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#982253 Is Kishimoto Lucky?

Posted by Luna on 10 December 2020 - 12:27 AM

So my sibling is a much bigger Naruto fan than me and constantly watches Naruto repeatedly.

We had a discussion the other day and he told me that Kishimoto was a disappoint and not a good writer. He said Kishimoto hot very lucky with Naruto and that Naruto as a character was very likable.

He told me that there is a lot in Naruto that Kishimoto copied from DBZ ( my sibling loves DBZ as well) and that Boruto is trash. He says Kikittenmoto got away with a lot of plot holes and bad writing only because people were invested in Narutos journey.

Do you agree?

I was surprised when he told me this because he used to defend Kishimoto like a bloodhound.

We were talking about the three years Naruto went to train with Jiraiya and I argued that Naruto's training wasnt that fruitful. He argued against me and only just yesterday he told me that I was right and that Jiraiya voildve taught Naruto a whole lot more.

It was sad that Kakashi had to train Naruto in his element after a whole 3 years.

#982228 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Luna on 09 December 2020 - 03:17 AM

Hey everyone, hope you guys are doing well. Haven't been around here in a long while. I had a quick question that I was wondering if anyone had the answer to. I've accidentally fallen into a fanfic wormhole with this miserable series (even though I swore I'd never get back into it, a couple times a year I allow myself to see if there's any decent fics and scratch that what-couldn've-been itch), and I'm currently reading my way out of it. 


A while back, I was looking for a fic that has since been deleted (hoping to find it on the archives), and I was wondering if anyone knows it by the description? Pretty sure it's been mentioned on this site before. Essentially the plot is that Naruto and Sakura spend the night together after the war, and Sakura does something that's pretty taboo during, and it crushes Naruto. Sasuke ends up coming back to the village after Naruto had beaten him, and he and Sakura get together (I know, yuck). Naruto is depressed and distraught, and ends up joining the Anbu and given his team, and has a complete change in personality. Meanwhile Sakura realizes she was wrong and that she actually loved Naruto, Sasuke gets executed for something, and Sakura runs off to Tsunade and joins the Anbu, and was placed on Naruto's team in order to help save him. The last written chapter had ended with Naruto finding out that Sakura was on his team, that he had fallen in love with her again, and he was furious about it, and she chases him into a storm.


The whole thing was brutally dark and depressing, and really well written. I was trying to find it again to read it and download it, but unfortunately the author deleted it. Would anyone happen to remember the name of it? Appreciate the help, if so!


You probably mean this I think?




I remember the fanfiction you mean but I'm not too sure if it is this.  I read that one YEARS ago and think it was unfinished. 

#982216 Original Story: Tidal Nebula

Posted by Luna on 08 December 2020 - 02:40 PM

Our Female MC


Not my PIC but this is how I imagine Cordelia but with tanned skin.




Name: Cordelia Lucerne

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Hair Color: Bright Pink

Hair Style: Long wavy

Eyes: Blue

Skin: Tanned

Birthdate: February 14th

Height: 170cm

Species: 1st Stage Oceanic Shifter

Unique Mutation: Marine Friend

Affiliation: Marine Troupe 8


Background: Cordelia grew up as an orphan living in the City #8 orphanage where she was bullied because of her overly cheerful personality which annoyed others and being the only one not to develop a mutation yet. She was shunned by the other kids and ignored by the caretakers in favour of others.


She would hide in her room or the bathroom to cry whenever the children would insult her or not play with her. It became worse when another boy joined he orphanage and became popular among the children. He would often beat her up and pull her hair.


Every night she would sneak out watch the aquarium fish in the play area, desperately wishing for a friend and telling the fish her problems. She did that every night – without getting caught – for a two months. On the third month, she sneaked out one day and was caught and beaten by a caretaker.


Her desperate cries for help was heard she mutated while being beaten. The fish in the aquarium heard her cries and jumped out of the tank, land inside the mouth of the caretaker. Cordelia watched the caretaker choked to death in front of her as the other children and caretakers came down from their rooms.


Cordelia was traumatized by the entire ordeal and was taken to the facility in City #1 to analyze her mutation. Her mutation was analyzed and named “Marine Friend.” The caretakers of the orphanage were replaced after investigations were done but Cordelia was still damaged by the abuse.


Later, Cordelia attended the Marine Stars Academy when she reached 13 and never made any friends and avoided all human contact. However, when no one was looking she could be found talking cheerfully and  animatedly to her aquarium fish. She has a hard time speaking to other people and would get incredibly flustered and angry when they talk to her.


Cordelia graduates the academy and is sent to the Marine Troupe 8 as a new recruit a year before Cove joins.


Marine Friend: Cordelia has the ability to instantly form a bond with marine animals. She can understand marine animals and ask them for their aid.

#982213 Original Story: Tidal Nebula

Posted by Luna on 08 December 2020 - 01:51 PM

The first draft about some information about our main character. Also, any advice is welcomed!


This is NOT my drawing BUT this is how I imagine Cove to look.




Name: Cove Odous

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Hair Color: Black

Hair Style: Dread Locks w/ Ponytail

Eyes: Ocean Blue

Skin: Dark Skinned

Birth Date: November 22nd

Height: 180cm

Species: 1st Stage Oceanic Shifter

Unique Mutation: Big Tooth

Affiliation: Marine Troupe 8


Background: At 8 years old, Cove grew up with his father and grandmother in Tidal Nebula City #1. As a young child, Cove was earnest about the ocean, often role-playing as the marine animals his father told him about, wishing he can travel on the sea and sea all sorts of sea creatures.


One day, his father took him on one of his expeditions that required him to investigate a strange power source. However, the ship was attacked by an Archfiend just before they reached their goal.


Cove saw death for the first time that day when the Archfiend slaughtered and devoured everyone on the ship. To protect him, his father threw him overboard in a lifeboat and fought against the Archfiend to protect his son. Cove watched his father die right before his eyes before he was rendered unconscious when the ship erupted in a huge explosion.


When he woke again, he found himself in the Hospital with his grandmother by his side, and was soon interrogated by the Marine Troupe 1 Captain. His father is blamed for the incident and doing an unauthorized expedition. When the Captain of Troupe 1 continued to insult his father, Cove grew very angry and spontaneously mutates for the first time. He catches the captain by surprise, latching onto his arm and biting it clean off with his teeth.


Cove is punished and gets locked up in a Stars Industry facility because of his mutation and actions. He is separated from his grandmother, forced to live at the facility with other children. Cove grew rebellious and fouled mouth, often trying to escape the facility. When he reaches 13 he was finally released into the custody of his grandmother who lived in City #8 and is forced to attend run down Marine Stars Academy in City #8, the poorest city in Tidal Nebula.


He graduates the academy and is forced to join the Marine Troupe 8 which was one of the worst troupes in the Tidal Nebula.


Big Tooth: When Cove shifts into his 1st Stage form, he has a physical mutation in the form of his sharp teeth and jaws which are abnormally larger than a regular humans. Cove can bite through rock and flesh easily with a bite force of 7000 PSI.



Our main female protagonist will be posted tomorrow or today!

#982186 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Luna on 07 December 2020 - 12:47 PM

The audacity of Americans to think Sakura cannot be liked anywhere else.

#982174 Original Story: Tidal Nebula

Posted by Luna on 06 December 2020 - 10:47 PM

I have been planning this for a while and realized it is kind of similar to Fire Force LOL (binged watch it yesterday) but this story is inspired more by Naruto and Black Clover (and now Fire Force). I wanted to share some information on it. I might start posting it on Wattpad or Royal Road next year when I have enough chapters.


Title: Tidal Nebula


Setting: The Great Flood is an event that occurred on a Solar Eclipse three hundred years before, with the land masses of the world being consumed by the ocean, destroying the great nations, and killing millions of humans. The survivors took refuge in technologically advanced ships created by Star Industries, the leading conglomerate, and they developed a series of 8 large floating cities called Tidal Nebula.


In Year 3104, a special naval infantry called the Marine Stars fights against increasing incidents where human beings or marine life are turned into beings called Limus Orcus (Water Death). The Limus Orcus are the first stage of water death, with more powerful second stage known as Archfiends. The Marine Stars was formed by gathering people called Oceanic Shifters who developed mutations that allowed them to traverse the ocean deep and is composed of ten marine troupes.



Plot: Cove Odous is a rowdy youth who joins Marine Troupe 8, which features others who dedication themselves to fighting the Limus Orcus and treasure hunting in the ocean deep, searching for remnants of the sunken nations. Cove begins to learn that the Archfiend that killed his father, a famous marine scientist, is caused by a mysterious cult that is behind the creation of Limus Orcus. Marine Troupe 8 must fight against the mysterious cult who seek to revive the Ancient Sea Monsters to destroy the rest of humanity.




Im still creating more characters, making sure the plot flows and visualizing Tidal Nebula and how it works. Lots of work to do before actually writing. 

#982154 Is Sakura special?

Posted by Luna on 06 December 2020 - 02:30 AM

Though I agree with you, I see Sakura as more of a blank page in the Naruto-verse and it is why Authors has so much fun with her character. She can be paired with any character and have any amount of  abilities. This goes to show Kishimoto was lazy and underutilized her. You would find that some of the strongest characters in Naruto aren't from any bloodline or have special abilities.

#982137 Whats your OTP now that NS was given the pipe?

Posted by Luna on 05 December 2020 - 12:46 PM

OMG, these two have children???


OH WOW I am so behind Fairy Tail... I dropped it after its end (well, dropped many things after Naruto end tho) so I am so unaware of many of these things.


Last thing I remember about these two is that they loved each other but couldn't be together for some reason.


Maybe I should get back to FT sooner rather than later.

the 100 year quest manga continuation is better than the main FT series.

#982122 Whats your OTP now that NS was given the pipe?

Posted by Luna on 04 December 2020 - 07:12 PM

What made you ship them so hard? It always felt odd for me with the whole timeline thing with Julia, Penny, and Kady.


During the first two seasons even though Penny and Julia barely interacted I saw chemistry between them and always secretly shipped them. I couldn't see her with anyone else and her relationship with Quentin never went beyond friendship (I couldn't see her with him either)


In all of the previous timelines, Julia went to Brakebills and nothing much was said about Kady in those timelines. We know that in that timeline Penny 23 and Julia was together so I assume that they were together in most of the timelines. 


With the timeline thing, the way I see it though is that Penny would've fallen in love with either Kady or Julia. Its just in timeline 40 Julia went down a dark path and Kady took her place in  brakebills which allowed her to meet Penny earlier than Julia.

#982079 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Luna on 02 December 2020 - 11:59 PM

I don't like Hinata and you would never catch me googling her name. As much as they hated her she was EMBEDDED in their minds while no one cared about Hinata. 

#982078 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Luna on 02 December 2020 - 11:48 PM

Long time no see everyone! :D Don't know when I'll be back. So I just wanted to post this video yt recommended me for some reason.


Even I was surprised by the numbers. But in a good way. :D And I love the comments. So much salt lmao. And their reasons to explain it are hilarious. memes, haters and hentai, sure like anyone would believe it. lmao

I especially love the buthurt Hinatards saying Sakura got those numbers because of hentai while Hinata is such a good character *rolls eyes*. Like anyone searched Sakura for those but not Hinata. The character who only got popular and pushed to ruin the story because of hentai.




Only a bad kitten could rule for so many years. You either hate her or love her. They cant stop google the queens name.

#982003 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by Luna on 29 November 2020 - 01:54 AM

This is what I meant. I was going by the Last logic. LOOL


Oh I think that what she meant was if NaruSaku was gonna be demolished as the last portrayed it, LeeSaku would have been the better alternative to SasuSaku. I think. But I will let Luna speak for herself, all things considered. 

#981806 The Great Naruto Discussion Thread

Posted by Luna on 20 November 2020 - 11:27 PM

Wow. Its been a long time since I posted on this site. Hi everyone c:


That being said, I just want to say I fell out of love for NS tbh. That doesn't mean I wouldn't read a FF about the pairing but I'm just not into like I used to. I just like Sakura only. Still don't like NH and SS but I'm tolerant towards SS because of Sakura tbh. In terms of pairings, I would just about any FF with Sakura paired with anyone but Sasuke. I tired reading one but I couldn't make it through the story. 


Plus, I fear for Sakura now that ********** is back and writing again. Poor girl might get killed off this time. 

#974138 Mages of the North

Posted by Luna on 13 August 2019 - 12:59 PM

Question. What is your process in starting an original story from scratch. I've been wanting to do my own for a while and you've kinda inspired me. c:

#973078 NS story Challenge/Idea

Posted by Luna on 08 June 2019 - 01:06 AM

I've been reading way too many chinese novels and this idea popped into my head.


Title: Melting His Heart


Genre: Angst/Hurt/Comfort/Action/Romance (Emphasis on Angst and Hurt)


Summary: When Sakura awakened, she found herself in the body of an alternate Sakura, in a world where she’s married to a cold hearted and ruthless Naruto. On her wedding night, she goes from a new bride to an abandoned wife in the blink of an eye. The village loathes her, her ‘friends’ hate her, Naruto is openly dating the pure and demure, Hinata and she’s the talentless, useless and a vicious villainess who did everything in her power to marry Naruto. Thrust into this hopeless situation, Sakura slowly tears down the image her alternate self built up and in the process melts her husband’s cold heart.



Not sure if I want to write it but putting it out there for fellow writers who would love to try at it.