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#937773 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Legend054 on 20 April 2017 - 12:50 AM

But when he stabs Karin at the LOI he does cross the threshold of Villainy. At that point he loses what defenses he had before. And on top of that he also attacked B to help a terrorist organization. Then much much later he tells Naruto that his plan to FORCE every single Shinobi village to unite under him as their supreme leader. Essentially fixing the system by stifling the freedom of everyone in the universe whether they like it or not. That is not a Heroic thing to do, that is a villainous thing to do. It's essentially World Domination.


I can consider Sasuke a villain during the Five Kage Summit, but he later changed to being a good guy.
How can you consider him a villain when he just helped Naruto saved the world from Madara and Kaguya, the real villains who legitimately tried to destroy the world?
Sasuke had every chance to betray and kill his allies during the War arc but he didn't. He never really gave me the vibe that he was a villain. He was constantly being manipulated by the likes of Tobi and Orochimaru. He didn't know what to think for himself. Naruto was the only one who never saw Sasuke as an enemy, he knew there was still good in Sasuke's heart that's why he never resorted to killing him. While everyone else pretty much gave up hope on Sasuke. It's a load of kitten if you ask me. They were making it look like Sasuke was a complex character to make him
interesting when he's really not. He was a messed up character and failed to reach his full potential due to bad writing. There's too many contradictions and inconsintencies in the manga. So at the of the day. it's up to you how you interpreted it. 

#937698 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Legend054 on 19 April 2017 - 01:27 AM

I think Sasuke (like Sakura and Naruto) suffers from poor development. He's definitely an anti-hero. He walks a dark path not of his own making, with even his worst behaviors able to be excused or forgiven somehow. (Unlike Danzo, who could have been the darker anti-hero to Sarutobi's lighter path, because Danzo is truly villain in that he is motivated by power disguised as the greater good.) 


There was a time that Sasuke came back and wanted to be ruler of Konoha and challenge Naruto for the Kage seat. If that had happened, like I thought it might (giving Team 7 one last final arc where they were focused on tension directly between their group), then Sasuke might have turned into a villain. But that plot thread just got dropped, not resolved. If I remember it's never clearly stated why he gave up on that goal. And Sasuke instead became a wandering monk type, working for the greater good in his own way. Anti-hero.


Anyway, Sasuke was never fully developed into any of the avenues his character might have taken:


— He never becomes a sympathetic character — the PTSD victim who finally recovers from his terrible childhood and is able to accept and return the love of a wife or family, thus learning to truly protect the ones he loves.


— He never becomes a villain — like I said before, all of his actions are either given a pass by those slighted (Sakura/Karin/Naruto/Kakashi), or are excusable or forgivable. Kishimoto always bails him out at the last moment.


— He never realizes his power back in the village — We never see his return to the village. We never see if people see him as a returned prodigal son or a full-on criminal. (But we know from Kakashi he's been given a pass there as well.) But he never gives Naruto a run for the Kage seat. And no one ever recognizes that he's probably more powerful than almost anyone around with Itachi's eye and Pain's eye. Instead this huge ninja asset is just allowed to leave the village to do his own secret stuff.


— He never realizes his power outside of the village (so far) — Again, Sasuke is now crazy powerful. He could be a monk-type, forced to wander because he is so powerful that people want him and to stay in a village is to put others in danger. But no. He's never shown to give a crap about the village or his family. So what is he doing? Milling around and acting like Jiraiya, just waiting for stuff to happen so he can show up and flip his hair. His super skills are wasted out there. He doesn't have A or S-level targets. He isn't even given super-secret missions. He's just left on his own. And so far in the story, nothing has been made of his skills. He hasn't been targeted or shown that they've helped him in any real way. 


All of these were paths that Sasuke's character could have taken. But, just like Naruto and Sakura, there are big holes in the development. The story ended with all of the build up and background going nowhere. But no, I don't see Sasuke as a villain either. He's the anti-hero to Naruto's hero. But none of the characters' stated goals were ever met (except Hinata's). So it's hard to look back at Sasuke's development and see where he changed. The story just ended for him too, and none of his reasoning makes any more sense than why Sakura gave up being a ninja/top medic to be a housewife and Naruto gave her up for Hinata.


Yeah. They don't know what to do with Sasuke now basically. He was bound to become a villain. There was a build up in Five Kage Summit but it's a shonen manga so it always has to have a happy ending. They didn't want to kill one of their main characters and especially since Sasuke is apparently Kishi's favorite character. If he became the villain I'm sure their final battle would be more impactful. Naruto would have no choice but to kill his best friend. It would be epic if Sasuke actually challenged  Naruto for the Kage seat, but he's not the Sasuke we know anymore.


All of what you said is true.

#937629 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Legend054 on 17 April 2017 - 11:03 PM

I still don't consider Sasuke a villain in the story as a whole. Part 1 Sasuke was definitely not a villain. He would've killed Naruto otherwise after the battle in Final Valley. He still had morals. Of course revenge is never a good thing, but it's not like he was plotting an evil plot that would harm innocent people. That only makes him selfish and self-centered, not 'evil'. If he kept going that path there's no doubt he'd become evil. The only part where he showed a villainous personality was in Five Kage Summit after trying to kill Karin and Sakura and when he a made statement of destroying Konoha (which never happened). I thought he became a villain there, but he later had a sudden change of heart after learning the truth from Itachi himself. He decided to join the war and helped Naruto and the others save the world from the true villains like Obito, Madara and Kaguya. So he never really became a villain, but an antagonist for the most part because his ideals counteract Naruto's. He almost became a villain but Naruto prevented him from becoming one. Naruto saved him from going down that path.


Obviously I don't favor that he ended up with Sakura. It's out of character for him, that's why he should've just became a villain and died. Now he's out wandering the world and never spends time with his family. He shouldn't have been redeemed. Nothing in Naruto make sense anymore and it's pointless to make sense of it now. It's all a huge mess as one of the above poster says. If kishi had the balls to kill Sasuke maybe all this would've turned out better. 


The difference between Kira and Sasuke is that Kira actually ended up becoming a true villain/evil, Sasuke didn't but almost did. Kira got corrupted by the Death Note. You could argue that he was doing everything for the 'greater good', but I'd rather not get into that as it's off topic.

#935312 Naruto Shippuden Anime discussion thread

Posted by Legend054 on 24 March 2017 - 07:56 AM

it's over guys. gg

#935311 Naruto Episode 500

Posted by Legend054 on 24 March 2017 - 07:49 AM

( Is this the right place to put this topic? If not, then I'm sorry lol )


So, I watched it., cause it was all over Twitter, trending anyways. Yes it did have a wedding scene to it. And it was pretty emotional, imo.

The animation was amazing, crisp, clean, all that. Obvious bias to Hinata of course, she looked positively perfect oh my god. The most touching moment for me was when Naruto asked Iruka to be present at his wedding as his father (despite Iruka saying that he sees Naruto as a little brother to him but ok).

The window moment, where Naruto looks nostalgically at the statue of his fathers face with Hinata by his side was quiet moment for them (mostly for Naruto). Despite me disliking the pairing a lot, it was a nice moment. Maybe because this was the end of Naruto and seeing him all grown up and the tearjerk-ish music that was playing the the background, but damn. I certainly feel a sort of closure to all this, personally.

You know, now that I think of it, aren't they still 18-19? Cause Kakashi is still Hokage and Naruto is still in his TL outfit and such...

Sasuke & Sakura only got a minute of fame and that was it. Sakura reverted back to her 13 year old self, and Sasuke can't get out of his 2004 emo phase... They didn't even have a Team 7 moment either :( I wish they re-made their old genin team photo... but even that would feel tainted somehow.


Idk. I'm glad it's over tho holy moly its finally dead

Yeah I agree. All biased aside, this episode was done well. The visuals and music were very good as expected being the last episode.


It makes me sad seeing Naruto all grown up. From that little scrawny Naruto to adult Naruto. He and Iruka go way back since episode 1. Iruka was the first person to accept Naruto so it was fitting to have some nice touching moments of them in this last episode. I thought they would have ramen together just like the old times.


The only thing I hate other than nh in this episode was seeing other characters suddenly hooking up. it's just so out of place especially in this kind of anime. i felt bad for sakura she had no one. it just goes to show you how much they hate her. She looked pathetic while Hinata looked like a goddess and gets all the royal treatment. that's the saddest part. sakura was one of the main characters while hinata was only a support character at best but decided to switch their roles last minute. and yeah they should have had at least some team 7 moments but all the emphasis was on the wedding. this anime was supposed to be about comradery but it turns out to be a bad romance. i wouldn't be surprised if they're trapped and living in Hinata's IT because that's what this is.


anyway they've actually done a good job with this episode. i give them that at least. i've also found some closure to all this and im glad it's over. i just wished that it went the other way

#932274 What's Valentine's Day? It's My Birthday!

Posted by Legend054 on 15 February 2017 - 05:20 AM

Happy Belated Birthday!

#932029 Naruto: Alternative The Last (Doujinshi)

Posted by Legend054 on 09 February 2017 - 03:01 PM

It really does look legit. I couldn't figure out if this really was a doujinshi.

#923741 Sasuke vs Obito

Posted by Legend054 on 17 October 2016 - 02:13 AM

they were both 100% insane and had a rough past. obito had a choice yes. he was not forced by madara to do anything but he was brainwashed. he turned to madara because he thought he could bring rin back to life. obito obviously loved her so much going as far as to ask madara for help and vowing to do anything in return. why did he trust madara? because madara promised him a perfect world, where there's no pain and suffering. wouldn't that be a good thing? obito thought so and he would then grow up to take on madara's ideals. all that time, he thought he was doing the right thing. can u really blame his ignorance? by the time he attacked konaha, his mind was already corrupted. he simply followed what he believed was right. but at least in the end he was able to realize it was all wrong. he did try to make things right by helping defeat madara. again im not excusing his actions, he still did it out of ignorance. he deserved to punished for his crimes, but what good would it do if he's already changed? yes sasuke should serve jail time, but what good would it do now if he's also changed man? again im not excusing his actions nor do i support it. no one here supported their actions. just trying to make my point clear. based on morals i hated their actions but not their character

