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#989900 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Nostradamus on 20 June 2023 - 01:54 AM

Just watched this video.... I know I am too late but spot on. 



I've watched it fully today, and I have to say right off the bat he gets a plus since he shares my hatred for Sasuke.

He was spot on, it's like he was reading these forums. Many of the things we've said echos in his video.

Like him I was willing to look the other way to most things if the ending is satisfying enough, however the way things ended and continued left such a bad taste that it ruined the whole experience.

No matter what they do from now on and into the future, there will never be a good comeback for Naruto.

The past will always overshadow it.

#989878 Why do Sakura and Hinata's stated feelings always get preference over Nar...

Posted by Nostradamus on 18 June 2023 - 01:27 AM

In Kotor II: The Sith Lords. The Titular Villains, the Sith Lords, are a dark reflection of the heroine the Jedi Exile. The Jedi Exile was a general in the Mandalorian War with an innate talent to create force bonds to strengthen her, during the final battle of the war she was betrayed by her leader, Darth Revan, by being order to activate a doomsday weapon the Mass Shadow Generator, the backlash of the mass death happening all at once made her cut herself off from the Force, but she in the game comes back defeats the Sith and her students go on to restore the Jedi Order that lasted for nearly 4000 years after her death. Darth Nihilus, Lord of Hunger, was an extreme of her relying on her force bond power to feed off others for strength; he became so consumed by his own power, he consumed his own body, and had to bind himself to his armor to survive. Darth Sion, Lord of Pain, is a dark reflection of her relying on the force to sustain herself; he became a walking corpse that could only survive by the Force. Darth Traya, Lord of Betrayal, both were betrayed by the Sith and exiled by the Jedi; Traya all the Jedi she trained followed Revan and fell to the darkside, she trained the other two lords in how to use their power which led to being consumed by their power, then betraying her, and she trained the Exile for revenge. Beyond the Exile, no other student survive to pass on her teaching leading them to mostly die with her beyond what the Exile taught to the Jedi. As Traya is the final boss she therefor is the greatest of the dark reflections of the Exile. IE Darth Revan's betrayal or in the game desire for revenge against the Jedi Council for exiling her was the greatest danger that could have led to her falling to the darkside. 



A Kotor II fan? No wonder you're this good.

To anyone who hasn't played this game, I highly recommend it, not really because of the gameplay itself, but for the story and the dialogue.

Everything that Kreia says is absolutely on a different level. It's a story that actually makes you think, not just about it, but also about life.

At this point it's a really old game so any machine can play it, however if you don't want to play it, I recommend going on YT and searching Kreia quotes. I'm going to be honest for anyone who's read my long rants, I've used quotes from her in them.

A little taste:

#989877 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Nostradamus on 18 June 2023 - 01:18 AM

Oh god found a video on how fans reacted to the new dragon ball z budokai tenkaichi 4 game, and in many, they take the piss out of how Naruto fans still haven't got a new game. All they have is Connections.


I've just found the video it is funny.


That was so brutal, but so funny and true.

Naruto's dead. Right now it's like trying to get blood from a stone. It's over.

#989737 One Last Rant

Posted by Nostradamus on 07 June 2023 - 04:12 AM

Wow thank you guys for resurrecting an almost 10 year thread. That was such a long time ago.

#989440 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Nostradamus on 08 May 2023 - 09:40 PM


That really is one double standard I will never understand. he's too busy to spend time with his kids but he can afford to adopt another one and gives the adopted kid his undivided attention. 

Well that's what happens when don't love the person you are with. And just get together because of different reasons.

I've seen it plenty of times in real life. And having a kid with them won't help the situation. It won't make you fall in love with that person or the kid. It just makes the entire situation worse than it already was.

#989392 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Nostradamus on 06 May 2023 - 03:02 AM

Read the ninth chapter.

I just checked it. I have to applaud you for spending time and neurons on this calling it garbage would be too nice.

There are moments where I don't know what to say because it's just too stupid. This is one of them.

#989381 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Nostradamus on 05 May 2023 - 10:20 PM

And yet Kakashi saying that to Sasuke shows hes a hypocrite since he rejected Rin when she was wanting to tell him how she felt after he explained Obitos feelings for her when he died.

But he also expects Sasuke to do what he refused to? Screw that!

Our Kakashi being a hypocrite? What are you talking about? He's not a hypocrite at all.

I mean did you forget that time when he trapped Sasuke to the tree and he told him to not seek revenge because revenge is bad, but then when Shikamaru asked him (Kakashi) for help to get revenge for Asuma; Kakashi had no problem with it and even helped him.

Oh wait that proves that he is a hypocrite.


#989242 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Nostradamus on 17 April 2023 - 01:22 PM

I think people are confused that it still sells. To which if that's the case I would have to say there will always be a group of people that's willing to support the thing they like even though the quality went down. Unless it's truly catastrophically bad.

Maybe people were expecting with Naruto when the ending came out to completely stop selling anything.

#989172 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Nostradamus on 06 April 2023 - 06:28 AM

could someone explain why the budget affects animation and their art?

I'm a little confused on that myself.

This question puzzled me more than I thought it would. Have none of you had a limited amount of money to work with in order to complete a project? Or even just to buy something.

Like any project you have limited resources to complete the task. In this case it's a team that gets an order of a certain amount of episodes that must be completed by a specific date. And they get an amount of money to work with to do the job. Everything has to fit within that amount of money from salaries to equipment, outsourcing to other people what you can't do internally, licensing, etc. and by done until you were told to.


With the Hinata confession episode they used a lot of resources for it. Adding brand new scenes, making sure they're all drawn and animated, extra lines for the actors, more time was spend on it, better animators, etc.

That's why I say they spend their budget on Hinata's episode. More work, care and resources was put into it than the fight that happened after.

In an ideal world people would have all the time and resources to achieve anything, but that's not really the case in this world.

Sometimes you have to make sacrifices and we saw what they chose to sacrifice.

#989122 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Nostradamus on 26 March 2023 - 05:02 AM

Hinata's popularity was never really a thing. As we've seen it was just a very small fanbase but a very loud one that overshadowed everyone else.

And her fanbase was mostly due to Studio Pierrot with their favoritism towards her. Whenever she was present her scenes were drawn really well, good animation, she appeared in many filler episodes, her confession got an entire episode with flashbacks and fighting to make everyone teary eyed over how amazing this girl is so everyone can demand that she ends up with Naruto because she deserves him because of what she did for him. Even though in the manga, you know the thing that the anime is based on, she goes there confesses then gets tossed aside.


You know even though that episode pissed me off because of what they did. What really made me hate that episode was what happened after. We were finally going to see in anime Naruto losing control over the Kyuubi, going berserk and the worst animation ever is what they used because they spent all their budget on Hinata's prior episode. :wallbash:


#989109 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Nostradamus on 20 March 2023 - 11:02 PM

Well, it shows where their priorities lie, doesn't it?


They only care about how big Hinata's boobs are and not for how good a story should be, nope all the Hinata fans want is Hinata's boobs being big.

Here's a question. Where did they go?

Also I will never go over the carnivorous plant they put right in the right place.

I guess in a way it's appropriate.  :chuckle: 

#989105 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Nostradamus on 20 March 2023 - 06:28 PM


At least Obito wanted to make up for his mistakes. Hinata hasn't at all, and she continues to show she was a poor choice to be with Naruto because she never really grew in the way others did, and yet NOW NH fans complain? Well, tough cookies, this is YOUR dishwashers liquid, YOU soak in it!

That is so true. I don't the character, but at least he wanted to make amends.

Hinata just continues on her path of screw everyone else, must save Naruto at all cost. Even if that cost is the lives of my children, how cares about them. I can make other ones.

We found someone worse than Obito.

#989102 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Nostradamus on 20 March 2023 - 04:09 PM

Why are NH fans even remotely surprised that she prioritized her sugar daddy over her child?  This is the same woman who tried to gaslight her son on his birthday by stating that her husband was allowed to be negligent because he had a terrible childhood and called him a "burden" that Naruto didn't need to deal with. And told her the same twelve year-old son to protect his father, even though Naruto's a freakin' demigod at this point. And was the one who was willing to leave her sister in the clutches of an enemy over knitting a damn scarf just win over the object of her obsession.  Or forgot that her cousin freakin' died to protect her before his corpse even cooled because Naruto was holding her hand.


I mean, Hinata's not just a horrible mother, she sucks as a family member on all fronts.

She kind of makes Obito look like a cool guy after all. :D

#989086 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Nostradamus on 16 March 2023 - 10:19 PM



Everything Post Pein was really bad.
Excluding some minor moments like Kushina and Minato mini Arc and maybe Madara appearence in the War etc.
I guess the Fanbase was really attached to the Characters/Story  to simply drop the manga even after the massive quality drop and Kishimoto's trolling against characters and pairings.

Oh yeah, it really was. I once described it as the gift that keeps on giving. Every single time you think you've unraveled everything that's wrong with it, you almost immediately find something else that's wrong just by thinking about it for a few seconds.

It relied on some cool moments to distract people from the bad parts.


There's also this:

#989081 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Nostradamus on 16 March 2023 - 07:19 PM


The damage was huge after 8 years of Boruto.

They will need Sasuke/Naruto Fans who doens't care about pairings.

Uchiha/Kakashi/Itachi/Minato/Hokages/Akatsuki/Secondary Cast (pretty much the entire original fanbase) and a good plot/fights to call these people again. Isn't a coincidence so many polls in this period.

It's not just Boruto that did the damage. It's been done for way longer than 8 years, it's been done since the end of the Pain arc.

The quality dropped dramatically after that arc. And most people were still on board because we can excuse the poor writing, the retcons, the stupidity of certain moments as long as the ending of the manga was decent enough to make us say "You know it's been a rough road, but we got here and it's ok".

You know the saying "It's not the destination that matters, it's the journey" that could've been true with Naruto, in the end we could've said that's a good ride. But instead both the journey and the destination were trash and made the whole thing not worth it. And then like that wasn't enough they pilled up on that trash making it a lot worse and worse and worse.


They've burnt too many bridges with us. Not just the NS fans, but all. There wasn't a single fanbase that wasn't touched negatively by them. Even NH was destroyed by them. Yeah they got together, but ultimately apart from some fans who just wanted to see them together just to spit in our face, NH was destroyed. The Last ignored all their moments which NH were worshiping and throw them in the garbage and invented new ones in place of them. Those weren't the same characters.


I do have to say in a way I do agree that those polls aren't for nothing. Sooner or later they will have to correct course because it's not making them money. And ultimately that's what this is really about. It's a business and the point of a business is to make money. You have shareholders to answer to.

We've all seen thanks to you guys who kept up with the sales and posted them, that they've lost a lot.

Now are they going to do it in the upcoming future, I doubt it. I've shared what I think and what I say it would be more beneficial for them. End Boruto, leave it a while on shelves then pick a moment from Naruto from which you restart and ignore Boruto and act like it never happened. Maybe once a while poke some fun at it.

And obviously don't do the exact same things. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.