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#989765 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 11 June 2023 - 04:18 PM

I don't see how this thread is suited to have on the genreal topic of woke to be honest and should probably be on the political thread or on a thread generally abouts films if it's in relation. Unless you want to discuss the topic on any possibilty about naruto being woke, which I doubt since naruto ended before topics about that became so heated on the Internet.

Especially naruto's female cast, which is generally considered to be portrayed badly and in some cases sextet. Heck you can see this on naruto series Wikipedia page and sakura's by critic Yukari Fujimoto

Sakura's page:
Critic Yukari Fujimoto says that Sakura is an example of Naruto showing a conservative view of women. Ino, Sakura and Hinata place priority on love, treating it as more important than excelling as a ninja. Fujimoto states that during the ninja examinations, Sakura's climactic fight with Ino, her love rival, is conducted on a purely physical level, contrasting this level of skill with the supernatural abilities displayed by her male classmates at this point. When the medical ninja Tsunade is introduced, Sakura takes on a daughter-like role, learning to heal others from Tsunade's teaching, which Fujimoto regards as reinforcing a conservative idea of women — that women do not belong on the battlefield as warriors, only as nurses.[75]

Naruto series page theme section:
Fujimoto argues that the story has overly traditional gender roles, noting "[...] its representations suggest that men are men and women are women and that they differ naturally regarding aptitude and vocation". For example, the girls initially outperform the boys in the Ninja Academy, but "once the boys get serious, the girls cannot keep pace". Fujimoto points out that this does not upset Sakura, who is now surpassed by Naruto. Character development based on female roles, when it does occur, again uses stereotypical roles: Tsunade, for example, a middle-aged woman with large breasts, is a clear mother figure, and when she teaches Sakura to be a medical ninja, which requires special skills possessed only by women, the story reinforces the idea that women only belong on the battlefield as healers. Tsunade herself, who is a figure of authority in Naruto, is portrayed as ridiculous in a way that men in the same position are not. Fujimoto suggests this presentation of women may explain why the female characters are often the most disliked characters among readers of the manga.[234]

Frankly I find the word woke has lost all meaning and cringe whenever it's used. I remember when the trailers of Mario came out the anti woke crowd was saying the movie was a super woke feminist movies because of how princess peach was portrayed in the trailers, only to heal turn when the movie did well and tried to say it was anti woke when it was probably nether.

I doubt superhero movies are dead and are more just nor as popular as they use to be, mostly because for many the mcu has gotten stake and doesn't feel is has a sense of direction with this multiversial saga. Plus you still have good films coming out like Gaurdians of the Galaxy volume 3 and across the spiderverse.

I haven't seen the life action little mermaid so I can't comment on its quality, though I say it's a bit too soon to it's a financial failure as its still out in cinemas currently on 370 million when I last checked on the box office. Given how it's budget is 250 million it probably needs to make less than 500 million to actually be considered flop.

As for elementals no idea if it will flop or not, currently it's expected to get 40 million on its opening weekend, if it gets less than that maybe it will. For indiana Jones possibly since is its one of the most expensive films ever made with a budget of 300 million and it got mixed reviews from critics. Though we will have to see when it comes out.

For investment in Japan media, I say its mostly the game side of things rather than anime that are currently bring invested, heck I hear illumination have gotten the rights to do a zelda film. https://twitter.com/...MoAHt1q4uQ&s=19

Anime just not yet, though maybe something like the live action one piece film will change things if its good.

#989723 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 06 June 2023 - 12:09 PM

Though ideally not have them defend sasusaku

#989582 Black Clover

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 20 May 2023 - 11:59 PM

Noelle is probably the best female protagonist in the standard shonen series

#989508 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 14 May 2023 - 12:26 PM



I don't know the One Piece poll rules. Naruto in the WorldWide is more popular than OP.
One Piece is only strong in Japan.
But probably the Naruto poll had a tons of bots, fake votes and duplicates IP.
They tallied the votes during three months just to remove bots and fakes.
If bots and fakes votes are allowed certainly Naruto poll would have much more than 10.000.000 votes. A  spin off with Dinos but with Sasuke/Sakura   got  more than 18.000.000 views  in the Jump app.



Kishimoto's ideas was just the character's design, Tsukyomi and inverted personalities.  The Movie plot and NS fanservices most likely were Pierrot and Yuuka ideas. (Yuka Miyata was the roteirist and she was a NS fan).
Kishimoto had no time for the movie when he was writing the manga weekly.
Honestly they never should use in marketing one of the most popular pairings and the most popular deuteragonist/character at the time. They pratically trolled the entire Sasuke/SS fandom with this false advertisement and the Hinata/NH fanboys from the west. Just look at this:

Road to Ninja


Road to Ninja

God Charasuke was so popular that even today, he is still receiving merch.
They mades looks like Sasuke/SS/Classic Team 7 were important in this movie when in the reality Sasuke has less than 2 minutes of screentime. Hinata/NH fans were baited too.
They should used Naruto carrying Sakura in the marketing if they are trying to boost NaruSaku. Why they were afraid to use that?To use this type of bait they were fully aware of Sasuke/SS popularity and tried to use them in the movie. Sakura was always blushing or close to Sasuke in these merchs too.
Obvious this will result in a massive backlash. This is as bad as The Last false adversetiment. So maybe this is another reason who influenced Kishimoto's decision to SS/NH.
This type of scene helped to bring even more hate to Sakura. Haters have a huge argument to hate even more Sakura.
This is worst than Chapter 3 Sakura or the Fake Confession.  Luckly this was a movie
I'm not a fan of RTN because that. The only good movies was the first one if you ignore the SS fanservices and Boruto Movie.



Given how they are both done by jump they would have the same rules apply, heck I remember the voting system was similar to the vote a day that naruto poll used for the few times I did it. so those 12 million votes are legitimate, don't try to use bots just to make naruto more popular otherwise you are just giving proof to the sakura haters right on that poll being rigged. 


Like Bail of lies said naruto at when it was ongoing was more popular intentionally, however due to its ending and spin off materiel it gone in decline, while One piece has gotten way more popular in recenty years as people checked out and found it's quality to be consistent than naruto's. Heck one piece still sold more than naruto back when both were ongoing due to how popular one piece was domestically, especially during the hype of marineford arc and the final saga appears to draw much interest similar to marineford.

I don't know all the details of this Jump app and how it handles these views, though from what I have seen from the tweet of jigokuraku saying on the app it's got 200.000.00 views, which is alot more impressive than the 18.000.000 views you say retsuden has.



Where did you get that info about Road to Ninja from TV Trope? if so you do relaise that that site is full of hinata fans who always put stuff that bashes sakura and narusaku and always put them in the worst light and always hyping up hinata and nh. The marekting was pretty obvious that Sasuke being a playboy was very likely to flirt with other girls given the road to charasuke audio drama that came out around the promotion of the fim and they even showed the clip of sasuke flirting with the girls in one of the many promos they had for the film.


Heck the yundere hinata marketing was clear that naruto was uncomfortable with how aggressive hinata was, like in the road to ninja one shot tie in cover. It should have been obvious that Narusaku was going to be the main focus when both were sent to the genjutsu world and marketed as the two main characters along with minato and kushina. Heck the most anger I saw was from the misleading advertising about how involved the opposite k11 was going to be in the film. Otherwise I didn't see anyone really hate this film except die hard shippers of NH and ss.


First of all the movie for sakura was pretty much retelling sakura's entrie character arc in the series, with that scene showing sakura at the beginning of part 1 not understanding what it's like to have parents when she is getting mad at her own for embarrassing her. By the the time she experince what its like to not have them she starts to understand how naruto feels and even considered willing to stay to let naruto stay in this world to enjoy finally spending time with his. Plus once she is back she apologises to her parents afterwards and her and naruto remain cool with each other. Also this movie isn't canon heck it clearly contradicts the timeline of stuff knowing like his parents and Bee, so fans shouldn't be using it as an excuse to base sakura.


Frankly I think you're just trying to find reasons to dismiss this movie. In regeards to the first movie sakura was more busy being infatuated with the famous actors in the inverse movie, than she was flirting at all with sasuke. I find the boruto movie to be overrated as it shows naruto being a neglectful father when he could easily spend time with his kids and have shadow clones due the work, instead of the other way around. Plus the villains are bland and only good for a few action pieces. 


#989498 How Kishimoto could have made Sakura popular

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 14 May 2023 - 02:07 AM

The own Sakura fandom were deeply splited between SS x NS wars at the time with SS fans being extremely vocal against NS. This helped Kishimoto/Editors didn't notice Sakura's popularity especially in Japan.   Hinata fanboys still were hating on Sakura in west because she was threat to NH. The manga ended. SS fans got what they always wanted and were free to 100% support Sakura. NS fans left or started to multiship SS. So Sakura fandom grown bigger and stronger as ever...
Most of the Haters simply moved on. Sakura wasn't a threat to NH anymore. No more reasons for Pairing wars. Sakura isn't useless or weak, she isn't punching Naruto every time, has a good daughter, is a  good mother etc...
So no surprise why Sakura's popularity boomed after the ending.
Kishimoto should have defined Sakura final pairing at the very beginning: Sasuke or Naruto and never use Sakura to play with love triangles or drama.  If Kishimoto/Pierrot didn't trapped Sakura in this ridiculous love triangle with SS x NS x NH or erase Kage Summit arc. She would be much more popular at the time.
Sakura/SS/Sasuke are a controversial characters and Pairing. This helped to maintain Sakura fandom always alive  with discussions against haters, theory, fics, fanarts etc. There's nothing to talk or any appeal in Hinata or NH. So this fandom simply died even in the west. 
Until a Boruto or Part 3 reboot comes. They simply  will produce  more novels and spin offs with Sakura/Sasuke to milk their fans. Sasuke always was a popular character  and now Sakura is at his popularity level and coincidentally is his wife. So she is the perfect partner for more romances or spin offs. Shoujo mangakas are pratically begging  this to Kishimoto...

I wouldn't exactly call the fandom getting bigger if half the fans have left, it just means that the fanbase has shurken so small that ss looks bigger than its use to.

I find her parenting and her daughter to be overrated. Sadara is only like because of one volume from gaiden, she hasn't done much after that execpt in boruto filler from what I have seen. Also it's pretty problematic when sakura couldn't tell her daughter anything about her father to the point she wondered if she sakura was really her mother.

I think it was pretty by the end of part 1 and the beginning of part that narusaku was the endgame, but the fans just didn't want to see it or went all nh.

Controversial characters and pairings won't last long term, you might have an intrest now but that doesn't mean it was last. Look at spider-man, marvel keeps doing one controversial decision after another with his love live and the fans have finally got sick off it at this current run. These sasusaku stories aren't that good and I have seen some sakura and ss fans hate retsuden,
for the way Sakura's character was portrayed. Also naruto is not a shoujo series, making it one will just alienate its shonen base.

They should of just done an open end or introduced the idea of a multiverse. Where ones universe has ns and another has ss. Heck ns could of had the main timeline as that's what the narrate was leading and ss could be in a universe where sasuke was never a jerk to sakura, that should of been what to do if they were so worried about alienating shippers.

#989483 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 13 May 2023 - 07:13 PM




Sakura is still considered the official franchise Heroine and Sarada the next gen heroine...Hinata is still insignificant for Jump/Manga. 
If you consider being Naruto's HouseWife with few panels and being trapped in another dimension being more important. Yeah Hinata is more important
I still remember this OVA. SS fans become super angry  because this NS scene is basically a copy/paste of the SasuSaku scene and Sasuke's death in the land of waves arc. NH and other people just called this filler.
Pierrot shipped NS as hard as NH. While SS was negligeted as soon Sasuke left the village.
SS/Sakura fans simply hates Pierrot.
But this didn't helped  NaruSaku too much and you can consider Sakura punching Naruto a tsundere thing. But this makes Sakura being really hated because Pierrot overfocused on that.
NS have a tons of fillers and fanservices. Part of Pierrot wanted NaruSaku.
I believe Pierrot have nothing to do with SS/NH.  This was a solo decision between Kishimoto and his Editors.
Pierrot has no power for this.

About the CPR people (SS,NH and NS) tends to forget this moment since shortly after SS gained the "eyesmex", Sakura true confession 2.0, Forehad Poke and Sarada Gaiden and NH gained The Last. The scene still was super bad in anime.
Kishimoto just treated this as a normal day in Sakura medical work and made everybody forget that. 
So why he bother to show that? Just to cause more pairing wars and troll fans a little more? 

Sakura/Kushina parallel were much more efetive than that.



Do you read my posts?

Kubo's wife hates Sakura because she was in the way of SasuNaru "love", proved Sasuke isn't gay for Naruto or because she is the main girl?
So i don't think she is a incel... 



Well during the last they tried to make hinata the heroine and replace sakura and we know the results we have and its a mess.I'm not surprised they would try to dismiss the scene in the ova they always do be it canon or filler, but always highlight their own be it canon or filler.


Only the female staff at the time shipped Narusaku at the time, thats why you got narusaku scenes at times. Unfortunately, the majority of the male staff were hinata and NH fans, to say they didn't have a part in the ending I consider being naive. Because, their protrayal of hinata in scenes like in filler or 166 made her very popular with anime only watchers in the west, while sakura hated with the more flanderization of sakura's tsundere tropes in the anime like episode 3. Plus they were heavily involved in the last's production so I doubt they didn't try to influence kishimoto. Also I find it double standard how people make a big deal about sakura punching naruto yet completely ignore other tsundere couples who do it and even ship them.


No one forgot about the CPR scene, heck NH and SS made more of a big deal of it than we did trying to make all kinds of excuses for or try to say narusaku shippers were disgiusting for supporting it. Also we pretty much complained how badly Pierrot animated it, while they put much detail into hinata tripping over a rock. Also I wouldn't call this a minor scene as it paralleled kairn's attempt to save sasuke's like, with sakura's attemp to keep naruto alive while thinking how close they are to seeing his dream as hokage come life. Also given how 663 was called the real ends kinda gives hints that this is what kishimoto wanted to do. 



Boruto lost sales because  Ikemoto  who are contantly kittening on Sasuke/Naruto,the ugly draws and poor story pacing.  This has nothing to do with NaruHina. Kishimoto biggest mistake was to choose his incompetent and unknown assistent to driver the sequel. Thats why i prefer Sakura's death than NS in Ikemoto's universe. Haters would blame Sakura/NaruSaku for Boruto failure.

But Naruto is still a huge franchise who never will truly die or disappear like Stars Wars or Dragon Ball and still atracts tons of views and attention. They will use this polls datas to some future project outside Boruto.

The extremely agressive and useless Sakura in fillers was bad. But Pierrot shiped NS.
How you can explain the massive ammount of NaruSaku fillers and fanservices in openings and Endings? The NaruSaku scene in the promotional Ova? For god's sake, Pierrot put a naked Sakura drawing Naruto in a ending. This is appelative as that filler with Hinata in the waterfall. NaruSaku and NaruHina are Naruto's pairings and Pierrot wanted to make fanservices for both pairings relating to the protagonist. NS was the Plan A and NH the Plan B.   Pierrot didn't influenced in Kishimoto's decision.
Kishimoto was the one who wanted to fuel NaruHina/SasuSaku when  he made Hinata declare her love, Neji's death or insisted in Sakura's love to Sasuke.. Pierrot only made the Last when Kishimoto gave the green light relating to his final plans.  About the VAs. Chie Nakamura/noriaki sugiyama are  SS shippers and always questioned Kishimoto about SS in interviews. Sakura's english VA is a SS fangirl. I don't consider VA importants, considering the own Junko said recently Naruto loved Sakura like a potato.

Kishimoto was clear when he said some staff in pierrot wanted NaruSaku.
This isn't a fake interview like the one with Kishi saying the readers could decide who is Sarada's mother. Kishi has no reasons to lie about Pierrot.NaruSaku even received a Movie focused in Sakura and Naruto, who still wasn't enough to save Sakura's popularity. Maybe because the very own movie trashed on Sakura and fans becomed furious with the  SS/Sasuke/Team 7 fake publicity..

Kishimoto wife wasn't the fandom and doesn't have more power than his editors or the public opinion.
SS always crushed any other hetero Naruto pairing in asia and their fans are very vocal  always poor rating NS scenes, Sakura's confession to Naruto, threatening the own Kishi when he tried to troll SS fans with  Karin as Sarada's mother in Gaiden and flooding anime sites like aO3 and Pixiv with SS.. I doubt Hinata/NH were popular in japan during the original series serialization. Kishimoto himself brought hate to Sakura and destroyed NS in Kage Summit arc than pierrot ever dreammed.

I believe Kishimoto was lying too. Probably Kishimoto planned NS at the beggining of part 2.
But you have the factidic  fake confession who greatly boosted Sakura/NaruSaku hate and forced Kishimoto to change his plans. Sakura tied with the non existent Sai out of the TOP 10 at the time and still gained a massive ammount of haters in the West. This was ridiculous for a main girl. This was a cleary advice for Kishimoto didn't try NaruSaku and ignore SasuSaku/NaruHina.

So most probably Kishimoto changed his plans at the "halfway".

NH helped SS for sure.  Naruto was still the protagonist and his feelings were a huge obstacle to SasuSaku.

Kishimoto failed to show Naruto reciprocating Hinata's feelings before SS. So Hinata still looks like a Silver Medal. Hinatards and Naruto Fanboys wanted to see Naruto rejecting Sakura and show how Hinata was better than her.  This never happened. Sasuke come first and stole Sakura with the sacred forehead poke,Sakura wanted to leave the village with him and Naruto had to fall in love to Hinata in a movie inside a Genjutsu because Kishimoto didn't bother to show NH in manga.


At least half of the SS fandom were opportunists and supported NH only to remove Naruto out of the equation.

They were so emotionally invested with SS and absolutely couldn't accept NS after part 1. It's a matter of pride for SS fans.  They didn't care to support Sakura after 469 because supportting Sakura at that moment means helping NaruSaku and showing to Kishimoto he was right to try the NaruSaku route. Basically only NS fans liked Sakura at the time.  As soon SasuSaku become canon these fans simply throwed NH into the trash to support 100% SS and Sakura.


Kishimoto made NH to turn Hinata even more popular and boost Hinata/Naruto popularity  for the sequel and SasuSaku to save some Sakura popularity between SS fans and produce a  new Uchiha. NH/Hinata had a loud Fanbase in the west and the Last was their plan to make NH gain  popularity in Japan for the sequel.

But Kishimoto certainly didn't planned of how Sakura/SS would massively increase their popularity at the point to become the  franchise main Couple and Sakura the most popular living Character both in Japan and West, while the byakugan princess/NH basically died after canon with Ikemoto's/The last incompetence. Hinata only had a illusiory and fleeting popularity thanks to the Sakura's bad writting at the time and some vocal fans who wanted NaruHina. They got what they wanted and nobody wants to know about Hinata anymore.

A absolute ironic and hilarious twist of events considering SS was the  throw away ship...



While yes Ikemoto writing and drawing is mostly what's responsible for the boruto's series losses and overall franchises decline, NH is still played into it given how that ship was made canon they way it did to help make a potential spin off like boruto. The series was based on the foundations on what came before. It's like how many of the bad story telling for spider-man in the comics came from the foundations on what the infamous one more story line did to try and reset the character to marvel's editorials liking. 


While naruto might never really die as a franchise doesn't mean it isn't in decline, heck the naruto world wide poll 4.6 million votes is only a third of the One Piece Piece's 12 million. It was a self inflicted wound it's still paying the price for. Like I said above only the female staff shipped narusaku, the male staff shipped nh that's why there was so much filler with her when they really shouldn't have been doing so. Also pretty sure kishimoto thought the hinata confession was no big deal, given how there was never a follow-up and he had no idea why she was popular. 


Yeah I don't find any interviews with va's about the ships being planned as reliable, I doubt any them  would say otherwise and just doing damage control like many of kishimoto's interviews post ending. It's like when Mark Hamill used to say how he fundamentally disagree with what Rian Johnson did with his character but doesn't say anything now, because studios don't want their actors trashing ongoing projects and works as it's bad pr which can be used against them, Also from what I heard from Lukcyhi while sakura's english voice actor originally shipped ss, she grew to like ns over time and put more passion into her role when doing scenes involving them and didn't put much effort into the last, though ask him if you want more details. Also Junko was very much a big narusaku supporter and that recent interview is more likely to be damage control as I doubt she can trash talk the current pairings that are canon.


The Road to ninja idea came from kishimoto, as he said he got to do stuff that he didn't get to do in the manga which was sakura's parents. That movie didn't trash on sakura, the only ones that got saulty were ss and nh fans and frankly the marketing made it pretty obvious that sasuke was a playboy in the film, heck mema the evil naruto twist was shown in the promo's. People were much more angry at the false advertising of the last being a team 7 movie when kakashi and sasuke appeared very little in the film.


His wife is who sakura is based off, same with kushina. Heck he went to her for advice when writing naruto's family in the last aerc before the war. She may not be the fandom or editors, but her reaction says a lot about the ending and canon couples. Like I said before many in japan excepted ns to be canon, even some ss fans. Just because and fanbase acts vocal and threatening doesn't mean you should listen to what they say, episodically if they are a shipping fandom with a ship that is written as problematic as ss was. I don't care how bad they reacted to the confession, what sasuke did was way worse to sakura.


I'm convinced he had it planned from the beginning not just part 2, he shouldn't just change just based on some fan reaction because the reaction to ss becoming canon was alot more negative. That was just one fricking poll he should judge every decision on that, this is why I find the popularity polls being being problematic in influencing how a story goes. AT best it was around before when neji died that kishimoto changed his mind. 

Most NH fans didn't care how NH became canon as long as it did, same with ss fans. They don't care if it took a movie  to make them canonm and I doubt ss fans would if it was the case with them. They were as bad as eachother ignored the problematic aspects of their ships development and how they both got together. When that was done they turned on eachother, which frankly shows how unstable becoming these two pairing canon when the only thing uniting their fandoms was hating narusaku.

I don't care how emotionally invest ss fans were in the ship, they should have the self respect to realize that after the kage summit arc they ship had become very toxic to become canon after sasuke trying to kill her the way he did wouldn't be good for her character. If they want to enjoy it do it in fanon or hope for a multiverse where sasuke isn't a jerk to sakura. As a result of not supporting sakura at the expense of making sure ns didn't become canon had her role in the story reduced and damge the reputation of her character and fandom.


Yeah we knew that they made NH canon because they thought that since they were apparently popular in the west, though they didn't realize that most of them didn't actually fiance the series that well due to being able to read and watch stuff online and just alienated their domestic base in Japan. While yes Sakura has shown to be a lot more popular in recent than kishimoto realized, the damage has been done to her character by many outside the ss fandom. Yes they have gotten bigger than nh in recent years, but that is mostly due to the overall fanbase of naruto in decline and that new sakura fans just ship ss because its canon. If Narusaku was canon they would probably have shipped them, that what happens with long term series new fans tend to ship or accept what came before without much question. Plus frankly the Naruto franchise would probably be more stable in the long term if NH and SS  canon because their shipping drama help cause quite alot of damage for the franchise.

#989480 How Kishimoto could have made Sakura popular

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 13 May 2023 - 02:10 PM

She was always popular she had louder haters at the time, the the fanom how shrunk since the ending so most aren't around anymore

#989479 Why do Sakura and Hinata's stated feelings always get preference over Nar...

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 13 May 2023 - 02:08 PM

Kishimoto did with Obito/Rin what he should have done with  NaruSaku but  without the psycho and stalker Naruto.

Rin feelings to Kakashi never were important.
Kakashi tried to push Rin to Obito.
Rin ins't agressive and supported Obito since childhood.
Obito's feelings to rin was 99% of his character.
Obito was obcessive with Rin.
Obito didn't have a Hinata.

But he did the exact opposite to NaruSaku.
He focused too much in Sakura's feelings to Sasuke and scenes between them in a point to create a massive fanatical pairing fandom. So most of the Sakura's fans and girls simpatized much more with Sakura and rooted for SasuSaku instead Naruto and NaruSaku. Sasuke is  popular and  a complex character. So most of the Sasuke's fangirls will root for him instead Naruto too.
Not to mention the entire Naruto fanboys who  wants Naruto with the cute girl who idolizes him instead of the aggressive insensitive kitten who loves his arch nemesis. Sakura Fangirls and Naruto fanboys are practically natural enemies. Only NaruSaku fans loves both characters or in some cases not.

Kakashi never pushed obito to rin he just told her he was in love with her while he was the type of scum that was going to abandon her when she was about to confess.

Not mention obito's motivation of it all being about rin was controversial within the fandom at the time the series was ongoing. Its why many ended up preferring madara as the final boss

They is nothing wrong with sakura disliking naruto at first and coming to loving him later. It's typical for a standard love triangle where a boy likes a girl, but the girls like another boy however the guy she likes has no intrest in her and evently the girl ends up liking the boy who likes her in turn. Like it happens in percy jackson or from my understanding slam dunk which the love triangle from naruto is based on.

It should of been been obvious, execpt many shippers where obsessed with the good girl save the bad boy trope and refused to admit it crossed a line in the kage summit arc.

#989355 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 02 May 2023 - 10:13 PM

I don't remember NS fan being considered a golden pairing. I don't know Japan situation. But SS fandom always was the most popular hetero pairing and we already know what the fake confession made to NaruSaku there.

Sakura fans from SS or NS side always have a hard time in neutral foruns and social medias.
But NS fans always suffered much more hate than SS fans.
Because most of the self inserts hated how Sakura punched and treated Naruto. The  Sakura's fan from SS side hated NS and you still have the Hinata/NH fans who sided with them...

If i remember correctly this forum was created because NaruSaku fans didn't have chance and peace in Naruto Forums against SS/NH and other fans.

Narusaku was heavily marketed in Japan, like this nurse taking care of naruto poster https://www.fanpop.c...naruxsaku-photo

There was also the special ending of 17 when the earthquake happened in 2011 https://youtu.be/Ui_hUI7Xvl4

Plus the naruto vs sasuke ova with narusaku moments https://youtu.be/nk5hIL8_HTQ.

Even if ss was the more popular hetero couple to ship, I hear many of them execpted narusaku to be canon. So I doubt the confession affected the fandom there, heck I heard how excited the cpr scene was treated there.

Those self interest don't etheir seem to know or ignore that it's a tsundere troop very common in Japan anime. Heck there are far more bigger cases than sakura doing it.

Yes they did and by doing so paid the price with a reduced role for sakura who is only now has major appearances in spin offs now and then. Yes this site was considered a safe haven for some, bit other still debated on the forms.

#989335 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 01 May 2023 - 03:15 AM

This is a little too far.
Thats why SS fans never was friendly and despise NS fans like they do with Naruto Fanboys. They hates  be judged as a persons because their preferences over a fictional pairing. They have  Sasuke/Sakura as a favorites characters and consider their moments and the appeal  better than NS.

I'm only calling delusional people who thinks the franchise went into decline because NaruSaku died or thinks NaruSaku was the peak of sales. The current Naruto fandom and Sakura fandom couldn't care less about NaruSaku... Most of the  Boruto complains are about the kitten story, battles, poor story pacing,alliens and Sasuke/Naruto nerfs.

Honestly if you people wanted some type of discussion in this forum it's better to accept contrary opinions. Not Just:
"Sakura was ruinned"
"SasuSaku is abusive and their fans sick people"
"Boruto is bad and Kishimoto is ruinned because Naruto didn't got Sakura at the end"
"Hinata ruined the series"
At least  the Hinata popularity ghost proved wrong now.    :zaru:

Some few Sakura Fans from NS side are still alive. But now they are inside SS fandom , multishipping SS and helping SS fans to hate Hinata... if one of these "NS fans" dares to call Sakura a fangirl, stupid for loving Sasuke over Naruto or SasuSaku abusive like in this forum. They are simply expelled/canceled  from the Fandom and more attacked than Hinatards and Naruto Fanboys.
SS has thousends of contents, fanarts, SS Artists and pages with 20/40/50/100K of followers etc.
Most the NS artists and content simply stopped after 2014. LadyGT the most famous NS artist simply abandoned Naruto.  I only see ChatteGeorgiana and some few small NaruSaku pages and when they dare to criticize SasuSaku. SS fans come in mass to attack them. SS fandom still has plenty of Hatred against NS fans who call SS abusive.

Most of the "pure blood" NaruSaku fans simply moved on, doesn't care about the series or even hates Sakura. Sakura is ruinned and the series is dead to them. I know that because Sakura received a massive hate back in 2014/2015 in this forum and most of these NS fans abandoned the series and the forum.
"Just because you're a fan of Sakura doesn't mean you have to follow a kitten cashgrab after an equally sloppy and disgusting ending. Read. Other. Things. Turn to fanfiction. Don't throw money into a trashcan."
I think hard to believe the few old NaruSaku fans helped too much in this votation when is very hard to to find them outside here. But SasuSaku fandom have help from Sasuke fans, female fans and some trolls in One Piece Fandom.

Meant to post this a few days sooner, but was busy so posting it now.

Don't act like ss fans are Saints or victims in all this. They haven't all been friendly with us ethier and they teamed up with a fandom that dispised sakura just because they saw our ship as the bigger threat. Despite our warnings they teaming up with them and allowing them bash us would reduce Sakura's role and staus as a heroine, which it did. You have them judging us as well acusing us of on only supporting ns because naruto is an entitled nice guy, when most of us just like the characters together and feel they treat eachother better. Or they have gall to call our ship abusive because sakura punches naruto, when that is just typical tsundere humour in anime and they ship literally had sasuke try to kill her multiple times.

No one was saying that narusaku was the majority of the fandome or the sole reason why the series went into decline, but making nh and ss canon and the way did it help start the whole decline. Also the naruto fandom isn't what it was before it is much smaller and the bad writing decisions now that you are listing is only going to make it smaller.

Nobody is saying they don't want discussions or against different opinions, however going on about how we shouldn't trash ss because its popular isn't going to an opinion well liked here. As well as telling we need to accept its canon so we can enjoy future content with sakura in it, when it its clear we aren't going to do that.

None us think the ending or canon ships are good so you are bond to get similar views on those subjects are discussed, there might be some disagreements of when the series went bad but that it. However that is not always discussed here as there are other threads for debates on etheir the naruto series or outside it if you look. Who knows the minato manga might actually add something positive to discuss in naruto for all we know.

Yes hianta popularity has been exposed to have been overrated, still doesn't mean that ss is good.

Yes there some that flipped to ss just because they became canon, however most of us did not and won't switch just because it canon or its fanbase has become bigger. I don't care what they do if someone critises there ship, not going to change how I or other feel about it here.

The quantity of the fan fic and fanart ss has does not change the problems with the canon writing of the ss ship has. Yes many ns artists and fans left naruto after the series ended, understandable given what happened. Doesnt mean those that are still around don't enjoy it regardless of the size, which is al9t more bigger than you think with some coming back to celebrate events like April 3rd.

Like I said we don't care if we get attacked by ss fans or troll like khon won't change are mind about the problems with have with the ss. Heck we aren't the only fandom within naruto that does, though I see plenty of them jumping to conclusions that it's always ns when that's not the case.

I hardly saw anyone on these forums hate or dislike sakura, at best 1 or 2 people. Most narusaku fans are sakura fans first that don't ship ss and hate its writing. They are more likely to critise that than the character herself.

Then clearly you aren't looking in the right places because I knew quite a fews fans from narusaku that did vote for her. She probably would of gotten more votes from them if not for the worry of the one shot being another bad ss story.


I can agree. SS was beyond any repair if Sasuke tried to harm Sakura in Part 1, during the War and as Adults.

They weren't in a relationship during Kage Summit.
Sasuke wasn't mentally sane in the arc. Sakura was the one who hunted Sasuke to "free Naruto from the promisse".
If Sakura stayed at Konoha or  didn't have that stupid plan to kill him, Sasuke never will come closer to her. Both SS/NS and Sakura's characters were destroyed in Kage Summit.  But NS was much more hated in Japan because fake confession and SS fans managed to retain their fanbase and popularity from part 1 also they always have  plenty of confidence in Sasuke's return...

You should have abondoned the series when a serial killer like Gaara become the president of his country, a genocide and child abuser like Itachi becomed the "Hero", Neji tortured and almost Killed Hinata in part 1 or even better Obito the Minato and Kushina's killer becomed the "coolest guy" for Naruto.
Sasuke's redemption was destinated to happen and SasuSaku will have some conclusion. Sasuke and Sakura never will end the story as enemies and Sakura sad with him. I agree Kishimoto coud work far better at this instead of rush everything in 699 or make NaruSaku instead of SS.

At this point the only content envolving Sakura are related to Sarada or SS. So if you really hates SasuSaku and any type of material who tries to fix their relationship like novels, Retsuden and Anime Moments and only wants to see Sakura with Nardo. There's nothing to do anymore. Sakura's character  is really dead for you.
Unless a NaruSaku reboots comes out.


At least she isn't the  housewife who gave up her Kunoichi life and medical work like so many people bashed her when the 700 chapter comes out with Sakura using a apron. She is still capable to balance the housewife work with the hospital/Missions.

Even if you don't include the kage summit there is still alot of problematic things with ss even in part 1. Post ending is way too absent in her life to be believable that they are married. War arc he gave no care for sakura or her wellbeing, didn't is she lived or not, said she was useless multiple times and 693 is no way good. Part 1 while yes should some care, he mostly found her annoying and rejected her.

Sasuke mental state is no exuses regardless if it was sakura, karin naruto or anyone else. What little choice did sakura feel at the time when sasuke was a part of the terrorist organisation that was hunting down naruto and tried to destroy the village. Not to mention sasuke was planing to kill everyone.

Everything I hear from Japan that narusaku was considered the golden paring the one execpted to be canon. So even if it did get some negative reaction to the confession it wouldn't have been a problem in the long run and got addressed.
Also the popularity of ss does not exuse the crap sasuke sis to sakura which was worse than anything the confession did or did not.

Just because something is considered popular doesn't make it good, like reylo from star wars popular ship but hated outside its fanbase or in politics you one politician popular with his/her voting base but hated by the genreal public and can't win an election.

Not everyone like the writing of these characters (though I think gara and nejiare alright, itachi got too much hero worship and should of been called out and not a fan of naruto saying that about obito), but they weren't enter into any romantic relationship with the people they abused unlike ss.

Just because sasuke wasn't going to be evil in the end doesn't mean he should of gotten with sakura. If you know 699 wasn't good and narusaku should of happened, don't defend sasusaku's bad writing.

There is so much you can do with sakura's character not involving ss and sadara, like with tsunade, ino, naruto, sai, kakashi and lee characters she has bonds with etc. Also frankly all that material none of it addresses the problematic aspects of their relationship and in some cases makes it worse, we just get cringe material.

I'd be open up to a naruto reboot or alternative ending with ns, as long as Ikemoto is not writing it and Kishimoto or whoever actually puts care into the work.

We rarely see her do that and only see her do that stuff in spin off material, why do you think so many got angry, not everyone is going to read it so 700 was the lasting impression which is not good.

#989300 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 27 April 2023 - 11:23 AM


If anyone is curious did a stream with chatte a few days ago about the poll results.

#989295 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 27 April 2023 - 12:12 AM

Sakura is my favorite female character. i will like her either in a SS relationship, NS relationship or alone.
Most of the current Sakura's fans have to enjoy or at least accept SS...
SS didn't ruined my enjoyement with Sakura's character. Simply as that.  She is very good post ending. Even the Haters admits that and have to use the old Kage Summit Arc moments to hates on her.
NaruSaku could be more popular without that bad writing in Kage Summit Arc and the Pierrot's fanatical Hinata fans. But what is done is done. SS Fandom and the current Sakura fans finally showed how Hinata is far away to be considered  popular to Kishimoto and Pierrot.
About Boruto you need to change  the Mangaka and the entire plot. 
Just look the pathetic situation of NH and Hinata.

If you are one of those sakura fans thats fine, but just don't exept the rest of us to be like that. We don't like sasusaku and we are not going to praise it, so don't call us delusional inside a NaruSaku bubble just because we think its bad.

Telling us and showing us about how popular ss in, polls, merch or sub sections in her fandom is not going to convince any of us that the ship was in the long run good for her character reputation because it was not.

None of us fined any of her ss moments in gaiden or retsuden to be that good and rather cringe if anything. Nor do we feel she has gotten that good of treatment posting ending.

Even with the kage summit stuff narusaku could has still worked if properly addressed Nd if Kishimoto just ignored hinata's fanatics in Pierrot and stuck to his guns. Also like I keep saying not everyone who voted sakura in the poll was an ss fan, many other including narusaku fans also voted for her hoping to get something like a sakura tsunade story or keep her in the top 3.

Yeah no narusaku fan wants a narusaku son version of boruto or would want Ikemoto to write it. They would rather have someone does like the character and ship do it and be original if they arebgoing to support it.

#989294 Why do Sakura and Hinata's stated feelings always get preference over Nar...

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 26 April 2023 - 11:56 PM

You still had Sakura's haters who hates on her just because was fun and they didn't cared about pairings.
But true NH fans were well aware of NaruSaku danger so they needed SasuSaku to remove Sakura from NaruHina way too just like SS fans needed Hinata. Back in the day both SS/NH had NaruSaku as a enemy in common for obvious reasons.
Doesnt make any sense SS x NH at the time. So fans of both pairings tended to team up to argument against NS.
As soon the final pairings got resolved and canon. Insecure NH fans created a new "pairing wars" to see what girl or pairing is better.
This is the main trigger who put SS fandom against NH. Now SS fandom hates Hinata just like NS fandom used to hate her...
I still remember that Lulaneko from Tumblr. He always used SS in his Anti NS arguments. But after the ending he started to attack Sakura and SS.

Considering Sakura/Sarada are the only good thing about Sasuke's character in Boruto era.
Hardly any male Sasuke fan will hates on her. Big Sasuke pages and fans in others forums are posting SS and defeding Sakura these days. In Narutotop99 most of the Sasuke fans votes went to Sakura when she creeped into the number 3. Just like others fans abandoned their favs to vote in Minato.
At least i saw a lot of Sasuke's avatars voting for Sakura in narutop99 official tag.
It's  hard to distinguish a SS fan since they are using either a Sasuke or Sakura avatar.
You still have the incel NaruSasu shippers. But they are very small in these days.
Also i find ridiculous how NaruSasu shippers prefers to hate on Sakura because she got Sasuke than Hinata... Again because Sakura was the main girl and hates on her is funny.

The 693 Chapter was really trick. Kishimoto showed Sasuke has at least a minimal care to Sakura with 685.
NS fandom creeped out with 685 chapter at the time...This chapter was the SS version of NH handholding.
Sasuke x Naruto was the biggest fight in the manga. The fight  simply makes no sense with Sasuke loving Sakura or recognizing Sakura before Naruto. Kishi wanted to make Sasuke reject Sakura but at the same time Sakura wans't aware of that. She was unconcious.  So she didn't hear anything. She still had that fantasy from 181 when the good Sasuke thanked her declaration and put her in the bench.  So Sasuke just needed gave up his revolution crazy plan after his fight to Naruto to accept Sakura.

 Kishimoto reafirmed Sakura's love again at 693..In that point to justify a NaruSaku ending Kishimoto needed a redeemed and good Sasuke rejecting Sakura and pushing her to Naruto..
Naruto declaring her love and rejecting Hinata.
Hinata can't have the same destiny as Ino or Karui who had random marriages.
She was a very popular side character who Kishimoto wasted a entire chapter in her love declaration who was very well received compared to the Sakura's fake confession.

NS was too much complex for a Shonen manga at this point. He and Sakura already received a lot of hate  from 469. I can undertand why Kishimoto and his Editors sold out for SS/NH.
He made a too complex love triangle and in the end was overwhelmed by them...

Yeah I know that and all the more reason kishimoto should of ignored the Haters, if they aren't going to be pleaded no matter ignore them.

Nh fans didn't necessarily needed ss to happen to make nh canon, they could have easily had their ship canon without ss and just have sakura and sasuke with someone else each.

Same with ss for nh and given shippers like Lulaneko they should of known long term it wasn't going to work. This is why you never had ns fans make any official alliance with other ships to bash nh and ss.

Then those are more likely newer fans, because alot of old school sasuke fans did not like her and her obsession with sasuke. Also some only like her because she is with him and wouldn't care about her if she wasn't, heck some might just only like sadara and not care who her mother is.

Sadara if you ask me is overrated as a character who had one volume centred her which she is pretty critical of her supposed family dynamic. Plus frankly sasuke spends more time with boruto and naruto than his own family.

They Probably hate on any girl that gets with sasuke, I doubt in exclusive. Heck I have seen them bash hinata as well.

The narusaku fandom didn't creep out at 685, we just saw it as cringed forced ss scene that does not justify the ship or make amends. Especially after 693, there is no exuses after that.

I don't give a dang what his reasons were, he put her in a genjustu thinking he stabbed her. Heck he openly states he has no reason to love her, so them being in a relationshipafter that. I don't care how nostalgic sakura is for 181 that looks more like a rejection and should learn to move on and execpt that sasuke is not the guy she think he is.

She could have easily had a talk with sasuke telling her she actually likes naruto or with kakashi at that moment during the on what to do and have kakahi asking who she actually Happy and thinks naruto like the jiriaya novel.


Hinata is a minor side character, kishimoto has no idea why she was so aprantly popular. The fact that he ignored the confession is very telling that he didn't see it as a big deal. So he could have easily had move on to some random guy or no one at all.

Narusaku isn't that complex, it the standard tsundere that at first dislikes the main protagonists only to fall for later. Only has a thing for the rival first and needs to move, which they were signs of that being the case. 469 did not change that and could have easily been addressed, if Kishimoto did not cafe into his editors with their hinata agenda and the franchise wouldn't be in the sorry state that it is now. Nor his reputation as a mangaka given how samurai 8 was cancelled in less than a year.

#989287 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 26 April 2023 - 12:13 AM

It's still much better than everything that Ikemoto created in his Boruto manga who ruined Sasuke/Naruto popularity and the sales as well.
Anyway aside the bad writing in Kage Summit Arc to the entire Team 7.
In my opinion this is the Arc who made Kishimoto seriously consider to remove NaruSaku from his final plans thanks to his stupid strategy. Same thing happened in Sarada Gaiden when in less than two weeks he confirmed Sakura-Sarada are biological mother-daughter and turned the Karin thing a red herring.
But NS never was a red herring.
He had some type of plan for NaruSaku until he went full retarded adding a fourth element in the love triangle thing with Hinata's confession
Sakura received a lot of hate and backlash with her confession to Naruto, including in JAPAN. The place who loved Sakura the most. (Unlike the Sakura's ending when two SasuSaku scenes were ranked as the best TOP 5 shippuuden moments and everybody got angry with the simply insinuating that Sarada wasn't Sakura's daughter.)
The fact that Sakura's confession was after Hinata's "pure" confession only made the situation worst for Kishimoto and NaruSaku.  Sakura was abandoning Sasuke, lying/manipulate Naruto and still ignoring Hinata's feelings.  Kishimoto was questioned a lot of times what he wanted to achieve with that stupid second confession and the third in manga.  Probably the editors just told him to forget NS since this could generate even more backlash against Sakura and him from audience and SS/NH fans.
Thats why he said in a interview, he would make Sakura a bad woman for abandoning Sasuke. Now seeing Sakura popular like never before as "Mrs uchiha" with much more room to develop SS/Sakura/Sasuke, milk their fans and still try to revive some part of the franchise..
Kishimoto is now certain that was the best choice.    :


Quite a few things you said I want to adress just haven't had time to say until now.

That's not saying much stories like retusden may not be as bad as boruto with its cyborgs and its still bad and stupid for its cringe romance and dinosaur plotline. Plus retsuden sales have not shown any signs to recover that popularity or sales.

Yeah I'm not convinced kishimoto was considering to heavily to remove narusaku as canon at this point, given how kushina and her relationship to minato was very familiar to how sakura was to naruto. Plus chapter 663 was title the real end implying ns and sk was what he wanted to do.

Earliest I can say was around 540 with that letter she got, though ss wasn't portrayed in a positive light there despite what the fandom might think. Other than that around the time the last went into production.

Same with gaiden, given how it was a tie in to the upcoming boruto movie, I'm not fully convinced production was done weekly while ongoing and the last chapter was probably made before the huge backlash by the meltdown reaction from the ss fans.

Well we at least agree on that, despite kishimoto's damage controled interviews saying otherwise. Frankly I blame the editors for that one, given he didn't think much of hinata and that iruka would of been more impactful in that situation.

What the forehead poke and the rescue scene they hardly make up for the baggage of every other moment those two had in part 2.

Just because the narusaku confession was controversial doesn't mean that narusaku should of been considered out for the count. Its not Sakura's fault that naruto never responded to the confession hinata made in her selfish moment.

As for whether or not she multiplied naruto frankly I think she was being honest of loving naruto whether she realised it or not, the only part she was lying was not caring about sasuke which she still does at the time. Heck kishimoto said he was portraying an honest girl in that confession with the naruto part.

Th only problem is that it never had a follow-up to the confession where it makes it clear that she does indeed love naruto and is not mutilating him and that while it's clear she does still cares about sasuke just not in a romantic.

Though regardless of how how controversial the confession is, it is nowhere near as bad as sasuke's murder attempts on sakura. Which should of been the end of the ship and frankly her not fighting back I think did alot more damage to her reputation.

This of course was probably ruined by the editors agenda for hinata which eventually they got to kishimoto by the time of the list's production and his father passing. But given his wife's reaction I doubt narusaku was considered dead after the confession.

What he said in that interview was disgusting and double standard about girls can't move on from their crushes buy guys cab and feels more like cheap damage control to the mess of the canon couples he did.

It was the wrong decision to make to make sakura Mrs uhchia and not everyone who voted for sakura in that popularity poll did because they were ss shippers and would rather see stuff like tsunade's training of her. And all ss has shown in manga sales is half of what boruto does on average last I checked.


The fact remains the same no matter who some of you try to ignore data.

NS wasn't so much profitable compared to SS/NH when you consider the only novel focused in NS relationship that was Road to Ninja, not even the Movie/Novel was enough to save NaruSaku popularity at the time from the fiasco Kage Summit Arc and the huge backlash Sakura received in Japan. Maybe this was decisive to Kishimoto/Editors kill NS at the end.

Replace Hinata with Sakura as Naruto's housewife and Boruto's series is still kitten.
Sakura is popular like never before both worldwide and in Japan even without  the NS fandom who died, disbanded or even hates Sakura after the manga ending.

Even as old NS sympatizer, I'm not desilusional. But if some of you still wants to live inside a NaruSaku bubble in this forum, Makes really no differences.


One thing I think you didn't consider to account in terms of novel sales pre the ending and post ending is that all the novels before the ending are adaptions of non canon stories to the franchise.

Which as I belived Namaenashhas said were probably limited in how many they were selling. As most fans who weren't die hard probably did not want to buy novels of movies that weren't canon regardless of which ships they were portraying.

Novels and movies post ending are considered to be canon so they are more likely to attract higher sales because they are being promoted to fans as important to understand what's going on at the time, so they are more naturally going to get more sales regardless of who is canon.

The fact that now the sales of these canon stories have gone into such a decline that they barley just above non canon novel sales from over a decade ago isn't that impressive.

No one is saying we want sakura to replace hinata's role in boruto and the story would be good. Frankly I doubt we would of gotten boruto, because that series was written with nh and ss in mind not narusaku which would require different dynamics.

Not everyone who voted for sakura was an ss shipper, you had genreal fans, multi shippers, ns fans, female fans in general and anti ss sakura fan voting for her for various reasons. Also most narusaku fans don't hate sakura they just hate how she is written with sasuke.

Frankly it's sometimes hard to tell if you were a old ns sympatizer, because you keep insisting that narusaku would never be popular and that only ss can make sakura popular. When that was what made her so hated in the first place. I'm pretty sure everyone is aware that currently most sakura fans active right now are ss fans because of the current canon timeline, but that does not mean we think its good or that successful long term for the series or character.


I don't think japonese Fandom Hates Hinata. She is a cute and harmless secondary character. They simply doens't care about her and felt deceived with The Last false advertisement.
Everybody was expecting a Team 7 centric Movie finally with Sasuke back. Not a Hinata love story.
Hinata was really more popular than Sakura second their official and Internal polls back in 2010 - 2013 period.
Kishimoto was well aware that confession and Kage Summit Arc basically nuked Sakura's popularity and NaruSaku. He even said his editors told to him Sakura  wasn't popular at the time. 
Even the OOC psycho Sasuke just dropped down one single Ranking in his popularity while Sakura was behind every secondary character and tied with Sai out of the TOP 10. This arc made neutral/casual fans hates NaruSaku and prefer NH.  You still have SS who dislikes NS too and remained the most popular hetero couple in fandom.
After 2014 Sakura massively increased her popularity for several reasons

1- Sakura gained positive active role in the War Arc/Sarada Gaiden.
2 - SS Canon and Sarada as the biggest event of the manga ending and SS fandom  grown bigger and famous than ever before. Just NaruHina/Hinata fandom as only Rival.

3- Half of the NaruHina fandom are just  males who likes Hinata's boobs and doesn't care to support the pairing online or Hinata. Probably a significant porcentage of NH fandom in the old times were just SS fans.
SasuSaku fans loved to use Hinata as backup argument against NaruSaku.
The SS fandom simply dropped NH after the ending.
4 - Sakura isn't traped in a silly love triangle, NaruSaku wasn't a threat to Hinata/NH anymore and
Sakura lost half of her Haters aside some incels.
5 -  Naruto/Hinata is boring and there's nothing to work on them. The Last simply finished NH.
6 - Sakura/Sasuke is much more interesting and have a lot of room to develop and blank periods to fix them. There's no surprise why people wants to know much more about Sakura and Uchiha Family than Hinata's boring family.
Internal  polls for merch already showed SS/Sakura destroying Hinata/NH in Japan. Sakura have much more merch, sold out products, spin off and events in Japan than Hinata ever dreammed.
The global poll only confirmed that.  Now Sasuke/Sarada/Sakura are the few things worth of attention/merchandising in Boruto Era with a big active fanbase with potential  to bring some old readers back.

Edit for SPOILER

Merch and Events

Funny enough Hinata only managed to enter in global TOP 10 thanks the american continent.

Hinata is only popular in the West.
But even in america Sakura destroyed Hinata in popularity. In Japan Hinata was out of the top 15.

Actually many of them were not that happy with her being the centre of the movie, replacing sakura and being the main reason neji died.



There was only one popularity poll in 2010 to 2013 and that was the 7 popular poll, the first one since the second arc of part 2 and frankly I don't think it was realiable to have enough data on to replace sakura with hinata.

They had a smear campaign against her that at the time. Only showing the hate and not the support she had.

Sakura sakura was in 12 place in the sixth poll as well so she remain consistent in that regard. In the west maybe, but in Japan narusaku was still regarded as the pairing expected to be canon. Plus road to ninja and the minikushi parallels gave narusaku a boast at the time.

Sakura's role in the war arc was mixed and everyone outside ss hated the ss scenes, most which were toxic like 693 which shouldnof been the final death flag for this ship. They are only talked about because they were canon otherwise I doubt they be regarded so popular.

We know that ss and nh had an unholy alliance against ns, problem is for the ss fandom by doing so undermined sakura's status as heroine and was replaced with hinata.  They pretty much helped a fandom who hated sakura undermine her.

While narusaku did not happen you have quite a fair share now saying it would of been better than nh and ss. Given the bad writing for both ships.

There is nothing interesting written about ss post ending, just bad fan fic with sakura acting like a fangirl and ignoring all the issues with that came with the ship.

While sakura merch is selling well, that still did not help sell retsuden manga volumes given how the first one only sold half the amount a bourot volume does these days last I checked.


With a Simply Forehead Poke/Sarada, gaiden and some novels. Sakura/SS become  popular like never before.
Kishimoto and Jump is seeing that SS/Sakura part of the fandom always was much more bigger than the small western louder Hinata/NH part...
They will have to try to please SS and Sakura fans at this moment and ignore the kitten NH.
Now with SS/Sakura popularity 100% confirmed worldwide and especially in Japan, where both Sasuke/Sakura are in TOP5 and together they become much more popular than the current TOP 1 character who died 15 years ago and have no future in the franchise: Itachi.
They have much more room to produce "quality" material showing  SS improvement and development to milk their fans. Hardly this will save the franchise, unless Kishimoto comes backs to make himself a SS story (Like Gaiden) or another thing. But it's a good start. 
(Ikemoto is already forcing Sarada more in the story with her Mangekyo Sharingan. and probably Sakura will appear soon to train and give a Byakugou to Sarada)
Sarada is their best bet for Uchiha Clan/Sakura/Sasuke/SS original fanbases in Boruto Manga now.


Those gaiden stories suck and were controversial they might of been popular with shippers, but they weren't that well received by non shippers.

Heck there was a huge backlash to when ss become canon not just ns shippers. Heck here are some reactions from Japan.


Plus frankly I doubt they can ignore the nh fandom while boruto is still ongoing. Like I said before not everyone world wide voted sakura because of ss. Also in Japan there was a poll of couples they wanted broken up and ss was in there with nh reported by chruchyroll. So I dount Japan has universal popularity for ss.


Also I don't kishimoto writing ss will do any good given his writing beforehand, Also he is not positive about the couple in his interviews. Many did not like how sadara got the ms calling it a dumb reckon on how the powers worked.


NH fandom is dying and hates Borutos as well. NH doesn't have a single content, The Last ruined them in Japan and Naruto/Hinata are just ignored in Boruto.  No wonder why Sasuke/Sakura are much more famous now.  

  SS/Sakura fandom is still big and strong because they were the stars of the manga ending and lives in their Fanarts, Fics and shoujo novels universe and  some fanservices in anime where  Sakura is a top kunoichi who trains Sarada and runs the Konoha hospital. They totally ignores Boruto manga like 90% of the original Naruto fanbases...  You know Boruto is bad when the own  NH people wants Boruto  canceled or ignored like Dragon Ball GT. .Even the Fandom who should like the new Manga with focus on NH Son and family, hates Boruto.Boruto is killing the series and even the Pro Ending fandoms. 18.jpg 
  That why i think a NS ending wouldn't turn Boruto any better. Maybe just a happy sensation and revenge against SS/NH after the pairing wars. But NS  would be in the same situation as NH in Boruto era with Ikemoto as a Writter. Sakura being ignored with a brat son and now unconscious in a random dimension with blocks.Sakura end up alone is better than  Boruto manga or the shoujo fantasy with SS. But Sakura's fandom and her merch/novels would be practically pretty much dead now without Sasuke and Sarada.   SS fans coundn't care less about Hinata "winning" Naruto. It's sad but most of girls considers Sasuke much more interesting than Naruto and Japonese people identify much more with Sasuke and Uchiha Clan than with Naruto and his generic Hokage dream.There's no coincidence why Sasuke was the top 1, Boruto almost ruined him and now Itachi is in his place.  NaruSaku wasn't so much popular in Japan compared to SasuSaku. Sakura's confession basically nuked NaruSaku among non Shippers and fandom. I guess Kishimoto intention was to show a more mature Naruto who only will accept Sakura after she truly proved her love to him. Probably Kishi intended NaruSaku before Kage Summit.  But the fake confession shot backfired againt him and Sakura.Sakura was really hated for various reasons at the time.She was abadoning Sasuke, trying to manipulate Naruto into abandon Sasuke and  ignoring Hinata's feeling who sacrificed her life to Naruto not so long ago.Japonese non Shippers and Shippers really didn't see so much problem with Sasuke/Sakura trying to kill each other give the story context compared to that poor confession. Hinata becomed more popular than Sakura.You had this scenario between the "big three" at the timeSasuSaku>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NaruSaku>>>>>>>>NaruHina After Sakura's and Hinata confessionSasuSaku>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NaruHina>>>>>>>>>>>NaruSakuwith both SS/NH being sister shippers against NS. So Kishimoto and Editors thought  more easy choose the popular route with SS/NHSo he could make both SS Japonese and NH/SS Western shippers fandoms happy. He probably decided that around chapter 540 when he showed Sakura rejecting a love letter because of Sasuke and Hinata thiking in Naruto. The conclusion was easy compared to NS:Sasuke finally coming back to Sakura like a sorry ass dog  and Sakura waiting for him more passionate than ever. SasuSaku already was very popular and had the entire part 1.Kishimoto let to Pierrot explain NH transforming Naruto's feelings to Sakura into a joke and moving on to Hinata, between that he made the Kushina-Sakura red Herring  to keep the love triangle/pairing wars still alive and troll a little more.

SS is just as ignored in boruto, heck sakura hasn't appealed in over 30 chapters, if retusden and filler wasn't a thing we wouldn't see her at all. SS wasn't even the focus of the ending if anything it was naruto and sasuke and later naruto and boruto.

Just because ss is still active doesn't mean its going to revive the series, all is happening is that they are losing half of the boruto fandom if nh shippers are dropping it and those who don't give a dang about ships.

Pretty much everyone hates it execpt for a few diehards who think the time skip will change things which I doubt it will.

We don't know how a narusaku ending or spin of series would or not do well because it didn't happen. For all we know beside getting raging raging nh and ss fans, other would of been fine with it as long as it was written well. Like I said before I have seen many non shippers say ns would of been better than ss and nh.

The boruto story is only being told as it was, because the canon set up nh and ss. A narusaku story would have to been written entirely different.

I'm pretty sure sakura would sell well regardless of who she is or isn't with, as some sakura fans only ship ss because its canon.

Just because sasuke at times is more popular than naruto, doesn't mean he should take the spotlight from him. Given how in the worldwide poll he ranked higher than sasuke. Narusaku was considered the golden paring, the couple execpted to become canon even by ss fans at the time.

Plus frankly no matter how controversial the confession scene was, it was no way near as bad as sasuke trying outright kill sakura in cold blood. You say the confession nuked narusaku, but ss should of be erased from existence from ever happening after that.

Though like I said a follow-up to the confession could of fixed that for narusaku. Her moving on from sasuke would of been way better for her character, especially after the murder attempts and him wanting to destory the leaf.

Also she was trying help naruto getting him to stop chasing sasuke because now he was regarded as a terrorist who everyone had decided to kill.

Hinata's confession was selfish and suicidal, given how all she did was say she liked naruto charged in nearly got killed, gave naruto guilt and nearly went nine tail if not for his dad.

If you have looked at the link I posted above from chatte's blog you will see that was not entirely the case with the Japan fandom. Frankly any self respecting fan should not be okay with what happened with ss regardless of context because it does not justify it.

More like the editors pushing it on kishimoto. Like I said before about, doesn't really portray ss in a positive light given how unhappy she looks, also 635 with her fake smile.

I don't care how popular they were in part 1, part 2 destoryed any chance of them reasonably being a couple. That red herring thing was just a damge control exuse, given his wife reaction.

#989216 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 15 April 2023 - 12:23 AM


Maybe. But in this case he is particularly proud of Sakura's ending.
Anyway Sakura reached her lowest ranking in popularity thanks to Kishimoto and the  bad  writting in Kage Summit Arc who almost ruined Sakura. 
Now ironically Sakura is more popular than ever when others mangakas/writers are responsible to write about her.

Sakura's ending sucks and most of sakura writting post ending isn't good.