#923591 Naruto Shippuden Episode 479

Posted by Legend054 on 15 October 2016 - 03:27 PM

they still seem to have a large western fanbase. i saw on facebook and at least one of their posts has over 80k likes, that tells you a lot of people still like/support the show. at this rate sp is gonna keep making more knowing these fans will eat their kitten. it seems sp really are focusing more on the western fanbase (who are mostly nh/ss/anti-sakura fans or just fans in general), knowing they'll probably make more money from them. those bastards must have really persuaded kishi to end it the way it did to target the western fanbase. i really don't believe kishi wanted nh to happen. he just didn't have the balls to speak up and to tell them to fukk off so we got an ending that seem like a very bad fanfiction. they must have forced him to make the last too

#923467 Naruto Shippuden episode 478

Posted by Legend054 on 13 October 2016 - 07:24 PM

i've also seen the last portion of the new episode that covers chapter 699. the art style looks so weird and rubbish and music choice was indeed terrible. the art style hasn't been consistent in the anime. looks like they didn't care about this episode. sp actually did a great job with the final battle and portrayed it better than the manga. but this one is a piece of sht, very fitting for SS

#922779 Naruto Shippuden episodes 476-477

Posted by Legend054 on 06 October 2016 - 09:07 PM

naruto episode 480 is titled naruto and hinata. im done

#922357 Happy NaruSaku day

Posted by Legend054 on 03 October 2016 - 04:50 PM


NaruSaku moments compiled in 1 video

#922356 Naruto Shippuden episodes 476-477

Posted by Legend054 on 03 October 2016 - 04:40 PM



I didn't expect that Sakura's hand would the last one here. That's actually very significant because Naruto is about to fulfill the lifelong promise he made to her. This is probably the last NS moment we are gonna get.

#919413 *The* Bleach Discussion Thread

Posted by Legend054 on 30 August 2016 - 06:30 AM

no i disagree. i read the bleach ending and while i'm not up to date with the manga i can say that the ending is definitely a lot better than naruto ending. it's still a lackluster ending but it's not worse than naruto's. that's just ridiculous. naruto ending was just a huge fukfest with all the nonsense pairings happening all over the place. the pairings in naruto was clearly forced to make new children and it made no sense especially sasusaku. they even had to make a romance movie for naruhina just coz they had nothing in the manga back it up. it's really damn sad that they had to do that for fanservice. naruto didn't stay true to its theme at all. bleach at least did imo. bleach didn't need a romance movie to prove its point. ichigo could have ended with anybody since he didn't show romantic feelings for anyone in the manga at all. but it was more likely with rukia or orihime if he had to pair up with someone. either way was fine by me even though i preferred ichihime a lot more than ichiruki. it's just a matter of preference in bleach. naruto is a different case. there were actual evidence to support narusaku in the manga as well as evidence to go against sasusaku and arguably naruhina but they still had the guts to end it the way it did. tbh it's really the pairings that fukked up naruto's ending, everything else before that was fine imo. why else would they make the last about naruhina wtf? i thought it was naruto vs sasuke movie and look what we got. naruto's ending just had way too much fanservice/disservice

#918583 *The* Bleach Discussion Thread

Posted by Legend054 on 21 August 2016 - 04:40 AM

i stopped watching bleach long time ago. im not caught up with it. but i just heard about it today after watching fornever world's video about the ending. i was shocked when i heard it ended with pairings and people breaking their disks. i had no idea what was going on and didn't know who ended up with who. i googled it out of curiosity. and i thought tite kubo was gonna avoid the same thing that happened to naruto but here it is. anyway if it was gonna end with pairings, i always thought it was ichihime that made more sense. i can't really remember why but i it was sometime during hueco mundo arc where he saved orihime. and i think orihime was actually the only one who showed any romantic feelings in the manga and it was toward ichigo. she even tried to kiss him. yes ichigo did not show romantic feelings toward her, how could this have happened? i don't know. this is not a romance manga so it make sense if kubo did not want to show the romance side of it. i saw one of tite kubo's interview from long ago and he was asked if he had to pair ichigo with one of them who would it be. he said it was orihime, but i exactly can't remember his explanation. he said something along the lines that ichigo and rukia are just friends. and i agree with that, that's exactly what i saw between ichigo and rukia. just friendship and comradery no matter how many times they spend together. so im not surprised he ended it this way and i would not have been surprised if it ended with ichiruki either. i know ichiruki have a bigger fanbase than ichiime and i can understand that, i'm not against it. i'd been perfectly fine if he ended with rukia. they did have a strong bond after all. but i just didn't think it was romantic. i know there are a lot of ichiruki fans here and i can see that it parallels narusaku but i can differentiate between romantic love and friendship. i apologized if i offended any ichiruki fans who here, i know you are all upset and i know that feeling well. i just got a little excited when i saw the bleach ending, i didn't think it was gonna end it with the pairings. no hard feelings that's all