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#989345 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by ThroughWithLove on 02 May 2023 - 02:39 AM

No, popularity is utterly worthless. Argumentum ad populam. Appeal to popularity.  Maybe popularity meant something to Kishimoto and his editors, but considering the way Boruto turned out, that just goes to show you fixate too much on what they think is popular.


SS is just awful. You can make an evil character (who has done evil and detestable things) redeem himself through the love another character expresses for him (see the romance between Viconia and the Bhaalspawn in Baldur's Gate II and Baldur's Gate Throne of Bhaal). Many series have done this. The problem is that Naruto does not even try. There is literally NO RHYME or REASON to SS. Chapter 693 confirms this when Kishimoto (correctly) has Sasuke state that Sakura has no reason to love him, only for Kakashi to retort that love does not need a reason. And don't bother retorting with headcanon nonsense like "Sasuke was mentally unhinged" or "Sakura's love for him sprouted from X." That's all fanfiction. If it's not in the manga, it didn't happen. SS is lazy. SS is boring. It's bad writing on parade. Boruto doesn't just fail because fail because Naruto and Hinata got together. It fails because the ending (or rather last third) of the previous series was an unhinged hackneyed mess not even fit for a creative writing contest with participants consisting of 12 year olds) and Boruto is simply a continuation of the unhinged hackneyed mess the gave birth to it in the first place.


I don't give a rat's @ss about which "pairing" is the most popular. I only care about good writing. Naruto MISERABLY failed in that department. But the potential it had not to fall to the depths it ended up falling to makes for good conversation. Also . . .


The solo fuction of the chapter 685 and the ridiculous eye smex was to show Sasuke cares about Sakura...



lol whut? Dude, you're a card carrying pairing goggle SS shipper through and through; you've NEVER supported NS for a single instant. You sound like someone else who got caught doing this exact same routine a few years ago. Drop the act. :lmao:

#989314 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by ThroughWithLove on 28 April 2023 - 02:12 AM


This is a little too far.
Thats why SS fans never was friendly and despise NS fans like they do with Naruto Fanboys. They hates  be judged as a persons because their preferences over a fictional pairing. They have  Sasuke/Sakura as a favorites characters and consider their moments and the appeal  better than NS.




I'm only calling delusional people who thinks the franchise went into decline because NaruSaku died or thinks NaruSaku was the peak of sales. The current Naruto fandom and Sakura fandom couldn't care less about NaruSaku... Most of the  Boruto complains are about the kitten story, battles, poor story pacing,alliens and Sasuke/Naruto nerfs.


Honestly if you people wanted some type of discussion in this forum it's better to accept contrary opinions. Not Just:

"Sakura was ruinned"
"SasuSaku is abusive and their fans sick people"
"Boruto is bad and Kishimoto is ruinned because Naruto didn't got Sakura at the end"


At least  the Hinata popularity ghost proved wrong now.    :zaru:




We have some few Sakura Fans from NS side. But now they are inside SS fandom , multishipping SS and helping SS fans to hate Hinata... if one of these "NS fans" dares to call Sakura a fangirl, stupid for loving Sasuke over Naruto or SasuSaku abusive like in this forum. They are simply expelled/canceled  from the Fandom and more attacked than Hinatards and Naruto Fanboys.
SS has thousends of contents, fanarts, SS Artists and pages with 20/40/50/100K of followers etc.
Most the NS artists and content simply stopped after 2014. LadyGT the most famous NS artist simply abandoned Naruto.  I only see Chatte and some few small NaruSaku and when they dare to attack SasuSaku. SS fans come in mass to attack them. SS fandom still has plenty of Hatred against NS fans who call SS abusive.

Most of the "pure blood" NaruSaku fans simply moved on, didn't care about the series or even hates Sakura. Sakura is ruinned and the series is dead to them. I know that because Sakura received a massive hate back in 2014/2015 in this forum and most of these NS fans abandoned the series and the forum.

Give this type of comment:


"Just because you're a fan of Sakura doesn't mean you have to follow a kitten cashgrab after an equally sloppy and disgusting ending. Read. Other. Things. Turn to fanfiction. Don't throw money into a trashcan."


I think hard to believe the few old NaruSaku fans helped too much in this votation when is very hard to to find them outside here.




SS is objectively toxic and abusive. Prove me wrong. :happy:

#988696 Sakura in the New Manga.

Posted by ThroughWithLove on 06 February 2023 - 11:10 PM

So much for Sasuke Retsuden selling better than Boruto lol 😂


Gee, a manga about the "romance" between a glorified single minded groupie and a dinosaur riding unapologetic domestic violence edgelord is not doing well. Shocker.

I guess all that talk about SasuSaku being popular was just that: Talk.

#988689 Why do Sakura and Hinata's stated feelings always get preference over Nar...

Posted by ThroughWithLove on 06 February 2023 - 08:22 PM

They are hardly even having sakura interact with Naruto in the boruto that its even hard to call them friends, the only time I saw it it was in the time travel arc where they had her beat him because he was doing the sexy jutsu only to have hinata come and defend him.


While there may be a few NaruSaku fans that want them to get together just because naruto wanted it, from what I have seen most narusaku fans are sakura fans who want them to get together because naruto is better for her and doesn't treat her like crap. Plus their dynamic is much better.  Naruto literally stated that he likes sakura in chapter 3 and and confirms to sai that he likes. Fans who hated sakura and narusaku just ignored it or diminished it like the kushina parallels, when it didn't for their agenda or narrative.


Sasusaku sakura fans just don't want to admit that the biggest reason Sakura got hated was because of her relationship to sasuke and the best thing for her is for it to not happen and move on from him, as it was never portrayed in in their self insert version of a good girl trying to rescue a bad boy. Plus they don't want to admit that having NH and SS canon has reduced Sakura's role over the years, despite warnings from other Sakura fans who did not want them to get together.


Yeah, I saw that clip of Hinata defending Naruto from Sakura. That sh-t NEVER happened. Almost as bad as them making up a scene of Naruto's using shadow clones prior to chapter 1 to save Hinata (someone who was considered royalty) from bullies. It's so stupid. Same reason the POAL never gets referenced again after Sakura's confession to Naruto in the land of iron arc even though the POAL is what ignited the chain of events leading to the climax of part 1. It was not enough to keep NS from happening; they had to SCRUB away all of the blatant indicators that it was going to occur. Can't say I'm surprised Naruto and Sakura are not allowed to be around each other. I'm reminded of the greek parable of the emperor's new clothes; it only takes one voice for people to wake up and see the lie for what it is. Also explains why they decided to give Hinata Sakura's characteristics (i.e. scary mom, kicking Naruto out of the house, etc).

#988687 Naruto: Sasuke's Story-The Uchiha and the Heavenly Stardust: Chapter 7

Posted by ThroughWithLove on 06 February 2023 - 07:17 PM

Of course the forehead scene is important it literally shows us Sakura's biggest insecurity about herself and that Naruto likes that part about her! Yes she might hit him at first, but she is a tsundere she will at first get mad at him then show affection that's how those two work. It was also paralleled with how kushina fell in love with minato when naruto met his mother, which anyone can see if they paid attention and not dissmiss it as a NS fan theory! Heck sakura thinking that sasuke said it is the only reason why I think she could possibly like him, which just shows she has a false idea of what he is like and that naruto is the ideal guy for her. 
Naruto was most likely to confess his feelings to sakura after he recused sasuke, but even then he confirmed to sai that he does love sakura so it should of been obvious at that point how he feels about her. The only problem with the NaruSaku confession is that we don't get a follow up to it, because it was clear that the part about not caring about sasuke was false however that doesn't mean what she said about loving him wasn't a lie and was actually the part of the confession that was true. Could it have been handled better yeah sure, but it is not as bad as fans made it out to be, which mainly end up being mostly nh and ss because it fits their agenda and narrative. Heck naruto doesn't seem that mad with sakura afterwards and even said she was his girlfriend to his dad when he asked about that. 

Frankly the ss and nh confession aren't really that impressive when you think about it. Hinata's was a suicide charge that nearly got her killed and even she admitted that she was being selfish. While I have already said that the SS feels more like a rejection, as Sakura is desperately trying to get sasuke to stay but like sasuke says she is not like him and doesn'y truly understand him and calls her annoying, heck the same thing in 693 and after that their is no way they should of gotten together after that.

The reason that we never got to see a second narusaku confession was because kishimoto gave up and listened to his editors and did bad writting to make ss and nh to be canon rather than NaruSaku. But if you won't listen to me why not hear what Chatte has to say about the confession which you can find on the video 24 minutes in https://www.youtube....oLKlFGIiDI&t=2s
As for Heronie = love interest while yes doesn't mean that the 2 are the same they are often tied together, mostly because they tend to have the most screen time together between boy and girl. Which unfortunately us and the girls in Naruto that was how the fandom in Naruto mainly the shippers sees it and so did studio Pierrot and the jump editors and they pushed hinata to replace Sakura starting with the Last movie only for it to backfire on them.




I appreciate you posting this and Chatte's video as I had never seen it before. I watched the entire thing last night and I feel like it clears up everything and was perhaps the last piece of information I needed to know definitively what killed NS. Like many, I had always chalked Sakura's false confession up as being a "false confession." But when you think about it and consider Kishimoto's at the time, it has become glaringly obvious to me that it was not a false confession. In Kishimoto's own bumbling way, he was trying to give Sakura a big moment. I've sat down and analyzed chapters 457, 458, 459, 469, 470 and 471 before panel and panel and have even posted a thread here demonstrating how Sai is basically three different people over the course of these chapters. Now that I've viewed Chatte's video, it all makes sense.


Here is what I believe happened. Kishimoto was pressured to give Hinata her big moment in chapter 437 during the Pein fight. I'm guessing that either that moment was originally going to be reserved for Sakura (which would make sense given her previous comments about being not being able to do anything for Naruto and just the way she acted around Naruto prior to the Pein arc) or Hinata was set to die there (unlikely, but it would make sense). Chapters 450 was a complete retaliation towards the outside forces that wanted Kishimoto to make Hinata the heroine; it was an FU to those trying to pressure him to ditch Sakura; Kishimoto not only has here display a tremendous level of affection towards Naruto in open public, but even takes the time to draw Hinata acknowledging and smiling at this scene. Still hellbent of putting NS front and center, Kishimoto has Naruto get the tar beaten out of him over the course of chapters 455 and 456 and immediately has Sai rightfully draw the conclusion that Naruto is ultimately going this far because of his love for Sakura in 457; this is Kishimoto driving home the point that 437 did not mean sh-t and he is about to put NS front and center. 458 comes along and Sai corners Sakura about how Naruto feels about her and Kishimoto makes certain to point to numerous flashbacks that many pairing obsessed have tried to dismiss as not being romantic on Naruto's part.  458 ends with Sakura's reaction confirming that Sai's comments are legitimate and that it is as plain as day that Naruto loves her. We then get chapter 459 where both Sai and Shizune make some pretty weird uncalled for remarks. Shizune tells Sai that Naruto isn't simply saving Sasuke just because of the promise he made to Sakura and Sai not only agrees with this, but claims that his overall reason for being there is to let everyone know that they rely too much on Naruto; its subtle, but Kishimoto is slowly diminishing what he had Sai say in the previous two chapters. We then jump to 469 where Sakura confesses to Naruto and Naruto immediately sees through it upon hearing Sakura claim that she has given up on Sasuke (notice that he doesn't explicitly reject any part of her comments until she says this). For some reason, Yamato expresses disgust at Sakura's remark DESPITE heavily implying that Sakura was in love with Naruto in chapter 297 (another subtle instance of Kishimoto walking back on whatever he was trying to establish here).  Sakura gets pissed at Naruto's claim that she's lying to herself (which is odd if her confession is indeed false) and then leaves. Sai then spends the following chapters walking back on everything he said in chapters 457 and 458 and never mentioning the L word again.


Here is my deduction: Between chapters 458 and 459, someone or some group of people had a sit down with Kishimoto. Whether it was studio pierrot or his own editors briefing Kishi on the sheer OUTRAGE people were having about Sai's remarks in chapters 457 - 458, I cannot say for certain. However, it's pretty clear that Kishimoto had some ideas in chapters 457 and 458 that he never got to execute. In fact, it's possible that the man simply kept getting whittled down then afterwards until he eventually jumped on board with NH. With the amount of hatred and vitriol Sakura kept getting online, the mounting pressure from Studio Pierrot and his editors and the indications that NH = huge cash cow in the west, he may very well have just given up accepted NH as the inevitable. We will never know for sure. One thing is for certain: Throughout at least two thirds of this manga, NS was endgame and Kishimoto had been determined to make it happen.


Also, it would appear that in Kishimoto's mind, replacing Sakura as the heroine meant making someone besides her Naruto's love interest. From that standpoint, he supported NS throughout nearly the entire manga.

#988659 Naruto: Sasuke's Story-The Uchiha and the Heavenly Stardust: Chapter 7

Posted by ThroughWithLove on 05 February 2023 - 05:26 PM

The Forehead discussion again. Please no. :pinch:
I already said in the previus topic the reasons why i don't consider this moment important. At the best scenario Sakura would punch hard Naruto  if she ever discover he tried to deceive and kiss her disguised as a Sasuke. The PoaL and Yamato's Comments was much more powefull and true NaruSaku Moments.



Sounds like you're looking at the forehead scene in a vacuum as opposed to considering it in the context of the followup moments you mention. I would agree that Sakura would punch Naruto hard since that's what tsundere characters do, but we can get into tons of tsundere romances akin to what was being showcased with Naruto and Sakura if you prefer.



Of course this evidence it's famous here because we are in NaruSaku Place full of NS fans. But if we bring this theory in a neutral place most of the others fans simply will laugh or ignore thats why i consider this a "underneath" evidence. it's hard. 


If people are inclined to laugh about a canonical event in the series, doesn't sound like a neutral place to me. Sounds like what you consider 'neutral" is stiff necked mouth foaming pairing goggle fans. And if we were to bring your position on this subject to 12 random people off the street with no knowledge or preconceived biases about the series, I don't think you'd be able to convince a single person that the author planned any of this stuff out and that he didn't simply change his mind his mind about Naruto and Sakura's relationship.



But outside here are many people who root for Sasuke, Sakura with Sasuke and Hinata.


A problem with a lot of your arguments here is that you keep going back to what "many people" allegedly think and believe. Who cares? Argumentem ad populam. Many people once elected Adolf Hitler to become the leader of Germany. If we're talking about the objective merits of a fictional story, it makes no difference what many people alleged to think or believe. 


Which chapter Naruto made a confession to Sakura?

If Naruto actually have confessed his love to Sakura like Sakura did to Sasuke in 181 and Hinata in 437. NaruSaku would a have a much more powerfull support.


Naruto never confessed his love to Sakura. He said he loved Sakura. That's chapter 3. That's chapter 457. And if Naruto actually had confessed his love to Sakura, it certainly would be a more powerful expression on the author's part. As it stands, however, we have Naruto's statements, we Sakura's statements, we have parallels. What's more, unlike Sakura and Hinata, Naruto is the main character. His thoughts/goals/ambitions take precedent over anyone else's since the story is about his life and goals.


But unfortunately all we got was Sai getting the wrong ideia about PoaL and declaring Naruto's love in his place.


I've gone over this before in another thread here, but Sai's comments are pretty inconsistent. He gives two separate explanations on why he decided speak out. Whatever ideas Kishimoto had in mind throughout the course of chapters 457 and 458, they got scrapped in 459 and definitively got scrapped over the course of 469 to 474. 


Speaking of the POAL, it never gets referenced again after these chapters. Please justify that from a writers perspective and do so in a manner that does not acknowledge it was scrapped. :wink:



Sakura feeling guilty. Naruto saying he was chasing Sasuke for himself not Sakura.


Why would Naruto say that? Why would the author not instead have him say he is doing it for himself and Sakura (which would be consistent with the POAL)? Do you see where I'm going here? :wink:



Sakura confession to Naruto was the only of the three love confessions in manga who was painted as a False .

This moment serious damaged the entire growth of Sakura's feelings  to Naruto through part 2 and the PoaL for NS. 


Which was the intention. If NH and SS were the endgame from the beginning, there would be no need for this scene. Do you see where I'm going here? :wink:




Thats why i think Naruto didn't declared his love for Sakura when Sasuke come Back and Sakura simply didn't care about Naruto's feelings at all when she wanted to leave the Village with Sasuke AGAIN.



Agreed. As you have assisted myself and others in establishing, the author changed his mind. 

#988643 Naruto: Sasuke's Story-The Uchiha and the Heavenly Stardust: Chapter 7

Posted by ThroughWithLove on 05 February 2023 - 01:34 AM


During the Pein arc the new editor that replaced Yahagi had Kishimoto give Hinata that moment with the intention of making her the heroine. Which led to a the mess that came after it.


The whole scene with Hinata does not even make sense. She's nowhere the entire fight leading up to this. Sakura's the one seen screaming for Naruto to come back. Sakura is the one seen giving Naruto a hug after the battle. Sakura is the one who spent the previous arcs fretting over how little of an impact she has on things and how little she is able to help Naruto. Everything points to SAKURA being the one to leap into a hopeless situation to save Naruto from death's door as opposed to Hinata (who has been NOWHERE throughout the entire timeskip leading up to that moment).  Hell, is it ever even explained why Sakura did NOT jump down there to help her teammate in this situation?

#988637 Naruto: Sasuke's Story-The Uchiha and the Heavenly Stardust: Chapter 7

Posted by ThroughWithLove on 05 February 2023 - 01:12 AM


This just shows Kishimoto learned to don't turn the "red herrings" pairings more famous than the supposed Main one and don't make unnecessary and long love triangles in a Shonen. Only Hardcore NS fans will see these "underneath" evidences like the ForeHead thing while most of the casual readers will think otherwise with Sakura/Hinata declaring their love to Sasuke/Naruto.

This turned in a point he was forced to make SS/NH canon and ignore his plans if NS was really his original pairing.


Sorry, but the forehead thing is not "underneath" evidence. Naruto and Sakura literally communicated the forehead thing in the 3rd chapter of the manga. Maybe don't ignore your own source material? And Naruto sincerely declared his love for Sakura (and was repeatedly displayed as being virtuous because of this love), so you'll forgive me for rooting for the title characters wants/ambitions over that of anyone else's (especially that of a side character who is largely irrelevant throughout the course of the story). :ermm: The "red herring" is a garbage argument on par with claiming Sakura is a "kiba" level character. What happened is really simple: Kishimoto and his editors made a profit oriented decision on the financial product known as Naruto. This decision resulted in him taking the story in a direction other than what he originally intended. By no means was he "forced" to do anything. Writers/editors/producers do this all the time. There are numerous ideas in this manga that got abandoned for one reason or another (anyone remember the akatsuki rings?). Only people with overly fogged pairing goggles refuse to understand this. 

#988591 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by ThroughWithLove on 02 February 2023 - 03:17 PM

If that is the case, certain lines Junko herself voiced make no sense! Naruto thinks love is like fruit/Ramen, but is afraid to express these feelings to Sakura due to his failure to keep his promise to bring Sasuke back? What about Naruto's POAL scene where he claims to understand exactly how Sakura feels? Was Naruto comparing all of that crying from Sakura to love/infatuation with fruit? WTF Junko!!!!

#988589 Naruto: Sasuke's Story-The Uchiha and the Heavenly Stardust: Chapter 7

Posted by ThroughWithLove on 02 February 2023 - 02:16 PM

You can like/support SS as much as you want. However,there is a lot of circumstantial evidence supporting Bail's comment and I would point to Kishimoto's own claim that he never saw Sakura as being anything more than a "Kiba" level character.


Obviously,this is inconsistent horse sh-t, but it does buttress Bail's point pretty nicely. For whatever reason, a corporate decision to ditch Sakura and promote Hinata was made at some point during the war arc (or land of iron arc if we are being honest). I'm guessing they thought it would improve the sales of The Last and Boruto.

#988544 Naruto: Sasuke's Story-The Uchiha and the Heavenly Stardust: Chapter 7

Posted by ThroughWithLove on 01 February 2023 - 03:22 AM

So that poll is ending today. Hopefully, Sakura is still at least #3, and Hinata #12.


Summary Time: Chapter 7. Part 1...oh so they really are doing this part one, part two, and so on for chapters.



Chapter ends with the prisoners running from some spinosaurus. 




Spinosaurus? The f__k? They're willing to publish stupid  sh_t like this, but not an NS alternate ending oneshot?

#988391 Naruto: Sasuke's Story-The Uchiha and the Heavenly Stardust: Chapter 6

Posted by ThroughWithLove on 17 January 2023 - 07:01 AM

Seems that without Naruto around, Sakura is utterly devoid of having an actual personality. Might as well be a random villager who happens to be a Sasuke fangirl. SS is so unbelievably boring. :sleepy:


Compare the middle image in the first picture with the right image in the second picture and ask yourself which would make a more interesting story:






#988361 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by ThroughWithLove on 13 January 2023 - 05:43 PM

Seems all of the Sakura hate of the past was simply because she was perceived as "threat" to a rival pairing. Pathetic.

#988350 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by ThroughWithLove on 11 January 2023 - 12:01 AM

Whats funny is early conception. Sasuke was suppose to have died during the fight with Haku but kishi was begged not to go through with it because Sasuke was popular. So much could have gone differently and and for the better if there was no bend to the trend here. That is just one example of it


That would make sense. Based on the bench scene and a few other scenes with Sakura blushing towards Naruto, it's obvious NS was endgame from the beginning and Sasuke was simply a means to an end.

#988344 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by ThroughWithLove on 10 January 2023 - 02:37 AM

What has been mentioned several times: Naruto should have killed Sasuke at the end. Ignoring the narrative decision that Sasuke needed to live to break off the global Genjutsu, it would have been the most crucial focal point for naruto to start his natural character arc, and that shouldn't have been him becoming Hokage. Even tho that has been build up for many years.

Up to this point, he always followed what he was given and what was expected. To follow his father's footsteps, protect his friends, forgive enemies and fork new allies and be the hero of his village. Some of his decisions may have been stubborn, but he never made a decision that others wouldn't get behind. He always put others before himself because thats what the idea of being a Hokage is about - or rather, has been constantly told. Didn't Minato, Hiruzen, or Tsunade reign precisely that way? And yet the cycle of hatred still prevailed during their time. Shouldn't Jiraiya have made the turning point for Naruto to become more than just a Kage of a village? To become someone who can achieve what none other achieved before? True peace. The goal might be foolish, but it's not the destination that matters - it is not a switch; it's a path, a way - being the inspiration and guidance for others to follow. You can only lead the way if you can take on hard decisions. When Sakura couldn't bring herself to kill Sasuke, Naruto should have done it with pure determination. As a child, he chased Sasuke with narrow eyes, emotional and naive. But with age, the fog and mist around him should have revealed the true path he must follow. Finally, bringing the chase to a halt and realizing that your long-lost friend is standing in your way. The burden of having to make a fatal decision that changes your destiny forever.

And it should have been Naruto who leaves the village and takes on a journey to explore the world that needs to be fixed — meeting all different people, going to places that are hidden and unexplored, tumbling over new friends and enemies, getting a sense of the social opinion and political positions, being the first to understand the world before deciding on its solution, and having to deal with his past decision of killing a friend and resolving himself around it.

But our great Kishimoto was presented with the trolley-problem and he just created a rail in the middle to bypass any consequences. Showcasing zero balls to challenge a more mature approach to his plot. We are left with Naruto as the kage of a village, sitting in his chair and doing paperwork. In contrast, he does nothing different than the previous kage before him. And Jiraiya actually put all his hope in Naruto.


I used to fundamentally hate this idea. But for some reason . . .after reading your explanation here and thinking about it, it would have undoubtedly been a great (not to mention gutsy) decision on Kishimoto's part and would have improved the story. As you know, the actual series cowered away from any instance of Naruto have to actually come to terms with the flaws in his ideals. All the villains simply succumb to the talk-no-jutsu (or were otherwise dispatched by outside forces) for this to actually ever be placed on the table. When confronted by Sasuke's multiple efforts to murder Sakura during the land of iron arc, what is Naruto's response? To simply sing kumbya and even preach nonsense about how both he and Sasuke would "die together" and "understand each other" in the afterlife. And Naruto justified this claptrap by claiming that if he couldn't even save one friend, he could not become hokage. Really? Last I checked, the 1st Hokage managed that just fine!!!


In terms of your idea, I LOVE the idea of Naruto leaving the village and believe that this should have happened right after the Pain arc. Take out the Land of Iron nonsense and instead have Naruto go on his own journey directly afterward (which would have been a result of having contemplated on his last conversation with Nagato and how he had intended to find a way to bring peace to the world). At this point, we get multiple mini arcs on the scale of the Zabuza arc with Naruto solving smaller scale problems while being exposed to the world without the lense of the leaf village limiting his worldviews. Because Sakura had basically been shafted since the Rescue Gaara arc, I think it would be appropriate to have her accompany Naruto initially. Just Naruto and Sakura since the series seldom gives them any solo time together. Throw some news friends and enemies in every now and then, but Naruto and Sakura remains the focus and both get some character development over the course of these mini-arcs (Naruto slowly matures and Sakura slowly begins realizing her feelings for Naruto; there could be one scene, albeit played up for laughs, that hint a tad of jealousy, towards the way Hinata protected Naruto from Pain). Naruto and Sakura mini-adventures last one year and they return to the leaf village only to see that it has become cold & despotic and ruled with an iron fist by Danzo. I won't get into too many details, but I think the series would ultimately end in another battle within the leaf village (i.e. no war arc), only Sasuke being the one to try to destroy it this time and Naruto finally coming to terms with what it will take to protect the village and bring about world peace.


I used to think that Naruto's POAL was the main obstacle in the way of this idea, but a good writer could use Naruto's failure to uphold this promise to their advantage. Believe it or not, aside from the stupidity of Sakura giving a fake confession to Naruto, I actually LIKED seeing Naruto and Sakura argue with each other afterwards. Not in the playful fashion we're accustomed to when Naruto does something stupid, but hashed out spirited debate. I think this alternate version of events would incorporate more of that when it came to the subject of Sasuke. I could see Sakura being the first to come to the conclusion that Sasuke might be beyond saving and Naruto and Sakura hashing it out over this. I could see Naruto and Sakura saying all kinds of HARSH things about one another and even splitting up temporarily. Ultimately, their division on the subject would be portrayed as a reflection of just how much each one loves the other (Naruto doesn't want to abandon his promise to Sakura and Sakura does not want to lose Naruto).


I feel like Naruto's ultimately takeaway from all of these events and even his failure to save Sasuke would be the method of bringing about world peace and ending the cycle of hatred boils down to one thing and one thing alone: The Future. The way to end the cycle of hatred is to ensure that the next generation does not succumb to it. Naruto's tenure as hokage would be focused on the leaf village's youth; he would erase the circumstances that allowed children to grow up become Sasuke, Obito, Orochimaru and Nagato. The next generation of ninja would be steered towards love and peace as opposed to hatred and isolation. There would be no better example of this than Naruto and Sakura's own children who they raise to the best of their efforts.


But yeah, the actual canon Naruto is a complete loser who is so inept that he can't even solve the problem of juggling multiple responsibilities even though he can literally appear in 1000 different places at once for extended periods of time.