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#509873 Naruto 661

Posted by Nostradamus on 15 January 2014 - 08:02 AM

not surprised, lol.

but this

my child?


#506773 Naruto 657

Posted by Nostradamus on 09 December 2013 - 11:45 PM

He fought DMS kabuto before taking on the jubbito(Stronger than Madara) and with Naruto took it down. I am not saying Sasuke is on Madara's level but its not like this was a fair fight, yes Madara is blind but he is also 100% fully rested.

To tell you the truth what really annoyed me was Orochimaru's line "Sasuke has the potential to surpass Madara" to which I was like "Yeah right that's complete bs". Now it's truth that Sasuke is still young and doesn't have the battle experience that Madara has but to say that Sasuke can surpass Madara is laughable. And this is based upon everything we saw until this point. If I'm not mistaking Sasuke has only own two fights in his life the one with Yoroi and the one with Naruto, the rest of his fights he either gets his ass saved by someone or the plot demands for him to "win" the fight even though it's obvious that he was completely outmatched. With Madara we saw that he is really strong and the only one that can defeat him is Hashirama. And in this war Madara was just toying around with everyone, he never took it seriously. Only now we're going to see what he is really capable of, hopefully he doesn't disappoint.

#504600 Naruto 655

Posted by Nostradamus on 17 November 2013 - 04:31 PM


Of course, but the means of getting the souls out of the Death Reaper was only discovered by the Uzumaki clan. I am sure that they tried hiding this fact of what they found which explains why noone, but Orochimaru who was obsessed with learning everything, could find it.

You do realize that you're making excuses for Kishi's bad writing, right?

#504455 Death Battle: Superman vs Goku.

Posted by Nostradamus on 16 November 2013 - 03:05 PM

All I have to say is this :


or this




#500625 Naruto 651

Posted by Nostradamus on 18 October 2013 - 08:16 PM

To be honest I really hope this war ark comes to an end soon. It's been over 100 chapters since this bloody war started and it's boring, annoying, dull and repetetive. For example how many times did Obito say the world will end and Naruto saying the world won't end?

At the end of the previous chapter when I saw Kurama combining with Susanno I face palmed because I saw the foreshadowing when Madara did it and I was hoping it's just Kishi showing how much of a bad-ass Madara is, and I was really hoping Sasuke and Naruto will not combine forces because that will make Sasuke "good", remember Sasuke wanted to destroy Konoha back then.

Moving along to this chapter now I can't take the rookies seriously anymore, they were laughable. They were really minions. Naruto basically looked at them and said "Hmm what can these weaklings do to help? I now I will create 9 Rasengans then I will put my minions to push them into the shield." I'm glad that Sakura wasn't part of it. But enough complaining, what I really liked about this chapter was how Kurama looked with that Susanno armor, for the first time since we saw the Tailed Beasts, I can actually call this thing a Beast.

#497633 Naruto 649

Posted by Nostradamus on 02 October 2013 - 01:00 PM


That girl has a one track mind, its getting sort of annoying.

It's getting sort of annoying? It began to be annoying years ago.

But it's expected because this has and most likely always be Hinata's character "Naruto-kun, Naruto-kun, Naruto-kun" and middle finger to everyone else. It's all that she has, it's sad but hey what can you do?

#496402 Naruto 648

Posted by Nostradamus on 25 September 2013 - 08:14 PM

Really boring chapter. Also Sasuke has the potential to surpass Madara, yeah right. :lol:  So the guy who got humiliated by Bee, ended the fight between him and Deidara with a draw but Deidara decided to blow himself up and Sasuke only managed to survive because well he is an Uchiha therefore he always wins. Then barely survived the fight he had with Itachi even though Itachi was sick not to mention the fact that Itachi controlled the entire fight. Then at the Kage summit Sasuke got his ass owned by the Kages. So yeah Sasuke really has the potential to surpass even the Rikudou Sennin even the God Tree. :zaru:

So get ready Ladies and Gentlemen for some major asspulls in the future because they're coming.

#495067 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Nostradamus on 19 September 2013 - 08:49 PM

@HauntedCake It's not the fact that Naruto didn't get the message. He got the message when Hinata confessed, he just doesn't view her in that light. And some people need to accept that and stop making excuses. Like Naruto is to stupid to understand Hinata's feelings or Naruto already is in love with Hinata or that he will fall for her at one point and any other excuse you can think of.

#493276 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Nostradamus on 13 September 2013 - 12:46 PM

This is exactly it.  This was a way to close (or enter the final stages of wrapping of) both Neji and Hinata's characters.  Hinata's speech revolved around Neji and Naruto's nindo, and I think Hinata was the best person to talk to Naruto about both of these things.  It in no way makes Hinata the heroine, especially after Kishi specifically stated in an interview that Sakura was the heroine, despite other fans thinking Hinata might be a better one.


As much as I hate 615 because Naruto's character was degraded in order to make Hinata look good, a character had to die in order for Hinata to get her shining moment and on and on. I agree Hinata was the best person to give that speech. Because Hinata is the one in love with Naruto's nindo. She knows nothing about him expect that he never gives up.

#491778 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Nostradamus on 06 September 2013 - 12:01 AM

but what about Naruto's life and what about Naruto's feelings .? Naruto had a worser life than Sasuke , at least Sasuke actually seen his mom and probably dad for some years , at least he had recognition and wasn't suffering from lonliness . And last Hinata's infatuation with naruto should not even be compared to Naruto's TRUE FEELINGS OF LOVE . Naruto deserves his happiness (being Hokage and getting Sakura) and to be honest and no bashing but Sasuke needs to kill himself and Hinata needs to get a life  . 

I'm sorry but do you really believe this story is about Naruto? What are you high? Let me tell man it's not about Naruto, it's about Sasuke being the best and restoring his clan and this story also has a love part. The romance in this story is about the most beautiful fairytale princess the world has ever seen Hinata Hyuga and she must defeat the evil witch of the story Sakura Haruno in order to win the heart of some guy called Naruto.



Sorry about that but I needed to do that. The problem is the majority of fans actually think like that, of course I've exaggerated but you get the idea. Now I'm not saying all the NH/Sasuke fans are like that but the ones that I've encountered are pretty close to the exaggeration that I've made above.





Yes, I don't blame them for wanting the best for their favorite characters--there's nothing wrong with that, but sometimes the way they act is just a bit... much. They certainly are the louder parts of the fandom that's for sure hahaha.


There is nothing wrong with wanting the best for your favorite character. That's understandable. But I've never understood the Hinata fans, instead of wanting her to grow up and be a great ninja, be awesome etc. they want her to get Naruto which means absolutely nothing for her character. As for the Sasuke fans well they are just :twitch: .






So by their arguments we could safely say that Naruto deserves Sakura and the Hokage seat ,because hm lets see , not only was she loathed and despised from the villagers but he didn't have one friend . I'm starting to see a skewed pattern here ,

Hinata loved Naruto from behind a tree ,but did she do anything to save him from his despair then? Nope.




For them it doesn't matter that Hinata did nothing for Naruto when he was alone. When I told them about this, they said that I'm a hater and an idiot and I don't understand Hinata's character.

#491260 Naruto 645

Posted by Nostradamus on 04 September 2013 - 08:05 AM

It actually has begun.

Let me enlighten you!


Apparently we lost our biggest argument


Oh God. Not this again. What is so difficult to understand that Naruto is a combination between Minato and Kushina. He is not 100% like Minato and he is not 100% like Kushina, he gets traits from both of his parents. The Sakura-Kushina parallel still stands strong. 

#487846 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Nostradamus on 19 August 2013 - 09:51 PM

I have a question for all of you. Is there a another "Naruto" manga that I'm not aware of? Aren't we all following the same story?

I say this because I've been reading comments on the viz forum and I feel like I'm following a different story. So aren't we all following the story in which Naruto is like Minato and Kushina (he is a combination between them) and Sakura is like Kushina, and Hinata is nothing like Kushina or Minato. And Naruto is attracted to Sakura not Hinata, and Sakura doesn't trust Sasuke and on and on. Or am I just delusional? And none of those things are in the story. :headscratch:

#485770 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Nostradamus on 07 August 2013 - 10:49 PM

Guys and girls of course, I'm still alive and I've posted my newest rant under Icha Icha Narusaku. It's called "My rant 2.0". Hope you enjoy it.

#485769 My Rant 2.0

Posted by Nostradamus on 07 August 2013 - 10:41 PM

I'm back everyone. And here is my latest rant, the one that I promised a long time ago. Why didn't I post this sooner? Well s*** happens. But better late then never, right? Anyway enjoy.


Part 1


Part 2


Part 3


Part 4


Part 5


Part 6


Part 7


Part 8


Part 9


I'm bending the rules a bit, I hope no one minds.

If you want to download the text file you can find it here https://mega.co.nz/#!7R0UnLhI!O-SEBjlFE60LA2As-VyaWhrxPrU9tcgdP7JuFogXyN4 but in order to open it you need Microsoft Word or something that can read docx files.


PS. Special thanks to the lovely Georgiana for posting my original rant on her tumblr account. 


#474952 Naruto Shippuden: Road To Ninja

Posted by Nostradamus on 11 June 2013 - 02:23 AM

The Taka version came out you can download it from here http://www.takafansubs.com/ or if you don't want to use torrents or don't know how to use them, I've uploaded the movie to Mega.


Here is the link for 720p aka HD - https://mega.co.nz/#!KB8VETjb!C1GZxgU7es20xdgDb8tfFyPXRewvRx4Nz49Qll2oYVE


and here is the link for 1080p aka Full HD - https://mega.co.nz/#!CJ0zRZJC!CD8StGscz5z6y1XobmQ1GCwpQQEuqlzk0B6ifTrxOsY


I recommend you use Google Chrome for downloading and Media Player Classic Home Cinema for playback. Some players may have problems playing the video.


Oh and copy the link and paste it in the address bar and hit enter.