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Member Since 10 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Apr 23 2015 07:07 PM

#777311 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Metalhead87 on 12 March 2015 - 08:15 PM

The Neji and Sakura part had me sighing and laughing, the ending where he says he created an amazing piece of work...I just can't handle stupidness..


I think the only amazing piece of work in that interview is Kishimoto himself. How can the guy be so...clueless?


It's obviously bollocks, because he never made Hinata into the heroine. Heroine isn't a position that can be swapped at a whim, allowing another character to take the previous one's place. Heroine is a title earned through the story by the action that a character takes. Hinata did nothing to earn that title, and it shows by how fragile the support beams for the series now stand with her in that position. All it would take is a slight push, and the entire thing will collapse in on itself, and there has been plenty of evidence to suggest that the process has already begun. The opportunity for her to legitimately take on the role passed her by years ago, and it's far too late to build her up to be one now.

#776182 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Metalhead87 on 11 March 2015 - 01:46 PM


Left you a review too! Just shake off the NH/SS trolls. I think now, since the craptastic ending, the odd crappy review is to be expected.


Thank you!  :D Yeah, I've just been ignoring them. As you say, these types of reviews are going to be a lot more prevalent nowadays post Naruto ending. Hopefully they won't put off new writers from posting their content, as that would be a shame.


Can I have the link of your fanfic in FF so I can review it?


Sure you can. https://www.fanficti...t/s/11104372/1/ Thanks!  :happy:

#775906 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Metalhead87 on 11 March 2015 - 12:28 AM

I posted the one shot I entered into the 10th Anniversary Contest about 3 hours ago on ff.net, and I've already gotten a review saying that NaruSaku is pathetic, that I'm a loser, and that I should go F' myself.


:lmao:  :lmao:  :lmao:


Ahh...that made my day lol


EDIT: Oh, sorry. They didn't tell me to go F' myself, they called me an F'ing loser. Apologies for the misinformation there. Oh deary me, the mistakes that can be made when one is too busy snickering at a troll...

#774948 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Metalhead87 on 09 March 2015 - 10:11 PM


That confession is spot on. I've mentioned this before, but I liked Part I Hinata. She had some actual depth. You can debate just how much depth that was, but it's certainly far more than she got in Part II.



Hey Arnold was the best.


I agree with you on Hinata. Part 1 Hinata was definitely more interesting a character. She had potential to grow and become someone capable of much more. In Part 2, she literally became a plastic doll with a pull-string activated catch phrase. That was it - there was nothing else to her. A plastic doll that her "fans" could see their own reflection in.


Ah, I remember Hey Arnold! Haven't seen it in I don't know how long lol

#774455 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Metalhead87 on 09 March 2015 - 11:58 AM

Slow day today, huh?


Fake Kishimoto Quotes of the Day:


"Death is just the next great journey...or so I keep telling my career."


"If a job's worth doing, it's worth doing well. If it's not worth doing, give it to Studio Pierrot."


"People keep on telling me that I'm rapidly losing fans. I tell them that my work area is perfectly cool, thank you."

#773950 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Metalhead87 on 08 March 2015 - 03:38 PM

Heh, thanks Swagkura and Metalhead. I wasn't really offended though. It was obvious they were just kids.


...I just called some kids lame. Now I feel like a bit of a bully lol


But, anyway, no problem.

#771407 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Metalhead87 on 05 March 2015 - 02:53 PM

That winner logo :lmao:

But congrats to winning that fanfiction competition ^^


I know, right? It's an awesome logo! I was quite pleasantly surprised to see it when I logged in today lol


And thank you very much!  :happy: I appreciate it.

#770190 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Metalhead87 on 03 March 2015 - 05:39 PM

Naruto is basically "Retcon: The Manga", these days.


I can see the blurb on the back of the book now. "A thrilling tale of how things happened, but then they didn't, and something else happened instead. What do you mean something happened before now? No they didn't. Shut up".

#769366 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Metalhead87 on 02 March 2015 - 05:56 PM



A little off-topic, and possibly known by everyone else in the world who reads manga apart from myself, but there appears to be a new 3-part Dragon Ball Z story released...



#766670 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Metalhead87 on 27 February 2015 - 10:16 AM

I hate what happened to this series. Just saying.


I don't get what their plan is after Part 3 and the movie. What do they intend to do when these things are done? What is their plan? Do they even have one? Are they just going to keep on going and going until someone finally tells them to stop? If so, how?


It seems very much that the risk outweighed the reward in this scenario, and I just don't understand what their long term goals in doing this are. Do they even have any? This whole thing seems very short term, and if what we've seen and read appears to suggest, they are not making enough financial return to justify the risk. They made a bit in the beginning, sure, but what about now? The money that they made back then is more than likely being funnelled into trying to sell the stuff at this point in time, which isn't selling as much as they had projected. All of the stuff that they are trying to sell has already been made, and no doubt they can't just leave it lying in a warehouse somewhere as that would be wasted money. In trying to sell the stuff and make some money back on it, though, they are losing more money in the long run because people are increasingly refusing to buy their products.


I wonder if they're trapped and don't know what to do. Like, they have all of this crap made, so they're sticking to the plan of selling it for now in order to try and make some of the money spent making it back, but don't know what to do in order to rectify the situation.

#765428 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Metalhead87 on 25 February 2015 - 04:48 PM

So I was rewatching Road to Ninja believe it or not and oddly enough the events from the manga didn't affect my love for the movie nor did I cringe at the NS moments that we no longer see in the ending. 


I guess the question I'm about to ask is, Can you guys rewatch Road to Ninja without thinking about how the story ended in the manga?


I have to confess, I haven't tried. I haven't really felt compelled to check out any of the "official" Naruto stuff since the ending. I've only really been investigating fanfics and doujins when the mood takes me.

#765348 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Metalhead87 on 25 February 2015 - 01:56 PM

Erh? I don't get it. If he wanted to end it long ago, which make sense because the series only went downhill after Pain, I mean he isn't obligated to write a series 3?


I dunno if this new thing is gonna break my heart or make me laugh tbh. The last made me do both, but how can people expect us to stop being angry over the ending when it isn't even an ending? 700 wasn't an epilogue, it was a prologue. :arg:

Yeah, I would have thought so too.


This is all very bad. It's foolish on their part because people have had plenty of time to stew over the ending, the movie, and all of the other garbage that goes along with it, and are very much certain in their anger and justification for what they believe. They've had time to think about it, analyse it all properly, and determine that "yep, we're right - this IS a piece of crap, and there's plenty of evidence to support this".


Who ends their series with a prologue for the next? Were they that certain in their future success? Idiocy. How could they not have expected some type of backlash pulling this stunt? If wonder if anyone has lost their jobs as a result of this...?


If anything, they should have ended the series with a conclusive chapter, and then released something about the kids afterwards as a standalone chapter in order to gauge fans interest.


These books that are being released in order to try and build up the ending's rickety support beams is such a giant load. If it didn't happen in the source material, it didn't happen full stop. Could you imagine if during the first Star Wars movie, after the rebels had taken off to battle against the Death Star, it had just cut to them celebrating it's destruction and told fans to buy the book in order to see how they had done it? Ugh.

#764756 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Metalhead87 on 24 February 2015 - 03:30 PM

Another problem is the constant need to reveal the "REAL" villain. It's Pein. No! Wait! It's Tobi. No! It's Madara. I mean, it's Obito! No, it's really Madara. Or is it black zetsu? Or wait, maybe Kaguya? I'm so confused.


Behold! The true villain of Naruto...


#764126 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Metalhead87 on 23 February 2015 - 03:38 PM

Yeah because making Hinata into a princess is way more important than keeping Naruto's character, dreams and wishes. They had to spit on what he fought and what his character stood for.


It's a slap in the face to anyone who ever cared or invested in him as a character.

#764049 10th Anniversary Fanfic Entries - Vote Now!

Posted by Metalhead87 on 23 February 2015 - 01:16 PM

Wow! Thank you, everyone! Congratulations, Namaenash on 1st place and NaruDeeds on 2nd!  :D


I didn't expect to get 3rd place - truth be told, I didn't expect to be mentioned at all lol! Thank you very much, I really appreciate it.  :lol: It was great fun, and I look forward to both reading and writing more!


All of the stories that everyone wrote were great, so good job everyone who contributed too! It's really pleasant to see just how many creative and talented people there are in the NaruSaku community.


Thanks for putting on the competition! Happy 10th Anniversary, NaruSaku.com!  :party: