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#959268 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by T XD on 29 December 2017 - 11:05 PM

Amazing ... you willing to give that liar a second chance and give him a chance to hurt you again , you have a big heart. In my opinion , he has all 3 years to redeem himself .... but he did nothing , it's getting his interview after The Last is getting worse and worse ... i'm willing to give him a second chance and read his next manga , i think he doesn't care about NS fan at all , the one word i remember very clearly is "Please look forward for my next manga" .... and i was like ... really?? is that all you have to say ?? maybe it's just me but he step on the fans he betray like some dirt , he doesn't care about us , he just want our money. BUT DON'T GET ME WRONG , i'm not saying you should stop supporting him , i'm just amaze of how kind you are.

In terms of supporting, I don't support him much. The only kind of support is for a good manga by willing to give a second chance to see if he'll make a good story like he did before the start of Shinobi War. The story was good and decent at the time.


We know he can make interesting main characters and story, so he may very well make another interesting story and main characters. If he'll stand with his ideas, the hero and heroine being similar to Naruto and Sakura, and having the protagonist in love with the hero/ine along with an engaging beginning of the story, then we got ourselves a resurrection of a true story and NS.


At least with him standing with his ideas on the story which we'll see it from consistency and what will be of the main characters in similarity to his previous ones.


He has this final chance. What will he make of with his second chance ? Think about it.


For me, I'm interested to see how he'll unfold his next new manga and depicting the main characters. It's like he's at the same time thinking what he did in Naruto while planning, writing and organizing the new story. Surely, Naruto manga will cross his mind at least several times.

#959260 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by T XD on 29 December 2017 - 10:15 PM

Drew these guys. Your thoughts?  :sweat:  :sweat:





Not NS related but still wanted to share :D

You got skills.

#959168 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by T XD on 28 December 2017 - 02:50 PM

I saw in previous pages the mentioning of Kishimoto's next manga will be debuted next year.


I'm interested to read this new manga at least the first few chapters to see if he'll redeem himself with this new manga. Redeeming himself would be by making the hero and heoines similar or the same as Naruto and Sakura, to see how he'll handle the story, and if he'll make the hero and heroine have the same dynamic and romantic moments as NS.


If he does the above mentioned then he'll be trying to make his own story this time with no much influence.


I'm willing to give him a chance with his next new manga if he meets the above listed.

#957152 Analysis of NS scenes post-ending

Posted by T XD on 03 December 2017 - 07:04 PM

Exactly, T, so it isn't that Kishimoto was bad at romance, it's just that he wanted to take the easy way out, unaware or not caring, how ****** he would make his story in the process.

I'm waiting to see if he's going to redeem himself in his next manga. That's if his next manga ever happens.


It's obvious more that he either got pressured or just went with the greed for money. Maybe he didn't care anymore at some point too. It's strange when an author make a part of the story consistent along the way then dump it at the end.


It's also obvious from his interviews when he contradicts himself and when he says negative things about NH and SS.

#957041 Analysis of NS scenes post-ending

Posted by T XD on 02 December 2017 - 03:51 PM

When these two panels got mentioned in the previous page :




Tsk. This reminds me of a main character who was on the path of strength and development. A heroine with so much potential regressed later on.
Sakura Haruno could really have been one of the best heroines in the world of manga and anime.
One of these two options or both of these options:
- Either Kishimoto wasn't the only one who was controlling the story.
- Kishimoto gave up on the story for other reasons.
Sakura was one of my favorite characters in manga and anime till chapter 698 happened. I got literally bewildered when I saw her regressed to her part 1 self. I couldn't believe that Kishimoto would do that to his heroine.


So many panels done only to waste ink.

#955759 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by T XD on 22 November 2017 - 05:11 PM

@ LuckyChi7 :


" But, we don't show Naruto and Sakura together, talking or whatever cause they're compatible, dynamic and fun. It would show how they're well suited together. It would put NH in a bad light. So, maybe later on, but now, nah ". -- What Studio Pierrot might be thinking.


Which for me, that is what the team behind the anime are probably thinking.

#955653 One of Japan's famous manga creators was arrested...

Posted by T XD on 21 November 2017 - 08:05 PM

They should inspect every artist and writer that has child pornography in their manga. So, Ikemoto's house.

#955614 Boruto: The NeverEnding Prologue Chapter 18

Posted by T XD on 21 November 2017 - 02:43 PM

Next we'll see phones infused with chakra : Chakra-Phone or something.


I'm thinking that it's very possible something alike what I said is going to happen. Phone, walkie-talkie, or any kind of electronics.


I've got another idea : Have wild mushrooms attack them and they can be called Chakra-Mushroom. It's like level 1 of an RPG game. So, along the way of fighting some enemy, wild mushrooms are the beginning of their hard route.


See ? I can be a writer for Boruto manga :P

#955590 Boruto: The NeverEnding Prologue Chapter 18

Posted by T XD on 21 November 2017 - 12:42 PM

A chakra-saber. Yup. That's one of the signs that they're desperate with making the plot more appealing and that they can't handle this new generation's story.

#955586 Digimon is coming back!!

Posted by T XD on 21 November 2017 - 11:15 AM

If Meiko was created just to be with Tai, It amazes me how badly written is "their story". We had several times playing with TaixSoraxYamato and now we need to remember that Meiko is the ultimate OTP? Just like Yamato and Sora, whose ship was so lacking. They keep repeting the same mistake all over again and that's kinda sad. 

I think they can't dare or don't 't want to hurt Kakudo's decision on the pairings. Maybe they're trying to be as fair as possible in Tri. which is why we saw all pairings having moments. Still Tai x Meiko moments were in the latest part, Part 5, of Tri.

Bad if they created Meiko for Tai to be paired cause it's already shown how she's shoehorned in Tri. and have the plot switch to her to focus on her.

#955392 What if Sasuke had killed Sakura during the Land of Iron arc?

Posted by T XD on 20 November 2017 - 06:10 PM

Tl;Dr: but its the same spiel you always give everyone "I Ignore what characters actually say, whats actually going on all while pretending I'm not being obtuse. Lalalalala Hurr hurr hurr." 

No sweetie, its not an assumption, its LITERALLY what it says.

Don't you know ? Every moment post-698 is canon between characters cause it's 699-700 where SS and NH happened.


Everything pre-699 is misunderstood, misinterpreted and all the lexicon field of misunderstanding and misinterpreted you can think about.

#954764 Digimon is coming back!!

Posted by T XD on 15 November 2017 - 04:42 PM

I don't like Rika x Rio. Digimon and their pairings of side characters with main characters. It just doesn't go well when adapting this kind of pairings in most of the Digimon seasons.

#954123 BlackBird's Sketches

Posted by T XD on 06 November 2017 - 01:52 PM

These are very nicely drawn sketches. You got great skills in art. You should use them for some kind of job, or draw and sell your drawings.

#954079 Boruto: The NeverEnding Prologue Chapter 17

Posted by T XD on 05 November 2017 - 07:25 PM

Yes. Like when I said Boruto should get canned, I do want this guy to have a chance of his own. I understand Kishi was being nice to let him enter "strong" with a related success work, but I would prefer if he has the liberty to see what he can as a standalone artist. That's just me.

He should have a chance to promote work of his own cause with this art style and quality, he can get somewhere. Maybe he can be a writer and an artist of his own manga or an artist for a mangaka.


I think his art style suits for a medieval setting type of story.

#954075 Boruto: The NeverEnding Prologue Chapter 17

Posted by T XD on 05 November 2017 - 04:38 PM

Ah. It's like what I said. It reminds me when the other animator/designer take over in a series that has longevity. Think as Spongebob after Season 3. The new character designs stick out too much.

It's also related to the art style. Boruto's artist art style can't adapt to Kishimoto's art style. His name is Ikemoto ?