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#990124 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by LuckyChi7 on 14 July 2023 - 01:45 AM

Ya know more emphasis on the comedy, showcase Naruto's good well nature with everyone - > yes Sasuke & Hinata included... Definitely a huge lack of overused flashback.


Think like this... Naruto wants to become Hokage



let's explore what steps he has to take as a shinobi to become hokage, and no kittening detours....  Yeah "Saving Sasuke" for post- timeskip plotline looking at you lol 



It could be a goal, but not the primary goal of Part 2. 



Expand more upon the world building of the ninja world. 



the history of Shinobi could be like an ancient myth that once existed, but no one's been able to prove of its existence. 



Let's take Gol D. Roger for example... he started an era on the day of his execution.




So in conjunction with that lets say use Tailed beasts for example.... say that their regarded as myths throughout the world, and only a rare select individuals know of their existence.



They wouldn't be exclusive to just near by villages.... in my opinion I feel that severely diminished the scope of the world of Naruto.




I think you could have it to where they can throughout each continent of the world, and they can be in locations that even anbu black ops would have a hard time knowing they actually existed. 


Essentially make them like mythological creatures no one has ever seen for centuries and centuries before Naruto's era.




Much like how Gol D. Roger ushered an into an new age of pirates in One Piece.....  




The night The Nine Tails attacked the Leaf Village in that sense could kickstart a new era of Shinobi in search of these Mythological creatures. 





I'll take it a step further,.... The 5 great nations...  we visit Sand village for example, but instead of just getting a brief overview... we actually see how people live their lifestyle, their culture, and how they differ from The Leaf Village. 


You could do the same thing with the Stone,  Cloud, and Mist Village too. 




You explore how distinct the shinobi are in each village. 








Something along those lines.

#990060 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by LuckyChi7 on 07 July 2023 - 12:04 AM

I just hope I can make it.


It would be a lot of fun to have you on for the next one!

#990053 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by LuckyChi7 on 06 July 2023 - 02:47 PM

The manga adaptation of Kaika Saisei is very, very good. Looks official. I'm going to adopt it as the official Naruto canon ending. 

But the absolute BS Chatte had to go through to get it hosted in the first place. I follow her on twitter and it was a nightmare. NH/SS fans are just as insane as they were before Naruto ended, if not more. I guess they can't stand the very thought that a fan might produce something way more believable and amazing that doesn't include their burning dumpster fire of ships. They dogpiled on the host sites and mass reported it even though it did not break any rules.
Nearly 10 years later and NaruSaku lives rent free in their brains, completely and utterly threatened over the fact that their relationship was so nearly perfect that to this day, it stomps NH/SS into the ground despite NH/SS being ""canon"".

They can't convince me otherwise. They're either threatened by a ship that can't hurt them or they're so obsessed and butthurt even though Studio Pierrot practically spoon feeds them everything they could ever want (even though the rest of the story (Burrito) has been reduced to a 12 year old's Naruto fanfiction) they know deep down NaruSaku was almost canon and is the objectively better ship amongst the three. 
Oooooor they're loveless NEETs with nothing better to do with their life and time. Pretty sad tbh. 
They scream, cry and throw tantrums at NaruSaku fans on twitter non-stop. I wonder if their parents are aware their 10 year olds are posting on twitter...


I agree Chatte didn't deserve to go through any of that on twitter, and I practically see what goes on over there on a daily at least once which... it's ridiculous to see what kind of nonsense goes down there. 



The fact that they continue to do  the things that they did is just infuriating, but it's something that doesn't really surprise me anymore these days. 


it's not just with Narusaku fans either,  I feel like EreHisu (my AoT pairing)  gets treated the same way by EreMika fans and I was like.... this is turning into Naruto all over again.


Not anyone here of course, but EreMika fans I feel have the same entitled immature takes that NH/SS fans have been giving NS fans over the years. They feel so threatened over Attack on Titan No Requiem which is a harmless fan project by people who weren't happy with the ending and wanted a satasfactory ending with Eren's Character conclusion in the same vein as Naruto's character conclusion. 


So when I saw the kind of backlash Chatte was getting with her Kaika Saisei project the only thing running through my mind was.... you guys (NH/SS & EMs < - Ending Defenders) can't seem to let other people have fun in their own safe space. 

#990014 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by LuckyChi7 on 03 July 2023 - 11:47 PM

A question I want to ask all of you if you were the writer of Naruto, when would you have Naruto and Sakura hook up if you didn't have to place it at the ending?



there would be two spots I could think of which would be either at the end of the pain arc, or like just before Naruto leaves for turtle Island when Sakura tells him about Tsunade's condition! 

#989975 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by LuckyChi7 on 01 July 2023 - 10:15 PM

Im more so curious to learn about his origins. I dont necessarily see it as a bad thing to do a prequel so long as you feel there is a story to be told.

While yes, this was only because of the 99p votes is why were getting this Minato 1-shot.

But lets not forgot that Kishi did express interest in doing a Minato Gaiden story in the past.

I can imagine depending on how the reception is to this 1 shot, it can to a Gaiden volume length story.

Now will it be good? Thats the question we should be asking ourselves.

Personally, Im just curious about it more than I am excited about the story.

#989913 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by LuckyChi7 on 22 June 2023 - 06:41 AM

Ugh, I can't believe someone actually compared Juvia's feelings for Gray with freakin' Hinata and Sakura's "love" for their husbands by saying that their feelings are "pure", not obsessive.  Yeah, I'm pretty sure that Juvia wouldn't actively neglect the emotional and physical well-being of any children that she and Gray will have to purely focus on him, nor would she contemplate sacrificing innocent people for a unholy ritual just to be with him forever if either of them died. Girl is over-the-top when it comes to how she displays her love for Gray, but she actually does have solid principles and values and cares dearly for others outside of her love interest.  
Not to mention the fact that unlike Hinata and Sakura, her man genuinely reciprocates her feelings without needing to be guilt-tripped by a goddamned illusion or stalked and harassed into complicity.

I feel as though people will come up with anything to make comparisons to Hinata and Sakura and the fact that they trying to connect it to Juvia is honestly hilarious. Its like they cant separate character archetype vs the development of her character. Juvia is over the top when it comes to her feelings for Gray like you said, but she does also have her own set of principles and desires in the series of Fairy Tail.

I definitely feel thats something a lot of people need to realize about Juvia and she has over both Sakura & Hinata as female characters.

#989908 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by LuckyChi7 on 21 June 2023 - 08:11 AM

He shouldve had the same reaction he gave to Nagato towards the end of the pain arc!

#989895 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by LuckyChi7 on 19 June 2023 - 01:16 PM

Same here I still like the fan art done by NaruSaku fans which I still see, but many of us have left onto better things many of us are here to see it burn and mainly we are all friends and like to talk to each other.

Im honestly in the same came when it comes to Naruto these days. A lot of what I love comes from the fanom side of things. What was in canon really makes my eyes roll especially with sasusaku and the rushed anti-climatic ending.

Theres so much in Naruto in particular with Part 2 that I believe is the definition of wasted potential including the Kazekage Rescue Arc to Pain Arc which I still like, but there were definitely sections in that gap which couldve been expanded upon in the narrative.

Like I wouldve loved if we got an arc that settled on Naruto going through grief and sorrow after he went 4 tails during Tenchi bridge and him accidentally hurting Sakura.

The development I think it couldve given Naruto if he doesnt feel safe being around the people important to him especially Sakura.

We know how open he was with Sakura from Part 1 and during that portion in Part 2, but imagine if we had her finding it a little weird that hes dodging practically everyone and she confronts him about whats wrong. Then he reveals to her about being afraid about what he did and feels keeping a distance will keep her and the others safe from him.

Id imagine Sakura being the one to a tap on the cheek telling Naruto keeping a distance isnt gonna change anything. I know youre feeling hurt Naruto, but dont let that bother you. Im still here and always will. My life would be so different if you werent apart of it!

Something along those lines!

I do totally agree that for the most part weve moved onto better things, but the important thing that keeps this place alive is that were all still friends and love to talk to each other!

#989825 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by LuckyChi7 on 14 June 2023 - 03:48 PM

There are many ways in which Sasukes story arc couldve been handled in the grand scheme of part 2 especially after the 2nd half of the timeskip!

#989722 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by LuckyChi7 on 06 June 2023 - 07:14 AM

From what I could gather, most of the NH fandom were horny teens who just liked Hinata because of her "assets." Chances are, they either just don't care anymore, or most of them have grown up and realized in hindsight Sakura was far superior. I've noticed there has been a lot more Sakura defenders lately, so I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of them re-read the series and realized they were played. 

Id definitely agree with that 100%

Its certainly for the better that many people are recognizing Sakuras character more and more now!

#989705 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by LuckyChi7 on 03 June 2023 - 01:29 PM

  Ok... was the flashback during the scene when Naruto and Hinata were connected by a genjutsu sequence? Or was it introduced at a later point in the movie?

The one where he attempted to do The Shadow Clone Jutsu was at the beginning of the movie including the whole hypothesis from Iruka on if the moon were to fall <- at the beginning of the movie.

But it does come back around when Naruto & Hinata were connected via genjutsu!

#989695 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by LuckyChi7 on 02 June 2023 - 12:00 PM

It was The Last

#989569 Black Clover

Posted by LuckyChi7 on 20 May 2023 - 01:24 AM

Woah... That was a chapter... Holy!!!   Love seeing Noelle get her continuous support and development!  

#989284 How Kishimoto could have made Sakura popular

Posted by LuckyChi7 on 25 April 2023 - 09:44 PM

There was one little story element from the Sakura hidan novel when I read it a long time ago, but essentially it was that Sakura opened and vouched for for the first children's hospital in Konoha. 



I think for the most part you could keep how she was in Part 1 the same,  slowly showcase her witnessing the sufferings that children (particularly orphans) go through and by the time Sasuke leaves the village and how much hell Naruto went through just to get her back...


perhaps you could show her expressing a huge interest in having an infinity for children. It could be like during one of Naruto's recovery segments at the hospital and you have some kids sneaking around to see Sakura... which could prompt her to mess around with them and have a good time. 



Long story short,   She wants to be aspire young kids to do their best and move forward.     



Definitely think that could really boost her character and making her more likable....  what do you guys think? 

#989272 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by LuckyChi7 on 23 April 2023 - 09:18 PM

I don't want NS to happen after all this because I want NS to be part of a good story. 



Honestly, I'm of the same mind set with the rate things are currently going in the fandom and recent developments in the story.    I'm honestly glad that NaruSaku didn't become canon. 



Fanom is obviously one of the best things about our community because we know how the characters truly are, the development, and everything.