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Liu bie

Member Since 27 Dec 2012
Offline Last Active Yesterday, 03:20 PM

#974974 Boku No Hero Academia

Posted by Liu bie on 29 September 2019 - 08:35 PM

#973656 Digimon is coming back!!

Posted by Liu bie on 22 July 2019 - 09:46 PM

It seems in story wise is good and very serious vibe.


#973556 Digimon is coming back!!

Posted by Liu bie on 18 July 2019 - 12:24 AM

This Meme


Digimon is death...




#973501 Whats your OTP now that NS was given the pipe?

Posted by Liu bie on 14 July 2019 - 03:11 AM

I ship these two.


#973431 The Official Pokemon Thread

Posted by Liu bie on 07 July 2019 - 03:24 PM

How close could be the next pokegirl to this? Misty and Iris be done there, rival perhaps? 


#973182 Naruto: Alternative The Last (Doujinshi)

Posted by Liu bie on 15 June 2019 - 01:27 AM

Probably is the first time I see this, not fic, doujin or fanart take the returning hug. This is great.

#972753 Naruto: Alternative The Last (Doujinshi)

Posted by Liu bie on 05 May 2019 - 03:44 AM

Let's be positive NS confessed then they are about kiss Hinata cuts the way, instead of cutting away everything XD.

#972588 Black Clover

Posted by Liu bie on 25 April 2019 - 09:35 PM

Nero or should I say Nera I was not expect that. Yami saving one of his waifus XD.

#972176 Happy NaruSaku day

Posted by Liu bie on 04 April 2019 - 01:36 AM

Back then.





#971591 Digimon is coming back!!

Posted by Liu bie on 02 March 2019 - 05:40 PM

For the same question what do you think?


#970232 Happy New Year 2019

Posted by Liu bie on 01 January 2019 - 02:38 AM

Happy New Year guys bless you. Well we hope we still post more the year that comes and give an opportunity to Saint Seiya  :lmao:

#969993 Merry Christmas 2018

Posted by Liu bie on 24 December 2018 - 10:34 PM

Merry Christmas epic mode guys.


#969383 Happy Thanksgiving H&E

Posted by Liu bie on 22 November 2018 - 06:52 PM

HTG as well catsie and blessings everyone.

#969213 The Official Pokemon Thread

Posted by Liu bie on 11 November 2018 - 02:28 PM

Been a long time since i've been on this thread, and am well aware of what's been going with the pokemon anime community outside of being behind on Sun and Moon since I believe Episode 8 so my catchup marathon (which is alot lol) will probably happen sometime this week. You might be wondering why hold it off this long? Truth is I meant to get to it, but with most of my attention being towards my book and a web ani... (whoops secret!) I just put it on the back-burner.  



That being said, I was reminiscing on XY/XYZ series which I've said many times in my opinion is the peak for Pokemon anime, now don't get me wrong it's not without it's flaws yeah. The end result of the Kalos League while annoying I can at the very least appreciate that Ash was Runner-Up that has never happened before.  Sure we won Orange league and Battle Frontier, but those felt more like semi-leagues (at least with orange islands). However the series in a way was able to end things off on a high note with the Team Flare Arc, and ofcourse the way how the final Episode wraps up with Episode 47 since 48 is like an old tale story that is still great. 


The most important factor to me is Ash Ketchum was just awesome like legit he actually went through a huge ton of progression. It wasn't just an instant reset on his character (*cough* black and white  :sick: )  the guy truly felt like a protagonist something I honestly have really felt since Diamond and Pearl series. I love how the group here felt like a family, and it made me really care about each and every one of them. yeah max was cool in Advanced, but I was never really like invested.  Don't even get me started on Iris either..  Serena of course is still best girl of all the pokegirls and what i really appreciate about her is not just her chemistry with Ash, but the struggles she endures throughout the story too it makes me root for her all the way.  



Don't get me wrong I like many was there from the beginning with Season 1, and Misty was a good character. After a while though at least to me she just felt kind of there and before anyone asks did I ship Ash x Misty? I love their interactions sure, but I wasn't really like super hardcore like I was with NaruSaku. i just thought if they get together if not oh well. That was the same thing with May and Dawn. 


You might ask given my profile and sig, what was the draw to Amourshipping? It initially started off with the flashback between Ash and Serena from many years ago, but i was more interested in their friendship at first even with the date episode(s) (i think there a few) so what really changed? The chemistry to me just really stood out  slowly and once the episode came where Ash gave her the ribbon I knew my thoughts and it got increased with the episode where Ash was having and fever, and episode where Serena snapped at Ash about not being himself. Which finally brought us to the famous kiss between the two of them which I stated before was absolutely beautiful. 


Before a shipping debates starts, I have nothing against Pokeshipping in fact i respect everyone's opinion when it comes to ships. I just feel that Amourshipping is more natural.  but that's neither here nor there. 



That's pretty much all I've got to say at the moment, but I will leave my thoughts in waves regarding Sun and Moon throughout the weeks as i catch up just to see what's been going on.

You know Lucky before I read what you wrote I saw your Avatar and I asked  myself did something big happen with the Amour XD? Even i check YT to look what is happening. Then I read it and you came very inspiring mood that your changed your both images. Well ready for a strong debate XD.

#969194 Saint Seiya

Posted by Liu bie on 09 November 2018 - 12:16 AM