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#476240 Naruto 634

Posted by catsi563 on 14 June 2013 - 02:07 AM

I think her chakra control being so perfect is precisely WHY she can do what shes doing.


She is the prime example of Maximum effect for minimum effort. AndNo she does not have nor need enormous chakra reserves.

in point of fact I believe that a lot of people drastically underestimate her natural reserves as it is. She was never weak in that regard she just never had any special jutsu to use it on.


Sakura I would actualy postulate had at the beginning what I would call average chakra reserves possibly slightly below average reserves for a ninja of her age and ranking. those reserves expanded normally to chunin levels and are now I would say Normal Jonin levels.


But because of her Near perfect control she is able to use jutsu and skills that would leave most shinobi doing the same exhausted.


Not to mention that she did not restore Narutos Chakra she simply healed him back to full health.

#471097 Sakura's new power-ups

Posted by catsi563 on 01 June 2013 - 01:02 AM

Just re read the chapter again and I am noe further convinced that my original theory holds truth.

Sakura has not released the seal nor has she revealed her full power yet.


She is basically doing what she was able to do in part 1 channel chakra for speed--vrs ino in the chunin exams--and channel it for strength--part 2.


This is basically Sakura not having part of her chakra being drained for the seal. Shes just cutting loose now that the seal is fully charged and ready.


When she releases the seal shes going to skyrocket in power.

#470126 Naruto 632

Posted by catsi563 on 30 May 2013 - 09:38 AM

Yes, it is confirmed that it's Yin Seal.




This is evidence that points to the theory I was espousing earlier. When Yin Seal release was performed Tsunade showed a marked phsycial reaction in the form of those chakra lines on her face.

When she activated Byakugo the lines spread across her entire body visibly on panel.


Sakura has no marks or visible signs of the seals release save the diamond which is the symbol of the seal itself where all the chakra is stored.


So the premise remains the same. It is entirely plausible that Sakura has YET to release her full power, shes just cutting loose now. When she actualy releases the seal and we see the marks ((if we actualy do )) then the potential power she has is incalculable.



#214847 Did Naruto win or lose the battle with Sasuke?

Posted by catsi563 on 21 February 2009 - 07:20 PM

I believe this actually and posit it happend in my own Stories. Ill give my reasons why too.

First reason. Symbolism

We all know Kishimoto is big on Symbolism in battles. evey Battle means something its not jsut two people bashing fists and kunai into each other. Evry fight has a meaning even to the loser. Sandaime dies at orochimarus hands ((hence losing the fight)) yet he stops orochimarus ambitions ((hence winning the battle))

Naruto techincally draws with gaara since both are exhausted and unable to move exccept by crawling. (( a draw)) yet he wins the battle by getting through to Gaara that there is more to life then killing hence causing gaara to give up the fight ((hence winning the fight and battle))

Itachi dies of his own illness ((losing the fight to sasuke)) but preventing Sasuke from gaining his revenge ((hence winning the overall battle))

Also there is this little bit Rasengan is stornger then chidori

Now I know some may argue that hes jsut pulling Narutos leg to get him to come with him to search for Tsunade. But I dont belive this to be the case at this moment. He knows how much more powerful and versatile Rasnegan is.

finally their is the difference in power between the one tiled fox form and the cursed seal lvl 2. I peronally feel the one tialed is stronger, and we all know Naruto can go beyond 1 tail. even if we argue that the CS2 is equal to the KN1 we know he cna go past 1. hence while both were hurting yes and both were exhausted. Naruto we know had greater depths of power and better motviation then sasuke.

leading to the final reason motivation. The major ideal in naruto has allways been gaining the greatest strength from protecting that which is precious to you. Naruto in this instance is protecting both his "brother" and his love for Sakura by keeping his promise.

Sasuke is motivated by pure selfish revenge. and THis is the Key reason. if we say sasuke won then all that came before is bogus nad meaning less. I dont beleive it to be meaningless so heres what happened as I see it.

Sasuke and Naruto both feel the effects of there exhaustion and injuries as the fight draws to a close. they know this is it so they charge up their biggest attacks which are amplified by there forms. they leap at each other and clash.

it is that this instance that Naruto overpowers sasuke. weve allready established Rasnegan is more powerful, and Naruto has the better motviation. Yet at this moment Naruto has a chocie set before him and an instance to make this decision.

An inch higher and he scalps Sasuke, an inch lower he takes his face off maiming or killing him either way. its one thing to break his legs and drag him back but to permanently cripple or disfigure him or worse kill him all violate his ninja way and worse his promise to sakura.

So he takes the third option. he does the impossible. what Sasuke said he could never do and the thing that would never change.

he scratches Sasukes forhead protector. ((remember symbolism is key here)) doing the impossible and leaving himself open to Sasukes ((almsot certainly)) fatal last attack.

Sasuke at this last instance is so shocked by the attack, that he is stunned and shocked out of the rage that has consumed him. the dead last of the class, the lsoer, the dobe etc. has jsut doen the unthinkable, he could have killed him.

Sasuke sees what he is about to do and at the last instance closes off the chidori instead laying a final punch into Narutos allreayd injured ribs. the pain is too much and naruto falls unconscious. Sasuke stands there the winner of the fight, yet the loser of the battle.

he knows hes chosen a final path of damnation. as his forhead protector falls from his head and lands near naruto he sees the symbolic scratch that signifies both a missing nins status, and the impossible feat pulled off by naruto.

he knows he should have lost, that naruto should have killed him and he cant figure out why. ((he knows nothing of narutos promise to sakura, beyond the words maybe))

thats the primary reason why i believe Sasuke lost the battle even though Naruto gave up and let him win the fight. He could have taken him down all the way. but doing so would have broken what was most sacred to him at that time. his promsie to Sakura and his word as a ninja.

As we all know sasuke had to ""win"" otherwise wed have no story to follow. Yet the methodof winning is where the symbolism lies.

Saskue lost that battle and he knows it. As arrogant as he is later in shippuden, its got to eat away at his kraw to know that the dead last defeated him. and could have killed him but for some reason let him live.

maybe he chalks it up to weakness and sentimentality unbecoming a ""true shinobi"" hence justifying itachis hate me philosophy. who knows?

the symbolism remains though. Naruto won the battle by losing the fight.