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#991310 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Phantom_999 on 25 August 2024 - 04:20 PM

Simple or not, the reading comprehension is STILL f-ed up because many fans and the people BTS complained about and for Hinata, as like she was really that important to the franchise. When we know in actuality, she wasn't.


And that is why I treat the entire franchise as a joke. You are either invested in a character whose presence and importance to the plot was never there to begin with and flog that importance over the head of everyone else until they comply/give up on the story all together, OR you are treated as an idiot for not seeing how important Hinata Hyuga-chan-megami-hime-sama was to get everything she wanted and was Naruto's stealth "true love" and were too blind to see it. You lose either way, and wonder why you bothered with it. You were either reading for a side character that never mattered or you were one of the many many MANY long time fans that got screwed over investing your time on the series BECAUSE said irrelevant side character had to be catered to. It felt like a waste of time in the grand scheme of things because you were cheated out of a proper resolution to a story you WERE passionate about, or you now find out Hinata's love never meant anything, and she only got together with Naruto because OF PITY and not because of genuine love. Hinata got the man of her dreams because she never gave up? I thought the idea was "they were always in love..." So I'm just laughing at the whole thing. READING COMPREHENSION AT IT'S FINEST FOLKS :lmao:

#991301 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Phantom_999 on 23 August 2024 - 10:21 PM

Sounds like he is saying people like Naruto over other manga because it is simple. Would help to know what the question was or the interview.


OK. It was an interview in 2019 on a radio show called Izakaya: Denfaminicogamer. And he was asked why was Naruto more popular than One Piece overseas? Answer. it is simpler.


https://news.denfami...iew/191227f#i-6 Supposedly, it is in here.


Well, I'm not going to disagree with the reading comprehension.


YUP. Naruto is a simplistic manga for simplistic morons I say. You are either a reader for the greatest fictional couple ever made, Hinata Huyga-chan-megami-hime-sama and her vicarious cup of courage turned boy toy trophy husband, OR you are an illiterate Buffoon for not seeing the true moral and message of the story was the former. Naruto is a simple story for simps, TG FOR THAT. *sarcasm*

#991289 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Phantom_999 on 14 August 2024 - 11:04 PM

It doesn't help that we know that this was just more damage control on his part to cover the asses of WSJ's editors because he gave into external pressure from them and SP.


This is all true. This is just more damage control, but disregarding it, it would still not be a respectable or even good choice to be made public. To those not knowing he caved into the gaslighting of SP and his Editors at WSJ, post Yahagi, it seems like he is either a coward or he doesn't respect his fans, not even the NH shippers. He gave Hinata a pity-cookie because he felt sorry for her and did not actually believe in the romance between her and Naruto, SO EVERYBODY LOSES. No one should care about the manga at this point, and this is beyond Naru-Saku getting shafted, this shows COMPLETE disregard even for the fans that believe in the shipping couple that Hinata-horn dogs both at WSJ and SP were appealing to. So I really just can't.... find anything nice to say here. I would be curious to how Hinata fans would react to this though.

#991283 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Phantom_999 on 13 August 2024 - 05:06 PM

Well well well.... Where is the true love now? That said, this speaks to me as pure incompetence. I have no empathy points for this explanation. Just saying. 

#991269 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Phantom_999 on 05 August 2024 - 07:39 PM

I'd say karma if it's true :lmao: If not, god speed, I'm still not watching. Naruto is dead to me. If it works out I want no part of it and if it bombs I point and laugh my @$$ off, so It's a win for me in any case. Because either I'm not gonna support a cash grab soulless franchise that has no substance to it anymore or I watch them get their just desserts. One or the other  :party:

#991136 Did NaruSaku only have a chance because Sasuke was away?

Posted by Phantom_999 on 22 May 2024 - 04:25 PM

I think the opposite, Naruto and Sakura would have had a better chance if Sasuke did stay in the village. Most of the drama surrounding the three of them after the time skip is due to Naruto and Sakura having regrets about not stopping him. I have a feeling had Sasuke not left Sakura would see more and more that Sasuke is not prince charming and how exhausting it is to chase someone when he is not reciprocating her feelings like he did(Naruto) on their first day as a team. Not to mention She already was seeing Naruto in a different light after her saved her from from Gaara. Long story short anyway.

#990997 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Phantom_999 on 18 March 2024 - 05:25 AM

