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Member Since 15 Apr 2011
Offline Last Active Jun 06 2024 10:23 PM

#488240 Finally here :)

Posted by Phantom_999 on 22 August 2013 - 03:36 AM

Hi Welcome to Heaven and Earth!!! I hope you Enjoy it here!!  :D  :wink:

#487039 ~Sakura's Blog~

Posted by Phantom_999 on 16 August 2013 - 05:36 AM

How's everything going Sakura!? Is you recovery going well? I hope you get well soon!!  :love:  :lol:  

#486425 Berserk (aka Adventures of Badass Guts!)

Posted by Phantom_999 on 12 August 2013 - 12:43 AM

Yeah I would Like Berserk SO MUCH more if the updates were more frequent. Although the GutsXCasca outcome was kind of tragic too. But yeah anyways this hiatus is killing my liking of the series right now. (Kind of like High School of the Dead) The anti-heroism also has a nice feel to it too. :smile:

#484491 J-Stars victory V.S.

Posted by Phantom_999 on 02 August 2013 - 02:55 AM



An New SJ Stars Game!!!!!


Confirmed Series:


One Piece 


Dragon Ball

Rurouni Kenshin


And some Police series (whose Name I've forgotten)

#483151 Naruto's future Child

Posted by Phantom_999 on 24 July 2013 - 05:22 PM

Uh well actually Akira is not anti-social or stoic like Sasuke. I was thinking of a similarity to Minato. sort of. Anyways I assure you he is not a jerk. I am happy that people like my fanfic though. :lol: But if anything I COULD write an alterate fanfic where Yuuki and Shunamori get together. :D

#482958 Ino Yamanaka appretiation tread.

Posted by Phantom_999 on 23 July 2013 - 11:11 PM

Yeah it's not a bad thing. And yeah She shows that girls can care about appearances and not be mean and condescending about it. Although you're defending her femininity, not her superficiality. I never said it was bad to be girly. I do like that about her too. I was talking about that time she was stereotyping about how all guys and girls prefer each other skinny to Choji. She wasn't being mean about it, but made it sound like an absolute, which it isn't. That was only in Part I by the way. Maybe I stated my mind wrong. Oh and the fact that that she pursued Sasuke based on appearances like many other girls, which is a bit superficial. But she seems to have grown out of it  too, like Sakura so that's what I meant. But anyways make no mistake, I like Ino's character. Those were just my personal thoughts on her nothing more. If I did not like her character I would say so albeit without bashing.

#482548 Would Sakura ever be tempted to cheat on Naruto?

Posted by Phantom_999 on 21 July 2013 - 04:22 PM

Okay, all say Sakura would not cheat. And It is true. No indication of infidelity in the story even for comedy or lightheartedness. No more need for discussion. chances are the thread will be closed. 

#481289 Naruto's future Child

Posted by Phantom_999 on 15 July 2013 - 05:47 AM

No the Naruto and Sakura in Yuuki's world passed on already.


Well anyways here's part 3


Battle against Meido's Dawn part 3


Naruto: Urgghh........ Ow, my head............. * Opens his eyes* what was that? YUUKI!!!!!  *runs over to her* Yuuki!!! Open your eyes, Yuuki!!!

Yuuki: Uhhh.... Uhhhh....... Papa?
Naruto: Yuuki!!! Are you hurt anywhere!?
Yuuki: No, I don't think so. Ow!! My head......
Naruto: Yuuki! You could've been killed........... :sad:
Yuuki: I......I....... I'm sorry papa......*tearing up* I-it's just that I saw that flame and I panicked and.... and.........
Naruto: No-No! I'm not mad at you! *hugs her* I understand why and I don't blame you, but you scared me........ I don't want you to die either..... okay? *pats her head*
Yuuki: *drying her tears* Okay.
Naruto: but MAN that was something!!!! Who taught you to do that!?
Yuuki: I... I don't know. My mind went blank when I thought I would lose you again and it just ..........happened.
Naruto: Well whatever it was it Saved me!!!  You were amazing Yuuki!!!  :D
Yuuki: Thank you, papa.......  :happy:  
Naruto: So how do we find Sakura-chan and Misato?
Yuuki: hmm......
*A boy calls out*
boy: YUU-CHAN!!!!!
Yuuki: Eh? shu-kun? SHU-KUN!!!!!!!! :woot: *Hugs the boy* What are you doing here!!??
Boy: I was worried. So I followed you.
Naruto: thinking *HUH??????????????* Yuuki! Is this- *thinking* He looks JUST LIKE-
Yuuki: Oh right I forgot. Papa, this is my best friend since we were kids, Uchiha Shunamori-kun. :happy:
Naruto: HUUUUUUUUUUH!!!!!!?????? Sasuke got married too!!!!?????
Shunamori: Yeah. Good to see you again Naruto-ojisan. And did you always overreact like that?
Naruto: *thinking* he TALKS like Sasuke........ Well anyways how did you find us here?
Shunamori: I followed you. I saw what happened. Yuu-chan, were you always able to do that?
Yuuki: No. it  just happened.
Shunamori: Hmm. Strange.......
Naruto: Well anyways let's find Sakura-chan and Misato then.
Shunamori: Yeah I saw them get blasted off that way. We'll find Sakura oba-san and Misato, Yuu-chan. *forms seal* BYAKUGAN!!!!!
Naruto: HUH!!!!!????? :jawdrop:  *thinking* D-Don't tell me that....... *out loud* Shunamori. is your mom- 
Shunamori: Yeah. Hyuuga Hinata.
Naruto: :zomg: *thinking* No way....... *out loud* How did THAT happen?
Shunamori: You think they're the type to talk about it?
Naruto: Right......... anyways do you see them yet? 
Shunamori: Not yet getting close though.
Yuuki: So Shu-kun, how're things back at home? Is everyone alright?
Shunamori: Yeah, more or less. Or were you talking about Amatsu Akira? 
Yuuki: W-W-W-W-What!!?? What brought him up? *blushing*
Shunamori: Well you're always staring at him.
Yuuki: I-I-I do not!!!!!! *blushes heavily*
 Naruto: OOOH!? You like someone Yuuki?  :hehehe:
Yuuki: N-NO!!!!!!!! *Muttering* Stupid Shu-kun........
Shunamori:  Oh. My mistake then. He got captured by the way.
Yuuki: WHAT!!!??? NO!!!!! What happened to him!!!!???? is my Akira-kun alright- AAH!!!! *claps both hands over her mouth*
Naruto: My Akira????  :chuckle:  
Shunamori: I was kidding Yuu-chan.
Yuuki: SHU-KUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rawr:
Shunamori: Now was that so hard to admit? We're best friends. You could at least tell me that much.
Yuuki: *grumble* *whispers* STILL!! did you have to mention him in front of Papa!!??
Shunamori: *Whispers back* I don't think it would hurt. Unless he is overprotective and would gut the guy at first sight.....
Yuuki: WHA-!!! DON'T SAY SUCH THINGS!!!!!!! 
Naruto: What are you two talking about???
Shunamori and Yuuki: Nothing......
Shunamori:  *whispers* Besides Yuu-chan, he is not the same man here. you know that right?
Yuuki: Yes...... But I still see him as my Papa because he said he wouldn't leave me alone anymore. *smiles softly* 
Shuunamori: I see. I hope that he  keeps that promise then.
Naruto: Found them yet?
Shunamori: Yeah over there.
Reaching Sakura
Sakura: Ah!! Naruto!!!! Yuuki-chan!!!!
Naruto: Sakura-chan!!!
Yuuki: Mama!!!!
Sakura: *runs over* Sweetie, are you alright!!?? *hugs Yuuki*
Yuuki: Yes. A bump on the head but that's it.
Sakura: Oh! that's a pretty bad bump........ *heals it* Alright it seems okay, but be sure to take it easy and get some rest later we're not sure if it's concussive.
Yuuki: Okay.
Sakura: Naruto, are you hurt?
Naruto: I'm fine. What about you?
Sakura: I'm alright. It's Nothing too bad. I still want to make sure you're fine though. Here, let me see......
Shunamori: Sakura Oba-san. It's good to see you.
Sakura: Eh? Who's this? Wait is he Sasuke-kun's son from Yuuki-chan's world?
Naruto: Yeah. you'll never guess who the mom is though. :D
Sakura: Hmm? Really?
Misato: Naruto-sama!!! Ojou-sama!!!!
Yuuki: Misato!!
Misato: *puts his hands on her shoulders* Are you alright Ojou-sama?
Yuuki: Yes Shu-kun came here too!!
Misato: What? Shinamori-kun??
Shunamori: Misato. Good to see you again.
Misato: What are you doing here Shunamori-kun?
Shunamori: I was looking for Yuu-chan. So I followed you through here. I made sure no one followed me.
Misato: Are you sure?
Shunamori: It wouldn't make any difference. Meido's Dawn seemed to already be aware of the gate.
Misato: Hmm.
Sakura: Huh. Sasuke-kun's Son was worried about Yuuki-chan? Are they-
Naruto: No they're childhood best friends apparently. beside Yuuki likes someone else.
Sakura: OOOH?  :fu:
Yuuki: Papa!!!!  
Naruto: Oh, alright. She'll tell you herself.
Sakura: Promise?  :lulz:
Yuuki: Promise. :happy:
Misato: Well, in any case, we must get to the sand Village with haste We'e not sure how they will attack next but now we can guess why they are after Ojou-sama. it probably has something to do with what happened to Naruto-sama back there.
Naruto: Yeah we need to find shelter for now. Let's go
Sakura: Yes. Come, Yuuki-chan, Shunamori-kun.
Yuuki and Shunamori: Okay!
To be Continued........

#480293 Naruto's future Child

Posted by Phantom_999 on 07 July 2013 - 11:01 PM

Well I'll be doing a part 3 preview then. I'll be introducing a new character.  :cool:


Naruto: Urgghh........ Ow, my head............. * Opens his eyes* what was that? YUUKI!!!!!  *runs over to her* Yuuki!!! Open your eyes, Yuuki!!!

Yuuki: Uhhh.... Uhhhh....... Papa?

Naruto: Yuuki!!! Are you hurt anywhere!?

Yuuki: No, I don't think so.

Naruto: Yuuki! You could've been killed........... :sad:

Yuuki: I......I....... I'm sorry papa......*tearing up* I-it's just that I saw that flame and I panicked and.... and.........

Naruto: No-No! I'm not mad at you! *hugs her* I understand why and I don't blame you, but you scared me........ I don't want you to die either..... okay? *pats her head*

Yuuki: *drying her tears* Okay.

Naruto: but MAN that was something!!!! Who taught you to do that!??? :wow:  

Yuuki: I... I don't know. My mind went blank when I thought I would lose you again and it just ..........happened. :unsure:

Naruto: Well whatever it was it Saved me!!! :D You were amazing Yuuki!!!

Yuuki: Thank you, papa....... :happy:

Naruto: So how do we find Sakura-chan and Misato?

Yuuki: hmm......


*A boy calls out*

boy: YUU-CHAN!!!!!

Yuuki: Eh? shu-kun? SHU-KUN!!!!!!!! :woot: *Hugs the boy* What are you doing here!!??

Boy: I was worried. So I followed you.

Naruto: thinking *HUH??????????????* Yuuki! Is this- *thinking* He looks JUST LIKE-

Yuuki: Oh right I forgot. Papa, this is my best friend since we were kids, Uchiha Shunamori-kun. :happy:

Naruto: HUUUUUUUUUUH!!!!!!?????? Sasuke got married too!!!!?????

Shunamori: Yeah. Good to see you again Naruto-ojisan. And did you always overreact like that?

Naruto: *thinking* he TALKS like Sasuke........ Well anyways how did you find us here.

Shunamori: I followed you I saw what happened. Yuu-chan, were you always able to do that?

Yuuki: No. it  just happened.

Shunamori: Hmm. Strange.......

Naruto: Well anyways let's find Sakura-chan and Misato then.

Shunamori: Yeah I saw them get blasted off that way. We'll find Sakura oba-san and Misato, Yuu-chan. *forms seal* BYAKUGAN!!!!!

Naruto: HUH!!!!!?????  :jawdrop:*thinking* D-Don't tell me that-


And that was all I could come up with on the spot. :P And  NO Yuuki and Shunamori are not a couple. :roll: they are best friends. That's it.  :cool:  

#474374 NaruSaku Moments You Wish Happened?

Posted by Phantom_999 on 08 June 2013 - 08:18 PM

I wished that moment where Sakura was going to feed Naruto was NOT interrupted.... -___- and by Sai no less.

#472353 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Phantom_999 on 03 June 2013 - 11:38 PM

Hey guys I found the perfect Song for NaruSaku when they confess to each other. :P



#452917 Sakura Haruno appreciation tread.

Posted by Phantom_999 on 11 April 2013 - 12:08 AM

I love Sakura. One of my favorite Characters. Nothing else needs to be said. smile.gif

#417882 The WII U!!!!!

Posted by Phantom_999 on 23 November 2012 - 03:52 AM

*Shrugs* I don't care about the graphics potential as a deciding factor to get a console. Cause to me, if that's all that decides the worth of a console than I might as well stare at the game on the screen all day and do nothing else, because it is no different than saying what matters at all is a pretty picture. I care about the innovation of the console controls and quality of the games and that is where preference comes in. And besides I'm Definitely getting the next Smash game. smile.gif