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#989105 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Nostradamus on 20 March 2023 - 06:28 PM


At least Obito wanted to make up for his mistakes. Hinata hasn't at all, and she continues to show she was a poor choice to be with Naruto because she never really grew in the way others did, and yet NOW NH fans complain? Well, tough cookies, this is YOUR dishwashers liquid, YOU soak in it!

That is so true. I don't the character, but at least he wanted to make amends.

Hinata just continues on her path of screw everyone else, must save Naruto at all cost. Even if that cost is the lives of my children, how cares about them. I can make other ones.

We found someone worse than Obito.

#989102 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Nostradamus on 20 March 2023 - 04:09 PM

Why are NH fans even remotely surprised that she prioritized her sugar daddy over her child?  This is the same woman who tried to gaslight her son on his birthday by stating that her husband was allowed to be negligent because he had a terrible childhood and called him a "burden" that Naruto didn't need to deal with. And told her the same twelve year-old son to protect his father, even though Naruto's a freakin' demigod at this point. And was the one who was willing to leave her sister in the clutches of an enemy over knitting a damn scarf just win over the object of her obsession.  Or forgot that her cousin freakin' died to protect her before his corpse even cooled because Naruto was holding her hand.


I mean, Hinata's not just a horrible mother, she sucks as a family member on all fronts.

She kind of makes Obito look like a cool guy after all. :D

#989086 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Nostradamus on 16 March 2023 - 10:19 PM



Everything Post Pein was really bad.
Excluding some minor moments like Kushina and Minato mini Arc and maybe Madara appearence in the War etc.
I guess the Fanbase was really attached to the Characters/Story  to simply drop the manga even after the massive quality drop and Kishimoto's trolling against characters and pairings.

Oh yeah, it really was. I once described it as the gift that keeps on giving. Every single time you think you've unraveled everything that's wrong with it, you almost immediately find something else that's wrong just by thinking about it for a few seconds.

It relied on some cool moments to distract people from the bad parts.


There's also this:

#989081 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Nostradamus on 16 March 2023 - 07:19 PM


The damage was huge after 8 years of Boruto.

They will need Sasuke/Naruto Fans who doens't care about pairings.

Uchiha/Kakashi/Itachi/Minato/Hokages/Akatsuki/Secondary Cast (pretty much the entire original fanbase) and a good plot/fights to call these people again. Isn't a coincidence so many polls in this period.

It's not just Boruto that did the damage. It's been done for way longer than 8 years, it's been done since the end of the Pain arc.

The quality dropped dramatically after that arc. And most people were still on board because we can excuse the poor writing, the retcons, the stupidity of certain moments as long as the ending of the manga was decent enough to make us say "You know it's been a rough road, but we got here and it's ok".

You know the saying "It's not the destination that matters, it's the journey" that could've been true with Naruto, in the end we could've said that's a good ride. But instead both the journey and the destination were trash and made the whole thing not worth it. And then like that wasn't enough they pilled up on that trash making it a lot worse and worse and worse.


They've burnt too many bridges with us. Not just the NS fans, but all. There wasn't a single fanbase that wasn't touched negatively by them. Even NH was destroyed by them. Yeah they got together, but ultimately apart from some fans who just wanted to see them together just to spit in our face, NH was destroyed. The Last ignored all their moments which NH were worshiping and throw them in the garbage and invented new ones in place of them. Those weren't the same characters.


I do have to say in a way I do agree that those polls aren't for nothing. Sooner or later they will have to correct course because it's not making them money. And ultimately that's what this is really about. It's a business and the point of a business is to make money. You have shareholders to answer to.

We've all seen thanks to you guys who kept up with the sales and posted them, that they've lost a lot.

Now are they going to do it in the upcoming future, I doubt it. I've shared what I think and what I say it would be more beneficial for them. End Boruto, leave it a while on shelves then pick a moment from Naruto from which you restart and ignore Boruto and act like it never happened. Maybe once a while poke some fun at it.

And obviously don't do the exact same things. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

#988997 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Nostradamus on 05 March 2023 - 05:29 PM

Further spitting on the message of the "fighting against destiny" message Naruto told Neji his views on "you are defined by what you're born with." He just accepts it and no saying he'll fight with his own power or anything, even though technically he never did even during  the fight with Neji looking back on it.

Hypocrisy at its best.

He did fight against Neji using his own power, and he lost. Then he asked the Kyuubi for some power and then he won.

Reminds me of the last fight between Naruto and Sasuke, where Sasuke declares that he will defeat Naruto using his own power, then immediately in the next panel Sasuke gets power from all the tailed beasts.


"I will beat you alone......using someone else's power, but I beat you and that's all that matters, forget what I said before" - Naruto series 1999-2014.

#988938 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Nostradamus on 25 February 2023 - 07:09 PM

Top Comment: "So basically you took Ninja Storm Legacy, put it into one game and added Indra and Ashura as 2 new characters and call it a new game."

The Last destroyed everything about Naruto to make sure Hinata was not a silver medal.

Also it has a decent amount of dislikes:



Granted it's not really that accurate because YT removed the dislikes from the public so in order to get them you have to use an addon to the browser. Which counts the amount of dislikes from all that had the plugin and clicked the dislike button. So the number could be higher.


And as for The Last, she will always be the second option. To anyone who bothered following the story and getting their NH blinders off they know very well that Hinata will always be second.

Actually even calling her second is not correct since Naruto never showed any interest in her. No matter how hard they tried with their retcons they can't escape that fact.

#988855 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Nostradamus on 16 February 2023 - 11:14 PM


Oh, Masashi will definitely come running whenever money involve. So if anyone convince him to redo the series that will potentially make more money, he will jump ship. The only suggestion he needed is to get better editors and assistants that don't put in their two cents.


With Studio Pierrot however, that might be a different story unless they pull many workers that was working on the franchise either fired or moved them to a different project. I see this happened all the time.

Oh yeah he'll come back if they give him enough money. However that's not what I meant. I was saying who knows when they'll redo it, and by then maybe he won't be alive anymore. Time passes after all.

Like I said I have no doubt that they will reboot it, redo it, restart it whatever term fits best one day. However I don't know when.


The smart move the way I see it is to end Boruto in whatever way doesn't really matter, leave it for some years in order for people to not have as strong feelings towards it as they do now, to forgot a little bit about it. Then announce a movie. I say a movie because they need something big and also small enough to get people hyped for it. Coming out with a manga or anime continuation won't have the same effect. Plus I've always believed that the best way is to redo the Naruto vs Sasuke fight. Why that point? Well because no one will ever reboot the whole series or start somewhere at the halfway point. That's just too much to erase. But mainly because having a fight especially a good animated one on the big screen with those two will be the big thing that they need.


#988852 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Nostradamus on 16 February 2023 - 06:18 PM

I agree that cancelling this, leave it to rest and then make a proper reboot would be the only option but again, with the very same people that kittened up the end of Naruto and now even worst Boruto, not sure how a reboot would save this mess.

If it's the same people then yeah it's going to be bad. These people clearly are stuck in insanity which is to do the same thing over and over expecting a different outcome.

They probably don't even realize what they did wrong and why people don't like what they put out. These people have their own internal polls, data, and go by their own bias.


I've always said that a remake of what is more workable is the ending will be a thing eventually. Simply because of the "Naruto" name. Whether we like it or not the name itself has power behind it. It's like Star Wars, or Batman, or Superman, Harry Potter, etc. no matter how dead those are now ( some more than others) they still have weight behind the name.

Look at Disney with Star Wars they ruined it. They made someone like me a fanboy hate Star Wars, but if they put out something good (which right now will not happen or in the near future) will bring me back and will bring back a lot of people. Does that mean I forgive them or forgot the past? No. And the same thing Naruto. What is done is done and nothing can change that. Nothing can change the fact that they betrayed the majority of the fanbase by appealing to a very small but very loud part of the fanbase which doesn't even support them financially and only cared about getting their way.


I doubt Kishi or SP will ever admit they did something wrong, they will just continue will nothing happened. At best we might get a comment like "what we did back then was good for the times, but now we're excited about the new material" when they will announce a remake.

I'm convinced one day they will redo it, when? I don't know. Maybe Kishi won't even be around for it. Or even us.

#988850 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Nostradamus on 16 February 2023 - 04:25 PM

This week episode suffered a lot of hate and become a international meme:




The damage was huge in Pierrot:

I don't think this single Naruto Monster Image is enough for Boruto Cancellation.  But it's the beggining of the end for the anime and manga.




:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:


I can't stop laughing. What have they've done? I thought some of the animations were bad, but this, this is on a different level all together.

At this point they should just admit defeat and leave it on a shelf for a while so people forgot about this and after a while reboot it.

It can not be saved otherwise.

#988259 Merry Christmas Again And A Happy New Year

Posted by Nostradamus on 01 January 2023 - 01:51 AM

I'm talking to you from the future. :wink:

Happy New Year everyone.

#988221 Merry Christmas Again And A Happy New Year

Posted by Nostradamus on 24 December 2022 - 07:12 AM

Well it's that time of the year. The end of the year. They've started to come and go faster and faster with each new year.


This year was from what I've seen was a pretty difficult one. Some have experienced things I wish no one would have to, but this is life with all its sorrow and joy. It doesn't make it go away, it just is.

I want to thank you all again for being here. For letting me be part of this group of amazing people. For helping not just me, but others as well when it was needed.


I hope and pray for a much better year to come for all.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all.


#987842 Boruto: The NeverEnding Prologue Chapter 73

Posted by Nostradamus on 07 October 2022 - 11:34 AM

Wow they skipped the Neji Vs Hinata fight during the chunin exam, as well as the suicidal charge against Pein, also her speech over Neji's body...holy crap they actually avoided putting Hinata in the entire celebration video. Surprisingly, they kept a lot of Sakura's iconic scenes in it as well.

I was surprised they did that. Especially knowing this is coming from the studio that worships her.

#987840 Boruto: The NeverEnding Prologue Chapter 73

Posted by Nostradamus on 07 October 2022 - 12:16 AM


A recap... wow. That's literally nothing.


This is a milestone and that's all they could do?!


#987585 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Nostradamus on 01 August 2022 - 09:29 PM

All the "special" Uchiha Jutsu with the Sharingan are if you ask me, Nate! And I mostly refer to Izanagi, Izanami, and Kotoamatsukami because of how stupid busted they are, even if the eye loses all sight.

The Uchiha's eyes are the swiss army knife of eyes, they have everything and can do everything.

Speaking of their eyes, can someone explain to me how does transferring ones Mangekyo eyes into another give you Eternal Mangekyo.

I mean my understanding of how it's suppose to work is that once you gain the Mangekyo you start losing your sight, the more you use its powers the quicker you lose your sight. And in order to regain your vision and more powers even, you have take the eyes of another Mangekyo sharingan user. That's what I remember.


Now maybe I'm the only one that thought about this, but how does transferring the eyes of someone who's losing their vision gets you back your vision? My understanding is that in order to get the Eternal, you need the eyes of someone who's got the Mangekyo, so someone who's losing or lost their sight. How does getting rid of your bad eyes and getting another's bad eyes gets you good vision?


I mean I know the whole transferring eyes thing was mainly so Itachi can scare Sasuke, at least in that point, but eventually it became the rule of how it works.

#987502 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Nostradamus on 19 July 2022 - 05:05 PM

Just want to give some clarifications. In case people didn't figure it out, I was talking about the covid shots. I'm not here to force you to take it or not to take it. Nor to convince anyone to do as I say. It is your choice and that's how it should be. A choice that you make based on all the information that you're willing to read/listen to. I'm not going to treat anyone differently based on their choice.

I can only tell you to take into consideration my advice which is not to take it. What you chose to do is on you.


The next part is why I decide to open up about ending it. The reason is because I know the feeling and thoughts of thinking you're alone.

That people don't understand what you're going through in that moment. But remember that they do. Everyone has problems. They're not dealing with the exact 100% problem as you, but they do have their own.

Remember you're not alone. And I would say don't be afraid to open up. It does help. Even to a complete stranger on the other side of the planet. In fact I think that's way easier.


Now enough of that since this isn't the place for it, I will return to post about Naruto. I did see some posts here that made me want to add some things. So don't worry, I'm done with being offtopic.