What bothers me about neutrality with fictional romance and taking it for as it is that viewers often forget the context of such things. Yes Naruto is a shonen battle manga that does not focus on romance as a theme per say but again there always that difference from other shonen manga that don't care about romance and make couples last second or treat it as a joke at best. Naruto has ALWAYS had feelings for Sakura and it is not a silly childhood crush or a fleeting feeling that he was not serious about or else there would never have been a POAL in the first place. Naruto shows complete selflessness towards Sakura and maturity in putting her happiness above his own. Sakura in turn shows that in her worst circumstances when she is most vulnerable and lost and upset and powerless it was Naruto that comforts her and listens to her problems. that lays the very foundation of how close they become throughout the story. I'm not going to repeat the moments they have together because it would just be redundant at this point. Think of it like this, What if Rurouni Kenshin remained unchanged in it's story and plot but Watsuki decided last second that Kenshin is would be happier with Megumi as his wife because she is more feminine and does not emasculate him, or maybe she looks more like his first wife and chucks all that development with Kaoru out the window. That is essentially what Naruto did at the end, it chucked the development between Naruto and Sakura out the window for a side character that has no real importance to the plot and for the main character in general. What if Slam Dunk resolved the love triangle with Kaede getting together with Haruko despite not showing any affection for her and doesn't care about romance in general and Haruko saying Hanamichi was only shallowly interested in her? Again That is what Naruto did. Naruto is not like other shonen series in that there is not romantic development at all and the author can slap together couples however they feel last second and whatever pleases them. Naruto had a love interest and they developed together progressively throughout the series and they owe a large part of their growth to each other. Typical romance writing in fiction, even if there is not an emphasis on it. This is different from Dragon Ball where Goku had no such moments with Bulma so who cares if he married Chichi? 


I know I haven't posted for a while But I just want to put that out there. In terms of Neutrality, context is very important if not everything

#990833 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Phantom_999 on 12 December 2023 - 03:33 PM

Oh the anime definitely made Sakura look worse than she actually was in the anime. However it doesn't erase the the fact that Sakura called Naruto annoying and acted like he was a constant bother to her during her introduction. It doesn't erase the fact that she unsympathetically said he has an easy life because he's an orphan and doesn't have parents getting on his case and disciplining him. It doesn't erase the fact that she said she hated him during their first introductory talk with Kakashi. It doesn't erase all of the preferential treatment she gave Sasuke in Part I of the series. I'm just pointing out that though Sakura was the love interest, the odds seem stacked against Naruto in part I regardless of the anime because the anime did not do much except crank up her tsundere tendencies and fan girl swooning over Sasuke and there was not that much filler content for any of that if I want to be honest. It wasn't until part II that things actually started looking up for Naruto and Sakura as a potential couple. I'm not saying the idea wasn't there from the beginning or that I'm influenced by how much more absurdly mean the anime made Sakura seem to Naruto to be against her being his love interest in Part I but at the same time the Part I content is not actually a vote of confidence either until the POAL where Sakura finally realizes how much Naruto actually cares about her.


I'm just speaking objectively when I look back on it. Was Sakura meant to be the love interest from the get go? Of course. But she wasn't interested in Naruto nor did she emotionally support him either. That is different from the Hananmichi- Haruko- Kaede love triangle where while where Haruko isn't aware of Hanamichi's feelings she is at least a good friend to him and encourages him none-the-less. If Sakura had shown that t least, then maybe It wouldn't seem so off putting for her to be the love interest to anyone not aware of the intention that Naruto is meant to change others' perception of him including Sakura, ultimately overturning the dark painful days of his childhood. Anyway this just ties back to my point. Sakura would be better received I feel, in the live action series if she dials down her initial contempt for Naruto and her fan girl tendencies towards Sasuke and be at least a bit nicer to Naruto. That would be an obvious choice And I bring up the live action adaptation of One Piece as a reference that Nami did not show any real violent tsundere tendencies either so it stands to reason The same can be made for Sakura. What I'm getting that is if they want to change the end pairings, then more effort has to be put in to convince the audience, ergo Sakura should not be portrayed one to one exactly as she was in the manga or anime. It would help IF they decide to make NaruSaku canon in the live action series. But that is just my two cents on it, and honestly I am as indifferent to the live action series as I am anything else post Chapter 698. I was just speaking hypotheticals

#990779 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Phantom_999 on 27 November 2023 - 12:05 AM

YEEEAAAH, Knocking down and blowing up an essential part of Naruto's character (the POAL) obviously wasn't gonna backfire.  :zaru:  :lmao: You either completely undermine Naruto's understanding of love and make him a self serving hypocritical douchebag or you accept Hinata was a pity prize. One contradicts the other, and you CAN'T have both.

#990778 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Phantom_999 on 26 November 2023 - 11:55 PM

We can debate at how much of a sell it will turn out to be, at least. if if it actually happens, and in the mean time we can laugh at the development hell it is currently going under. There is clear debate and hesitancy on whether it will be a bust.


And I'm sorry, but there's no way that poll can ever be taken seriously.  NaruHina and SasuSaku ranking higher than TwiYor and Kirisuna is an absolute joke.  Especially when even the series itself has taken cracks at NaruHina by pointing out that Hinata is an incompetent mother via Naruto insulting her for abandoning their children in a crisis, to Toneri straight-out saying to Boruto that Hinata was a consolation prize for his father. 


I'd personally stick to Loid.  :excited:  But that's just me


but yeah you know a relationship is sad when what's holding it together are the kids and nothing else if at all. The husbands ARE NOT EXCITED to see or spend time with their wives. The story clearly points that out

#990682 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Phantom_999 on 11 October 2023 - 08:14 PM

Nothing. People just wanted her out of the way because they assumed Hinata "deserved" Naruto.




I do think many of them are now growing up and finding out what real kittening relationships are like. They are nothing like SS or NH and as we have tried telling them over the years how bad both pairings are and how they make no sense.
For the female fans who desperately wanted a dark prince to save and heal aka SS they are reaching the age which they can now see Sasuke was a prick who Sakura shouldnt have gave a kitten about after all the crap he did to her.
The NH fans are learning as they get older Hinata has nothing but being a yes girl for Naruto.
I do think many will still say SS and NH were the greatest thing to ever happen in the Manga, but as the readers get older many will start to change their views. Do you think when they reach 40 and have children and see how they act they will still think NH and SS are all that amazing? I dont think they will I think they will look back at this and know how stupid they were for think this.
Not all mind you we know many will always simp over Hinata and Sasuke thinking they were done perfectly.
Sorry for any mistakes I did this on my phone.
Again, they can admit their mistakes, but it doesn't change anything. The story ended up being kitten and is still kitten to this day and they are partially responsible for it. So, still shallow to me. 

#990678 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Phantom_999 on 09 October 2023 - 03:13 PM


True enough.  The only thing revelatory about the repeated analyses is that a wider portion of the western fandom seems to finally be catching on and accepting what we've been saying here for nearly a decade now: That NaruHina x SasuSaku are toxic, stagnant, and incompatible. Also, that the "Hinata is a goddess" rhetoric seems to be fading.


Yeah and despite how angry I seem I can at least acknowledge that opinions are shifting. However I'm really unsympathetic to any that "see the light" now because it was the initial attitudes of this vocal minority that ruined this series that I spent over a decade emotionally investing my self into only for it to turn to kitten BECAUSE of said vocal minority and the nutcases that allowed it and promoted it because they all imagine themselves vicariously banging Hinata Hyuga. No amount of "seeing the error of their ways or how garbage the series has become" will ever change that fact. Naruto has been ruined because they couldn't keep their traps shut and stop thinking with "in between their legs". If that sounds harsh, It's no skin off my nose. IT WAS their illogical ranting and hating on Sakura and over idolizing Hinata that led to this trash heap, and it ruined Naruto for EVERYONE. Again no amount of realization will ever change that. Even if Kishimoto decides to reboot the series it will never erase the pain and betrayal I felt back then and I won't go back to Naruto even if it were to happen. But that is just me. Ultimately what I'm saying is, can I accept what they are saying and that they see the illogical fallacies of NH and SS now? Sure. Does it change anything or will it change anything? I highly doubt it. And what particularly makes me upset is if any of these opinions come from a former Hinata hierophant influencer acting like they do not understand the damage they did by speaking out their baloney on social media and are only changing tune when they realized giving Hinata what she wanted was not what was good for the story, if even the authorities that own the Naruto property realize that Hinata had so little going on with Naruto that they had to make bull kitten up to get them together and make all of the main trio look worse off and hypocritical about it. Stating opposite views now will never erase that they are partially responsible for Naruto heading into the direction it does so their criticisms to me ring especially shallow. 

#990672 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Phantom_999 on 04 October 2023 - 04:47 PM

Found these videos talking about everything wrong with the ss and nh relationship




Oh gee, I WONDER WHAAAAAT is wrong with the relationships........... (stares at the manga pre-692)


Surely it has nothing to do with it being pulled out of the @$$, incompatible personalities (Naruto is a man child and Hinata passively enables it) shallowness (Sakura drooled over Sasuke's HAWTNESS, and not him as a person, Hinata vicariously wanted to be confident like Naruto despite being branded as a failure, and never looked at him as a person either) lack of investment on the relationship on the men's part (Do Naruto and Sasuke look to be "in love with" their wives to you?) etc. etc. IT'S ALL IN OUR HEADS, BECAUSE WE ARE SALTY STUPID NARUSAKU FANS, that don't appreciate the genius of the story that is Naruto Uzumaki falling in love with his soulmate, Hinata Hyuga!!!!!!!!!  :zaru: *Blow my brains out* 


Serious question. Does anyone else here feel it is too late to complain now? As I stated years ago. Just give it a rest and move on. I wonder why anyone sticks with the series at this point if they realize or already understood how bad it is currently. All of this analysis of the NH's and SS' relationships is done to death and guess what, you don't need to be a certified RELATIONSHIP THERAPIST to see what is wrong with these couples. This is old news to anyone that actually reads manga/watches anime on the regular or actually sits down to think "IS THIS what I want in a relationship?"


*I'm not aiming any of this at you you Bluestar, Just want to make that clear*

#990668 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Phantom_999 on 03 October 2023 - 06:46 PM

Well I can't say  that indicates what the fandom generally feels but that is nice to hear at least. doubly so if it some sort of former NH fan

#990633 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Phantom_999 on 26 September 2023 - 02:54 PM

It's surprising because there are many strong females in manga/anime as I've said and the competition would be very very very tight, But also unsurprising because Sakura is well loved in Japan as many are well aware of. (the popularity polls don't lie)