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#983797 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Moon_Girl on 27 March 2021 - 07:12 PM

I have a question since it's been 7 years... are you over the ending yet?


 Haha...Nope. Naruto and NaruSaku was a pretty huge investment in my life. Both financially and emotionally. I still remember how I felt the day the final chapter came out and how much chaos was going on here. How desperately everyone wanted 'The Last' to clear up that ending and how much everyone wanted it to be infinite tsukiyomi.
It's been almost 10 years. That window of opportunity is gone and it wouldn't pull people back if they did it now.

In summary: Sakura defeats an Akatsuki member and is the series staple white mage = Useless

Hinata defeats random Juubi fodder in a single panel and literally accomplishes nothing else of value: OMFG TEH BEST FEMALE CHARACTER EVER EVER!!!

Sakura killed ten Juubi in one punch and everyone was too busy wetting themselves over how their goddess managed to kill one...and then proceeded to trip over a rock and fall flat on her face.  :zaru:


There's the NH (as in NejiHina... which was probably the intended ship) doujinshi called Terrace where that happens:




But naw it was better and more beautiful for Hinata to win while Sakura is alone forever ofc. She did hit Naruto those 3 times.

I remember seeing this doujinshi back in the day. I really hoped it would happen. But heaven forbid we give Hinata any real character development. That would ruin everything

Edit: This website is fighting me.

#983648 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Moon_Girl on 18 March 2021 - 06:29 AM

Shipping wars 2.0 have started already. 


Sarada vs Sumire (Over Boruto.)


I will watch the mess from afar and laugh LMAO

I'm not even going to watch it. It involves two evil spawns of a steaming pile of **** pairings and one generation 2.0 of an existing steaming pile of toxic ****. No matter the outcome, it's only going to be a freshly dumped steaming pile of **** either way.  :zaru:  

They already started eating each other once their cancer ships happened. The truce is off. Lot's of head-empty Hinatatas vs hollow husk-of-her-former-self Sakura fans going at each other's throats.
All it is, is a new form of Hinatatas vs Sakura. And after the first train wreak, I'm not wasting my time even laughing at it. Kishimoto already owes me 10 years of my time. He has quite the debt. And no. I will not accept any payments including or involving burrito and his generation. 
To be honest, the only way he can even come close to repaying me is erase Burrito, the last and this ending from existence, make NaruSaku happen as the true ending, kill off Hinatata since he has no interest in actually making her worth anyone's time, confess why he let this ending happen in the first place and then apologize for the rest of his days.
But even then, I wouldn't consider it paid back in full.

And that's just me personally. He still has to answer to the rest of the (sane) fandom, NS fans and his own fuggin' wife AND Naruto's seiyuu.

#983619 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Moon_Girl on 16 March 2021 - 08:11 AM

It's so frustrating that so many fandoms have a huge amount of shippers who only see things as 'cute'. Doesn't matter if one of the characters is less interesting than a blank piece of cardboard. 
Bonus points if the girl:
>Has a tragic backstory that quickly gets resolved and/or swept under the rug
>Is cute 
>Doesn't do much
>Has a crush on MC
>Has zero personality

All it has to be is very cute. Only requirement. 

And people seem to LOVE ships where the girl is like that. They just CAN'T GET ENOUGH. They don't have the reading comprehension or skill to understand that those traits are 1000000% bad. It's like consuming sugar. You love it. It's addicting. It's appealing to your senses. But man, it's actually horrible. Just the worst.

I've seen series where a girl who fits that exact frame was purposefully made the *main heroine*. Literally had nothing going for her but being an assistant and having a crush on MC. In a series where everything is compelling and deep, she's the stain. I hate her as much as Hinata.
Hinata *actually* had a chance at one point to be more compelling. It was right there, in the story, laid out before her and everyone. Her. Clan.
Where she beat the odds, grew up and actually fixed the clan as the head. 
But Studio Pierrot and her fans laughed and said "Screw that!", threw it into the garbage dump and boiled her down to "nawooto-kooooon uwu" all while saying that's *all* she needed to be the perfect princess goddess moeblob. To sit there with her legs spread and call for Naruto the entire time.
If I didn't hate Hinata with my entire being, I might have actually felt sorry for her that everyone just kind of ripped everything actually worth something and meaningful from her character so she can be a brainless house mother with zero personality and zero purpose other than stealing everyone's oxygen.

#983587 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Moon_Girl on 14 March 2021 - 06:48 AM

The pet peeve some people have with Sai is that apparently he "guilt-tripped" Sakura into confessing, because otherwise Sakura wouldn't have done it, and thus he is not good for her.

As if any NH fans or SS fans can say anything. Pot, meet kettle. 
The infamous 'Guilt Trip no jutsu'/'look at how much Hinatatas wubs u ever since she was a sparkle in her mommy's womb and u've ignored it this whole time ur the worst the only way you can ever be forgiven is to marry her' on Naruto in 'The Last'.

And Sakura when Kishimoto decides to murder everything good about her and have her beg and whine and chase after Sasuke "You're annoying, I don't love you" Uchiha. Her post-ending novel said that she would keep bothering him until he said yes.
And then presumably pity ****'d her, knocked her up and then felt obligated to marry her because now a kid was involved. Sasuke cares more about Salad than Sakura since he's already said that's the only reason he's still with her. 

Considering Sakura made the choice to confess to Naruto herself, and Sai didn't actually pressure her to do so...
Which is worse of the three? Hmmm...if you have more than two brain cells, then the answer is pretty obvious. If you don't, then knock those two brain cells to make a spark and figure it out. 
Hint: It's not Sakura's confession to Naruto.
Hint #2: There's more than one answer.

If you still can't accept or figure out the answer, then I'm sorry. Your head is empty. Terminally so. Please log off the internet forever and have a nice day.

#983087 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Moon_Girl on 01 February 2021 - 01:34 AM

The editors lying to Kishimoto (or maybe they misunderstood, which is likely) is probably the biggest reason things turned out this way. If he stayed with the original course, then it probably wouldn't have happened.
Actually, if they just ignored the Western fandom completely, then this wouldn't have happened. A lot of people really don't realize just how immensely different Japanese culture is compared to Western cultures. And it gets even worse when you bring it to the internet because the immature people are loud, shameless about their hypocrisy and bias and double standards. And I'm not sure if the editors fully understood this. 
It's hard to say. Maybe they did. I know Studio Pierrot had a huge hard on for Hinata regardless. 

Regardless, I now have a strong hatred for the silent moe blobs with crushes and zero personality types. There's more than I'm comfortable with in the world of anime. And they are all usually adored because 'cute' and/or 'aww look they're trying so hard <3(and failing)'. Hate it hate it hate it.

Though part of it does have to do with the fact that Japan still has traditional gender role views. I can't help but wonder if they didn't give Sakura many more action scenes because Kishimoto didn't want people to find her too "manly". It's considered an unattractive trait in women in Japan. Considering Sakura vs Sasori was so well received, however, and Japan loved Sakura, that view may only fall on the staff if they're older. The newer generation is more progressive. 

Ooooor it could be the staff (minus Kishimoto) were otaku and their Hinata bias was a result of that. That's a possibility as well. There are those types. Maybe a mix of both because Hinata def is an old fashioned Japanese view's wet dream. Pretty (depending on who you ask), Quiet, Submissive, Weak (except for her feelings for her crush apparently), Shy, Bends over backwards for love interest, ect.
As a woman, I really hate how the word 'sexist' is thrown around all the time...so I don't use this lightly. Hinata is a sexist's wet dream. Especially if they don't want her to improve and actually grow a personality or think she's 'perfect' the way she is. People like that are just as revolting to me as Hinata is. 
Oh, same goes to studio pierrot when they tried to give her mary-sue powers. That's a typical trope for the "no personality girl with a crush" character. Why give them character growth or give them a personality when you can throw them into situations or give them stupid powers out of nowhere? Writing is hard guyyyysss...
Though that's also a telltale sign that said girl wasn't planned on having any sort of important role in the first place. I've seen it twice now.

#981725 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Moon_Girl on 17 November 2020 - 08:51 AM

 Karin was a clever story set up for ending of conflict between 2 bloodlines. She was Uzumaki and her eventually ending up with Sasuke would've lead to ending of cycle of hatred between clans of Senju/Uchiha.

That's true. It would have been a great way to unite the clans. I really wouldn't be surprised if that was seriously Karin's purpose. Was there ever any other reason to randomly make her an Uzumaki other than for laughs?
A shame that never came to fruition. Would have wrapped that up nicely. But I guess it wasn't required since the Naruto and Sasuke brotherhood helps. Kishimoto could have done something really awesome with a SasuKarin kid.
But ya know.  Instead we got milk toast Salad and the abominations that is Burrito and mop girl. Considering Kishimoto 'forgot' about the byakugan in Hinata's womb goblins...maybe that's a good thing. They would be even more horrible to look at.  

#981484 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Moon_Girl on 30 October 2020 - 06:51 AM


Very well said :)


Plus Karin also had gotten to see something very few people saw; a Sasuke who wasn't controlled by his hate and jealousy for his brother and his desire for revenge and to be better than him, and who showed a genuine smile not done just to get something he wanted.

Yes, that's something I forgot to mention. I think it's fair to say that Karin actually knew Sasuke better than Sakura. She 100% supported him and his goals while Sakura, obviously, did not. So much so that she almost killed him. And geez, in the end Karin truly did love Sasuke. So much so that she wants him to be happy, even if it's not with her. (I'm pretty sure we can all say he's not happy being married to Sakura, though.)

Sakura never knew Sasuke. Just in love with the ideal cool handsome boy she crushed on as a kid that she believes complimented her forehead. Yet, despite everything, being on the same team, chasing after him, even apparently having a CHILD with him...can't even remember if he wore glasses. The boy she couldn't stop fangirling over and staring at since they were literally children. In the single digits children. Years at the academy as children up until they joined the same team at 12, and then chased him well into teenage years. Really??? "Hmm, did he wear glasses? I don't remember." Ugh...
Never even kissed until some light novel writer had to force her onto him. It's amazing, (if Salad is truly her child with Sasuke) that you can sleep together and yet never have kissed. It's amazing that you get married and never have kissed. 
Never kissed until your child is pretty much a teenager. Anyone who defends this really should have their head checked...

There really isn't a more toxic pairing in Naruto than SasuSaku. Nothing can convince me otherwise. NaruHina is pretty toxic as well, but I really can't bring myself to say that it's 'as' toxic. Pretty close though. NaruHina is just an example of guilt tripping and then hitting a honeymoon phase and then realizing you don't actually love your wife once the honeymoon phase wears off. And then just avoiding your family because you've trapped yourself into a loveless marriage and are stuck with her only because of your children.
Honestly...Kishimoto really told us why NH/SS haven't had a divorce yet.


"Boruto is the 'bolt' that holds Naruto and Hinata together". -Kishimoto's excuse as to why Naruto has dipped on his soulless doll of a wife.


"We're connected because we have you, Sarada." -Sasuke's justification as to why he wasn't home for Salad's birth and childhood and how he can continue to bail on them.

#981470 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Moon_Girl on 29 October 2020 - 06:33 AM

I've always found the SasuKarin defenses from NS fans to be baffling because everything bad thing that can be said about SS exists for SK, and IMO, its worse for SK. 

I think, at least in my case, Karin knew what she was getting into and was 100% okay with it. She wouldn't let Sasuke ignore her. Sakura was quick to get depressed and sulk off. Sakura knew what she was getting into but hoped it would be better. Even now she hopes it'll get better and she's not satisfied with her 'marriage'. She just puts up with it because she's, as Kishimoto put it, addicted to Sasuke like a drug. But Karin made herself a part of his life and happened to be in a good position to do so.
I'm not going to say it's a healthy relationship by any means. I can't defend that. But I can say, with the same reasons as my last post, it would be way more happy than SS. Sasuke couldn't ditch her and his kid for 12 years if he were with Karin. They'd likely travel with him and even if he didn't want them to, Karin would probably have none of that.

Kind of like how we believe Sakura would not have put up with current Naruto's behavior of never being home and refusing to be a part of the family.
That's something I've noticed. In SS/NH, Sakura and Hinata just let their 'husbands' walk all over them brutally and without complaint. NS/SK, neither Sakura or Karin would have put up with that. I feel like Karin coming back to Sasuke despite what he did is an example of that.
Those are just my thoughts. I don't think SK is worse than SS. It's the other way around because Karin never started getting sad or depressed over Sasuke's rejection of her advances, like Sakura.

#981351 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Moon_Girl on 24 October 2020 - 08:28 AM

Honestly, I was hoping for SasuKarin alongside NaruSaku. Sasuke cared way more for Karin than he ever did for Sakura. The scene of him risking it all to do a near impossible task to save Karin's life (putting out the black flames) says it all. Meanwhile, on the other side of the coin, Sasuke tried to kill Sakura a good handful of times.
Plus Karin isn't tied down by a village either so she would have traveled with him (she was a healer), it could have been a cool way to make Sasuke and Naruto related since they're already like brothers. Plus despite Sasuke brushing off her advances, Karin didn't seem to care, unlike Sakura, who would get visibly depressed whenever Sasuke did that. Karin is also a masochist.
Even Karin could see how far Sasuke had gone when Sakura went to kill him and was quick to bounce back to him once he returned to "normal". 

It might not have been the most healthy relationship...but my gosh, it would have been way happier than SasuSaku. I'm pretty certain that Karin was made to be Sasuke's love interest, to be honest. She was the only one who was completely fine with how Sasuke treated her. (Except, again, for the Sakura assassination attempt but that was supposed to show a low point for Sasuke) Meanwhile, 98% of Sakura crying in the series was because of Sasuke.

But if SasuKarin didn't happen, I wasn't going to be too disappointed. I cared about NaruSaku the most.

#980944 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Moon_Girl on 04 October 2020 - 02:13 AM

I didn't touch 4. The last one I got was the one with the giant metal Naruto. I think Revolution? I threw it back at gamestop along with my other games. Man, I didn't even own it for that long. I think the ending came out that same year? Maybe a year before? I preordered it too so I had the poster. You bet I tore that poster into pieces and dumped it.
However, I can't deny that the games are fun to play. The only Storm game I own is the one with the ending of Minato and Kushina pushing Naruto towards Sakura.
Well that and one of the Wii games and the two gamecube games. Those are buried somewhere.
But man...I remember the moment we got chapter 400, I slammed all of my Naruto manga and DVDs into a box and that same day, sold them. I was so enraged. I don't regret it.

#980884 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Moon_Girl on 01 October 2020 - 07:56 AM

 Oh my gosh. I've honestly skimmed through the Boruto manga but I haven't had a chance to see the other stuff. This is disgusting! How the utter kitten do you have Naruto's inaugural ceremony be messed up because of that? That moment should have been one of the most emotionally charged in the series. Yet you have these children ruining it, and for what, comic relief?

Was Naruto's important people even there? The people who have been with him on this journey throughout the series? Ah, sorry, my mistake. I forgot Hinata is the only important one now. Forgive me.

You didn't know about that? I guess I can't blame you. No one really even said much about it except the antis on tumblr. 
It really should have been a huge outrage. I think by the time it came out, most of the actual fans had bailed. Otherwise I'm sure it would have been an extremely HUGE outrage. Of course the pro enders didn't care at all. "Haha look Hinata's love baby knocked her prize out on the most important day of his life, isn't it so funny and kawaii?"

I dunno about anyone else, when I saw that I was enraged. Salt in the already giant wound. It feels like Kishimoto was just like "My series is already ruined, might as well make it worse."
It really feels like, after the ending, everything he did just made it worse.
Sasuke is a deadbeat father who didn't see his ''wife'' and ''child'' for 12 straight years. Straight up had a one night stand with Sakura and bailed.
Naruto doesn't gaf about his wife and kids and cares more about Team 7. Can't blame him. I'm 110% certain the ending was SUPPOSED to be all about Team 7 being together forever ect ect. Not breaking up because of the mary-sue that is Hinatatas.
The 'who's the mom' fiasco that had to explain the obvious SasuKarin child design away.
Ruining the main character's life long dream and goal over "haha his unwanted child just knocked him out how funny and cute. His dream just got crapped on. Haha. Oh well. At least Hinatata got what she wanted in the end."

I'm way too certain Kishimoto tried to ruin NH/SS without breaking them up (Probably because the editors/studio wouldn't let him). Yet somehow, despite his best efforts, failed. There are still huge fans who don't see the absolute radioactive, toxic, rotting pile of sludge that is NH/SS because their ship goggles are on so tightly that it cuts off the blood flow to their brains.

#980686 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Moon_Girl on 22 September 2020 - 08:26 AM

Honestly, I wish Kishimoto would just come out with the truth. He has nothing to lose anymore. He pissed off Naruto fans beyond redemption for the series and even Burrito has to use Naruto nostalgia to try and stay afloat. Burrito isn't even 1/700th as popular as Naruto was, therefore a huge failure. 
Heck, even Kishimoto's attempt to move on and make another manga flopped. His name no longer holds weight. He didn't turn into the next Toriyama he could have been and likely wished to be considering how much he adored Toriyama. 

All he did was please the fans who don't pay for the series/pirate everything and have nothing better to do than to wank to Hinatatas and fight people online who say otherwise and the tumblr fans who think Sakura getting together with a man who barely cares about is powerful and true love.

He gained nothing and lost everything. I think I could finally be at peace with how everything turned out if Kishimoto had the guts to admit everything. If it ever happens, it likely wouldn't happen until Studio Pierrot's greedy, fat, greasy fingers release the franchise. 

#980403 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Moon_Girl on 06 September 2020 - 02:25 AM

Is it wrong that I want Naruto to be hacked up like David in the last of us?
Hard to say what's worse the last , the last of us part 2 or the last jedi weird that all three have Last in them.
Also why is it called the Naruto if Naruto is still going on.

I can see why you would want that to happen, but truthfully, I see Naruto as a victim in all this. He was already hacked up character-wise for the sake of Hinatiddy-sama-hime-chan-san-domo-goddess. And Sakura was hacked up character-wise as well so she could make way for said Hinatiddy-sama-hime-chan-san-domo-goddess.

No matter how you look at it all, it could be argued that over half of all the bad things that happened in the Naruto ending is because of Hinata and her legion of hinatards.

#980375 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Moon_Girl on 04 September 2020 - 06:31 AM

Yeah, no matter how you look at it, Sakura's line about Sasuke understanding makes zero sense. People really caught onto that and, naturally, everyone wasn't pleased with it. It's as if chapter 3 never happened.

But yeah. A lot of Naruto fans cared mostly about the action. Story/characters/emotions second. But they still mattered. Enough to make people angry at the ending. Not to mention, the action fans were certainly angry about The Last since it focused on Hinata instead of their favorites. They know the story enough that it didn't make sense to put Hinata in like that.

And honestly, chances are, those action fans are among the few who keep Burrito afloat.

#980364 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Moon_Girl on 02 September 2020 - 10:49 PM



say does anyone have links to fans in Japan thoughts and reviews on road to ninja?



I wish I knew. I'd love to see something like that too.


Here. Not the greatest, but higher rating than 'the last'. It may have used to be higher, since recent 2020 reviews have rated them more low. Google translate can help you.
One review rated low because they didn't like how Neji was treated and were still sad about Neji's death. 
Some complained about Sakura being selfish. (About how she thought Sasuke would understand and how she wanted to go home when she realized no parents weren't that great.)
In fact, a lot of fans seem to be confused and unhappy about the "Sasuke would understand" line. Rightfully so. They don't understand why she would say that. One review knocked the movie down 2 stars simply because of that.

Some found it boring or 'for girls'. Those are from the fans that only care about the fighting/battles/action. Road to Ninja was very focused on the emotional side, so there are fans disappointed about that. I think a lot of the lower reviews are about that.
But there are a lot of 5/5 stars praising the movie.

There is one that 5/5's the movie while saying that Road to Ninja is better than the last; saying 'the last' is not a real Naruto movie and just a movie for Hinata. :lulz: 

I jumped around the 5 star reviews and I didn't really see anything NaruSaku related. It was focused more on the family love aspect.
I'm sure there's something in there, but I didn't feel like looking through every single review.