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#922599 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by Konohakitten on 05 October 2016 - 02:47 PM


LuNa madness!!

#922353 The moment narusaku died

Posted by Konohakitten on 03 October 2016 - 04:02 PM

What's also infuriating is that they teased us with the 2011 ova and then that never even happened.I'm not a shipper but it infuriates me so much, would have been so much better written than what we got.
if anyone forgot it, here:


Oh god I know! That OVA was freaking perfection. I remember watching it and feeling so satisfied :3 the last scene had so much heart in it.

#922114 The moment narusaku died

Posted by Konohakitten on 30 September 2016 - 09:05 PM

So I've thought more about my answer and what bothers me about NS and trying to pinpoint when it died.... And that's just the thing. There isn't a single moment! There is no NS panel, no last connection between them, or last heartbreak. There is literally just nothing. 


For me, I guess it would have been at the bitter end, with Sasuke's forehead tap and Hinata in the cemetery. It was just confirmation of the end. But not the death of NS. There just was no end to NS, along with no beginning of NS or no beginning of NH. 


I realize the storyline was fleshed out in The Last and the novels, but you know, I don't really count those as canon to the story (the manga) because that Naruto is so vastly different from the original. Same with Sakura, Hinata and all the rest. 


I wish i could go back and pinpoint a definitive panel between Naruto and Sakura when their romance was officially over...but there just wasn't one.


(In fact, their last panel together has Naruto thanking Sakura, which is used as 'I love you' throughout the whole manga. So even their last manga scene was an NS mixed message.) 


I'm not arguing that NS wasn't canned for NH. It absolutely was. It's just...that all their development, all their mutual feelings were thrown out the window without a second glance. NS didn't end...they just went on like it never happened at all.


Brilliant choice of words Tricksie, you're absolutely right. There was no real official conclusion for them, there was nothing, which hurts more than an actual moment where it died. No resolution, or explanation whatsoever, instead Kishi simply walked away. This is why the events that occurred at the end of the manga hurt so very much. Even if his original pairing was NS, and it was rejected, he should have given everyone proper answers. Not once did he make Sakura, or Naruto for that matter, say anything towards one another that would make, or break, their relationship. It's like it ended on a cliffhanger that will never see the light of day.

#922071 The moment narusaku died

Posted by Konohakitten on 30 September 2016 - 04:16 PM

I think it is rather telling that NaruSaku didn't die, but rather it was KILLED OFF to make NaruHina even remotely feasible. How did NaruHina become canon? Through a movie that was a straight up cliche cringing romance drama. The OH so overused popular and well respected guy failing to notice shy quiet girl. Plus, those ridiculous lines of Sakura telling Naruto he loved her only out of a rivalry with Sasuke (And therefore confirming what her haters said about her being a lying manipulative kitten), and Naruto not understanding a difference between love of a person and a love of food (therefore destroying Naruto as an insightful and emotionally intelligent character with a lot of hidden wisdom towards love and acceptance due to his miserable childhood, never having received love himself) , and was guilt tripped into loving Hinata and retconning her into being his first bond when it was SUPPOSED to be Iruka. So YES, we see how NaruSaku supposedly "died" don't we?


You got that right, it was most definitely killed off! Editors had it snuffed out and tossed aside, as if their growing relationship, romantic or not, was trash. Readers were expected to just go along with things, the message that was sent across was that NS's foundation, their bond, wasn't important at all. Their characters and morals were gravely disrespected, because once things were changed to cater towards another pairing, Naruto and his friends suffered. Naruo and Sakura became a set of horrible individuals who used one in another for their own selfish reason. Sadly Sakura had already been given that light in the manga, but doing that to Naruto was mind boggling, and people were okay with that, because to most of them all that mattered was the shipping.


The Last didn't answer questions, instead, it ripped a hole through the entire message of Naruto itself, bonds. That freaking movie, I swear why didn't SS fans, and NH's call kitten? To me, it was a horrible explanation for NH, and if I was a fan I'd feel cheated. Not only because the movie was rushed and forced, but also because the lack of development in the manga would stick out like a sore thumb, but as time went on I realized something. While I don't doubt that characters were very OC in the movie and flat out facts from the manga were altered, but doesn't NH's sudden romantic relationship make more sense to the Japanese, then Westerns? I was pissed because it just happened, there was no real history between them, not even real conversations were shared consistently in the manga, but relationships work differently in Japan.


