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#881963 new kishimoto inteview about ships

Posted by ichigo500 on 14 October 2015 - 04:52 PM

Dammit. I was about to post this.

My reaction just for that:


THIS THIS THIS ! Just saw your post, and that's what I think in a 100% ! especially this part ", why not write it that way so all of us can understand?" 

#877871 Happy 11th birthday, H&E!

Posted by ichigo500 on 21 September 2015 - 11:13 PM

Happy birthday to...all of us, I guess !  :grouphug:  :nsdance:

No, seriously, thanks a loot for what you've done, for keeping it alive, and making this place an oasis for all of us NS fans, for creating a forum with great people in it ! 

I personally have no feelings anymore for this manga, but I can't help coming here from time to time, one of my favorites places on the net. 

So  :thanks: again ! 

Vive NaruSaku  :love:  :nslove:

#877049 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by ichigo500 on 17 September 2015 - 02:31 PM


Naruto's Dairy: The Tragic Tales Of Naruto Uzumaki

That made me laugh, then the epilogue kind of made me a little bit sad ! Even though I don't care anymore about this manga (I don't even think about it anymore, guess that's why I come here less than usual), it kind of touched my heart to be reminded that all the good things this manga taught us were just thrown into trash because...well money!

#872510 Orange(Orenji) by Ichigo Takano

Posted by ichigo500 on 28 August 2015 - 01:12 PM

I was the one who told you about Say I Love You ;)

You know, what irks me is that future Naho said that "even if Kakeru were still alive, I'd have married you, Suwa." And now we get this open ending -_- There are comments saying that they are glad that both Suwa and Kakeru got to get their girl... I dunno why, but this open ending and this message rubs me the wrong way.

Oh sorry for forgetting  :ohmy:

Yeah, I thought about that too ! Why did she say that ? I don't remember well if she knew in the "first world" that Kakeru loved her too ! 

I personnaly think that it wasn't really an open ending, since they said to each other their feelings, and Suwa's feelings were put aside, so for me,it would make sense that Kakeru and Naho ended together instead of Naho and Suwa. But the sentence you mentioned makes things more complicated, even though, Suwa and Naho didn't seem really "that happy" in the first world,since it felt like Naho was still in love with Kakeru.


I hope you guys don't kill me for saying this, but am I the only one here who thinks the ending is good.

I mean don't get me wrong I can see what ya'll are talking about, and I'm not saying it's the best ending ever, but I see more pros than cons with this ending than.. You know.

Nobody will kill you for giving your opinion :P 

I don't think it was a bad ending, in the contrary it was a good one, but I, and some of us here , were expecting something better, because it COULD have been so~ much better. I didn't feel that happy about them saving him or that sad about the manga ending, I was just...idk, it wasn't that satisfying.

#870688 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by ichigo500 on 21 August 2015 - 02:42 PM

okay, then he knows english...LETS SEND HIM HATE VIDEOS! LOL OR send him videos of ALL narusaku moments and say "SEE true fans were paying attention but your sorry butt chose NH who only care about boobies and booties and SS who only care about where sasuke's "WHOOP" was" LOL

I don't think sending hate mails would change anything. He's just too stupid to open his eyes and see what he has done to his own manga, he's blinded by all the money NH and SS fans give him. Hate mails will just make him feel we're concerned about his manga (which is not the case) and make the pro-fans say that we're such bad people and blahblahblah. 

Kishi doesn't deserve anything, not even hate coming from us. We're all too good and smart for him u_u

#869148 Boruto - the movie

Posted by ichigo500 on 16 August 2015 - 03:04 PM

As The Journey continues I've completed re-reading Volume 10 and a few things stuck out to me:






Man chills were running down my spine when this first happened!!






Once again this shows Sakura didn't just focus on Sasuke, and it made her interesting as well as adding some depth to her character as well.  





Ofcourse no one can forget Jiraiya, he's still a very likeable character even getting his first appearance here did too.

God....The good old times ...Seriously, when you see this, you'd think that Kishi really is a good author, and that he knows what he's doing...Back then, the characters were pretty awesome ! Remember the time when Kakashi REALLY was badass, where even though some characters were pretty strong, it still was..how should I explain this....logical ? they weren't GODS ! 

#868989 Boruto - the movie

Posted by ichigo500 on 15 August 2015 - 09:09 PM

I am facepalming my facepalm.... this is so kittened up and LAME ! God ! 

So, Naruto sleeps on the couch...ahum okay...And apparently, he wasn't aware that his kids could have the Byakugan...

Aaaand indeed, Hima looks like a kittening sociopath, her mother taught her well ! 

In fact, what bothers me, is that Konohamaru replaced Naruto...15 years...we waited this long to see Naruto become hokage, and now, he just...didn't attend it himself. Kishi has a special talent to ruin everything ! He's so skilled at doing this.


Edit: is Naruto THIS weak, to not avoid his son's attack and fall because of his daughter's attack ? Is Kishi meaning that Hinakittens may be stronger than Naruto ?

#866468 Post Gaiden Kishi Interview

Posted by ichigo500 on 09 August 2015 - 12:46 PM

@Otaru: I agree with you !!.plus I don't get th point of making her part of the uzumaki family, and not use this ! I always thought that he planned something, maybe to make karin nd naruto interact with each other, and tell him more about his mother's clan, I thought that maybe he would put her together with sasuke (even though he's totally not the type of guy to be paired up with someone else) to end the cycle of hate ...etc... tooo much potential wasted !

#862524 Boruto One Shot

Posted by ichigo500 on 30 July 2015 - 03:08 PM

Hinata's introduction :" The princess of the Hyuuga family..Kekkai Genkai with her Byakugan abilities..A new age heroine that has managed to shake the world of Jyuuken with her abilities, of course she too is an elite jounin by birth" 

WHAT ? WHEN DID ALL THIS HAPPEN ? hahahahaha  :lmao:  :lmao:  :lmao:  :lmao:

#862421 Show Yourself V3.0!

Posted by ichigo500 on 30 July 2015 - 11:12 AM

Haven't seen this thread before ! You all look so beautiful  :wub:

So, those are my "different" faces : 


#861143 Naruto Hokage-Oneshot

Posted by ichigo500 on 27 July 2015 - 12:30 PM


It was, but it's obvious once SP and Shueisha dictated the ending, it didn't matter, Ichigo-chan, which is what troubles me... :facepalm:


That's unfortunately true  :mellow: They're just making everything look even worse than before ! 

You know you don't love your ex-favorite manga when you don't feel anything when the MC gets what "he wants". 

And look at Shika's face. The real Shika would have that little and tender smile....Why so serious ? 

#860755 Naruto Hokage-Oneshot

Posted by ichigo500 on 26 July 2015 - 06:44 PM

Oh ! When I thought there wouldn't be more BS (except for the movie) they say that ! 

wasn't Naruto's inauguration to become hokage supposed to be shown in the "main" manga, in the last chapter ? :facepalm:

#858406 Ore Monogatari!! (My Love Story!!)

Posted by ichigo500 on 20 July 2015 - 04:18 PM

I'm sooo sooo late ! I have to watch around  3 episodes to catch up ! >< 

Guys I missed you and I really need to talk about Ore monogatari this week.


What did I just watch in this episode? and at last the anime reach the manga and I think is one more chapter.




Here I got something that I found this this week, be careful these spoilers will cut your five senses ( sorry this week my favorite character in Saint Seiya was in action) well see this with your own risk:



I watched the spoiler, and I don't regret it ! THat's SO.CUTE.  :love:  :love:  They finally did it  :wub:  :wub:

#854477 Naruto Gaiden

Posted by ichigo500 on 07 July 2015 - 09:12 AM

Hahaha just look what I found on fb now : 11666164_907932822593547_501406183241785  :lol:

Even though there seems to be rumors of Divorce I HIGHLY doubt that would happen, why? Because in general divorce is highly frowned upon in Japanese culture & to put that in an anime who's demographic is still young is unthinkable, plus it would upset way more people that appease them -_-
As long as wel affect the rating and keep pointing out the lies that kishimoto has told his "fans" who are sadly ignorant, the show will eventually suffer

It will NEVER happen ! But if it had a 'chance' to happen, who would care ? I mean except for NH and SS fans.

They could even make NS canon now, I think that most of us wouldn't be happy (or should I say, wouldn't CARE AT ALL ! )to see that because fanon is definitely better than any of their canon stuff.

#853377 Naruto Gaiden 700.10

Posted by ichigo500 on 05 July 2015 - 01:40 AM

@nar123 & throughwithlove
It's kishi fault to not explore obito more as character post gaiden.
Do we know that he's an orphan and want to be a hokage (just like naruto) before his backstory revealed?
And don't forget that his motivation is clearly romantic love.

The reason why obirin doesn't get mention again because kishi already decide nh & ss as end pairing. But it dismiss the fact that obirin is NS parallel. Just like all of the narusasu parallel.

Am I the only person here who thinks that introducing Obito in the story was a bad idea ? 

He was a terrible villain. His backstory is a copy of Naruto's and a loot of other characters. 

Obito is jsut a proof that Kishi can write just one kind of characters.