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Member Since 04 Jun 2014
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#556251 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Illnevergiveup3 on 01 August 2014 - 05:09 AM

Can somebody help me counter what this person said:
"I love how everyone ignores the fact that Sasuke is the sole reason Sakura is the kunoichi she is today. She wanted to contribute more in team 7 because he pointed out her lack of help. And when he left, he was her drive to become stronger. Every time she fails, she thinks of Sasuke and somehow finds the will to carry on. Naruto's role was rather minor and actually caused some guilt..
Food for thought."also
"What would Sakura have to work towards if she was never criticized by Sasuke? Before he said anything, she was conceited and had herself on a high pedestal. He pointed out that she wasn't contributing much (she wasn't in part 1), and she changed because of it. All of Sakura's missions in part 2 revolved around either going after Sasuke, or obtaining information on Sasuke. Naruto's a factor because she didn't want him to have to go through the trouble on her behalf for something she feels that's her responsibility to do. Why? Because she clearly loves the guy.
He's a pretty big part of it all."

lol this guy obviously is reading a whole different manga, how many times has Sakura-Chan though of BOTH Naruto and Sasuke and as a matter of the reason why she became the Kunoichi she is today is because of Naruto and because she didn't want Naruto to undergo everything along, and the fact that NARUTO supports her and I think she even said it was NARUTO THAT WAS HER SOURCE OF DETERMINATION if I ain't mistaken lol. And also it was seeing Naruto hurt and seeing how determined he was in the hospital, with his words, "I'll never give up Sakura-Chan, I'll bring Sasuke back I never go back on my word."

#551233 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Illnevergiveup3 on 23 July 2014 - 02:33 PM

I highly doubt Kishi will leave it at open ending, but if he does I ain't Fina read his future work no more because what he did was kitten .

#545861 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Illnevergiveup3 on 12 July 2014 - 10:05 PM

could the reason why Naruto never gives up is because he follows his heart and doesn't let his mind mess him up ?

#543574 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Illnevergiveup3 on 04 July 2014 - 08:36 PM

there are different type of love . The reason why Naruto's love grew is because his love is pure and unconditional . He expects nothing in return from her no matter what and that's who he put his mind too , he wants to be with her and he knows it in his soul and heart that she's the definite one .

#543122 Yondaime Rant

Posted by Illnevergiveup3 on 02 July 2014 - 06:00 PM

That doesn't necessarily make someone Australian... XD

sorry if I sound like I'm using stereotypes , but I associate the word mate with Australians .

#538491 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Illnevergiveup3 on 17 June 2014 - 10:05 PM

It's the biggest problem and it's one that's not even against NS on top of that it's contradicting and makes Sakura's NS moments less impactful up until that point, it sure doesn't make her confession look very genuine either.

I think you need to cut down on the Pepsi and start drinking more Sprite . Sprite show you the real kitten . Sprite makes you see underneath the underneath .

#535866 I feel like kishimoto has screwed up on the whole romance drama in naruto

Posted by Illnevergiveup3 on 07 June 2014 - 12:05 PM

All Naruto needs is his Sakura-Chan to be happy😄 but yeah , I mean I think Kishi is seriously messing them up as well because he seems to backtrack on whatever development Naruto and Sakura-Chan goes through together sometimes. Kishi has killed off Sasusaku and NaruHina so many times and then he for some reason brings them back to life for no reason. He needs to keep them dead and continue developing NaruSaku and finally make Sakura-Chan realize her true love for Naruto so they can be together forever:-)

#535819 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Illnevergiveup3 on 07 June 2014 - 04:26 AM

I don't think Sakura-Chan ever loved Sasuke . I mean a lot of people claimed they love they boyfriend or girlfriend but a lot don't even know what love is . Some think love is instant and some think love happens after sex . Once you truly fall in love you don't ever fall out of it . Sakura-Chan barely even got to know Sasuke and treated her like kitten so I don't know why Kishi made her feel like she loves Sasuke it's kind of strange considering the situation between her and Sasuke . Maybe it was for plot reasons she had feelings for Sasuke but it definitely wasn't love . What Naruto has is true unconditional love and it developed over time and getting to know her more than just her looks . He will always love her no matter what . That's my opinion . I'm in love with a girl I have been for over 5 years and like Naruto I won't give up on her no matter what . We aren't together yet but one day I feel like I'll get a chance . But that's not why I love her , I love her because she's her and all her qualities and personality and integrity and it's the same for Naruto .