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#968145 Boruto: Naruto Next Generation Anime Discusion

Posted by rikakim94 on 10 September 2018 - 04:54 PM

Does Naruto care about anyone?


Re reading the series i don't think naruto actually cared for people he is pretty self absored and only cared about getting acknowledgement .If he truly cared about his people dont you think he would have start to question about what the toxic ninja system? and what it does to kids when they grow up And the crap that sasuke went though when he was in konoha?


Not only that but i don't think naruto actually loved and truly cared for sakura that much if he did he would have helped her get over her abusive crush on sasuke. Not only that naruto would have thought about keeping sakura safe after he went 4 tails and almost hurting sakura. He would have thought about trying to find ways to control the nine tails power right after 4 tails incident instead the next arc has naruto obessing over his riviarly over his crappy friend. 


If you really think about it naruto really is phony excuse of a what a true hero should be. Naruto really is a selfish moron.  :ermm:

#967918 Digimon is coming back!!

Posted by rikakim94 on 04 September 2018 - 04:06 AM

haru and eri has doujinshi! from digimon appmon series.



#966258 Digimon is coming back!!

Posted by rikakim94 on 25 June 2018 - 03:50 AM


See I hate when that happened. Usually I can tell who the end couple is. If you spend all the time building them up and they don't get together, then you are a bad writer unless one of them dies or something.


Blame the director for trying too hard to be a stupid hipster. And according to that tv tropes link i linked it says that the director didn't want to develop sorato too much because they are too young to start a romantic relationship.... I call complete kitten on this.  :mad: Didn't harry potter not pair the leads? but it still gave romantic chem to the non obivious pairs? even when there just kids??? i don't even like the canon ships for harry potter but there was some kind of chem with the non obivious pairs and when there were kids and even if it became toxic or lacking in the case of harry and ginny later on as the books progress.

#965925 kingdom hearts

Posted by rikakim94 on 15 June 2018 - 02:46 AM

I'm gonna be so kittening disappointed if Kairi and Sora don't get together in the end. I mean the only reason Axel and Kairi are together is because they are training with their keyblades. Since Xion was basically Sora's feelings for Kairi, then them watching the sunset together could also be like the clocktower scenes when it was Axel, Roxas, and Xion. I could see them becoming close like a big brother/little sister kind of thing. Oh god, I guess I'm gonna wait and see about the ending then because I'm not buying it if its bad. Plus I doubt there's anyone who doesn't think of Kairi as the female lead.


I really hope that is the case.... A lot of people think kairi is a pointless character at this point they think aqua is the leading herione while kairi is just a cameo character that serves no purpose until maybe now? She hasn't had any big screentime or dialouge ever since kh2 until just recently.  :down: Like why is nomura neglecting her for aqua?

#965913 Digimon is coming back!!

Posted by rikakim94 on 15 June 2018 - 12:34 AM

digimon rule #1. start out strong, have a terrible ending :excited:


Yup and also dont expect the lead male and lead female to get together the franchise hates obvious pairs. They like poorly written unexpected ships.  

#965521 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by rikakim94 on 30 May 2018 - 06:57 PM

I've never been bothered by the leads getting together because usually it's their story. When they don't, usually imo it tries to come off as edgy for not doing the norm, but it rarely works. 

Also, what? They built up Aang and Katara the entire series. The only reason she and Zuko developed a friendship was because of the whole Fire and Water thing and nothing more.


The creators of avatar wanted kataang because they didn't like how popular zutara is. Also the original tv show concept saids that aangs affections towards katara was suppose to remain onesided till the end. The head writer of the series did not like kataang and wanted zutara. He is the one that kept writing episodes were katara didn't have that much romatic affection to aang instead it was motherly. And he wrote zutara in a sublity way and epesicially in the final episodes of the series zuko and katara seemed much closer than aang and katara which i find a bit odd if kataang was always meant to be endgame.


Im really sick and tired of people dismissing any potential that zutara had it had potential.


Read this article i found this person explains pretty well about why zutara isn't a non existent ship.






Also i do not trust everything bryke says if they are very loyal to kataang. how come in sequel series they sabotage there relationship? and in the recent interview they claim that kataang was forced and cliched and quote miyazaki on why showing why a platonic relationship between the opposite sex without romance is good.

#965518 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by rikakim94 on 30 May 2018 - 06:25 PM

I legit thought at a certain point, Sasuke and Naruto would end up together. Lol. But let me tell you something about Harry and Hermione...

Referring to the movies, Harry always cared about Hermione and thought she was pretty. She was supportive of him, in the prisoner of Azkaban, I even thought they end up together because of the time traveler thing and also their interaction was so friendly. (Harry told Hermione she was awesome, she was the only one to witness the Expecto Patronum scene and when the Werewolf attacked them, he hugged her in order to protect her, also, shortly before, they were talking with each other while waiting for the full moon)

I always thought Hermiones attraction towards Ron was because he was different, her complete opposite. And maybe she wanted to embrace that side, too. Never did I feel anything between them, Hermiones jealousy was really strange and I always felt as if Harry is the better catch. They remind me of NaruSaku because being supportive and nice to each other and in the end ending up with people they either never really interacted with, or that treated them badly. People are like: Noo, they are brother and sister, I love that they didn't end up together because the main characters always end up together...or because that would destroy their friendship.

Well, this is the reason why we have so much badly written romance. A good relationship starts with a good friendship, understanding, caring, acting comfortable around each other, not being jealous or possessive, - but since this is "brother and sister" and being anxious, aflutter proprietary is a normal relationship, we get served that instead.


Once I read that if you have a fast palpitation, are anxious or nervous around a person, blushing or fainting - this is not love. This is obsession, you really want to have and keep something. Love is being relaxed and feeling like you can be who you are around a person.


I could understand why people dosen't like main male lead ending up with the female lead all the time but at the same time i HATE it when they praise for that cliche when it is broken  BUT in badly written way. And they dismiss other cliches that the other pairigs can still run into. Like ron x hermioine has opposite attact cliche, first love, childhood friends to lovers, bickering out of love, being possessive. How is that 100 percent unique?  :ermm:


I dont mind subversions but it must be well written like star wars and hunchback of notredamn and zutara from avatar (if the creators didnt sabotage the idea of the ship thoughout the series and at the last minute and made aang into kataras trophy wife) :down:

#960899 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by rikakim94 on 30 January 2018 - 07:32 AM

Or magically prevent Gai from dying with a mere touch after using all Eight Gates despite it being established that death was a guarantee if used.




Yeah, it was all about forcing the "brotherly bond" crap down our throats again without actually trying to develop anything. Anyone who actually thinks there's any sort of "brotherly bond" between Naruto and Sasuke, even in part one, have mental problems just like those who think NH and SS are a "healthy relationship".


The "brothertly bond" is just a toxic one sided homosexual crush it saddens me that this so called bond got more empesis than all the healther relationships that naruto could have had with his other friends.

#960134 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by rikakim94 on 14 January 2018 - 12:30 AM

When chapter 699 and 700 came this is what i want to say to Kishi :




And now looking at The Last and Boruto , what a sad fate for such a once upon a time a great story , that has been ruin and destroyed by otakus higher ups and rabid fans.


Also kishis poor writing ability and not caring much for the main character to develop instead he relapse all the time. Same could be said for sakura cant write a proper herione without being sexist and making sakura look weak and trophy wife to be earned.


When i look back at the series now, i think the series was always meant to be doomed kishi depends to much for editors help and can't write that good without screwing things up.

#958244 Where Did Naruto's Storytelling Decline?

Posted by rikakim94 on 14 December 2017 - 07:40 PM

The Chunin exams is often where I point to. Not to say that this is where the writing went bad, but this is where the problems first took root. This is where the cast started to rapidly balloon out, taking the focus away from Team 7 in order to give side characters a time to shine (with appropriate flashbacks to flesh them out as well as the world). This is where Naruto is given not one but two opponents who act as dark reflections of himself and he befriends them through his words. This is where some serious jumps in power start to happen, as Naruto eventually learns to summon the Frog Boss to fight another Tailed Beast, Sasuke is given a deadly assassination technique, and Gaara can crush people to death in Sand. This is where Sasuke starts going down the path of darkness. And you can't really help but feel it's happening too soon for them to be at this stage like this should have been later on as Team 7 learned more techniques, completely more missions and held firmer bonds than they had at this stage.


As time went on, these elements became more problematic. It was like the series kept trying to repeat what it did to get popular in the first place, which caused the story to deteriorate over time. It reminds me a lot of Gundam SEED and it's sequel for this reason. The over-use of flashbacks became a running joke among fans, talk no jutsu became reviled as most adversaries ended up boiling down to "what if Naruto went bad?" as well as expecting the audience to just forget whatever atrocities they did afterwards, during the war they begin adding new characters and expanding the worldbuilding to pad out the time, and fights became more DBZ-like making early opponents like Zabuza look weak in retrospect.


The state Naruto ended in was something a long-time coming.


Kishi said in a tv interview that he wanted team 7 to travel to other villages to do missions then grauduality going into the chunin exams but his editor at the time told him to go into tourdement arc because it would boast the rank of the naruto manga faster. Maybe team 7 relationship would have benefited more if he did that. But i dont 100 percent trust kishi soooo its a maybe.  :ermm:

#954364 Advice to Masashi Kishimoto and His Next Manga

Posted by rikakim94 on 09 November 2017 - 10:47 PM


Agreed on all that for sure. It's why he had failed near the end of Naruto, and in the end, it will haunt him for the rest of his life and for those of us who will actually never let him forget how he royally screwed his own series because he had caved in, and didn't trust himself in the end to make whatever he wanted to happen to happen, in addition to trying to make excuses for his mistakes rather than take responsibility.


For a dvice on my end, he should begin building a world bible with the kind of rules and such to his story, so that he doesn't lose his way or just switch things willy-nilly to please people rather than satisfy his own story.


My advice to kishi is to never write again if he is not capable of trusting himself or making good morals and themes that make actual sense then theres no reason to be a author unless he wants to be a really mediocre writer.  :ermm: He should just stick with art and improve on that. Naruto was okay at first because of his first ok editor if it wasn't for him the manga would have gotten cancelled within a week. Naruto was NEVER that great.

#953866 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by rikakim94 on 02 November 2017 - 07:56 PM

You I do wish I had a time machine then I could just go back and make sure Naruto is never made by Kishi and that I would do it I would bring all of you guys back with me that way we could all do it right making each arc with Naruto Sakura and others great, and if the NH fans start getting too full of it well we could kill her, that way SP and the editors can't do anything lol.

I even have the moment she can die, where Neji died, Sakura would get staped in the shoulder and Naruto runs over to her while Hinata is doing the same leaving many to die until she is inpaled all over her body, last thing she sees is Naruto and Sakura hugging each other.


Also make naruto grow out of his stupidity and sasuke obsession that did nothing but kill his character. And never make him into a cheap chosen one I felt bad for nagato he couldn't succeed world peace because he wasn't the chosen one. I hated narutos answer at the end of the pain arc it felt like a cop out.

#953642 Pokemon ultra sun and moon

Posted by rikakim94 on 31 October 2017 - 05:13 PM

I just finished my alpha sapphire game now im planning to finish my pokemon moon version. Im looking forward for the alien part of the game it looks cool and creepy.

#953258 What if Sasuke had killed Sakura during the Land of Iron arc?

Posted by rikakim94 on 27 October 2017 - 06:18 AM


Bringing Sasuke back to the village wasn't his responsibility either and yet he did it anyway....despite how bad Sasuke treated him. I would argue that Sasuke and Naruto being best friends shouldn't even exist because they bonded over nothing. Naruto saw Sasuke as his rival and all of a sudden "We are best friends." How did they become best friends? I don't know about you, but my relationship with my best friend doesn't involve trying to kill them because "they remind me of being weak." Goku and Vegeta feel more like best friends than Sasuke and Naruto.

Sasuke: "I am going to kill you, Naruto."
Naruto: "Awwww, I love you too, Sasuke."

Sakura: "I love you, Naruto."
Naruto: "You're full of kitten, Sakura."

I don't know who is more insane...Naruto or Sasuke.

Naruto and Sakura had a far better relationship than Sasuke had with anyone and they had more connections, but Naruto was willing to throw everything away, including the village, just to bring him back. For what? Nothing. Naruto is a dude that said "How can I be hokage and confess my feelings to a girl when I can't even keep my promises?" Really, Naruto? You barely know the guy.

So yeah, I can't accept that as an argument. Sorry.

This reminds of the kitten reasoning in Dark Knight Rises. "I knew you were the Batman when you gave me that look."

Naruto: "We are best friends because Sasuke gave me that look: Not the 'I want to have sex with you look,' but the 'Hey man, we're both orphans' look. He gave me that wink and I knew we were best friends."


And here I thought best friends were people that loved and cared about each other and helped each other out when times got rough and you know....actually being friendly? It would explain alot though. In the Narutoverse, wanting to murder you is a sign of love and confessing your love for you means "I hate you. Go away."

So that's what I have been doing wrong all these years.....*sarcasm*


yup the naruto manga has very twisted sick ideals that makes no believable sense. 


 And You know the more i look at back at the manga the more flaws i see like why jiraiya didn't raise naruto or watch over him if he was godfather? why did tsunade couldn't find any other jounin to stop sasuke from leaving konoha? why didnt kakashi critic the bad ninja system and just go along with the toxic system? and the list goes on. 


Plus im so disgusted with the naruto as a character himself i dont think he was EVER truly heroic and selfless he only cared about sucking sasukes kitten long and hard. He only preached about world peace and never did anything about it  He never try to understand why sasuke hated what the village did to him he forced his ideas by doing talk no jutsu.


When i started to read the anti endings blogs post i almost agree with everything he says.


http://anti-endings....i naruto/page/2



#953215 Avatar the last airbender controversial story/pairing disscussion

Posted by rikakim94 on 26 October 2017 - 05:49 PM

Am I the only one who was shipping Zutara? ; ^^ (and still do lol)

Kind of embarrassed to admit since there is so much hate for this ship. But I don't care who she ended up with anyway, so it's chill.

Katara and Zuko had several love interests during the series so it's no wonder they had some moments together. I always preferred them over Kataang since they both were a bit more mature, shipping Aang with someone felt wrong because ...idk,? :ohmy:

But I was very touched by the ending :umm:


yeah.....I used to be a big kataanger shipper but these days im starting to have different opinions on it. 




Check out some post this person made regarding the critical flaws that kataang and maiko have. 


Im sad that every ship i love ends in disappointment  and crushed in the end my first opt got crushed and 2nd opt pokes shipping never got resolved and pokemon will go on forever and narusaku along with the individual characters got completely ruined.  I no longer trust creators/writers anymore.  :mellow: