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#498612 Got bashed for liking Sakura wow just wow people

Posted by Jenskott on 06 October 2013 - 10:44 AM

Well as a matter of fact I did. I liked the manga quite a bit actually. Look, the point of my rant is not saying Sakura is abusive of Naruto but to inform people that to say all female on male violence is for comedy is sexist. With an emphasis on ALL. when we laugh at all males getting hit by females we subconsciously laugh at the irony that a male is getting abused by a "so-called weaker" female and therefore is a wimp. Sure I understand it's  for laughs and that Sakura is far from the worst case, but I am just informing that women and men who just wave this stuff off as 100% comedy are insulting themselves, That's all I'm getting at. if you still miss my point I'd be happy to explain further, though I'm personally viewing my explanation as easy to understand.



No, I get -or at least I think I do- your point. To consider abuse is good, acceptable or even funny if it is made by a female on a man it is sexist and demeaning to both, men and women.


It reminds me in Urusei Yatsura (by Rumiko Takahashi. Have you read Ranma, Inu Yasha or Rin-Ne? All are Takahashi works), main character Ataru prides in having never hit a girl, and everyone commenting how noble is that. Once a male character -Nagisa- was challenged to a fair fight by the girl he liked -Ryuunosuke-, but he was unable to fight seriously -much to Ryunosuke's anger- because he could not hurt the person he loved. Still, in this series girls beat -and in the instance of Lum, fry with electricity- guys they like the whole time, and nobody ever calls them on it -and often it is implied or outright stated the male got it coming. Why? Because he is male, of course!-.


Trouble is, I can not stop disregarding it like comedy using violence like a source of laughs because that is what it is. I can not take it seriously much like I can not take seriously violence on Tom & Jerry or the Loony Toons. It is not meant to be taken seriously. How many times has Homer throttled Bart? And nobody calls him on it because it is to be taken comedically. However, when his father told him he was an accident, it was not played out for laughs. Homer was resentful and his father remorseful (and when Marge reminded her husband he tells the same things to Bart, he replied that, when he does it, it is funny... what is the point).


I understand others can find it unamusing or even offensive... but it is a comedical trope in this kind of stories. If you begin to think how it would seem in a realistic setting, you also can begin to deconstruct everything on the series. And I -usually- hate deconstructions. To me, it is a matter of accepting the workings of a series or reading something else (in case of finding it stupid, unrealistic or offensive). Do not try to insert reality in something it is not intended to be realistic because it will not end up well.


After all, there are series where abuse is treated like a serious matter, not matter the sex of the abuser and the abused persons. In Great Teacher Onizuka, Noburu was daily abused by Anko and it was not treated like right, acceptable or funny. And she was not her girlfriend, either (coincidentally, when Anko DID fall in love with Noboru she did not hit him again, and she provided her two lackeys bothering him).


However, oftenn I find people condemning a tsundere character like abusive and kitteny, but exhonerating another characters who are just so much or more abusive than the characters the hate.


Anyway, if someone thinks Sakura is more violent than your average tsundere, I present you... Kaori Makimura from City hunter




I have no time to skim over and pick pages right now, but you can read the manga here (and you should. It is REALLY good). Every chapter Kaori pummels Ryo several dozens of times with one-hundred-ton mallets. Or try to drop him off a window. Or slams him against a wall. Or smashes a bed on his head. Or flattens him... literally. Or rearranges his face. Or...

#475037 Naruto 633

Posted by Jenskott on 11 June 2013 - 10:18 AM

My thing is, they're all like religious people, if you could reason with them and if they would give the slightest attention to logic, THEY WOULDN'T EXIST.

No, they are not like religious people. Listening to logic, you say? Non-NS fans could tell the same thing about us. There are many non-NS fans that use logical and well-thought arguments, even if I do not agree with them.

And your point about religious people not existing if they would use logic it is completely scurrilous and offensive. Most religious people are logical and reasonable. Nutjobs and zealots exists on all sides -including non-believers-, they are always a -sadly loud- minority and they are never representative of nothing.

Have you tried to see things from the opposite point of view and considered that maybe someone is not a non-NS shipper or believes in God may think the same thing about you? That you can not be reasoned with and you don't give the slightest attention to logic?

I do not want to be rude, but it is quite arrogant -and offensive- thinking that, if someone else disagrees with you about something or think or believes in something else -and you can not prove that person is wrong, either- is irreasonable and illogical.

You are bashing other people only because they don't think like you. Bashing goes against the rules. Please, stop it.

And that is another thing. I check this chapter thread and all that people talks about is other pairings and their fans. I have not read all posts but I have seen many posts lambasting them. Why can not we talk about Naruto, NS or the current chapter without mentioning or bashing other fans?