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Liu bie

Member Since 27 Dec 2012
Offline Last Active Yesterday, 03:20 PM

#969153 Whats your OTP now that NS was given the pipe?

Posted by Liu bie on 04 November 2018 - 04:22 PM

Inuzuka and Persia my new ship. The confession makes think that how  difficult is to confess to a tsunedere. This makes me think that how easy the author can spoil a ship when a Tsunedere is in the story like NS. That is why feels so good when you see a Tsunedere.


#969127 Saint Seiya

Posted by Liu bie on 02 November 2018 - 10:37 PM

Pk so a ne VA. That’s fine :)

More Seiyuus guys.









#969089 Saint Seiya

Posted by Liu bie on 28 October 2018 - 10:36 PM

By SKDscans 


Chimaki promoting chapter 60 and what it seems the anime too( later they will translate the image) because the Seiyuus of the Saintias are the one who will sing the opening.



#969084 Saint Seiya

Posted by Liu bie on 28 October 2018 - 05:53 PM

And where do you stand in this conflict ? or are you neutral (okay with either one) ?

Neutral. I am old fashion fan of SS that would prefer the classic animation, but  I do not judge the Anime because the animation. Either way I will like my favorite series in Anime. I am not that fanboy/fangirl just because a spin off has beautiful animation I would hate the classic series. 

#969081 Saint Seiya

Posted by Liu bie on 28 October 2018 - 03:31 PM

:umm: :umm:


Trailer looks good , their face looks exactly as i remember when i was a kid (like 18 years ago) which in my opinion is not that good , i know that they trying to stay as close to the manga as possible but i think they should use the face like in the Grand Blue anime. I can only say things from the graphics point of view for now. But i remember how horrendous the Shingeki no Kyojin manga art was but the anime is awesome , i would never read the manga if i didn't watch the anime first.

You know? The fandom is divided, mostly of the fandom ask to do  the Sho Anime closest  as the classic of 80's well we  got it. The other side of the fandom wanted to be respect as the manga, then conflicts.

#969079 Saint Seiya

Posted by Liu bie on 28 October 2018 - 01:52 PM

Then good. :smile:  Is it 12 episodes though? Or more?

Still we do not know.


Now the real trailer I hear Pegasus Fantasy  :argh:


What do you think?


#968952 NS Post War-Fic - Heal Me

Posted by Liu bie on 19 October 2018 - 11:50 PM

Omg yes I love this whole initiative of getting more NS fanfics out there! I fully support this! Im excited to read this! :D

Wubbzy can you give me the link of your fic the Advanceshhping, the one is angst doesn't ends so well (no because your fic is bad, but your fic is very good), sorry I don't remember the name.

#968652 Digimon is coming back!!

Posted by Liu bie on 01 October 2018 - 11:03 PM

The program that control the digital world yggdrasil at one point wanted to create a new digital world. So he selected chosen digimon, and had the rest purge with a virus. Those that could survive the virus were the digimon that had antibody x. They were also able to move to this new world where they were then chased down by the royal knights. Alphamon their leader of the royal knights was also a digimon that was naturally born with the antibody x in their data.


Or something like that.


I think it was a gimmick to redesign some old digimon to create new cards.  

Now continue what Bail posted in this year the story continue, Yggdrasil will sent two RK to investigate that new digital World, but no knowing what happen there Sleipmon and Craniumon receive the antibody X becoming this.





Rika here a video about the Antibody X. This concept is old even there is a movie, but this year Digimon decided to keep following.




#967903 Digimon is coming back!!

Posted by Liu bie on 01 September 2018 - 09:15 PM

I take the word of Demon, Tri doesn't sucked necessary. In Japan was good and the mini theaters was number one. My heart is broken of all many bad reviews Ytbers made some of of them don't. Yes Tri did many errors and bad ones, but still there are many things that are good.    

#967380 Digimon is coming back!!

Posted by Liu bie on 03 August 2018 - 01:15 AM



#965102 Digimon is coming back!!

Posted by Liu bie on 16 May 2018 - 01:29 AM

Well At least Erika admits she loves Keisuke :excited: Too bad they can't be together :(

In a way  that is true bud. We can say that Keisuke too Right? I mean they gave him the choice like "Come back to me " XD. So Keisuke and Erika one of the best ships?


Man Ryuji lost all his family :cry: . It seems for him the reboot was good. When Keisuke checked  the room the tear :cry:

#964851 Digimon is coming back!!

Posted by Liu bie on 07 May 2018 - 10:48 PM

My god everyone talk about pairing -_-a , oh yeah at the beginning Tai invited Sora to watch his football game , but Yamato invite her too to his music band concert , Sora can't choose which one shes going to because bad guy coming and that story got postpone .... i wonder if shes already decide ??

The way i see it , in my opinion Tai and Yamato have slight crush on Sora but Sora doesn't seems to notice or maybe didn't like any of them.


I remember playing digimon rumble arena for playstation 1 ,  it was the japanese version the english version comes out latter. Back then Gatomon did transform into Magnadramon in that game , and that game was like in year 2000. So i think Gatomon have 2 megas the first one is magnadramon the optional one is ophanimon , maybe for ophanimon need special requirement or condition just like greymon to skull greymon.


I just watch half of this anime i want to wait until all the episode released. And by the way i don't understand that new girl and her cat digimon , in my opinion she has no role or purpose shes just being place there by the creator just for the bad guy to kidnap :confused: . I watch until Hikari (gatomon owner) answer her phone and then got like ... mind control and then i stopped watching after that.

But Yyubie since the first series was Hikari control by being now in Tri we know was.


Oh yeah for sure bud, But I'm not talking about that :smile: I'm saying having Ophanimon Falldown mode as Gatomon's dark mega form but Magnadramon as her regular Mega form is inconsistent :shrug:

Very true they should not have done  that, seems the worse the thing 


Perhaps many fans support her for that shallow reason, but just like you love dragons, some fans just love the fact that Angewomon turns into another angel being.  

unfortunately  Magnadramon was destined for Gatomon in universe of adventure. Ophanimon  is in the universe of Frontier.

#963910 Black Clover

Posted by Liu bie on 08 April 2018 - 04:39 PM

What do you guys think? Do you think that Asta will have complete control over his full power right away or will he lose control at least once like in Naruto?

If we compare with Naruto and Asta in my view Asta has grown faster than Nabruto,so possible Bakasta will gain troll first. But didn't Asta lose control? I think even two, but one is not because was control.

#963711 Happy NaruSaku day

Posted by Liu bie on 04 April 2018 - 03:48 AM

Well I least let's not ignore this day the foundation our forum, It has been since I post a NS pic. H. NS day.




#963463 Whats your OTP now that NS was given the pipe?

Posted by Liu bie on 26 March 2018 - 02:46 AM

Short Anime, but the shipping is good for your health. Like a shipping that becomes canon in early time well this is it.


Ikki and Stella.