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*- ZerΩ -*

Member Since 29 Jan 2014
Offline Last Active Jan 01 2015 11:32 PM

#559838 Post NARUTO doujins here!!!!

Posted by *- ZerΩ -* on 08 August 2014 - 10:06 AM

you found some nice doujins there...especially the one made by lady GT. The artwork is epic!  :thumbsup:

thank you! I could find some more, if people are interested  :wink:

#557678 Post NARUTO doujins here!!!!

Posted by *- ZerΩ -* on 05 August 2014 - 02:50 PM

Since the actual manga, takes a while to be published and im bored waiting for it...


How about making a place in which we all post Naruto( NaruSaku etc ) doujins!? ....  to read instead?


First of all, My number 1 doujin by LadyGT!! --->



Also a really nice one by Celious ->





This one is by pumyte->









#547989 Why do you like NaruSaku?

Posted by *- ZerΩ -* on 17 July 2014 - 05:28 AM

I was wondering... except the development between these two...why do you like them?


I like them because they remind me of the reality we in...

You see a girl you like... and well, you have a crush for her for years... and even though you are not the coolest guy(Sasuke),

it gives you hope, that one day she will aknowledge you, for what you are and be with you instead of the cool/superman guy...


That goes also for the girls having a crush on a guy.. and hes totaly attracted to the beautiful girl(like a cheerleader)


Thats why i did like that couple ever since i turn up my tv and watched the 1st episode... because it fills you up with hope...


P.S. I sound a little cheesy, i know  :P

#541605 Naruto 682

Posted by *- ZerΩ -* on 26 June 2014 - 07:46 PM

Next Chapter:

-Naruto is like frozen infront of Kaguya.... says:The fight is lost.

-Sakura tells to clone: Throw me to Real naruto

*Clone throws Sakura to Naruto*

-Sakura punches Naruto and tells him to suck it up..

-Naruto gets K.O from Sakuras punch..

-Hope is indeed lost


Overall: Next chater Heaven and Earth will collide!

#525102 I have a question... Answers from women would be helpful

Posted by *- ZerΩ -* on 28 April 2014 - 06:43 PM

Wow.... just wow....


It makes me sad to hear your story... :(



In my 12 years of school life,

i have never experienced bullying neither to me,

nor to my friends or other people.

In Greek schools, all the kids hang out together

and nobody bullies another one just because

he isnt popular or cool.


We are like: I dont care bro, if you are dating the most beatiful chick at school,or you wear nike clothes etc.

If you are a douchebag you are out...no matter how cool you are...


You seem pretty nice bro,just think about it,

how much of a character you be to tell us your story...!

I respect you! :)

if you were here, i guarantiee that you would have lots of friends

and nobody would bully you, because you are a quiet guy.

So am i :D


(Some tips):

*Dont change your character for anybody.

*Stay who you are and who you like to be 

*Dont be shy to talk to girls.Just go to one, say hi how are you? how was your day? (etc etc etc) and start a conversation.

*Dont think about what to talk about.

Ask her what she likes.Only think of this:









Means: Just find topics like:

Cinema, movies, music, dancing, What to you like to do in summer/christmas holidays etc..

*AND MOST OF ALL!!! She turns you down? She looses! Just be relaxed, dont give a kitten about her and to the next girl you like  :thumb:


Answer to your Question:

Girls dont care if you are quiet or not.

It all depends on the way you talk to them and make them feel with your words.(NOT the appearance!!)

You can be a quiet guy but still be adventurous ( going to the cinema with her, to another town for coffee, trips etc)

So dont panic about that!!  :thumbsup:


Hope i helped you my friend!!

and one more thing.


#512283 Naruto 662

Posted by *- ZerΩ -* on 30 January 2014 - 10:19 AM

Hopefully Sasuke doesnt get a rinnengan....

Because i think that hes not worth it,

after all the things he has done to Naruto and Sakura

and the pain he has caused to them... :glare:

I dont wanna see him die, but also i dont wanna see him as a "Hero",

who now wants to save Konoha,

since he tried to destroy Konoha a few chapters ago xD :huh: