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#482993 640

Posted by Hiraishin on 24 July 2013 - 03:15 AM

That was surprisingly...short...

It did feel a little short.


this chapter




Exactly what I thought. It's becoming clearer than ever that the confirmation of the parallel will probably be the key to Obito's defeat/redemption.

#482982 Naruto 639

Posted by Hiraishin on 24 July 2013 - 02:53 AM

So Minato's eyes were sufficiently coloured this chapter. Though Kishi more than often leaves out the cracks in his face.  :P Still, it looks like the 'fire' symbol is on Oonoki's hat, instead of 'earth', lol. 


Whenever I look at your sigpic I'm reminded of why I fell in love with NaruSaku all those years ago.

:wub: And what's that?




#478785 Naruto 636

Posted by Hiraishin on 26 June 2013 - 09:34 AM

It's so hilarious that Obito remembers Rin now: 'Oh I'm being used by Madara, kitten I love you Rin.'[/size]

Like NaruSaku4Life3g and Chatte said, the situation is completely different, and Obito is Naruto's parallel, not Sakura's.

Sakura has already shown signs of moving on from Sasuke, while Obito has not (with Rin). And he doesn't really have a reason to, other than her death, of course. Her death is what caused him to pursue this dream of his. She didn't betray the village and become kitten insane and try to kill him and his friends. Sasuke did (in regards to Sakura).


This is why I liked Obito's story better than Sasuke's. He has the means for redemption, he has the means for love, and his life has been one big tragic mess. Obito lost everything in his life and lost faith in the world.
Obito, I hope you do get your redemption or at least finally get your heaven.

I've always thought she looked like Sakura, too. There's actually a chapter in Part One where Rin shown with a hairstyle that looks a little similar to Sakura's, but I guess Kishi decided to change it.

#478527 Naruto 635

Posted by Hiraishin on 25 June 2013 - 09:58 AM

i have to agree with Nate River

Same here...

i have to say this but to put SK on the same level as narusaku is kinda downplaying narusaku.


I was literally just thinking about this. I've seen people compare the two (not here - elsewhere) and it really bugs me because they're not the same, or all that similar.

Glad someone feels the same way I do, haha.

#478339 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Hiraishin on 23 June 2013 - 09:18 PM


How this exactly counter my argument i said that his love for her is not connected with his main goals, the gaara battle, protect your friends but it wasnt because of his love for Sakura ofc it plays a role but it's look like a whole, and then his objective there wasnt just to protect Sakura but also his friends and to show Gaara that he was wrong because Naruto felt that he and Gaara were the same( had the same past and etc)


About Itachi's speech, Itachi said he had Kushina and the others but Naruto think about everyone (all his friends) not someome in particular like Itachi, and from there states a difference on Naruto's, his personal desires wont affect his main goals, like fullfilling the promise and saving Sasuke or protecting his friends because in the end he will still be kage because he was acknowledged by everyone.

Naruto didnt pursued Sakura's acknowledgement romantic wise, yes there are panels when he think about it but he never put it to work.

unlike Sakura who pursued Sasuke and even tried to leave the village because of it, and Hinata which pretty much chose to die but later stopped pursuing Naruto.

Also about the confession thing is that there's no impact on Naruto confessing to Sakura rather than be a pairing moment, it's kinda obvious that this( if it happens) wont be a moment where she falls in love with him.
i'm not against a confession from him but there's no impact on his confession anymore.

In Naruto's battle with Gaara, the one who was in immediate danger was Sakura. If he didn't defeat Gaara, Gaara would kill her, while Sasuke's life wasn't in peril. Gaara wasn't attacking him or anything. Of course, Naruto wanted to protect Sasuke too, but his MAIN priority at that time was Sakura because, like I said, she was the one who Gaara was threatening to kill if he didn't beat him. Throughout his battle, he thought of Sakura, looking to her when he felt unsure of himself. And when he was about to be swallowed up by Shukaku's sand, he looks at Sakura, still trapped in the sand's clutches, and gains the strength to summon Gamabunta, and says, "I will protect Sakura-chan!!! No matter what!!" And he doesn't stop trying to defeat Gaara until he learns Sakura is okay; only then does he relax.



About Itachi's speech, Itachi said he had Kushina and the others but Naruto think about everyone (all his friends) not someome in particular like Itachi, and from there states a difference on Naruto's, his personal desires wont affect his main goals, like fullfilling the promise and saving Sasuke or protecting his friends because in the end he will still be kage because he was acknowledged by everyone.


That's because the main point of Itachi's speech is for Naruto not to forget about any of his friends, not just his love. I think if he would have thought of Sakura in particular it may have detracted from the scene. Plus it's war... he's got more important things on his mind at the moment (like saving the world).



Also about the confession thing is that there's no impact on Naruto confessing to Sakura rather than be a pairing moment, it's kinda obvious that this( if it happens) wont be a moment where she falls in love with him.

i'm not against a confession from him but there's no impact on his confession anymore.


