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Azor Ahai

Member Since 11 Jul 2016
Offline Last Active Jan 19 2019 11:03 PM

#958115 Where Did Naruto's Storytelling Decline?

Posted by Azor Ahai on 13 December 2017 - 03:14 AM

For me, it was right after the Pain Arc, where the story started to loose its main focus. It changed the main antagonist of the story from someone with an interesting background, to just another Uchiha man child.


The war arc that followed soon after was just a nail in the coffin. The main character became overshadowed by a secondary character who I am now convinced was a self insert.


It is also at this moment where most of us should have seen it all coming. Kishimoto himself admitted he made Madara too powerful and thus had no idea on how to deal with him. At this moment we should all have been thinking that the writer was just pulling things out of his behind, and had lost all coherence.

#957569 Boku No Hero Academia

Posted by Azor Ahai on 07 December 2017 - 11:45 PM

I've been really getting into this one. Read all the current chapters in the last 3 days. I have to say...wow...just wow. Is like Naruto, but with the stupid taken out.

#916262 Boruto The Next Generation: Chapter 3

Posted by Azor Ahai on 30 July 2016 - 07:27 PM

plus the fact sasuke didn't even react to sakura getting kidnapped, whereas vegeta would go on a killing spree, I mean he just lost it when finding out future bulma was killed, black goku is in for it now xD


behold the vegeta of dragon ball super:



not to mention shadow wolf in that same interview that he said he mislead us, he verbally insulted us and said we read his story wrong, sorry but I refuse to support some stuck up author like him.



In a fight between Vegeta and Sasuke, Sasuke would be crushed repeatedly no sweat.

#916030 Politics discussion

Posted by Azor Ahai on 26 July 2016 - 02:44 PM

Here is a lesson for all of you, don't put your hopes in a politician. Politicians are not there to help you, Trump is not here to help you, Hillary is not here to help you, Bernie is not here to help you. Only you can help you. Go to College, make something of yourself, and if you loose the opportunity, then make sure your children do not loose theirs.


That is the only real lesson, don't put your faith in speaking heads, hoping that they can fix what they are not supposed to fix.

#915930 Who else switched over to BoruSara after NaruSaku got kicked to the curb?

Posted by Azor Ahai on 24 July 2016 - 06:29 PM

You know what, as far as the story goes Sarada has kind of a weird stalker thing with Boruto, while Boruto outright ignores her...which in the Kishiuniverse it literally means that they are meant to be.

#915815 Boruto The Next Generation: Chapter 3

Posted by Azor Ahai on 23 July 2016 - 12:40 AM

Vegeta originally did not care about bulma nor trunk. But slowly over the Cell saga by interacting with Future Trunks he slowly gain pride and eventually love for both his sons. So by the time Bu saga came around he had settled down with the Briefs and was worried about losing his warrior ways trough being content with peace. By the end and by the time with Super he had accepted a peaceful life and had become in his own way a loving father and family man. To the point what finally made him able to surpass Goku was someone hurting Bulma.


Sasuke did not care for Sakura for years. Then at the last minute of the manga suddenly got interested in her for... some reason. A few years later he knocked her up with his kid and ignored them both for about 12 years. Even by the point of Boruto, he still does not care about them as far as i know. Their lives being in danger warrant no emotion or response for him. 


Vegeta I admit had the best character arc in the whole of Dragon Ball manga, one might say he had a bigger impact than Goku did.


From a world destroying psychopath with no redeeming quality, to a very stern father and husband.

#915537 Boruto The Next Generation: Chapter 3

Posted by Azor Ahai on 18 July 2016 - 01:42 AM



Not really. ChiChi was no wilting violent in DBZ. She was portrayed as an overprotective lunatic ready to inflict great violence only to be stopped by others. During the Cell fight she is seen walking down stairs with an arsenal of weapons and has to be held back by her father.


ChiChi only acted like that when her baby (Gohan) was put into any form of danger, while at the same time Goku just got nagged, a lot. Doesn't mean that they didn't love each other in a strange sort of way. But who can blame her, she had to deal with a bonehead like Goku. Bulma on the other hand had to deal with the walking talking Napoleon complex that's Vegeta.


To be honest, out of all the relationships in Dragon Ball, the one that got the best deal was Gohan and Videl, and as karma would have it, Krillin with 18.


Anyways my point is that even though Naruto tried to copy Dragon Ball to a teeth, it failed miserably to realize why Bulma and Vegeta worked the way it did. It failed to give Hinata a real personality apart from just loving the main character, she quite literally had no goals in life.