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Member Since 09 Jul 2013
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#481966 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Psychox on 18 July 2013 - 07:48 AM

This makes it sound like its only her choosing Naruto because Sasuke is evil and she wont be able to ever have a relationship with him...


We have seen the huge amount of development between the two , Sakura was the one who has most grown anyway.


She has these deep feelings for Naruto , but something is stoping her to express them how we would like her to, we know she can we've seen her do it before . I bet she needs a little push ,something that triggers her emotions to such a high level that it will touch her heart. She has these  emotions stored within and waiting to be released and they will come out as soon as a little spark lightens  the wick. I think Kishi puorposly separated them for so long , so that she can have some time to realize how strong those emotions are...


And i think that the time has come ...


How does she feel about Sasuke , well that is a doozy , she has certanlly changed her views and observations  as we've seen from 540 (though some state that she is not over him), however she still wants him back as a teammate and reuinte the Family aka team 7 ..

But 635 ... according to me she is lying to herself about Sasuke.....



It still stays a mistery to me ,how will Kishi ''break the dam'' storing the river of love for Naruto...

#480987 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Psychox on 12 July 2013 - 02:44 PM

Many nh fans claim it was a romantic scence , no , it wasnt , but to convice them is harder than keeping a child from takeing a cockie form the cockie jar or something like that :) , mmmm they take everythin literally.. they use this from 633 as evidance or something like that .... no coment there..


Not to mantion every panel with hinata in it is nh canon same goes for ss..

#480953 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Psychox on 12 July 2013 - 11:40 AM

Hi, I am a little new here, so i thought to first express my views of the site and the people who come arond it.


It is fantastic :) , really i've been to countless sites and finally found this , thank god lol :D..


Anyways , I am a fan of naruto since Juli 2011 , back then i didnt know what MANGA was ... only anime.


When i started watching Naruto, my 1st impression was how it began, amazing storyline,good charachters and a lot of mistery (4th hokage ,kurama etc etc)


Now, i became a NaruSaku fanf from episode 3.. Back then my 1st impression of Sakura was O_O? What the heck? Why did she make fun of Naruto i mean it was cruel..

However i saw she began changing after the whole you are annoing (you make me sick thing) with Sasuke.


I saw her ''little'' interactions with Naruto even back then it was quite obvious that something will happen between them , i mean c'mon i even watched the filler arc with everything , huh..

Nvm, Shippuden i saw their realtionship on a whole diffrent level.. aka.. growth.. development... on her side like love? lol


Anyway, what confused me to a unexplainable level was the confession part .


Then i thought what ,why? Did she forced those feelings? Did she lie? Did she manipulated him? What exactly did she meant by ''If Sasuke-kun and Naruto both got hurt , who will i heal first''... lol wut?


What sorf of a question was that? That lead me to believe that she didnt care for Naruto at all.. I mean her confession seemd real, her feelings above all, but something was off....


Now then came another filler arc and i couldnt go on and watch the anime anymore..


I started looking for forums , information, explanations on what happened b/w them? What happens next?


I came to the NB forum - there they bashed the hell out of Sakura - worshiped Hinata - lol really? What?


I asked myself why? Why the hate.. I searched the internet and found why.. those guys werent kidding at all ,  i mean flaming and calling her names like she was real .. huh..


Then it got frustrating and beyond comprehension , e began doubting her feelings and truthfullness....


The next site i came by was narutopedia... by that time the Manga was at chapter 615 lol can you guess what i saw?

It was suprising really - the section of hinata was full of pictures holding hands ?? Slaping Naruto, showing him how far she came?WUT? Her confessions was overrated as hell , her actions too. I mean what the hell did i ve  just read....


The whole site was full of ,how Hinata was yeah suck a bada** and Sakura beeing a side charater , Kishi never inteded to make her? - which stands there till today .. lol :P


I was so disappointed and confused of Sakura , but then i began wondering what if there is something more to this?

I mean Japan has his own culture and traditions?


We are living in a different place and our mantality is in a way not the same - maybe?


Its a good thing that i watched other Animes to know that her character had more to what it seemed to  be..


Anyways, i decided to read the manga and i saw that it has almost nothing to do with the anime... huh .. What the actual ...?


There were things there  that in the anime well.... never happend .. :pinch: :jawdrop: ..

Still i was not convinced about her true feelings for him.. So what did i do .... Checked people's opinions on tumbler,tweeter and such...


They did not helped , well some did, then i stumbled upon those :









And practiclly everything was clear as the sky on a sunny day. I knew she was not lying , but what did she lied about was my quiestion..


I never stoped beeing a NS fan or believing, but some personal stuff clowded my judgment :pinch: .


I saw a lot of you guys debating about chapters like


Again 615 - her face was expressing Shock that Naruto and Hinata were getting closer.. that confirmed her feelings  for our blonde hero if not to 99,99% .. :chuckle: .


Now Naruto's feelings are  not debatable , its spred all over the manga...


Sakura's for Sasuke- honestly i did not know for sure... i know that they were wavering and disspearing, but really did she actually love him? Nah... Her confession was a state of desperation to keep Sasuke in the village nothin more.. She forced her those feelings and this is not personal bias at all.. Its obvious ... 


I've shown the 540 chapter the scene with the love fodder and Sasuke's image to a girl i know.. and she said ''Hm , well she kind of hates him actually and herself for loving him.. I loled that she  did not know the story of the concept behind it , but said AW HE IS HANDSOME.. :D ..


Whatever those are my takes on the situatuon, a long rant and an annoying one to be honest , i guess none of you will read it but yeah if you do.. THX :P:)


Again , i am very happy to have finally found people who think logically and not depent on FanFiction or twisting facts or dissin' parallels...

PS: Most of the Naruto-Sites are NH sites or SS dunno >.< as you mantioned , same goes for the manga translators...
And here i thought it was me imagining things :D