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#843014 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Aizen-Sama on 14 June 2015 - 03:13 AM

Hinata bores me as a character, she never has anything interesting or profounding to say unless she's just copying off Naruto's "way of the ninja" speeches and the only time she EVER shows strength is when it's for her future-husband. She's boring as f'ck dude and a completely failed character. Her extreme popularity and overratedness is what tops it off, how can so many otakus prefer this empty shell over Sakura, who although was also a failed character, at least had far more depth to her and interesting things to say as well as being a better example of a strong female character? (pre-ending)
I used to like Hinata even after the ending but now I realize she's just otaku garbage and I'm not gonna bother defending her anymore unless people are bashing her for jealous petty reasons. There are far better characters to waste my time thinking about, NH fans can have fun with their boring empty shell.

#841985 Naruto Gaiden 700.7

Posted by Aizen-Sama on 11 June 2015 - 05:49 PM

I hate Naruto but right now the most hateable character in this manga is Sasuke followed by Sakura and Hinata. Naruto's just a pathetic piece of crap who ignored his future wife and became a hypocrite.

#841969 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Aizen-Sama on 11 June 2015 - 05:33 PM

Everytime I find out someone ships naruhina or sasusaku post-2015, I lose a little respect for them. I just cannot help it.

#841947 Naruto Gaiden- Chapter 700.5

Posted by Aizen-Sama on 11 June 2015 - 05:16 PM

So many people getting offended over a comic..  I think the comparison was pretty on point.
One of the biggest problems in the world today is people getting steamed up over nothing.  Naruto has some pretty dark themes as well and yet mention a real world issue and suddenly everyone's screaming 'triggered'!

Well yeah, real-world issues ARE real-world issues and Naruto is just fiction. People SHOULD get steamed up about the bad things that go on in reality and not a stupid manga. Some of these Naruto fanatics treat it like a religion and literally stalk people if you insult Hinata-- a fictional character-- or dislike their favorite fictional couple. Wish these morons would actually put their zeal and passion into things that actually matter. Like, anime is fun but it shouldn't take over a person's damn life.

#841910 Naruto Shippuden episode 414

Posted by Aizen-Sama on 11 June 2015 - 04:44 PM




whisker-less naruto

Wow in SP's version it really does just look like CPR and not some dramatic kiss of life it looked like in the manga. Lame.

#828241 Masashi kishimoto will be going to comic con in new york city

Posted by Aizen-Sama on 22 May 2015 - 08:02 AM

I might change my mind cause im not paying for 150$ ticket just to see kishi.

Better to give $150 to the homeless or go to Disneyland with it.

#828235 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Aizen-Sama on 22 May 2015 - 07:53 AM

Oh look... The real Team's 7 reaction to the plot....

Naruto: I have to deal with my stalker again?
Sakura: I can't believe my man is going out with Hinata!
Sasuke: Who the hell is Hinata? And why is there an entire movie about her?

#828046 Naruto Gaiden-Chapter 700.4

Posted by Aizen-Sama on 21 May 2015 - 10:53 PM

Sakura and Sarada act nothing alike. Ugh I can already tell that at the end of this SS really will have it's dream ending. Regardless of Sasuke's 12 years of absence, since apparently to them Sasuke threatening Sakura's life countless of times is true luv. 

Yeah I can't believe Nardo said that Sarada reminds him of Sasuke. Like, REALLY?? In what way? Salad doesn't act like either of her parents. He's still an idiot as always so it's no surprise.

#828002 Naruto Gaiden-Chapter 700.4

Posted by Aizen-Sama on 21 May 2015 - 10:01 PM

Sarada didn't even mention the bento was from Hinata...... And We see NaruSara family moments :P

Lol Sarada delivers Naruto the bento from Hinata and he thinks of Sasuke and Sakura. AWESOME!! XD

#826995 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Aizen-Sama on 20 May 2015 - 09:47 PM

Gutsy Ninja adult Naruto looks so much better.

Can't blame Naruto, I'd lose all my hair and get a haircut like a serial killer too if I had been forced to marry a stalker.

#826438 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Aizen-Sama on 19 May 2015 - 07:49 PM

In hindsight, you're correct, but that doesn't change the fact that Sasuke was just a prize her. How their relationship turned out doesn't change that fact.

Well let's agree to disagree. I don't believe Sakura saw Sasuke like a prize to the same extent that Hinata saw Naruto like one. It was more about giving into her bad boy fantasies than winning him. SS fans do see Sasuke as a prize though and think Sakura "won" him but of course they're completely wrong. XD

#825763 Gaara Hiden

Posted by Aizen-Sama on 19 May 2015 - 05:39 AM

So now Gaara is being forced to "take a wife"? Disgusting.

#825753 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Aizen-Sama on 19 May 2015 - 05:27 AM

It's classic projection by those who simply have no reasonable argument to counter the arguments about them and their beliefs, but simply don't want to admit that everything they're saying about the opposition is actually what is attributed to themselves and their beliefs. They also know it's true, but they will try their hardest never to admit it and keep pushing it onto the "enemy" in order to make themselves and their beliefs look better, no matter what evidence is presented to them (while they never offer anything reasonable in return and constantly try to shift the goalposts or steer the argument in a different direction, hence why almost every extremist NH/SS fan will, once their argument is shot down, always resort to going, "You're just mad because your pairing isn't canon!") but any logical person can easily see through it..

Believe me dude I used to read lots of sasusaku fanfics. That crap is OOC as hell. Naruto's usually tossed off to Hinata and they make Sasuke out to be this seductive Edward Cullen guy.

#825734 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by Aizen-Sama on 19 May 2015 - 05:06 AM

Like chatte said sakura character grow if she around naruto, and dies while she around sasuke. She never able to stand and protect herself whenever sasuke insult and hurt her , she just gave it up and look pathetic [realy someone need to slap her hard at those time]. While around naruto she can be herself and act without need a mask and guidance of her inner sakura. Simply put sasuke simply destroyed everything about sakura while naruto on the other hand make her like a true Queen.
Naruto thank sakura for healing him and should rest behind sakura reply do you think i'm a weak woman. Let's say that sasuke is the one who said that sakura should rest behind because she is useless and can't do anything, realy i'm sure 100% that sakura will do what he said and stand behind look sad and pathetic. Like this panel:
If naruto the one who said sakura can't do anything in that situation i'm 100% sure she will get mad and punch him. Realy someone should slap her to snap her out of it , come on that guy insult you sakura snap out of it you are not useless, medic/healer is the most important role on war if they died who gonna heal you?. She will NEVER EVER questioning sasuke word or order. She just like robot in front of sasuke all she can say is yes, yes, yes. I'm sick of this, i'm sick seeing this pathetic girl also sasuke he thinks he can say anything he want without considering other people feelings , he can't imagine how hard naruto and sakura go after him. That's why it will never gonna work , you pair sasuke and sakura only negative things will come out of it. Anyone with brain can see it
See? She likes naruto ideas of trap/punishing kakashi because he is late BUT once again because there is presence of sasuke, sakura force to put mask and act like he don't like it. Proof/prove that she will always become pathetic subdued idiot stupid girl whenever sasuke around her. Why can SS fans see this?
And look!!!! After 13 damn years sakura STILL not change/realize how pathetic and stupid she is become sasuke damsel in distress. Not even her own parents talk some sense into her. This insanity ... how far is kishi gonna do this....

I hate how SS fans say Sakura is just a "prize" to Naruto yet ignore the fact that Naruto is a "prize" to Hinata. They try to make NS out to be "unhealthy" when they all know deep down that their sugar-coated sasusaku BS is the real abusive unhealthy pairing.

#825705 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Aizen-Sama on 19 May 2015 - 03:53 AM

So I tried watching some NaruHina AMVs and although they're cute they're just OOC. Naruto singing songs like "never gonna give you up" to Hinata and "she's the one I want" and "she's so high above me" like WHAT THE F-CK? He doesn't even like Hinata that way, these are things he'd be saying to Sakura. NH is completely one-sided.