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Member Since 30 Jul 2011
Offline Last Active Mar 22 2021 07:57 PM

#952235 Hey Arnold! Fan Club!

Posted by rikakim94 on 18 October 2017 - 04:26 PM

I also went to new york comic con to watch the premiere of the trailer and got stuff signed!





#951512 The whole Fake Confession bit is one of the worst written parts of the series

Posted by rikakim94 on 11 October 2017 - 11:34 PM


The funny thing is he became so obsessed with the Sauce in Part 2. In part 1 they were 2 teammates who couldn't get along well. How did that translate to being brothers and in love with each other? WTF.


What happened to the driving goal of being respected by the village and becoming Hokage?  And why did he tie saving Sasuke with that dream? Remember back in the Chunin Exams arc, when Gaara is undergoing that Shukaku transformation and he pins Sakura to the tree. Naruto's only concern is to do what he can to stop him and save her. While Sasuke just sits in the background.


If I could count how many times he said, "Sasuke this, Sasuke that" I'd have an entire manga. Oh wait... :hehehe:


Thats another problem the manga has we hardly saw any actual friendship between naruto and sasuke not just that but the friendship between team 7. Sasuke feels like a kid that dosen't want to join a group project but, was forced to do so To complete the assignment thats how the relationship between him and team 7 feels like. 

#950463 The whole Fake Confession bit is one of the worst written parts of the series

Posted by rikakim94 on 30 September 2017 - 04:40 PM

Naruto and sakuras obsession towards sasuke is what really killed the ship. Why can't both realize that sasuke is a not a good friend he tried to kill people, Treated his teammates like crap and etc. Not all action that your friend do is forgivable.


Also why didn't kakashi try to stop sakura from going on a suicide mission? Thats his student that he trained and known as a kid. Same goes for naruto and sakuras violent bickering after the confession why didnt he try to stop that before it got out of hand?


He is such a terrible mentor. 

#950007 The Official Pokemon Thread

Posted by rikakim94 on 25 September 2017 - 01:05 AM

I still prefer ash and misty compared to other pokeships i feel like it was the only ship that didn't fell completely one sided at least until years of rinse and repeat started to be a thing.

#946486 Is there any taboo ships you ship? like something like incest?

Posted by rikakim94 on 16 August 2017 - 05:26 PM

Did anyone watched the disney channel show called wizard of waverly place?


That show had incest because the main characters weren't suppose to be siblings at first thats why they have this weird subtext going on with each other.


I mean this video shows how much of the subtext they forgot to remove.  :chuckle:




Another disney channel show had incest to. The show was called life with derek even if the are step siblings they don't act like that all the time.


#943521 Hey Arnold! Fan Club!

Posted by rikakim94 on 21 July 2017 - 09:17 PM




New clip of the movie!

#942690 The Official Pokemon Thread

Posted by rikakim94 on 11 July 2017 - 03:35 AM

Is retconning all the previous seasons of pokemon okay? if i was in charge of the anime i would have made kanto and johto canon and wrote a better canon after that allowed ash to grow and act human again. I felt like pokemon became  to stale and repetitive these days. 

#941541 E3 2017

Posted by rikakim94 on 11 June 2017 - 07:12 AM



#939245 Bo-Ru-TO! 12

Posted by rikakim94 on 06 May 2017 - 03:48 PM

yu gi oh is better than naruto.

#931343 new kishimoto interview 2017

Posted by rikakim94 on 31 January 2017 - 05:37 PM

Kishi is really REALLY stupid He REALLY should shut his mouth i mean does he not care  about dragging his bad reputation? Cause it  really could effect his new manga. If people have no faith in you then how are you going to get viewers thats going to read your story?


It sickens me that narutos stupidity comes from kishi himself.   :down:


Im not defending kishi but if hes planning to make another better manga in which he stated before he really should smarten himself.  

#930854 Do My Eyes Decieve Me ?! Hinata Worried About Sasuke ?! Big Step With...

Posted by rikakim94 on 23 January 2017 - 07:26 PM

I really think you should listen to nate rivers words KIshi made it clear that he gave up his story and vision for the popular and the most vocal ship at the time. He retconned 15 years of development just to make sense out of ss and nh.


Also the anime recently announced  that they will make the boruto anime adaptation thats making it clear that they will not change the final pairs and the crappy ending. They will stick with this ending forever the damage is LONG done I suggest you moving on deluding yourself is only going to hurt you in the end.

#930269 Ben 10 shipping

Posted by rikakim94 on 12 January 2017 - 06:37 PM

Does anyone remember ben 10 tv series?


If so do you guys remember the weird subtext between ben and gwen? I remember watching that thinking its weird that an american cartoon would hint at incest.


But years down the line i did researching and found out that they weren't suppose to be related in the original draft.  It was changed at the last minute because its weird to have a girl travel with an unrelated boy and grandpa.


Now that im looking back at ben and gwen i no longer find the whole subtext to be weird. I find it more interesting than the shoddy kevin and gwen pairing in the sequal series.


If they went with the incest route it would be the first canon pairing  in american cartoon to be a incest ship.

#929125 Whats your OTP now that NS was given the pipe?

Posted by rikakim94 on 24 December 2016 - 03:27 AM

I ship bwen from ben 10 






I know there cousins buts gwen originality wasn't going to be related to ben.

#928812 Boruto The Next Generation: Chapter 6

Posted by rikakim94 on 19 December 2016 - 09:26 PM


The last time I saw shippuden was back at the Pain arc (yeah THAT long). I dropped it after I saw the crappy Pain/Naruto fight since Pierot wasted their budget on the good graphics for their boob goddess confession (which I still find it completely worthless to do so because they should have use the best graphics and effects on the fight instead of a stupid suicide confession). If I stopped watching the Naruto anime years ago what makes you think I'm going to waste my time watching the Boruto anime??? Heck I haven't seen the Last (and never will) .Nor I'm going to bother reading the Boruto manga. There are WAY better anime and manga out there. 


You know what i find the hinata fanservice to be VERY awkward in hindsight and it leaves a bitter feeling since hinatas popularity is what killed the naruto fandom for good. :ermm:  

#927567 Naruto Shippuden Anime discussion thread

Posted by rikakim94 on 02 December 2016 - 03:05 PM

OK I need some context of what happened to this point. So ep 480 was the nH one, epi 481 was SS fail, then 482 shikamaru and Gaara, 483 jiraiya and kakashi, and now a filler arc starting with 484.


So in theory they are suppose to do either the novels or the movie adaptation, but instead they started a new filler arc. Again.


Now then Yyubie. your are basically asking: "Why are they trying to add an air of mystery to the pairing when we already know it's nH?"


Why are they trying to hide the pairing is nH when: The manga has been over for two years, they did a movie about nH's love story two years ago, they proclaimed that hinata became the Heroine and Naruto's love interest two years ago, last year they did a movie about nH's son, which also started up the manga version of the story of nH's son, about what 8 months ago?


So why do you think they are trying to keep an air of mystery? Through both keeping Sakura as the heroine, and keeping Naruto's love interest a secret in the opening. When in theory the pairings were decided two years ago?


The best answer I can give you is; "because they feel they have no choice in order to keep this anime going." Remember what happened the last time they put Hinata in the heroine role, you know two years ago? It completely destroyed the fanbase and with it the franchise. Now SP doesn't have anything to replace Naruto with. Soul Buster their latest anime apparently is cutting comers according to my sister in animation. Also while they have a faction in SP that is completely devoted and in love with Hinata. They have learned in the past two years that this is not the case for the entire fanbase.

(hinatacreepy's post somewhat flows into my next bit)

And the fact that they are putting Naruto and Sakura together interacting again shows, that they've learned the large part of their fanbase is(was) NS leaning. I would not be surprise if the Naruto fanbase in Japan alone is one-tenth the size it was only two years ago. So their fanbase has most likely shrunk to a size where TV Tokyo is probably wondering why it keeps it on. Instead of replacing it with something more profitable. So what are they to do? What would anyone do in this situation? Simple. "Appease that larger group with some teasing fanservice in hopes they comeback to keep the show afloat." So this is nothing but trying to lure the old fans back in order to boost their ratings, until they are ready to go full out Hinata worshiping again. Then once that happens, they'll drop Sakura like a sack of stones again.


I very much agree with what you said, studio perriot will never have the guts to admit that they made a mistake by replacing sakura with hinata as a heroine and destroy everything naruto related for hinatas sake. There too prideful and embarrassed.


If only if we can encourage the remaining fans jp fans left to stop watching naruto all together.


Edit: The new episode feels like the naruto version of the walking dead lol.