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#990821 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 06 December 2023 - 06:42 PM

I don't think it was that wishful thinking and anime feel to it, unless you count the anime which made sakura look more bad than she was. Since many narusaku fans because shippers when reading the manga.

#990802 User who Posts the Last Comment Wins

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 30 November 2023 - 05:16 PM

More narusaku art less nh and ss art

#990801 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 30 November 2023 - 04:55 PM

The time to make a Naruto Live Action was early 2000. 2012 at the latest. Now a day it going to be a mess.
They will probably try to make the cast different races, gay, or trans.
Naruto: The one that is going to have the most focus on their representation changes as he (even that is probably going to be in question) is the main character. Are they even going to even try to make him have Blue eyes and Blond hair? If he is a minority, they are going to go on and on about how oppressed he is, and if he is white, then he can't complain about it or will get lectures on 'white fragility' or something like that. Then, if the progressive decided that he is "queer coded" and they stick with the canon pairings...Oh the hissy fits that will happen. And, if they even shown the sexy jutsu, then they will also declare him trans.
Sasuke: Will probably be fine due to them just needing to make another Kylo Ren/Edward Cullen/Jon Snow. I pity the sap they get in the role though. As he will be stalked after by desperately lonely women for decades. And there will be blood fights between him being gay or not.
Sakura: Depends, if they remove her hitting and lecturing Naruto. Either she will be a kitten or they will have to come up with things for her to do so she isn't seen as useless therefore problematic and sexist. So she may be turned into a girl boss.
Kakashi: Will be played by a semi-famous actor, so either the best actor or clearly barely putting in any effort, that is likely years too old.
Shikamaru: Will probably be lectured and reduced as a male character can't be the smartest especially if he is lazy casually smarter than everyone. Unless he is a soy face hipster that a stand in for the writer/director. May end up in a gay couple with Chouji. Remember, men can't be close friends to modern writers. If they are close, they must be gay.
Ino: Likely made into either a complete slut or covered up more than a nun in convent. Also, she and Sakura/Tenten/Hinata may end up as lesbian couple. 
Chouji: Will largely be fine due to being the fat kid. Problem is he will go from pudgy/big bone to morbidly obese. With lectures on body acceptance.  
Kiba and Shino will probably be fine...they will probably be made gay to have another gay couple
Hinata: Depends. Do they see her as regressive or a self insert? If they think she is regressive; complete personality change. If they see her as themselves. Did anyone see Velma? Think that and that's not even getting into the Hyuuga clan issue.
Lee: Will probably be fine...if also made gay. Either in love with Guy or Neji.
Tenten: Is the most sporty of the girls, so either lesbian or trans.
Neji:...Depends how they handle the Hyuuga issue.
Tsunade: Girl Boss
Jiraiya: Castrated. 
So a for possible outcome for a Naruto Live Action. Imagine a gay transgender Steve Urkel chasing after Edward Cullen, when he not constantly moaning about how oppressed he is, while Ken Watanabe playing Kakashi keeps pulling his mask down to show his face every five seconds, and the women they get to play Sakura will constantly quip with a smug look on her face as well as she will on social media declare that all fans of Naruto are sexist that shouldn't complain about anything as well as saying they shouldn't watch it.


I think you are going a bit over the top with the woke stuff there. At best I can see them making naruto and sasuke gay, because of how that writting made it look that way and in kohona team gai and the hyuga will probably be more portrayed by Asian actors given they are based on those cultures.

There will probably be more diversity found when the do ninja from other villages because they are from other countries I feel at best or at least do background character that are more diverse or just minor characters no one will care about.

Though even if all the live actions relationships are gay, it be alot better than the canon romance unless they put in effort to change the romance, though given lionsgate is the same studio that did twilight I'm not hopeful in this aspect


Still in that denial?

Don't even try to think that the current Naruto fandom cares about NaruSaku or hates Boruto because NS wasn't canon, because even SS, Sasuke, Sakura, and NH fans hate Boruto too.

Naruto is the type of manga where all the colors in the story would come from the people, villains and cast around him because Naruto have a kind of a flat character arc.

Thats why you have so many fandoms in Naruto, characters, clans, pairings and fights more popular than Naruto's character and things relateds to him.
Boruto manga is 100% Boruto-Centric to the detriment of other characters and fanbases
When Ikemoto made Boruto say "it's his story" and announced the sequel, everyone thought it was an exciting new story, like he would have wanted to say "it's a new story/adventure for the original characters that everyone loves and the new generation.". But unfortunately, no, it was just a Boruto-centric story where the entire cast are pathetic, nerfed characters and NPCs.
Ikemoto, or whoever the true writer is, does not know how to create an organic story where all the characters come together.He only has Boruto's story in mind, and everyone else is just a prop for it, which is very detrimental to Boruto's character and his story.
No one is going to sit thru watching Boruto as a black hole stu Character with his cringeynes that has been reused so many times in the Manga that ultimate destroyed its own manga in the making when its only catering to  1 type of the new Boruto fans. Boruto exemplifies how an black hole stu protagonist and bad author can ruin everything and everyone around him.

People wanted more of the Naruto cast, not Boruto . It was sad to see so much hype dying out, but it was bound to happen because Boruto the movie was popular because of Sasuke and Naruto as a adults, not because of Boruto.
Gaiden's focus was also Sarada, Sasuke and Sakura as a whole with Orochimaru as a cameo and Naruto around, not just Sarada alone. Nobody wanted to see Boruto doing random kitten outside the original characters.
They wanted to have a sequel that was still in Konoha with all the well known characters around to keep the old fans interested in the sequel. The way they did it was by nerfing the heck out Sasuke and Naruto vanish with Sakura, Kakashi, Tsunade, Orochimaru and the entire original cast and Boruto and Kawaki (Who is this guy?!) receiving stupid powerups.
Sasuke and Sakura's daughter and the only Uchiha in the next gen is so badly treated and ignored.
(Another reason for  SS fans hates even more this sequel)
Boruto manga didn't follow up on a lot of the plots that Naruto manga made. It's simply trash. 

They should have went with a 200 years or so timeskip, with a different MC unrelated to Naruto/Sasuke similar to the Legend of Kora. It would be more bearable to the fandom.


SS and even NH have a substantial amount of manga development and content, enough to cultivate a a very big and dedicated fanbase. Their supporters are just as passionate about their pairings as you are about NaruSaku.
I can still recall the denial and Sakura bashing, with statements like "NaruSaku has 698 chapters of development, and Sakura was ruined and we hate her now." 
Completely wrong, the manga isn't  about NaruSaku. Half of these chapter were about Sasuke and fights. 
SS and even NH have their fair share of meaningful chapters and scenes.
Your insistence on NaruSaku's superiority blinds you to the development and scenes of rival characters and couples. It's time to let go of your bitterness from losing the pairing wars nine years ago. 
If NaruSaku or Hinata were to win something , many of you would revel in gloating over your rivals and proclaiming Kishimoto's mistake in the ending or blaming it on the "evil editors and Hinata fans." (Remember, Kishimoto is the author, and he's not bound by anyone's demands.)
Also this seemed to be a major concern for the old NaruSaku fans in this forum, who always wondered why Kishimoto chose Hinata over her as Naruto's partner and why Sakura was so unpopular, completely ignoring the SasuSaku and the Sakura fans who have liked both Sakura and Sasuke since Part 1 and never considered Naruto as an option for her or doesn't give a danm about Hinata getting Naruto  because Sakuras heroine status isnt tied to spreading her legs or becomes a trophy to Naruto.
It's amusing that popularity no longer seems to matter now that Sakura has been consistently topping popularity IMPORTANT polls around the world and in Japan as one of the best manga female characters and manga couples.  Unlike Random  old comments from the supposed backslash from NS fans..
Yeah, looks like the current fandom doesn't give a danm about NaruSaku and the SasuSaku are enough to turn Sakura beloved.

You haven't been on twitter then, you still see ss and nh shippers trying dismiss or underime narusaku. Also I have seen alot more what if narusaku videos on YouTube.

Naruto wasn't really a flat character, unfortunately he got a bit flanderised in part 2 for chasing after sasuke too much.

Boruto is a by product of the problematic aspects of how nh and ss became canon and you can't ignore that hence gaiden pretty much show how problematic the ss family dynamic is and can only be resolved with a cop out or ignore it.

Pretty sure metal Lee has become non existent compared to sadara who at least still shows up.

Nh barely has any development and only had a view overrated hype moments that the anime bloated up, while sasusaku at best had a few moments in part 1 however is underminde by part 2 and have a large part of the fandom that hates the ship as a result.

That's because there was 698 chapters of development ruined and ss becoming canon did ruin Sakura's character, yes there where some that hated her but most blamed kishimoto and the editors.

Narusaku has the most development and interactions between a male and female cast and also the one that has the parallels to it. While it may not be as important as naruto's bond with sasuke, it was arguably the second most important relationship to naruto and the story.

Sounds more like you are blinded by ss and nh popularity that you don't want to admit their development was poor compared to narusaku.

The editors and the hinata fandom are oftern blamed because there were interviews shown that they influenced kishimoto's decisions of the story's ending. He maybe the athour, but he clearly allowed himself to be influenced by them, heck even yahagi told him not to as a final advice from what I hear.

Doesn't matter if ss fans liked the ship since the beginning in part 1 as I said before part 2 destoryed the reputation of their ship outside their fandom and Sakura's character. Not seeing naruto as an option just means they blinded themselves to the development that narusaku was having. Plus frankly I find alot of ss fans self inserting themselves into the ship so you have no right to acuse narusaku fans of treating sakura a trophy wife.

Whether you like or not sakura's heroine status was tied to her being naruto's love intrest, because that how the story set it up and when she wasn't her role was reduced to the point she no longer appears in the sequel series and at best shows up in a filler or two and some spin offs.

Naruto pretty much set up the heroine in the romantic intrest like most Hollywood stories and usa superhero comics do. This could of been different if sakura was setted up as the best friend or rival, however sasuke had those 2 roles or she was naruto's sister but she's not no matter how much the ss fandom tried to play on this.

Not everyone who votes for sakura in those polls are sasusaku fans, there are fans who multi ship, crack ship, just generally like her and even narusaku. So no I wouldn't count sasusaku fan alone for her popularity, because its not enough to get he back into the boruto story.

#990767 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 25 November 2023 - 03:18 PM


#990753 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 22 November 2023 - 10:32 PM

Narusaku never died May not be canon but still lives on in fanon. Can't blame people for thinking that nanashi looked like a narusaku kid, wouldn't be suprised if it was intended as a bait in switch to get people talking about the game. There have also been polls that have Japan fans wanting them separated as well https://www.crunchyr...iately-break-up

#990746 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 21 November 2023 - 07:27 PM

The nanashi is naruto's child from another universe story would have been a lot better

#990741 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 18 November 2023 - 02:17 PM

The hair style changes in the story, she is an uhchia from the clan war period

#990704 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 24 October 2023 - 11:14 PM

Who? Are we suppose to know which dragon quest character you are referring to by instinct?
The anime had a lot of filler promoting Hinata because the staff was obsessed with her. It is why they ended Naruto marrying Hinata because that was their end goal all along. Without the anime, Hinata is a character that's barely involved in the story and barely interacts with Naruto despite professing love for him. With it, while she still isn't involved in the story that often, she is constantly by Naruto side, and constantly thinking about how much she loves him.
Most Western fans seem to hate reading anything, and prefer just to watch a tv/movie/anime and accept that as canon. I lost count of the people I have met that say they love an adaptation, that they love as well as care so much about the story, that they wish to learn more about it, but will never read the source material. Saying excuses like they want to watch all the show first before they read the book, so they won't get spoiled. Then they never read the book. Even if they do, they hold the adaptation over the source material, and will differ to that when inconsistencies happen.

I've tend to notice that with books like lord of the rings, game of thrones and Harry potter. Comics people are ethier more aware of the movies or cartoons depending on the era they grew up in and get suprised when the adaptions of comics are a mix of different stories rather than a full on adaption, though comics continuity would make it more impossible to ever full adapt stories unless their are elseworld stories. Though games have started to become as big of a medium.

My guess is because they are more accessible to watch and consume, especially with streaming services in recent years. Another reason which came from a youtuber called lily orchards who did a video on making fun of J.k.rowling, during which mentioned that due to the education system making reading more like a chore for kids, becoming less fun making it into assignments of highly revied books by adults. With some only getting back into reading when a fun book at the time like Harry potter came along.

So I wouldn't be suprised if many of the anime only watchers would view the 700 hundred chapters chore to read, even though the anime became worse than that due to filler.

#990643 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 28 September 2023 - 06:56 AM

Thanks for repeating something weve all heard for the 1,000,000,000th time over these last 9 years.

Well you bringing up his home life with his kids has been repeated just as many times

#990637 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 27 September 2023 - 03:58 PM

The problem with kishimoto trying to base his family life on naruto is that naruto is a character that can be in a 1000 places at once so he has no exuse not to spend time with his kids and instead makes him look like a horrible father that doesn't want to spend time with his kids

#990626 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 25 September 2023 - 11:12 AM

Sakura has been voted 1st for strongest female character by Japan fans



#990573 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 09 September 2023 - 07:51 PM

That pumihh fan fic character

#990491 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 21 August 2023 - 05:00 PM

Sadly most kishimoto's old interviews are gone and most of the ones now are the current ones

#990412 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 08 August 2023 - 10:06 PM

Is there footage of her? I just see a vid where she says she's the game guide 😅

This trailer here https://youtu.be/xkGQLJwHCJc

#990254 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by BlueStarSaber on 22 July 2023 - 03:44 PM

Really? Thats news to me. Do you have a source?

From this article here https://www.animenew...omic-con/.94186

Mari Morimoto:
So the fans wanted Naruto to get together with Sakura?

Well, there's definitely camps of fans who felt that way, and there were also those that were very happy he ended up with Hinata. But there were quite passionate opinions on both sides!

I almost caused a rift in my own household too, because my wife was very upset also that Naruto didn't get together with Sakura. In fact, she complained quite vehemently to me!

Jo Otsuki:
Quite few of the female staff at Studio Pierrot that produces the anime, apparently were also upset.

Whoah. So how did you handle that, especially with your wife?

I tried to defuse the situation by assuring my wife that SHE was actually the model for Hinata. (laughs)

As you were saying that, I thought, I wonder if your family life was more like Hinata and Naruto's family or Sasuke and Sakura's? (everyone laughs)

Masashi Kishiimoto: Well it might not actually be like either. My wife is quite strong as well, she's a strong character.

Oh, so kind of like Sakura!

So I think my wife might secretly realize that Hinata wasn't really the model for her (laughs)