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Member Since 16 Jan 2014
Offline Last Active Nov 06 2016 01:29 PM

#793124 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by MoonDrop04 on 02 April 2015 - 01:21 PM

Here here let me hug you  :cry:  :grouphug:  giphy.gif
Pray for us, I'm gonna do it too ! 

Thank ya thank ya guys :D

Not much of a hugger though lol.
But I am like a loyal Dog/wolf so a good pat on the head is good for me!!! And if need be just say the word guys and I'll Bite the hell out of someone!!!! :fu: :D

#788440 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by MoonDrop04 on 27 March 2015 - 04:31 AM

Every single detail. Nothing will go unnoticed by your super powerful mind :fu:
Alright, Goodnight everybody :argh: :wave:


#771297 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by MoonDrop04 on 05 March 2015 - 08:39 AM

I don't know if anyone has noticed but, if this is intentional or not, Kishi screwed over SP when they begin to finish up Naruto Shippuden. -_-

If people looked enough at anime, studios always finish their anime shows in the series finale with a dramatic and fullfilling ending.

If you look at the last few pages of Naruto 700, Kishi has made it where it is almost impossible to make Naruto Shippudens ending the dramatic finale a 10 year? Anime deserves.

No ammount of fillers or amazing animation will help SP to fix this problem Kishi has presented to them and will Definetly leave their anime fans unappealed and disappointed.....hmmm sneaky bastard lol

#767394 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by MoonDrop04 on 28 February 2015 - 02:25 PM

it's like SP's playing "survivor" slowly they're getting rid of the female characters'...first it was karin. vanished without a trace. now, it's sakura...fading from exsistance of the series. whoes next? tsunade? tenten? ino? soon it might be kishi's origional plot [think:the very first "one shot" piolit] and hinata'll be the only girl of the story

They've already dealt a blow towards Tsunade's character with no appearances in The Last and in Kakashi's novel with Naruto bashing against her standing as hokage -_-.........again another reason not to like The Last Naruto >:(

#766721 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by MoonDrop04 on 27 February 2015 - 02:23 PM

You know if Neji were to have lived or been revived it could have had an significant importance in, not only the hyuuga clans plot ending, but in Naruto's fight against Sasuke.

When neji's character was shown through part 1 it spoke of the topic of "Destiny". Neji was all back then in accepting his Destiny but Naruto was refusing to believe in something called destiny and to believe he could achieve his dreams and make his own destiny.

Now three years later it is revealed that Naruto has a destiny of his own in the form of "fights to the death" against Sasuke, who both share a bond of predecessors dating back to their originals Ashura and Indra. If neji's character wasn't used for an excuse to have NH happen, then he could have been used to re-introduce the "destiny" topic between him and Naruto again and give him advice for his fight between Sasuke.

More and more Im finding new legitimate ways for this series to not have kittened up as it did and wondering what the hell were Kishi, his editors, SJ were thinking to not bring stuff like this full circle and not leave out in the open O_o....

#763382 The Breaker/The Breaker: New Waves

Posted by MoonDrop04 on 22 February 2015 - 02:06 AM

C'mon Trang!!! You gotta catch up!!! :D lol

Yeah she was cute when she was kid but if you wanna talk about jinni.....

Then what bout this black flip though??? :fu:


#759661 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by MoonDrop04 on 16 February 2015 - 10:01 AM

Yeah I see where you guys are coming from because this is how Kishi finished her up as and to put it bluntly should be ashamed of himself of doing so to his main heroine. And screw all those jokes of Hinata being the heroine because she's not!!! Sakura was the main heroine and always will be the main heroine in the Naruto Series!! Now for me I seperate the The Last, 699 and 700 Sakura from....I'd say 675 Sakura because up to that point She was in standards the female protagonist that Kishi was building her up as. The Sakura from all the last BS shouldn't even associated with Naruto series because that isn't her true character and I'll never like that version of Sakura for as long as I live -_-. I know the Sakura that I've come to love as a character in the story I love and the story that we KNEW should have ended up as.........but what this new version of Sakura has become I'll never associate myself with!!!

And that also includes all the other characters as well because they aren't the characters I've come to love........not one bit.

#758385 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by MoonDrop04 on 13 February 2015 - 03:53 AM

Quick off topic question!!!

Has anyone ever played a recently released game called "Life Is Strange"??

It's an episodic series and just the newly first episode has made me really addicted to the game because the story is really interesting!!!

Anyone ever heard of it?? O_O

#758276 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by MoonDrop04 on 13 February 2015 - 12:55 AM


Alright let's see here where to start.........Oh Yeah!! Has anyone noticed that the the whole kaguya fight is a Big F'n Blueprint for a Madara fight?? For instance the whole "I don't know how to kill Madara" concept we've heard from Kishi is complete BS because from the time at the end of Juubi Obitos defeat to the end of kaguya's defeat I can count 4 different ways.....

-tailed beast extraction
-Rikudou's ninja sealing tools
-Hashiramas "mysterious Jutsu" (still vexed about that :twitch: )
-Madara possibly transforming into a bunny monster + susanoo thingy ............that actually sounds cool O_O SOMEONE DRAW BUNNY MADARA NOW ATTACKING THE VILLAGE!!!

Anyway moments between 676 - 692 can easily be reimagined and revisioned with Madara fighting team 7. So it would be kind of like this....
-Team 7 attacks Madara (both Rinnegan)
-Madara counters and begins IT
-Team 7 is caught in IT but Naruto and Sasuke breaks out of it just cause :fu: and helps Sakura and Kakashi break out
-Naruto and Sasuke fight Madara alone for a bit, Sakura fight Zetsu army clones (if she can fight several puppets then Zetsu clones is a good opponent) and Kakashi fight Black Zetsu controlled Obito
-Few Jutsu attacks and then Naruto doing the Sexy Jutsu the Right way!!!! YOU KNOW YOU GUYS WANT IT!!! :D
-Edo Tensei kages return to help with the Rikudou's advice to use his ninja sealing tools that Madara spit out.
-Sasuke surprises and immobilizes Madara with the Jutsu Hashirama gave him (WTH WAS THAT JUTSU!!!!) and they all use the opportunity to extract the bijuus inside him.
-Madara loses power but all of a sudden the big wood he sucked up earlier begins to make him transform into a big gigantic bunny monster with Susanno attached.
-Big Bunny Monster starts to absorb the worlds populations chakra and goes chaotic. Naruto and Sasuke release their Bijuu/Susanno powers and fight the Madara monster until they eventually win.
-everybody gets to the same area where Madara is dying and talks to the Rikudou. Repeat of the second half of 691 or 692 with final farewells to Minato and other kages
-Sasuke reveals true intentions but instead says that they will finish everything after a certain period of time (a week or month) so they both can fight at full strength. Naruto agrees, Sakura is saddened and tries to reason with Sasuke but he pulls the ol' SS charm but Naruto intervenes. Sasuke scuffs and huffs and disappears.
-IT is released and everyone meets up to celebrate the end of the war.
-Que in the start of the last several chapters leading to Naruto vs Sasuke and to Naruto's assension of Hokage

That's just what I can make out of this Blueprint and I bet you guys make even more better scenarios out the manga and make something else just as easy. I don't know if Kishi did it intentionally or unintentionally but he created a manga to where the fans and readers could created a 1000 more different ways to conclude it and don't even have to deal with the actual manga anymore...........like he's giving away the Naruto's story to anyone to make it anyway they want, including fans.

Hmmmmm meh lmao :D

#748962 The Last: Discussion Thread

Posted by MoonDrop04 on 31 January 2015 - 12:47 PM

You love Snape too?! YESSSSSSSSSS!!
kitten me now!

......Always...... :fu:

O_O uuuuuhhhhh was that a request or an Order!? Cause I'm scared!!!! :umm:

#748955 The Last: Discussion Thread

Posted by MoonDrop04 on 31 January 2015 - 12:33 PM

Most likely. He was a kitten. Lol. Though at least that was realistic. I mean how many people has to be too nice in a protagonist family tree branch.

Oooooooooooooh yeeeeeeeeah...........He was a kitten!! :D I totally forgot!!!!!

Damn Snape............deep respect for ya brother!!! You were the better mixed breed abomination of Naruto and Sasuke then their "Older" counterparts ever were!!!! :D

#746520 The Last: Discussion Thread

Posted by MoonDrop04 on 29 January 2015 - 06:30 AM

Good lord. We are forever doomed by the boob syndrome :twitch:

Beeeeeeeeeeeewbs........BEEEEEEEEEEEWBS!!!!! :twitch:


#735211 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by MoonDrop04 on 18 January 2015 - 12:36 PM

Some of us (still welcoming new members to join up) decided to create our own Part 3 series to go against that godforsaken mini series in spring 2015. We for damn sure are not gonna go down without a fight when clearly we see somewhere along the lines someone smoked too much and drank some whack job juice to create a horrible ending to a story we all love. So we say SCREW THEM we are gonna make something more popular then anything those ignorant A-holes could ever make from their "Mess" and give this series the proper ending and "Continuation" it deserves!!!

And if our work does become popular more then their mini series and decides to attack us by law suits or any of that crap for stealing kishi's original work from him.......I Freakin Welcome It!!! :fu: because they would be proving me right that they acknowledge our series is doing better then theirs, everyone knows it, and they had to resort to threats to stop us!!! So bring it on I Dare Them!!! >:) lol

Anyway off track there :D there are people here who are working on some things to fight back those pricks SP and Kishi. So no worries there guys :yes:

#733094 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by MoonDrop04 on 15 January 2015 - 02:52 PM

That was mostly an error of writing the translations

Oh please I hope so!!! :D because my mind is gonna be really messed up if SP tries to RetCon gender/sexes of characters now!!?!? :twitch:

#732928 The Last theory: Collection of Info & co.

Posted by MoonDrop04 on 15 January 2015 - 10:12 AM

Then she'll lose interest and goes back to knitting scarf-kun  :yes:
Kishi holds criminals in the highest esteem while the good guys gets crapped on.

Oh don't worry knitting is just her own form of having sex so she's all good :yes:

............wait a min.....Oh God O_o.........Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuch!!!!! SAKURA!!!! QUICK NARUTO NEEDS A MEDIC!!!!!! DX<