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#979100 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by thelordofspace72 on 12 June 2020 - 08:16 PM


They also saw her as a big threat to Hinata getting what she wanted, since they only cared about Hinata getting what she wanted, not even wanting Naruto to get what he wanted in the long run which shows how demented and twisted Hinata and even by extension NH fans are in terms of how they ruined this franchise really beyond repair!


Exactly, I watched videos of how specific fans of video games, movies, series and animation can completely destroy the franchise. To be honest with you, the same thing is with NH fans, these people have no logical explanation for their behavior. There are so many of that kind of audience everywhere who are not interested in the story or anything important. They are only interested in stupid things or characters whose importance does not exceed their importance as being secondary characters. This type of people should not be given any kind of attention.

#979099 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by thelordofspace72 on 12 June 2020 - 07:57 PM

sasusaku is the worst couple ever , no she doesn't hell she'd be better if she was alone for the rest of her life anything is better than Sasuke the guy who tried killing her and taking over the world.

I totally agree. Really, anything better than Sasuke. I think now I understand why I love Sai because he is the best alternative to Sasuke. I think I am the only one who was upset with Sasuke returning to them. Sai deserves much better development than him.

#979090 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by thelordofspace72 on 12 June 2020 - 09:03 AM

The only reason I think Hinata fans hate Sakura for is because they don't want to admit that Sakura is powerful and useful unlike their useless stupid waifu.

#979082 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by thelordofspace72 on 11 June 2020 - 06:29 PM

hinata fans are the worst of all, no matter how much hinata continues to do somthing stupid, useless and pathetic they will continue to praise it. I don't know what their problem is with Sakura, if it was Sakura who was fighting pain Instead of Hinata, they would have said useless sakura, these people need treatment for their stupidity.
At least Sakura saved Naruto’s life many times and the lives of many characters and ninjas, what Hinata did and was useful, hhmmm let me remember, nothing really comes to my mind.

#979063 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by thelordofspace72 on 10 June 2020 - 08:36 AM

Or we can just replace Hinata with any random character from the Hyuga clan. It'd be better.

#979045 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by thelordofspace72 on 08 June 2020 - 07:48 PM

The question we must ask is when did Hinata do something useful?
Answer: no.
Even a small stone can easily defeat Hinata. Hinata's obsession with Naruto made her forget even neji who was killed by her selfishness and her obsession with Naruto and her sister.

#978953 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by thelordofspace72 on 31 May 2020 - 12:05 PM

Sorry, it's been a very long time since the last time I was here with you.
I have thought that I should forget something called Naruto and focus on other things like gaming and other daily things I quess.
But then I decided to remember some things about Naruto and I saw these two videos about Females in Naruto and how they are treated.
These two videos contain many interesting points.
-One of these points was that Kishi failed to write females and did not show them well, especially with Hinata.
-Another point is that the only female in Naruto whose character was written well unlike the rest was tsunade, which I find almost logical after the role she played at the beginning of the story and became the hokage.

#971131 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by thelordofspace72 on 10 February 2019 - 07:13 PM

We could still understand their facial expression, we already understand the content to a degree from you other post.

well if you insist:


the first meet

go to the time 3:56




the 2nd meet
go to the time 5:46


the 3rd meet
go to the time 4:42

#971096 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by thelordofspace72 on 08 February 2019 - 08:23 PM

I have watched a video of Anime youtuber, The video included a comparison between Sakura and Hinata.

They asked someone Who has never seen anime in his life,

to give his opinion on their beauty,They brought their photos from the boruto series, and it was this way:


man #1:Who are the most beautiful.

man #2:The pink-haired girl (Sakura).

man #1:why not the other.

man #2:Because of her eyes this girl looks blind,Because of her eyes this girl looks blind.

man #1:It's not so, it's because of its special ability.

man #2:I was horrified when I saw her, she looked like a ghost to me.
man #1: ??!!!!?!!!  Well, it's your opinion.
There is another video, where it went like this:
man #1:We have brought the same pictures of the two girls but since their youth (shippiden), Who are the most beautiful now.
man #2:The pink-haired girl (Sakura) Still more beautiful for me.
man #1:???!!!! why.
man #2:alright.
and here is the last video of the interview, they have bring for him sarada and himmawari photos, and it was like this:
man #1:Who are the most beautiful.
man #2:They are beautiful and cute because they are kids, it's still a difficult choice.
man #1:please select one.
man #2:I would have chosen the black-haired girl (sarada) but she wore glasses that made me puzzled.
Well then, I choose the blue eyed girl (himawari).
man #1:ohhhh finallyohhhh finally.
man #2:???!!!! why.
man #1: did you remember about the The first two girls.
man #2: yes.
man #1:the thing is the girl who has glasses her mother is the pink-haired girl and the blue-eyed girl her mother is the girl you called her blind.
man #2:If you say so, I must admit that the girl with the blue eyes is much more beautiful than her strange mother.
man #1:Stop this, you are killing me.
man #2:why??!!!!!!
man #1:In our third interview, we thought that we would succeed in changing your mind when you see the children of those girls.
But unfortunately you seem to have destroyed Hinata's feelings now.
man #2: !!??!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
:lmao:  :lmao:  :lmao:
I think what I want is clear.
irst two girls saw them
:Well, it's your opinion

#969193 Cute Naruto+Sakura Fanarts Thread

Posted by thelordofspace72 on 08 November 2018 - 10:38 AM


#965268 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by thelordofspace72 on 21 May 2018 - 07:18 PM

Yes all logic left Naruto in the end. But it doesn't change that the logic was there before. If we take everything said by Kishi, Shueisha and Studio Pierrot at face value post chapter 700 just because Naruto spat on its own logic, then, well there would not be anything to be enraged about, now would there? It is infuriating to what Naruto has become BECAUSE it betrayed it's logic, themes, story and relationships after 15 years and 700 chapters worth of development. Why did Naruto's relationships with all of his loved ones  which are Iruka, Sasuke, Kakashi, Sakura, Tsunade, etc. get obliterated  in "Hinata's Wildest Fantasy Fulfilled: the Movie" just to make what (imaginary) feelings Hinata worshiper fanatics ASSUME he had for Hinata look like "true love" by comparison? :hm: Why is Naruto's motto "never give up" yet he gave up on trying to save the world because his "sexy, boing boing doll" of a future wife rejected his love confession?

kishimoto has completely destroyed the dreams of naruto, he did not just destroy the relationship between naruto and sakura on each other, but he linked him to the stalker, and do not forget that he converted the dream of naruto to be a hokage to a special episode, so Naruto could not attend the ceremony coronation,
kishimoto dusted the logic There is no discussion in this.

#950946 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by thelordofspace72 on 05 October 2017 - 10:42 AM


Yes, as painful as it may be to hear. These two pairings grow into romantic relationships. NS doesn't. Even if Naruto did love Sakura romantically, and Sakura was considering shifting, does not change that the other pairings became romantic relationships. 


This is why really the discussion is a debate of execution, was it done well? It's not really about who fell in love with who. We know who did now, and we know who didn't. 


If you are arguing NS would be a better choice, I don't disagree. I -do- disagree for some of the reasons brought forward, I do not think it hurt the narrative at all to do the choice selected. But in terms of plain preference, I agree. 



This is silly. I'm just defending canon facts. 


Well, if you say you prefer SS + NH much more than NS. I do not find a convincing reason to make you NS FAN.
But the question is whether you will choose NS as the end of the manga or not (yes or no).

#950364 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by thelordofspace72 on 29 September 2017 - 09:54 AM

narusaku strike back



#949813 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by thelordofspace72 on 23 September 2017 - 05:25 AM

OK! If the relationship between Naruto and Sakura is a crush.
Why are we NaruSaku fan? Analyzer. Do you want to say that we are just fools because we are NS FAN and we are only hypocrites to relate to the ridiculous NS relationship.
If so. I will be the last to join this fandom if all people join it.

#948999 Who else switched over to BoruSara after NaruSaku got kicked to the curb?

Posted by thelordofspace72 on 16 September 2017 - 06:42 AM

They wanted their paring nH/SS to happened; so NS could never happened because it was a threat to their pairings. But BS is really confirming the bond between nH & SS as well as sort of a victory lap for them so it being similar to NS is fine or a good things. Since either its further confirming nH & SS as well as the bond, giving NS what they wanted without threatening the goddess chances, or when Boruto flops they can put the blame on NS.

NH + SS FANS are very annoying, they say about us that we watch Naruto and love him only for romance, that's nonsense, they're the ones who care about romance even more than anything, I'm just mortified why when the subject comes to Narusaku they say it's a stupid love , NaruHina + SasuSaku was a one-sided love, and when the subject comes to BS they say it's romantic and wonderful, how to be romantic if they do not like each other.
I do not hate BS, but one of the reasons for my dislike of this relationship, is that the BS relationship is planned since the beginning of the composing of Boruto Manga and the authorship of Boruto movie, probably because Kishimoto began to see that romance is so lucrative for the pocket.
The main reason for not liking the BS relationship is that Kishimoto stated that Naruto Manga is a combat and not a romantic, but if so as he claims, why he created a romantic film and why he made the last episodes of Naruto romantic. The story of Naruto Shippuden was supposed to end. To be Naruto Hokage.