.


NS is indeed in deepkitten and if you think otherwise, stop being in denial :)


That's great that you think that way, but I'm the farthest thing from denial buddy. We do not know anything and forgive me if I'm not gonna panic over random screenshots with us knowing absolutely zero context.


Oh but yeah I'm in denial ever since I saw the cd cover with a very sad looking NH and the song not even being about romance. Yeah I'm definitely in denial.

#619950 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by Geninja on 30 October 2014 - 12:49 PM


So? This is pointless. You've reached your conclusion. Nothing will sway you from your misery. We get your point. 


I would like to add on to your statement.


Why is it that you seem to have a goal to drag us down with you? 

#618373 Chapter 698

Posted by Geninja on 29 October 2014 - 12:19 PM

Could we stop bashing the series please? This is all just coming off really disrespectful.

#613536 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by Geninja on 25 October 2014 - 04:33 AM

I can see a crazy NH fan sewing SP because NH didn't become canon.


Well they deserve each other, especially after all the crap they've been spouting. I don't feel not even an ounce bad for NH fans getting trolled. They set themselves up for disappointment when they automatically assume their theories are always right when the truth is none of them are.

#611978 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 1

Posted by Geninja on 24 October 2014 - 04:19 AM

Exactly they jump the gun and just end up looking like idiots(example: Forneverworld)


Let's see in just the past few days they said...


Hinata was the pregnant woman= Wrong

NH is canon they're on the CD cover and it's romantic= Wrong

Hinata is praying for Naruto= Wrong

Hinata is being hidden because they don't want to reveal her pregnancy= Wrong

The song is about romance= Wrong


I mean you would think by this point they would just shut up and wait and see how things play out.