I disagree. I think if Naruto were to confess to Sakura it would have a huge impact, including on Sakura. Of course, if he only said "I love you," then it wouldn't have that much effect because we (and Sakura) already know that, but all three other confessions in the series (Hinata's and both of Sakura's) had something more than just "I love you." In Hinata's and Sakura's to Naruto, they talked about how they kind of came to love him, and the impact he had on them, and in Sakura's to Sasuke, she talked about how much she loved him and how she wanted him to stay in Konoha, etc., etc. So if Naruto were to confess, I think he would talk about how much Sakura, individually, has done for him, and how much he appreciates her and cherishes her, and all that, which I think would help with Sakura's low opinion of herself, especially when it comes to Naruto ("The only things I can do for Naruto are so small," "I'm the one who's hurt him the most," and so on). Plus, it would have him openly showing affection for her, which we haven't had much of in Part II (because he thought she was in love with someone else). AND, it would add to the theme of "new generation surpassing the old," because while Obito didn't get a chance to confess his feelings to Rin, Naruto would (for Sakura).

#473083 Naruto 633

Posted by Hiraishin on 05 June 2013 - 09:55 AM

Does this mean Hinata has surpassed Neji with the twin lion fists? Good for her if she did.

Hell no. What makes you think that?

Also why do people think others are "scared" or something? No one is. We're just saying that Hinata constantly thinking about Naruto is annoying, geez.

#473067 Naruto 633

Posted by Hiraishin on 05 June 2013 - 09:47 AM

Am I the only one that feels like Team 8 is... lacking? Team 7 and Team 10 are complete in synch with their members, but Team 8 is out there doing solo-acts. I would have preferred to see a combo attack from them, but it looks like they're slacking in the teamwork department.

Agreed. Team 8 is just kind of... There. They're like barely a team tbh. Just goes to show how unimportant Team 8 (and subsequently Hinata) are to other characters/the plot.


It isn't that we are adverse to her receiving some acknowledgement in battle. The flaw with Hinata lies in her mentality. All she appears to do is fixate on Naruto without holding much regard for the other people in her life. What about offering her cousin gratitude as well for his sacrifice? Or her teammates for having always stood by her side? Does she not have any ambitions of her own like reconciling with her father and attempting to prove that she is capable of acting as the heiress of her clan? The one-dimensionality of her character is what many people become agitated by.

THIS. Exactly this. I don't care if Hinata shows up and does some cool moves, good for her. But her fixation on Naruto is really annoying and just unhealthy, to the point that she doesn't even seem to think of what others besides Naruto have done for her. She's more of a fangirl than Sakura ever was tbfh.

#472998 Naruto 633

Posted by Hiraishin on 05 June 2013 - 09:09 AM

Yeah, I expected to see the other teams. But where's Team Gai?

Kiba's attack was awesome! Shino's was great, too. And more Hinata->Naruto, cool, cool. You actually haven't "always been by his side," but ok.

And yeah, I agree with the others: it's annoying to see her still fawn over Naruto like this. You would think that by now she would have been a little more independent and not be so Naruto-centric, but I know better than to expect that. Is she going to have to think of Naruto every time she wants to do 64 palms?

Ino-Shika-Cho's combo attack was badass! But poor Sai man, he just immediately got shot down...

Sakura will probably have the slug split to heal people like Katsuyu did during the Pain arc. I hope she still fights, though. They look so cool on the last page~

#469023 Naruto 632

Posted by Hiraishin on 29 May 2013 - 10:32 AM


Hyakugou almost seems like the offensive version of Creation Rebirth/Byakugou.

In all three techniques you store chakra over a long period of time in a certain point, then release it, but instead of healing the user's injuries, like Creation Rebirth/Byakugou, the stored chakra greatly enhances the user's capabilities with Hyakugou.

This kinda seems like the medic nin's version of Sage Mode, in a way. As far as we know, Sakura doesn't have vast amounts of chakra, which is required to gather natural energy for sage mode. So instead she just releases a helluva lot of chakra to get a similar effect as SM. I still would like to see her one day get SSM, though.

I wonder if Tsunade can use Hyakugou. Since she's already incredibly strong to begin with, she probably figured she doesn't need something like that, whereas Sakura does, at least currently. And I also wonder if Sakura has the ability to use Creation Rebirth/Byakugou if she wanted to. I wouldn't want that, though, cause it would shorten her lifespan. Tsunade probably realised this too and forbade her to use it. It's not much of a problem for Tsunade since she's got Uzumaki AND Senju blood, so she has a long lifespan, but still... She looks really old. I wonder how many times Tsunade has used the technique.

Looking forward to seeing more of what Hyakugou-enhanced Sakura can do. Hopefully we'll see her using a combo attack (preferably with Naruto :fu: ).

...Ugh, I'm already anticipating 633. Dammit.

@Tauriel I really hope Sakura is on the cover of the volume! :wow: It's about time she gets that.
And yeah, I like how Naruto still reacts to Sakura right away, and still adores her~

#468731 Naruto 631

Posted by Hiraishin on 29 May 2013 - 07:59 AM

What I don't get is where is all the hate for Hinata for needing to be saved? Or Sasuke? Or Naruto for that matter? Neji died protecting him. You cover for your homies in a fight. Period.

EXACTLY. You hit the nail on the head.


Oh well. It sounds like Sakura's being awesome in this chapter, and will continue to be awesome in the next.



@Atheck You make a good point... I guess Kishimoto hadn't though this through, haha. Typical Kishi.