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Member Since 21 Dec 2013
Offline Last Active Dec 13 2015 04:15 AM

#524139 Naruto 674

Posted by melovechoco on 23 April 2014 - 12:12 PM

Just want to see sakura fighting so badly, sigh my dream..

#523835 674 raw

Posted by melovechoco on 22 April 2014 - 03:54 AM

Why madara limbo remind me of inner sakura?

I thought that im the only one who thinks this...hmm..possible sakura vs madara ? Since naruto can sense and sasuke can see madara's spirit, maybe sakura will fight him spiritually against madara if he uses limbo..they could work together as team 7 or maybe by herself..idk..

#517099 Naruto Predictions!

Posted by melovechoco on 01 March 2014 - 12:25 PM


I wish one of this come true.

#516750 Naruto 666

Posted by melovechoco on 26 February 2014 - 12:28 PM

Great chapter...love that kakashi and obito collaboration...and yeah, kishi love to do repetition aka parallel in his manga..that obirin=narusaku thing. Gai,its been a long time since u came..next chapter, there will be an awesome fight, I know it. One thing, once naruto successfully being revived, im just hoping kishi doesn't left out sakura again..just watching him fight alone...or maybe with someone...sasuke...dont care about this...I mean we need sakura to get involved with this fight...but, im sure kishi will make it happen anyway cause he make sakura to focus on fighting instead giving medical treatment..and it would be triple awesome to see sakura and naruto fight together...to take down madara...sakura get another power up through naruto...

"Next time, we gonna do it together "by sakura. Is this foreshadows that they will fight together with their true power..without sasuke...for a moment...while waiting sasuke getting revived?idk....

#515020 MUST HAPPEN!!( infinite tsukuyomi)Funny video.

Posted by melovechoco on 12 February 2014 - 09:02 PM

While clicking random videos on utube, I found this.


Just so FUNNY&CUTE!!!

WARNING: GENDERBENDER ALERT and maybe the song is a little bit....eh...u got the picture!

PS: *sigh*want to learn japanese so bad!

Love the karin reaction though!!
Idk, for u guys?

#513930 Naruto 663

Posted by melovechoco on 07 February 2014 - 06:15 AM

I just stumbled this comment from ones of sawyer 663 video...idk, if u already read / post it here, well...make it double...hehe...
Just perfect...

after the war Naruto asks Gaara :

Naruto:how it was possible to have survived until I received the other half of Kurama ?

Gaara:Well Sakura applied CPR on you.

Naruto:What the hell is CPR?

Gaara explain: well , Sakura was placed her mouth over your mouth and began to......
Naruto's head ----------------------

Naruto:So... Sakura kissed ME 0\\\0

Sakura: You idiot theat was a medical procedure this ia a basiC procedure you applies to a person who is not breathing and is about to die!

Naruto: Oooo 0~0......Sakura i'can breathe I think i am about to die!

#511710 Naruto 662

Posted by melovechoco on 25 January 2014 - 03:57 PM

Plus, i also want to see kakashi tells sakura as one of his student beside naruto and sasuke, at the same time, compliment about sakura development to minato especially when sakura gonna shows her new jutsu to save naruto's life..if gaara successfully brought them to their place.
Just imagine it. He will be amazed.although sakura might not be as strong as both her teammates, but kakashi still prefers sakura as one of his best student in his team.
This would change the reader perception about sakura through her sensei's saying about her to be normal as unique.

#508811 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by melovechoco on 03 January 2014 - 10:34 AM

While hoping for ns to be canon..kishi needs to show more sakura power...and the history of her own family background....cause its weird, we knows less about her compare to naruto and sasuke...she's a heroine...yes, shes just a normal girl...which makes me curious even more....kishi.. please

#507955 Why DO we like Narusaku?

Posted by melovechoco on 24 December 2013 - 09:27 AM

well....actually when im started getting into this pairing things in naruto world, i prefer sasusaku at first...and then i realised that this pairing is not going anywhere but a downfall :bash:  :smashy:  :rawr: ...and second, :narutosprite:  is always there for :sakura3: ...even during her gloomy day...he tries to cheer her up by doing silly things..just to see her smile and laugh...even the part where he get all the punches from sakura...and u know naruto...he will never give up until he gets what he want....third, like everyone said, they dont need to be a nice shy girl/cool boy attitude to get along with each other...just being themselves is enough....which catches my attention...even sakura doesnt need to bother about naruto personality anymore..cause that just him...fourth,i dont saw naruto and sakura as a brother/sister relationship just like other people think they are :headscratch: ...it actually more than that....i know..it ends here, i guess :P ...although i have a tons of reason to tell about the beauty within this pairing :nsdance: ...but i want to shorten it....so u guys doesnt need to waste ur time to read this so yeah :sweatdrop: ..no hurt feeling...okay... :sleepy:


conclusion: NARUSAKU is a must pairing...... :thumb:  :nslove:  :narusaku:  :nosebleed: