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Member Since 27 May 2014
Offline Last Active Jan 10 2018 11:43 PM

#664959 Who's the heroine? Sakura or Hinata?

Posted by Iwantbuns on 19 November 2014 - 01:41 AM

Sakura was the heroine. But it seems like Hinata's gonna take that role now. That used to sound so nice in my ears before, but I didn't want it to happen like this. Sakura's character had so much potential, and Kishi just dumped it. But he takes Hinata's underdeveloped character and makes it shine. What is that?

#662819 Bolt+Himawari Appreciation Thread

Posted by Iwantbuns on 16 November 2014 - 07:57 PM

They are cute.






Why did these cute little things not happen  :arg:

#661693 Naruto and Sakura's life together

Posted by Iwantbuns on 15 November 2014 - 04:01 PM

Shinachiku ftw <3


All my NaruSaku feels


Damn what could've been.

#660373 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Iwantbuns on 14 November 2014 - 02:45 AM

I sometimes wonder what this website would be like if NaruSaku did become canon. We would never know, but I'd have a feeling that it would've been one hell of a party... Sometimes I feel like SasuSaku becoming canon and a NaruHina centered movie coming out, is just some really horrible nightmare. It sure does feel like that.


It really shouldn't have happened this way.

#659241 Super Mario!

Posted by Iwantbuns on 13 November 2014 - 12:16 AM


#655900 Kishi speaks After Naruto’s Finale (Interview)

Posted by Iwantbuns on 10 November 2014 - 09:39 PM

You were really not lying when you said you sucked at romance, Kishi. Leading us on to thinking Sakura had feelings for Naruto. Leading us on to thinking Naruto's feelings actually meant something.

#655890 My Blog

Posted by Iwantbuns on 10 November 2014 - 09:33 PM

Thank you for a NaruSaku family ending <3 Totally needed that ^^


Posted by Iwantbuns on 10 November 2014 - 01:49 AM

This is really brilliant! I love it!

#647916 The Future of Heaven & Earth.

Posted by Iwantbuns on 07 November 2014 - 05:25 AM

NaruSaku forever <3


Heaven and Earth <3  :grouphug: 

#646896 Beyond the Pale

Posted by Iwantbuns on 06 November 2014 - 11:13 PM

And I feel... cheated.  Not just because NS didn't happen, or because I feel Kishimoto betrayed Naruto's heart.  Although it may sound weird, I also feel cheated because I didn't get to ship Naruto with Hinata.  

I am always a canon shipper.  Always.  I've said that multiple times on these threads.  If I had thought for one moment -- one single moment -- that there was a place in Naruto's heart for Hinata, I would have entertained the possibility of that ship.  Hinata was never written as a girl who would be a good match for Naruto, but if I had thought that's what he wanted -- if he'd shown even the slightest romantic inkling toward her -- I would have been on board for Naruto's sake.
But none of that was there.  Naruto and Sakura were always billed as the hero and heroine of the story, but in the end it was Sasuke and Hinata whose feelings, actions, dreams, and lives mattered most.  I simply can't get my mind around it.  
The hero never even gets a chance to confess to the girl he loved for the entire series, while Sasuke walks away with her free and clear.  Instead, Naruto ends up with a girl he never loved, while Sakura ends up with the guy who never loved her.  
And for what?  The entire manga feels empty now.  Wasted.  Unfinished.  The story's soul was Naruto's quest to make his dreams come true, and we got to see none of it.  Not winning Sakura, not becoming Hokage.  We don't even get to see him be friends with a redeemed Sasuke.


I agree with this completely. Looks like Kishi took an ending out of his butt to give a conclusion, but in reality it didn't conclude anything.


There are absolutely no hints of Naruto loving Hinata, or Sasuke loving Sakura. So what the heck just happened? I could literally name fanfictions that would've been more believable than what we got here. No out of character Sasuke. No ignorance of Sakura's developing feelings. No Hinata becoming the heroine, when she wasn't even present 80% of the canon storyline. And most of all no Naruto who didn't achieve his dreams, and where his feelings are unaccounted for. When they aren't just thrown away in the trash. Kishi hinted at them multiple times in Part 1 as well as Part 2. Why Kishi? Why show them? Why make them exist? Why make them so selfless? Why make Sakura start feeling the same way?


If Hinata's love was supposed to tower over Naruto's, where was she in his life?


I'm just so disappointed. I also tend to ship things in canon, when they make sense and seem enjoyable. But SasuSaku, I just won't stand for. NH I understand, but SS is complete BS from Kishi. Complete BS.

#641544 Drawing tips?

Posted by Iwantbuns on 06 November 2014 - 02:43 AM

Try drawing people around you. Not perfectly reallife-like, but study their poses. The way they're positioned, how they're body parts are positioned. Keep note of what way you're looking at them, don't forget that when it's on paper there will be different perspectives that the poses can be seen, that'll alter the drawing. Make rough drafts, make it simple, start simple. Keep it simple, and with each try, try making it more detailed and you'll start getting the hang of it very quickly.


That's how I learned to really achieve drawing people. It's starts out hard in the beginning, but it gets easier fast with a little practice.


Good luck! :)

#641532 Crazy Requests Thread

Posted by Iwantbuns on 06 November 2014 - 02:40 AM

Naruto and the Ramen girl please!

#640929 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Iwantbuns on 06 November 2014 - 12:12 AM

I saw that manga scan of Sasuke poking Sakura. I'm absolutely shocked. NaruHina's okay, but SasuSaku kills both of their characters. Kishi literally must not give a crap. He's frikin lost his mind. The way Sasuke smiled and Sakura blushed... It's all just wrong. So very wrong.


I could literally be okay if not disappointed if Naruto got with Hinata, and Sasuke and Sakura remained single... but what is this!? Sasuke and Sakura getting together is just... a tragedy. A horrible, horrible, tragedy.  :fist:

#633715 My Blog

Posted by Iwantbuns on 05 November 2014 - 02:44 AM

the manga is confusing, i thought sakura stopped loving sasuke, and fell for naruto? i mean the build up of the narusaku moments showed, and made it seem like it was her falling in love with naruto, she seemed to care alot about him, and everything. was all that pity, or does she really love naruto?


then 693 happens, and even though she might have meant family love, whenever she's around sasuke she goes back to her shallow 12 year old fangirl self, i hope if NS isn't canan in the manga it will be in the anime. studio pierrot seems to do a much more better job at making narusaku


than kishi ever could. i just hope NS becomes canon somehow. they had a really sweet bond, why is kishi trying to mess all that up? or is it the SS and NH fans who are ruining it? its hard to tell anymore


Well NH is now basically confirmed. This could actually make me depressed xDD

#633682 On a scale of 1-10 rate the Anime you're currently watching

Posted by Iwantbuns on 05 November 2014 - 02:41 AM

Brothers Conflict


I don't know how my cousin got me watching this straight through. 


2/10 It was awful.