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#948710 NaruSaku gif

Posted by thelordofspace72 on 12 September 2017 - 08:06 AM


#948496 Who else switched over to BoruSara after NaruSaku got kicked to the curb?

Posted by thelordofspace72 on 10 September 2017 - 06:54 AM

The above has no source, and cannot be proven to be true, ala conspiracy theory. It's pure fan headcanon.


To reinforce this, Kishimoto is not writing the Boruto manga, so if the new ship becomes canon, that's the new mangaka's choice. 


I don't ship BoruSara, and reserve both judgement and prediction until I've seen more material.



Analyzer Please stop bothering people, it's just freedom of expression.

One-time stop responding to anyone's words even if it's true please.


no the worst will ALWAYS be the NH/SS shippers who try so hard to make us like their pairing and vilify us while they're at it. also itachi fans who don't shut up.


You are right in all your thoughts, they do not always respect us and insist on bothering us anywhere.
Maybe they do it because they're jealous, why do not they just let us in? The ship they're promoting has been successful.



No one can make you like the canon pairings, ship what you want to ship. Never interacted much with the Itach fans. 


Analyzer I understand what you said but this does not give you the right to prevent everyone from crossing and saying what he wants.

First and last, you are not always the right one.

#948424 Who else switched over to BoruSara after NaruSaku got kicked to the curb?

Posted by thelordofspace72 on 09 September 2017 - 07:49 AM

It is impossible to encourage the relationship between these two. I'm sorry
Kishimoto wants through BoruSara's relationship to apologize for what he did towards narusaku fans. Because the relationship between Boroto and Sarada is almost similar to Naruto's relationship with Sakura.
but no. I will not forget the insults and bad titles that Naruhina and Sasusaku fans insulted us. Even my most friends and acquaintances have insulted me for years, all because of Kishimoto.
Kishimoto has been deceiving us for 15 years and finally changes everything as he wants and says that's what I wanted the manga readers to expect through the love triangle. It was all a surprise
Kishimoto controls the feelings of narusaku fans for years as he wants and then destroys us and then apologizes to us through the borusara relationship and then destroys us.
I'm sorry I will not forgive Kishimoto for what he does. It has made narusaku fans the worst among all the fans.
I know that the subject we're talking about is just animated on paper. But Kishimoto controls our feelings for years as he wants. This is really painful

#947952 The moment narusaku died

Posted by thelordofspace72 on 04 September 2017 - 05:59 AM

OK. The majority says in the pain arc. But I say that at the moment the production of the film naruto the last.

#946545 What did NaruSaku mean to You?

Posted by thelordofspace72 on 17 August 2017 - 01:37 PM

Of course. narusaku will remain our 1st couple for ever. Because it means a lot to us. It represents how the boy-girl relationship is in real life.This relationship shows the idealistic boy and girl look at each other in adolescence. We do not forget that there are feelings of interest between them (which is love and mutual respect) because Sakura cares about Naruto. You remember at the beginning of the shippuden when Naruto fell from the Kiyobi stage when Orochimaru's fighting ended after accidentally hitting Sakura. How she ran towards him with her tears because she loved him and did not want him to suffer any more. What her teacher Yamato said to her is not important what you do for Naruto. But what is important is your feelings towards Naruto (Yamato meant her mutual love towards him).

#946538 NaruSaku is canon.

Posted by thelordofspace72 on 17 August 2017 - 12:12 PM

he is a canon. I don't care what kishi want. he made the ending for the money and crush his wife's heart and his artwork's of naruto are broken and he had been made a grave for naruto because naruto is dead I mean naruto said he always never give up on his words why he lost his mind. i mean naruto said to sakura in land of iron arc he hate people who lie to thier self. i had never think that he was right on the 2 thigs the first we know it and 2nd sakura lie to her self when she think that sasuke there is some hope in hem she was wrong.Do you know what is wrong It is not that we love a bad person, a criminal, a demon, a villain, a person who continues to destroy our heart and feelings, someone who has mental problems, or someone who can not give love and smiles for us.no the wrong is To convince ourselves that that person will change for the better in one day and become good and honest in his feelings. , But these hopes are very far from the reality in which we are.

#946269 Happy NaruSaku day

Posted by thelordofspace72 on 14 August 2017 - 02:59 PM


#946267 Whats your OTP now that NS was given the pipe?

Posted by thelordofspace72 on 14 August 2017 - 02:03 PM

my best OTP will still narusaku

#945202 Why DO we like Narusaku?

Posted by thelordofspace72 on 04 August 2017 - 01:28 PM

1. they look so cute.
2. it make sense because Naruto loves Sakura absolutely and do every thing for her and he was there for her and smile for her all that for make her happy in my opinion this is the true real love.
3. Sakura dose the same thing to Naruto all the time and she dose not seem to respect him but she respects him in her heart and she is supports him usually and she rarly feels that she loves him.
4. and they must be acanon kishimoto himself said that in the begene of shippuden because all evidence of narusaku crush between them. note: kishimoto have change the ending from narusaku to naruhina for the money.
5. because the cheap masashi kishimoto make Sakura look like afool when she loves the criminal monster Sasuke who tried to kill her 3 times without realizing and how he apologized by saying thank for every thing.
6. Naruto look for Sakura like agirlfriend but many people think he look for her as just afriend but they are wrong because he look for Hinata like afriend and he never care about her feelings.
7. sasusaku & naruhina dosent make any sense because sakura and hinata loves naruto and sasuke when they was kids but this is illogical and unreasonable Because children are unable to  understand love.
8. Sakura often look for Naruto like aboyfriend because she loves him but she cant show hem her love but she could help hem and be with hem some times and hugged hem when he makes her happy and say to hem thanks for every thing this is so cute.