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#990136 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Derock on 15 July 2023 - 04:44 PM

Wow, color me surprise. Minato's story was on point. Masashi, you had one job. Where was this writing during the end of Naruto?!

#990135 Minato One Shot: The Whirlwind Inside The Vortex

Posted by Derock on 15 July 2023 - 04:38 PM

You see, THAT was a true Naruto story! Everything flowed well, no nonsense whatsoever. Everything and everyone was correct in terms of character. 


However, I see how Naruto got some of his "lameness" from Minato, with the weird long name for the Rasengan! Like father, like son. 





#990046 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Derock on 06 July 2023 - 02:46 AM

A bit of a shocker of cameos, so watching Marvel's Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, I noticed a certain trio appeared on one screen:



#989897 Boku No Hero Academia

Posted by Derock on 19 June 2023 - 06:40 PM

If he wants to continue the franchise, he can always rely on his team that does the spin-offs, i.e. Team-Up Missions. Horikoshi-sensei can do the writing/supervisor role.

#989434 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Derock on 07 May 2023 - 09:44 PM

I think the biggest issue Narusaku would have faced as a married couple with kids is actually finding time together. You'll never convince me that Orphan From Birth Naruto would prefer paperwork to family time even as Hokage--that man would be using Kagebunshin to do the village work and nagging his workaholic wife to come out of the hospital for a few hours and play hookey with him and the kids   :hm:


Actually, they can work. First off, you will definitely have Naruto NOT do paperwork and he will definitely bribe Shikamaru or maybe Kakashi to do it. He can still be mischievous as an adult. Also, ignoring the Kage Bushin, because he will definitely abuse the jutsu, work and at home. Plus, at least it would showing him as a diligent husband towards Sakura, especially either playing hookey or even showing up at Sakura's office lunch/break hours. Even with their kid(s), at least he won't be as ignorant as how Masashi and Ikemoto portray him in Boruto by being the doting and loving father without the BS that was showing in this current canonicity. I think many will question or concern about NaruSaku as a married couple with kid(s) is their issue of balance (but it can potentially can solve straight away).

#989204 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Derock on 13 April 2023 - 05:59 PM

Glad Sakura claimed the top 3 and Minato stayed in 1st. Rather have stuff about him instead of Hinata. Speaking of her, I wasn't surprised her fans managed to get her to the top 10. She doesn't deserved it though.

#989176 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Derock on 06 April 2023 - 08:36 PM

funny i feel that filler arc is what most hinata fans go to for her which is creepy 




That's the general consensus for a lot of us.


I felt the same way too... like are they really attempted to "sexualize" a 12-13 year old girl and why she had to be naked? 


It reminded me what was going on with the Dead or Alive series with its creator, Tomonobu Itagaki, when he was leading Team Ninja for Tecmo. During his run of developing the games and spin-offs, Itagaki made a weird comment that "it is okay in Japan to sexualize girls like Kasumi as opposed to the West". Back then, Kasumi and Ayane were 17 and 16 year old respectfully. However, when the games were localized for the West, their ages were stated N/A. Same for Kokoro when she debuted in DOA4 as she was 16. This all changed when 5 came out, thanks to the 2-year time skip for the plot (but then again, we then have Marie Rose, Honoka and later NiCO, legitimate lolicon characters).  Promotional materials for DOA1 (PS1 and Saturn Openings) and DOA 2 had Kasumi nearly naked. And also Kasumi's "controversial" 4 ending of her dreaming as a mermaid, topless. At one point, hackers managed to find a naked 3D model of Kasumi in DOA2 and made her playable which caused Itagaki and Tecmo legal actions.


So I don't know how people let their taboo fantasies to come forth without controversy. Come to think of it, why didn't anyone shot back at SP back then for the waterfall scene?

#989163 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Derock on 03 April 2023 - 07:20 PM

The First Naruto chapter came out on October 4th, 1999, and if we skip to when Hinata first showed up in chapter 34, which came out on June 19th, 2000.


Now if we look at the anime which started in 2002 in October, the 3rd had Hinata in the first episode.


Clearly, this shows right from the start, SP had favoritism toward Hinata. Now this might not be true, and I could be overthinking this, but I think SP was trying to set up Hinata the moment they got their hands on this manga thanks to all the filler that had Hinata and painted her in a better light than all the other girls.


I wouldn't count that. I mean because not only her, but Sasuke, Sakura, Shikamaru, Chouji, Ino, Shino and Kiba was shown on the first and 3rd episodes to give more clarity of who were Naruto's classmates in the Ninja Academy before he became a Genin.  It made sense canon-wise because none (except a "cameo" of Sasuke) were shown on the debut manga chapter, they were just random kids (especially the clone final exam scene, both Shikamaru and Ino were the replacements of 2 random boys complaining at Naruto for Iruka's pop exam). We knew Sasuke and Sakura's official debuts were in chapter 3. The others came in later during the beginning of the Chunin Exams.

#989152 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Derock on 29 March 2023 - 06:51 PM


Yup, which irritates me too that they had to do that. And shows how the writers of The Last knew jack and crap about "Naruto" as a franchise.


Exactly. Those people disrespected the franchise. It's fine to add filler but not the kind of filler to make your own changes that would screw up plots.

#989138 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Derock on 28 March 2023 - 03:55 PM

And in the filler flashback, didn't they show Naruto creating actual Shadow Clones to use on bullies? Y'know, the technique that he never knew about until he was twelve and whose lesser variation he sucked at?


I don't remember but then again, if it did happen, then they were basically rehash that filler flashback for The Last to be "canon".

#989132 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Derock on 27 March 2023 - 09:59 PM

I also forgot she had a bodyguard who didn't do s*** but chastised Naruto who was trying to "save" her.

#989130 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Derock on 27 March 2023 - 07:50 PM

I have no idea, but if I remember in the episode that had Hinata confess her love for Naruto, and then the forced back story with her getting picked on oddly by three bullies, the same as Sakura's back story with her getting bullied. Anyway, from what I remember, and this was a long time ago, but SP did work far better on Hinata's episodes or anything that had her play big moments.


The actual episode goes like this:

  • The whole episode was about Hinata and her confession
  • The team added a filler flashback on how she fell in love with Naruto when she was being picked on by three kids and he "tried" to save her, mind you, that back in Part 1, the Hyuga family was basically royalty.
  • Speaking of the royalty status, the only thing was correct was Hiashi mistreated her because of her shy personality. But because they want her to be interesting to the audience, they ignored Sakura's situation of being bullied because of her forehead and give Hinata a situation of her being bullied by others, which was downright stupid in both the kids and in the writer's perspective.  Why would you write about that for her when she was supposed to be royal status for the Leaf?
  • Did I mentioned that she had a lolicon design as a child?
  • Then the unnecessary "determine to save Naruto" fight scene with the "Sailor Hinata hair" animation because the one-hit KO from Pain in the manga most likely pissed off the Hinata fandom at Studio Pierrot and want her to look pretty while being beaten up. 

So SP use the animation resources to make sure Hinata looks as gorgeous as possible for her episode. And when we get to the actual hyped episode of Naruto (Tailed-Beast 5-6 Mode) Vs. Pain, well.. you guys saw what happened.


Also, I mentioned before but have you noticed on The Last, it is very similar to that flashback.

#989101 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Derock on 20 March 2023 - 04:07 PM

Why are NH fans even remotely surprised that she prioritized her sugar daddy over her child?  This is the same woman who tried to gaslight her son on his birthday by stating that her husband was allowed to be negligent because he had a terrible childhood and called him a "burden" that Naruto didn't need to deal with. And told her the same twelve year-old son to protect his father, even though Naruto's a freakin' demigod at this point. And was the one who was willing to leave her sister in the clutches of an enemy over knitting a damn scarf just win over the object of her obsession.  Or forgot that her cousin freakin' died to protect her before his corpse even cooled because Naruto was holding her hand.


I mean, Hinata's not just a horrible mother, she sucks as a family member on all fronts.


Wait, NOT the sugar daddy!!!  :lmao:  :lmao:  :lmao:  :lmao:  :lmao:

#989066 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Derock on 14 March 2023 - 07:34 PM

Please do NOT post anything 18+ related material here.

#988885 Naruto: Konoha's Story-The Steam Ninja Scrolls: The Manga Chapter 9

Posted by Derock on 20 February 2023 - 04:30 AM

Its not that he didn't had a Moment is just he is generally unimportant/unfocused on especially in the sequel era.


Remember Kiba was a joke by the end as Naruto;s completely ignored and forgotten rival, Tenten is so unimportant we don't even have complete confirmation she Lee's wife and just runs a unless weapon shop, and Choji is normally just the father of Fat Filler via crack pairing.


I edited your post this for clarification.