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*- ZerΩ -*

Member Since 29 Jan 2014
Offline Last Active Jan 01 2015 11:32 PM

#596715 well guys the manga is said to be ending in 5 weeks

Posted by *- ZerΩ -* on 06 October 2014 - 08:52 PM

You know what? As sad as it is, I think this is going to be great. Kishi said "I'd love it it if everyone could stick with it until the very end.. I plan to wrap up Naruto conclusively, so please look forward to it" and I will. I really think these last chapters are going to bring out my child self, the one who fell in love with and was influenced so heavily by this manga so long ago. I remember seeing commercials for Naruto on Cartoon Network as a kid and thinking, "this show looks so stupid and annoying," and then one night I sat and watched it and was hooked (kinda like Sakura with Naruto.. hehe  :fan:).
Many people like to talk crap and complain, but deep down, I believe this manga has some sort of place in all of our hearts, otherwise we wouldn't be here. Let's enjoy it! Afterwards, he can finally take his wife on their honeymoon. Thank you for this amazing ride, Kishi-sensei!

this is probably the most beautiful and most meaningful post I have ever read in this forum!!
thank you for making us remember why we like naruto so much! :D

#595339 My Blog

Posted by *- ZerΩ -* on 04 October 2014 - 11:28 AM

Another masterpiece  :thumbsup:

#594852 My Blog

Posted by *- ZerΩ -* on 03 October 2014 - 07:09 AM


#593447 Chapter 693

Posted by *- ZerΩ -* on 01 October 2014 - 08:02 AM

I appreciate your sympathy it means alot.


Whatever the past is the past they divorced a long time ago and as an adult I'm old enough to find someone and have the relationship they were never able to have.

I will abandon NS, and ship your relationship!!!!!!!!! :D


But now for real:

Im really glad to hear that,it really needs a strong type of character and courage to keep going...

im happy everything has worked out for you, my friend   :thumb:

#593430 Chapter 693

Posted by *- ZerΩ -* on 01 October 2014 - 07:44 AM

If SS or NH happens then...

#593420 Hello Everyone!

Posted by *- ZerΩ -* on 01 October 2014 - 07:30 AM

Hey everybody! 


I go by Pix, Planetpix, Miss Pix, whichever one doesn't bother me! 


I hope to get along with everyone! I've gotta admit, I'm the "leecher" type, and I've been leeching around this forum for years. But since Naruto might be ending soon I thought it was best to at least try to contribute to the community before it's over.  


I've been following Naruto for like, 10 years now? I loved it then and I love it now! Because the story has such a huge impact on my life, it was only plausible that my biggest otp would arise from it! I adore Narusaku so much. It's the "big 3" pairing with the most interactions throughout the entire story! Not to mention that I personally think they look good together (I mean they have that loud-colored hair thing going on) so I enjoy drawing them.  


Oh! I'm an artist (or at least a wanna-be artist) and I do take requests time to time. You can always hit me up on my Tumblr page too! Just ask, and I might be able to whip something up. 


Uh, that's all I have for now. Happy shipping!


(Lol at the term "Fresh Meat" though)

Hello and Welcome to the H&E forum!

I wanna-be your friend  :zaru:

#592817 My Blog

Posted by *- ZerΩ -* on 30 September 2014 - 07:03 PM

excellent work again.
I must point out that you have a very good taste of humor.
I laughed a lot while reading it :-D

#592502 Solution for Images that at too big to be used as profile pictures :)

Posted by *- ZerΩ -* on 30 September 2014 - 09:09 AM

If you have found an image that you would like to use as a profile pic here at NS,

but it says: file size too big(>100kb)

then use: http://www.shrinkpictures.com/

and make it 500 pixels.


You're welcome!  :thumb:

#592499 My Blog

Posted by *- ZerΩ -* on 30 September 2014 - 08:42 AM

Really nice  :thumb:

#592495 OMG! Leaked Tweet From Shounen Jumps USA

Posted by *- ZerΩ -* on 30 September 2014 - 08:23 AM

I simply shock. I'll let my good old buddy Ramen Renegade give you guys the story.

If this is concrete, someone is going to lose their job over this leaked info. His/hers sacrifice shal be remember.


After 693. this post (yours and your friend's) really game me a smile like this:



So.. thank you very much!!!

#591575 Hello

Posted by *- ZerΩ -* on 29 September 2014 - 12:55 PM

talk nerdy to me  :fu:

#591538 My Blog

Posted by *- ZerΩ -* on 29 September 2014 - 11:58 AM

i didn't start writing NH instead I just wanted to see if I could do a good NH paring omake.i felt calm while writing it lol. but, I made sure I included other ships since I'm exploring ships beyond narusaku lol. I liked how playful, and funny shikatema seemed here, and during the NH moments I just felt like they seem to see themselves in eachother

well, in my version atleast. I think they would have very good friendship but, seeing them as paring is strange but, I kept thinking. atleast naruto's not cold hearted like sasuke, at least hinata liked someone who deserved to be loved.

naruto was, and is, and will always be hinata's "one true choice for love". unlike sakura...I wish it was sakura. the buld up thread by slextrem that shows all the canon manga moments...now kishi screwed that up just as studio perriot decides to go NS lol.

was all that just platonic friendship, or is there a greater plan to canonize NS coming? the chapters are to short so it's hard to tell lol. but, I'm hoping sakura gets the wake up call of a lifetime, and realizing her "sasuke" was naruto all along.


I have a feeling that kishi prepares for one ship a huge surprise(i said that again in 662 while waiting for 663 and i was right, but without the ship thing)..

even though i dont know for which one.. hopefully NS

But.. at this point... if NS happens i feel so sorry for Hinata.I know she is irritating with her shyness and her Naruto-kuning.. but... she likes Naruto even before Naruto liked Sakura...

She doesnt deserve either to get hurt by Naruto,especially since she risked her life for him.

I dont know what to expect at this point.


On the other hand...if none of the main pairings was to happen.. we would all be upset, because we wouldnt get a closure for their life.I mean we have seen Naruto since a Baby and we expect to see him as a Hokage and a Father..(with whoever his wife is).

#591502 My Blog

Posted by *- ZerΩ -* on 29 September 2014 - 10:45 AM

[author note summary: so, a girls mind changes like the autumn leaves...but, how about a girl whoes heart shines like the summer sun? set after chapter 693...side note: i don't think i'll ever get over sakura's stunt she pulled lol.]
*naruto's sitting in his old swing from back in the genin days*
naruto: -smiles sadly remembering team 7-
*hinata walks up*
hinata: hi naruto-kun.
naruto: hi hinata-hime
hinata: -blushes- well, i'm head of the main branch but, i'm not a princess or queen
naruto: you are in my eyes. i see you as a princess. you've always been the one who liked me for who i was.
hinata: yeah, i still do.
naruto: am i the only person you've ever loved, and looked up to?
hinata: yes...you just seem like no matter how much people walk all over you, and hurt you you still always smile, like you want to share your happiness, and energy with everyone.
naruto: -eyes water- i just don;t want anyone to ever feel the pain i've lived through.
*at kurenai's*
kurenai: now, i'm going to a sensei convention...long weird story, i need you to babysit him all weekend
shikamaru: -whines- all week? man will i get a break?
kurenai: you can invite ino to assist you if you need a girl around.
shikamaru: -sweatdrop- yes kurenai-sensei
*knock knock*
kurenai: -opens door- yes?
temari: i was told by shika's mom he would be here
shikamaru: oh god -sweatdrop-
*later. i'm not sure what kurenai, and asuma's kid's name is so i'll call him Isamu it means courage in japanese*
temari: -holds isamu, and gives him a bottle- so, shika-kun ever think this could be us someday?
shikamaru: -sweatdrop- no.
temari: well, i think so, hmmm...what would you name your kid if you had one?
shikamaru: i don't know i'm not a girl so, i don't think about things like that.
temari: well, i'm not a boy so, i do -sticks tounge out playfully- if its a girl...shikamari. if its aboy...how about shikaharu...with an h instead of an m?
shikamaru: i'm unsure about marriage now...i mean what if one of us dies, or both of us dies? then our kid would be without both, or one parent
temari: -blushes- i thought you didn't think about things like that?
shikamaru: -blushes- your not letting that go are you?
temari: nope i'm gonna tease you about it all weekend -giggles-
shikamaru: -thinks- i need to choose my words more carefully next time-
*back to naruto, and hinata*
naruto: hey? want to go to ichiraku? i'll buy us both ramen!
hinata: sure.
*at ichiraku*
naruto: one mega bowls of pork flavored ramen for two! ramen!
hinata: i'll have zenzai if you have a bowl?
teuchi: alright one super bowl of pork raman, and one bowl of red bean soup comming up!
naruto: i'll share some of my ramen with you
hinata: -blushes- and i'll share some of my soup with you.
naruto: -blushes-
teuchi: -brings them their food- hey? didn't you used to come with sakura?
naruto: yeah...-slurps noodles- but, i'm here with hinata-hime today.
*they feed eachother a free sample of eachothers food*
naruto: mmm thats good!
hinata: yeah, i liked the ramen to.
naruto: kind of remindes me of "the curry of life" waaay back on a mission with team gai
*hinata, and naruto then lowered their head...a moment of silence remembering neji. whom was apart of team gai*
hinata/naruto: time to eat
*at yamanaka's flowershop*
ino: -finishes with a customer- thank you have a nice day
sakura: -comes in from the garden- every things taken care of in the garden.
ino: good...now go restock the empty flower pots, and replant the ones that are new.
sakura: -sweatdrop- you work here to ya know. we need more workers here
ino: oh i know! why dont you ask sasuke, and confess THAT YOUR USELESS WITHOUT HIS ASSISTANCE FOREHEAD!
ino: i thought you were to.
sakura: -blinks- huh?
ino: go restock the flowerpots
sakura: -rolls eyes and goes to restock the flowerpots they're getting ready for the season change. by preparing autumn plants-
-sai comes in-
ino: HI SAI-KUN! -smiles with dreamy eyes-
sai: hello beautiful
ino: i never get over that!
sai: do you not think your beautiful?...usually girls who need to be constantly told they're beautiful don't see themselves as such.
ino: -sweatdrop- -thinks- he can read me so well!- -blushes- well,...um...how can i help you today?
sai: i'm just visiting places i feel can help inspire me. i read in a book that sometimes being around nature helps to clear your mind, and relax you.
-sakura walks out-
sakura: like it or not i'm taking a break. hi sai.
sai: hello...confused
sakura: -blinks- maybe you shouldn't do nicknames
sai: well, i was going to call you shallow but, i thought that sounded a bit rude
sakura: -sweatdrop-
*back to naruto, and hinata they're eating cinneman buns*
hinata: i'm having alot of fun with you naruto-kun
naruto: i'm having fun with you to. to be honest i like being around you your just so nice. it gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling -blushes- noone's ever been able to do that.
hinata: what about sakura?
naruto: well,...i'm happy when she's happy. but, this feeling is different...i don't know what it is.
hinata: it might -blush- it might be love because thats how i feel around you to.
*hinata and naruto hug*
*hinata and naruto kiss*

*Claps Claps Claps*

Your creativity has reached a whole new level!

I knew you could do it!  :thumb:


How did you feel while writing it?  :huh:


Noooooooo  :argh: You started writing NH stories instead? I can't believe this  :cry:

Its my fault.. dont blame her..  :P

I asked her do to it... :fu:

#591349 Is Kishimoto really contradicting himself?

Posted by *- ZerΩ -* on 29 September 2014 - 06:44 AM

And for those who say she didn't care about Naruto receiving death threats, honestly, saying "Don't you dare killing Naruto" would be a great NS moment, but a stupid act since Sasuke wouldn't change his mind with that and she couldn't stop him.

As if "Sasuke-kuuun i love you!! Please DONT do this!!" would have stop him from doing so...


As if she didnt try that sometimes and it ended up getting stabbed by him...


So yes... saying "Dont you DARE killing Naruto" ,would be more reasonable and make much much, much more sense..


But what would you expect from her?

When Naruto said to Sakuke "If we fight again.. we will both DIE.." instead of caring for her teammate, who stood beside her for all these years... 

she was like "I know i cant do much....but ill have to believe in both of them.."

Believe in what? Killing themselfs? Getting again stabbed by Sasuke kun?

Good job Sakura...Good job...

#590995 My Blog

Posted by *- ZerΩ -* on 28 September 2014 - 07:06 PM

really liked it.. 

Try to end it with NH pairing.. to give us a taste how it would be if NH was to happen and change the feels a bit (you know alway NS.. lets try something different :3 )

Well... and to tell you the truth... i liked hinata here :)


Btw.. i think you will come up with an idea.. to make hinata look that she isnt the 2nd best...

I believe in you!!