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Member Since 16 Jan 2014
Offline Last Active Nov 06 2016 01:29 PM

#517814 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by MoonDrop04 on 06 March 2014 - 05:00 PM

Don't worry I was referring to your way of typing. I'll be honest with you, it's really hard for me to even read 4 words of your posts and I always end up ignoring them while they could probably have very important points of discussion.

Maybe you can try to just type normally, I'm pretty sure i'm not the only one who had a hard time deciphering your posts.
Please don't be offended by this, I'm just trying to give you a friendly advice :)

Have A Good Day Mate!

Wow really?? O_o I didn't even know I was doing that. If all of you are saying my posts are hard to read I'm going to take your word for it!!! After all I'm still a newbie when it comes to doing these discussions, so the more I mess up and learn the better!!! Thank You for the advice and I'll work on my typing XD lol.

#517091 Naruto Predictions!

Posted by MoonDrop04 on 01 March 2014 - 05:17 AM

Here Is My Top 5 Predictions For The Best Moments Naruto 2014!!!! And This is Really Gonna Be long So Be Warned To Those Who Are Curious Lol X)

1: Naruto Goes Into A Post Death State!!!! Sakura is Horribly Shocked To Find Out That There May Be Nothing That Can Be Done To Save Naruto!! She Then Remembers Chiyo's Technique And Plans To Use It Despite The Risk. Obito Then Reasons To Use His Life Instead Of Hers Cause He Doesn't Want Another Tragedy Like Rin Was. Sakura Is Unsure If She Can Use Chiyo's Technique To Use Another's Life Force But Tries It Anyway. During The Transfer Obito Says His Final Goodbye To Kakashi and Kakashi Reveals his Face To Obito To Pay Last Respects To His Friend Properly. During This Something Happens To The Edo Tensei Technique And The Past Hokages Start To Disappear. Minato Starts To Be Depressed That He Couldn't Have Done Anything To Save His Son. Sakura Reassures Minato That She Promises On Her Life To Bring Naruto Back. (Begin Sakura/Kushina parallel). Obito Passes Away And Minatos Soul Disappears. Then Madara Comes Back From His "Outcome" With Eight Gate Guy (who Dies by the way) and Sakura, Kakashi, Gaara, Lee and ten ten make A Last Stand To Protect Naruto.

2: Naruto Is Realizing He Is In Limbo And All Of A Sudden Meets Jiraya. They Talk A Bit And All Of A Sudden Kushina Joins In The Conversation. After Talking A Bit More The Sage Of The Six Paths Makes His Entrance and Speaks With Naruto. They Discuss On The State Of The Ninja World From Where The Sage Left It From And Thinks If Chakra Really Is The Plague That's Infesting The World. Naruto Strongly Disagrees and Says Chakra Is More Or Less A Blessing Then A Plague Due To Chakra Giving Him Miracles Such As Meeting His Dead Parents And Help Him Protect What's Most Dear To Him. Minato And Obito appear Out Of Nowhere And Agrees With Naruto. There's More Talk Between Characters, then naruto And Obito Have One Final Talk. Obito Starts To Wonder Why Him Of All People Is Here With Everyone, Then Rin Appears behind Him And Tells Him She Wanted Him There. Obito Is Emotionally Surprised And Asks Her Why Does She Want Him There After All The Things He Has Done. She Reasures Him Of What She Told Him Before about Watching Over Him And Knows His Reasons For What He Has Done. Obito Breaks Down And Transforms Into His Younger Self and Gives Her A Hug. Naruto Watches in Enjoyment And Then Starts To Disappear Himself. Before He Goes Everyone Says Their Goodbyes And Tells Naruto To Save The World. The Sage Also tells Naruto A Safety Net That He Prepared Before He Died in case Someone Became The Ten Tail Jinchurriki Again. (Big Hint: 9 Names) Naruto Disappears....

3: Mystery Person Heals Sasuke Along With Karin's Help And Sasuke Gets Back Up. Everyone Is Ready To Go Back Into Battle Except For Sasuke Who Thinks After Facing Madara That There Is No Way To beat Madara......To Give Up. Everyone is Shocked To Hear This Except Karin Who Plainly Slaps Sasuke To Wake Himself Up. She Brings Out An Emotional Speech Which Sasuke Doesn't repond Until Karin Tries To Hit Him Again Which He Stops This Time. Sasuke Does The Smile That Karin Had Wanted To See This Whole Time And Says Thank You To Karin For Waking Him Up. He Picks His Sword Up And Rushes Over To Where Madara Is With Karin By Him As Support.

4: Madara Is Standing Tall After Defeating Everyone In The Area, Except For Sakura Who Is Heavily Damaged and Barely Stading In Front Of Naruto's Body. Madara Begins To Ask Why Would You Risk Your Life Like This When In His World She Can Experience Happiness And No Pain. Sakura Tells Madara She Would Rather Die Knowing What Her "True Feelings" Were Then Some Fake Imitation. Madara Prepares His final Attack And Sakura Has An Inner Monologue of Thanking Everyone Dear To Her, then Goes On Telling Herself About Sasuke And Her, wishing They Could Have Been At Least Good Friends In The End. She Goes On Saying Her Final Farewell Towards Naruto And Saying That She Is Grateful She Gets To Be With Him In The End. Madara Attacks With A Wide Area Devastation Jutsu and Sakura Seemingly Disappears. Madara Looks On And Then Says...."Impossible"......in Shock To See Naruto In Half Bijuu Mode State, with Sakura Alive In His Hands And Saying He Is Gonna Finish Madara Once And For All.

5: Sakura, In Total Shock And Surprise To See Naruto Awake, Goes To Ask Him If He Was Truly There In Front Of Her. Naruto Looks At Her And Gives Her A Bigger Hug Then She Gave Him Before and Tells Her Thank You For Bringing Him Back To Life. Sakura Bursts Into Tears Of Happiness For The Revelation. Madara Goes To Ask Naruto Even If He Is Back, How Could He Even Beat Him? Naruto Goes To Tell Him That He'll Have His Greatest Backup With Him, Sasuke Then Arrives From Above With Karin and Stands Beside Naruto. There Is A Little Talk Between Characters Until Madara Mentions Sakura And The State She Is In Because Of Madara. Sasuke Goes To Saying Sakura Is Very Annoying But Is The Only Person In World To Match Up With Naruto And Sasuke and To Never Underestimate Her. Sakura Is Surprised To Have Gotten Repect Like That From Sasuke And Naruto Smiles In Agreement. Sasuke Tells Karin To Heal Sakura's Wounds So They Can Heal The Others In The Area. They Resistingly Agree and Tell Both Of Them To Come Back Alive This Time. The Battle Begins And Sasuke Launches His First Attack By Doing A True Sussano but This Version Envelopes His Body And Becomes An Armor To Him. (Like His Curse Mark Form But With Better Looking Wings And Chakra Armor) He Goes One On One With Madara While Naruto Screams Out The Tailed Beasts Names. After Yelling Out "KURAMA" The Beasts Split From Madara And Appear Behind Naruto. Madara Is Still The Ten Tail Jinchurriki Somehow. Naruto Has A Small Talk with The Beasts And They All Begin To Charge Up The Biggest Tailed Beast Bomb Ever. Sasuke gives It His All To Buy Naruto Time And Then Uses Hashiramas Gift To Bind Madara For A Brief Moment So Naruto's Attack Can Connect. It Does With Some Resistance From Madara But Eventually It's Too Much Even For Madara To Handle. He Begins To Turn To Ash And The Bomb Explodes In The Sky, releasing A Strong Bright Light Seen From Space. Naruto and Sasuke In The Admist Of Smoke And Rubble Wonder If It's Truly Over And The Tailed Beasts say Madaras Chakra Is Gone Completely and That Its Over. Sakura Wonders What Has Happens And Rushes Over To See How Her Teammates Are. She Reached where They Were And Surprisingly See's Them Walking Together with Satisfied Looks On Their Faces. Sakura Happy To See This Runs Right Over To Them And Jumps On The Both Of Them To Their Surprise. The World Is Saved And Old Friends Have Their Moment Together.....

#516813 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by MoonDrop04 on 26 February 2014 - 05:56 PM

Hey Is It Wrong For Me To Say That I Don't Want Naruto Revived Right Now Cause It Feels Too Soon For That To Happen?? I Just Feel It Would Be Much Better Option To Revive Sasuke First and Then Have Naruto Wake Up In A More Epic Way.....

#516114 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by MoonDrop04 on 21 February 2014 - 12:00 AM

You Know I'm Kinda Hoping In The Next Few Weeks The NH fans Have The Ultimate Troll When We Have Hinata Become A NS Supporter!!!!! -_- Lol

#515971 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by MoonDrop04 on 19 February 2014 - 06:36 PM

You Know After Having Time To Think After Reading The Latest Chapter, I Just Realized A Lot Of Things!!!!

1: I Am 100% Certain That Naruto Is Going To Have A Conversation With The Sage Of Six Paths About Maybe "Chakra" really Is A Curse On The World. But Naruto TNJ Him To Believe Its Actually A Blessing Cause It Got Him To Meet All The People In His Life, Including His Dead Parents!!!

2: Naruto Eventually Talking To The Sage Means That Naruto Is Gonna Be In The Same State Gaara Was Before..........Practically Completely Dead!!! So Someone Is Gonna Use A Reanimation Jutsu To Bring Him Back To Life!!!

3: Minato Just Lost His Last Arm!!! The Same Way He Lost His Other Arm!!! It Ain't Gonna Regenerate!!!! Minato Was The Only One To Know How To Transfer The Kyuubi Chakra Into Naruto. But With No Hands To Form Seals.......They Have To Find Someway To Transfer The Chakra Differently Then Originally Intended.

4: Obito Becoming A Sacrificial Character To Save Naruto's Life Is Definitely 100% certain!!! Reason Why I Say This Is Cause That's How The Manga Plot Line Is Actually Portraying and Forming Itself To Be!!

5: We May Be Getting A Possible SS Moment In Chapter 667 or 668........But I'm Hoping It Quickly Changes Into A Team 7 Moment. Now The Moment Im Talkin About Is Madara Is Gonna Nonchalantly Say He Just Done "The Uchiha Kid", and Sakura Is Gonna Hear That And Gonna Ask Him What The Hell He Means!! She'll probably Draw Her Own Conclusion Or Madara Just Straight Up Says He Killed Sasuke. Now Knowing Sakura She Is Gonna Be Shocked And Devastated, but How She Does It Is Gonna Determine If It'll Be A SS Moment Or Team 7 Moment!! I'm Having My Bets With The Team 7 Moment Cause That's What We Have Been Having Most Portrayed Lately and Would Just Fit Better For Sakura's Development.

6: This Is My Final Realization And It Is A Possible Narusaku Moment For Us!!! Now How I Think It's Gonna Go About Is Gonna Make People Questionable But I'll Just Say The Moment Without Going Into The Details (Unless You Do Get Interested On How This Does Really Happen Then I'll Explain). Now What Would You Guys Think Of Sakura Doing A Second Promise Of A Lifetime For Minato?? What I Mean Is What If Minato Gets So Depressed That He Feels He Can't Do Anything For His Son Anymore, But Sakura Remembers Naruto's promise And She says The Exact Same Thing To Minato??

"Don't You Worry One Bit!! I'll absolutely Bring Naruto Back!! Promise Of A Lifetime!!!" With A Big Smile On Her Face Like Naruto Did For Her....??? X)

#515854 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by MoonDrop04 on 19 February 2014 - 07:12 AM

I Know What To Expect Next Chapter........Obito Tries To Resist Madara In A Badass Fashion!!!.......Then Madara Trolls Him And Says" HA HA!! Not Today Dummy!!!" And Steals Back His Eye Back!!!! X)

Hmm Kinda Makes Since Next Chapter Will Be 666!?!?!? THE BAD GUYS CHAPTER!!!! O_O

#514408 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by MoonDrop04 on 09 February 2014 - 10:25 PM

It's funny, but just thinking about it, Sakura will be in the background, doing CPR, as Gaara tells Minato on what to do. It's like looking panel-to-panel, seeing Sakura keeps doing CPR in the background. I don't know, but imagine that. Like Obito will be talking to Madara yet Sakura will still do her thing. Madara would be like "WILL YOU STOP KISSING HIM?!"

XD XD XD XD TOTALLY!!!! Lol...........You Know That Just Made Think Of A Possible Development For Sakuras Character In The Coming Chapters!?!?

What If She Had No Choice But To Face Madara with Kakashi by Themselves?? They Would Have No Chance Against Him Cause They Are Literally Drained But Sakura keeps Getting Back Up To Protect Naruto Or Until Naruto Wakes Up From Madara And Never Giving Up No Matter What!?!? O_O

#514385 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by MoonDrop04 on 09 February 2014 - 08:57 PM

Quickly Off Topic Question From The CPR Disscussion But I Gotta Ask..........Does Anyone Get The Feeling Kakashi And Obito Will Send Madara Into The Kamui Dimension But Only To Break Out Of It Literally after a Few Minutes In The Next Coming Chapters?? I Keep Thinking This Might Happen Since 1: Madara Is Gonna Get His Left Rinnegan From Obito. 2: Sakura and Gaara Taking Naruto To Where Minato, Kakashi and Obito Are. And 3: It Would Give Them Time To Transfer The Kyubbi Chakra without Being Totally Obliterated By Super Madara!!!! O_o lol