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#681456 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by xxRomanceGirlxx on 02 December 2014 - 03:53 AM

I like how this all revolves around Hinata.  Like she's the heroine or even the main character. Like Naruto could never be loved by anyone else. Like it's her feelings that matter more than anything and that she's only person worthy of Naruto, screw that b*tch Sakura. Like how she gets one of those asspull power-ups Naruto and Sasuke got, but Sakura---the actual heroine---gets nothing. Like how they paint Hinata as kicked puppy who needs to be sympathized with instead of growing a damn backbone and pursuing what she wants like it seemed in the manga series. And most importantly ... how much every character needs to be shafted or downplayed for the lovely Hinata-sama's spotlight.


I've never seen a side character with more given to them than the actual main character. It's downright horrifying.

#681238 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by xxRomanceGirlxx on 02 December 2014 - 01:21 AM

I told one of my good friends (bless her for this), who heard of Naruto, about the ending in detail when I was really upset about it. This is what she told me, along these lines:


"Yeah, that creator really does not give a kitten. He's sending hypocritical, sexist mixed messages and from what you're saying he ruined Naruto the main character too. He was orphan and now he's a bad father? The theme in the manga is "don't give up" and he made Naruto give up on the girl he loved? It's like the guy who wrote this just gave up too. It sounds like Mass Effect 3. It's kitten, absolute kitten, and the pairing subplot is terrible. I'm sorry your ship sunk for this. Move on to better, happy anime with endings that won't leave you thinking you just wasted 7 years of your life.


I never got in Naruto and after hearing this, I'm glad I never did."

#681157 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by xxRomanceGirlxx on 01 December 2014 - 11:57 PM

I wish Kishi never let SP convince him to make this travesty. It's damaging the Naruto series more than the epilogue. At least there you can fill in your own holes with what happened that were more consistent. Logic went out the window with this movie so long ago ....

#680345 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by xxRomanceGirlxx on 01 December 2014 - 04:34 AM

Naruto "barely interested in romance"/ finally "notices Hinata has feelings for him"? The hell?


This is just getting more and more ridiculous. Hinata blatantly confessed to him and Naruto blatantly had romantic interest in Sakura, even if he didn't understand girls. This is insulting to everything, not just NaruSaku. You're making Naruto look a complete idiot not recognizing her confession (that made him go 8-TAILS, so he sure as hell acknowledged it) and a complete immature jackass for chasing after Sakura just to one-up Sasuke. And Naruto DOES NOT put one person above everyone. He would never say he wants to spend his last day with Hinata, even if he did love her. He would say he'd want to spend his last day with ALL his friends because that's how much Naruto loves them all.


All this Hinata wank is disgusting. This 'verse might as well revolve around her with all this kitten shoved in our faces. I'm so pissed right now at this character destruction. They don't even have the decency to acknowledge Naruto DID love Sakura and have him just move on with closure. They're completely dodging the issue. Cop-out to the max.


I don't know if I'll even be able to stomach this movie after all. It's destroying everything the Naruto series stood for, all for Hinata.

#680148 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by xxRomanceGirlxx on 01 December 2014 - 12:27 AM



That's one of the things I hate the most about this movie. Kishimoto made Naruto look so petty and immature about love. He probably doesn't realize it, but retconning Naruto's love for Sakura made him look so bad. Only caring about one-upping Sasuke? I'd expect that from Early Part 1 Naruto, not this adult one who had feelings for Sakura that lasted for years. And I'm absolutely shocked Sakura truly believes that's all his feelings were now. What happened to Sakura who acknowledged Naruto's love? Who was actually guilty she hadn't realized it earlier?


The most heart-breaking thing for me though is The Last movie is portraying Naruto's love for Hinata as selfish, a little obsessive, and self-pitying when it doesn't go his way. The Naruto I knew wouldn't be like that if he thought the girl he loved didn't love him back. He would be strong about it, be selfless and simply be happy she was happy. That's what was so beautiful about him, but instead we get this mess with the emotional maturity of a 12-year old.


Naruto and NaruSaku were amazing because they both showed selfless, pure love. What Kishi is telling us now in his message is that none of that was real. The only true love is shallow, hero-worship, selfish love. There's no such thing as selfless love.

#679550 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by xxRomanceGirlxx on 30 November 2014 - 06:48 AM

I was on a tumblr and out of damn nowhere I just got a kittenon of NH on my dash. It's been spotless of that atrocity for months. Needless to say I screamed in horror, bleached out my eyes, and unfollowed in a heartbeat.


... I'm sorry. I'm just severely allergic to NH and their "development" in The Last. Can't take that kitten on my dash, it gives me nightmares. :argh:

#679316 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by xxRomanceGirlxx on 30 November 2014 - 12:07 AM

Favorite new comment of the day number #2 (not sure what this person's a fan of tho):


"This movie is going to be absolutely ridiculous no matter how amazing the characters look or how well the animation is put together or the fact that it's the last movie in probably forever! It's not just the ships anymore, it's EVERYTHING! If it's just going to be a movie explaining how Naruto and Hinata got together then that leaves practically no room for the rest of the questions the rest of the fandom might have as a whole. -_-  This kittening movie better not just be about how NaruHina happened and no resolutions are given to other characters or teams cuz' if it is you might as well stick this movie in a freakin toilet and flush it.


I have never been this pissed before over a damn ending, not even with Harry Potter because at least there it was executed amazingly and developed properly. If this is purely NaruHina than I think this will be SP's and Kishimoto's biggest mistake. 15 freakin years of badassery, only for it to end like this??!! I will be utterly disappointed as just a fan of Naruto and not looking at it from my shipping eyes ... I don't think I'll look at Naruto the same ever again if it's just about NaruHina."


All the hate of this movie gives me a warm feeling in my heart.

#679267 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by xxRomanceGirlxx on 29 November 2014 - 11:33 PM



A NS romance movie? No please. Naruto has never been about romance and it would work better as a subplot. I'm a NS fan, but never at the sake of the plot. I wouldn't want this, especially with all these retcons and asspulls just to make it work.


Let me picture it right now with all the NH plotpoints in this movie for NS. Let's see:


1). Naruto and Sakura have no development during the two-year timeskip.

2). Sakura needs a genjutsu to realize Naruto's feelings even though Sai kittening told her.

3). Sakura's feelings for Sasuke get suddenly retconned as only a "product as her rivalry with Ino." Offensive to her character, offensive to all the pain Sasuke called her, and dodges the issue of moving on from first love.

4). The villain is only around for NS to be canon.

5). No Team 7 focus, even though SN bond is important to Naruto.

6). Naruto thinks Sakura left him and mopes, is jealous, feels sorry for himself, and acts like a immature brat instead of having the selfless, understanding side in love we know he's capable of in the series.

7). Sakura suddenly develops feelings for Naruto, even though 699 happened and the question is asked how come her feelings change now but not before.

8). Sakura is damsel in distress for the sake of romance. No.

9). Sakura gives him a scarf in some way with a flashback never in the manga. Naruto apparently had a scarf from Kushina once ... okay.

10). No Kakashi focus, no Team Taka resolution, not much focus on anyone other than NS

11). Fighting in space


.... Yep, sorry, that still sounds like kitten. I would hate this version with NS too. The NaruHina movie just causes a little more damage because it didn't get as much development as NaruSaku and breaks the story themes more overtly, but this movie premise is bad and forced either way.


I'm actually glad NaruSaku didn't become canon if the ending and this movie was all they could come up with. I've read and written better fanfiction than this, no matter which pairing it supported.

#679097 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by xxRomanceGirlxx on 29 November 2014 - 09:45 PM

Favorite new comment of the day from a raging neutral/Team 7 fan:




This backlash is a 1000x more entertaining than this kitten movie. :chuckle:

#675895 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by xxRomanceGirlxx on 26 November 2014 - 11:56 PM

Well kitten. Someone linked my "All the things wrong with the Last" post from here on tumblr and it already has nearly 1000 notes ... not even any negative feedback calling my points BS. I'm shocked.


Kishimoto really outdid himself with this one. He managed to piss off every side of the fandom (even some NH fans) all in two chapters and one 110 minute movie. Neutral fans, us, Team 7 fans, SS fans/SK ... the fandom has never been more united over hating something until this movie.


This needs to go in the Guinness Book of World Records. 

#674637 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by xxRomanceGirlxx on 26 November 2014 - 03:00 AM



We'll all get over this ending eventually. Right now we just need this place and other social media to rant out our frustrations and bond with other people who feel the same. It's better than keeping the disappointment and anger inside, even if this is a fictional series. You call us childish, but complaining and whining about this kitten ending is just our way of coping.


The Last movie is days from coming out and the spoilers are already reopening some of our still-healing wounds. This is to be expected and I expect it's going to get worse. I don't think it's right to tell us to suck it up and get over it. We'll do that, but at our own pace, not yours. :confused:


My problem isn't with pairings truthfully. It's consistency, themes, and the pairings' execution. It is extremely hard for me to hate a ship. Even the most unpopular ships other fandoms I found I wasn't usually critical of. I usually am pretty easy to please on these things. Have some care, mutual respect, and I can practically ship anything. But NH/SS ... special cases.


My issue isn't that NH and SS happened. It's that they didn't happen well.

#673376 The Last: Naruto the Movie: Thread 2 aka The Last retcon: Hinata-sama the movie

Posted by xxRomanceGirlxx on 25 November 2014 - 03:20 AM

Let's look at all the things wrong with this movie:


1). Generic villain related to the Sage that came out of nowhere with no foreshadowing.

2). The fact this movie, a shonen series, is focused entirely on love to the point it surpasses any bad shoujo.

3). Naruto never had any feelings for Hinata throughout the entire manga nor strong enough moments to make it's basis believable.

4). Naruto and Hinata didn't even have off-panel development during the two-year timeskip. It was still the same, but a love story somehow fit in a 110 minute movie.

5). Naruto and Hinata are dragged together by some sort of tragedy (Hinata getting nearly killed by Neji, Hinata trying to commit suicide in Pain arc, Neji dying to protect them, Hinata getting kidnapped, Hanabi getting kidnapped) instead of having natural, casual interaction.

6). Naruto's love for Sakura is excused as an only being a product of his rivalry with Sasuke and his first real, true love is Hinata, even though scenes like the PoaL, SS hospital hug, databooks, and confession arc clearly outright said otherwise. He also didn't go for any other fangirls of Sasuke.

7). Sakura actually supports this idea, despite the fact she instantly believed Sai when he told her Naruto loved her and even cried tears of guilt over it.

8). Hanabi is finally relevant, but only as a plot device for NH.

9). Sakura's love for Sasuke still has no reason and despite seeming shallow with fangirl moments, is still taken more seriously than Naruto's feelings for her.

10). Scarves, scarves and more scarves. Related to a NH flashback as a prop for the couple when it was never even in the manga

11). "Young girls never give up on their love"-- Sakura believes this, despite the vast build-up of negativity in the manga for SS that later served no point. Also relays with the misogynistic, wish-fulfillment message that women must always love their first love and never have a change of heart otherwise they would be bad or fickle.

13). Naruto's feelings persisted throughout the entire manga for Sakura and now Hinata's suddenly his true love despite the fact Kishimoto never focused on their relationship the way he did with NS.

14). Hinata seems to have more relevance then the entirety of Team 7 combined.

15). Still no sign or closure of Team Taka. They might as well have had no point in the series.

16). SS is the end pair, but gets no focus or even a semi-justifiable explanation for it's canon.

17). Possibility Karin might die for SS and a rival character dying for a ship is always a cop out and insulting to both the character and the shippers.

18). Unnecessary parallels to MK/OB/JR, all implying Naruto would never fall for another girl and break the cycle of romantic tragedy, but the route ended up being the easy, "giving up" route straight into Hinata's lap.

19). Pairings like NH/SS, which were canonically one-sided in the manga and had scarce to bare minimum interaction, are somehow more realistic in becoming two-sided than the Naruto/Sakura relationship, which had steady development and plenty of reasons.

20). The reason Naruto ignored Hinata for so long because he thought she liked him the way he liked ramen despite the fact she nearly died and gave a love confession, over-exaggerating Naruto's denseness and making him look too stupid.

21). Possibility Sasuke loved Sakura since Part 1. Even though she never got singled out, was always lumped together in T7, and displayed even a flicker of emotion doing horrible things to her (which he did with Naruto)

22). A side character's wishes are overriding and deconstructing every character she touches, twisting them into OCC versions of themselves all tailored to that one side character's needs, all in only 110 minutes.



..... It's official. You don't even need to be a neutral fan to see how bad this movie looks. Kishimoto must've been high on a whole bunch of drugs to come up with this kitten.

#669451 Kishimoto on why Sakura is with Sasuke, and other horrible ideas.

Posted by xxRomanceGirlxx on 23 November 2014 - 12:16 AM

I really don't have problem with the forgiveness theme of Naruto. I'd like if villains got more accountability, but I accepted that was Kishi's way a while ago. What I don't like is Kishimoto's twisted view of love on Sakura's behalf and how she never had even a little self-respect for herself to at least not fangirl. I would've liked if Sakura was mad at Sasuke and stood up to him for a SS ending and that's it. But Kishimoto gave me none of that.


I ask for little really. So I don't know why SS fans have a problem with me not approving of Sakura seeming shallow and never standing up to Sasuke.

#668614 Kishimoto on why Sakura is with Sasuke, and other horrible ideas.

Posted by xxRomanceGirlxx on 22 November 2014 - 05:06 AM

So let me get this straight. It makes Sakura terrible for moving on from Sasuke---a guy who never loved her, constantly caused her pain, belittled her emotionally AND physically--- to Naruto--- a guy who always loved her, tried to always preserve her happiness, and had total respect for her.  Sakura can never move on from her first love because she's a woman and added bonus is he's a "victim" with a bad past. In fact, NO ONE should stop loving their first love just because it's a little messed up, painful, and dysfunctional because it's never the guy's fault. The girl should put up with their kitten even if that means getting themselves killed because "he can't help it, he has problems, someone needs to fix him". Guys can move on and kitten whoever they want and still be "good people", but women can't because they'd be sluts, unsympathetic, and unloyal.




ARE YOU F**CKING KIDDING ME, KISHI?!   :wallbash: What a disgraceful, disgusting set of messages. Anyone, no matter what gender involved with abuse or emotional trauma, has a right to move on and seek better things. Women are not "terrible" if they no longer love their first love or just want something better. You kittening a**hole, I can't believe how much disrespect you have for women. All those people in abusive or dysfunctional relationships should always chose that even if it hurts them. How kittening disgusting, endorsing abuse like this.


I hope he never gets another popular manga again. I hope his career drops. This is so unbelievable and inconsiderate to everyone. I can't imagine how anyone with a history of abusive relationships feels reading this comment. Sexism, hypocrisy, ignorance, whatever the kitten is up with him ... unforgivable.

#668592 Chapters 699 And 700 The End

Posted by xxRomanceGirlxx on 22 November 2014 - 04:42 AM

Kishi saying "It would make Sakura a terrible woman to move on from Sasuke" translates in-between the lines to:


"Sasuke was so depressed and had such a hard, confusing life. Everything he did, he did because he loved his family too much. He's a victim. He shouldn't be blamed or spat on for anything and Sakura moving on from him would be heartless! I know he never liked Sakura before, but it's 'cause of his past, y'know! His past! She should fix him 'cause he deserves love and he's our precious snowflake."


Yeah, okay. I'm 99% sure this is what Kishi thinks and I still feel like vomiting.