I watch a married couple on youtube, one's American and the other is Japanese. They were talking about how they started dating and that's when things kinda clicked for me. Her husband explained that in America people date, they spend time together as friends, and at times the courtship can last a while before they officially decide if they are an item. So it was odd when her husband's American friends told him to ask this American girl out on a date, the concept to him was foreign. He explained that in Japan you don't date first, instead, you give the person you like a love confession, with a gift, like right off the bat. After that, you're an official item, and then you start dating. So while I don't doubt that The Last reeks of garbage did it make more sense to the Japan to explain NH's romantic relationship in a very Japanese way? If that's the case then why in the world did they make Naruto so Western in wanting to date Sakura all the time? Some people may say that that was proof of Naruto really not loving her, but I don't believe that. There's no doubt in my mind that Naruto loved Sakura.  Sorry, I'm rambling but it's just a thought.

#921926 The moment narusaku died

Posted by Konohakitten on 29 September 2016 - 04:10 PM

I too felt a twinge of doubt in 693, having Sakura confess to Sasuke so close to the end broke my heart. There was so much inconsistency before then that it was easy to overlook it and just wait for the next NS moment, but sadly there wasn't one, and instead we were given the most disgusting conclusions, for both pairings too! Looking back I should have been more mindful. The fact that Kishi never gave us a resolution to team 7's love triangle should have been a red flag. Like some have stated, the fight after Pain would have been the end game for NS. It would have been perfect! Hinata had her confession, she could now move on, and Sakura could have realized how much Naruto meant to her. Why in the world did Kishi give them a moment if it meant nothing romantic wise? Why couldn't it have been Hinata? Honestly, if that had happened my saltiness for NH wouldn't have been so bad. It would have hurt, but at the same time, it would have made sense with her confession.

#919618 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by Konohakitten on 01 September 2016 - 06:47 PM

Damn...Luffy's arm getting cut into while in gear 4th....scary stuff. It needed to happen though. Luffy definitely needs a wake up call when it comes to just who he's up against. Hopefully Nami and Pound reach him before he gets more of a beating. Maybe Nami can use the Vivre card to get the homies to help since they're so scared of her, if not I have no clue how this fight will end.I pray they don't stay separated though, obviously Luffy can't be left alone. Maybe this time he'll listen when Nami tells him to fall back and run!

#919281 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by Konohakitten on 28 August 2016 - 06:28 AM

If you're a fan of Luffy x Nami, then make sure you watch next weeks episode. From the previews, the hug scene looks like it'll be pretty long.

I squealed when I saw the preview for it.

#919263 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by Konohakitten on 27 August 2016 - 11:13 PM

just perfect

My heart ❤

#919187 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by Konohakitten on 26 August 2016 - 04:14 PM

I know Oda wouldn't fail his readers, but I saw this and I just had to share. It's like a bad hair cut signifies the ending in downfall of your manga.

Anyhow I really liked this chapter. The ending was outstanding, I swear I read that last page so many times,it was so epic! It's awesome getting to see just where Luffy really does stand when compared to big mom's commanders, and it's exciting because I can't wait to see his Awakening fruit powers. There's no other way he could possibly to touch any of the other commanders, let's alone Big Mom herself.I couldn't believe he had to go into 4th gear so quickly, it was scary.

I wonder what Nami's going to say when she sees Luffy. She's never seen 4th gear before and if she thought things were bad before she's in for a big surprise since Luffy is isn't going to be able to do anything for the next 10 minutes.

The whole speech that Brulee gave was spine-tingling. I swear it was scary listening about past Pirates coming in and how none of them were even able to see big mom.

Overall it was a great chapter and I liked how it wasn't dragged on. Not sure if Luffy really knocked out Cracker since he was moaning but at least there was some good progression in this chapter.



#911271 New Ghostbusters movie

Posted by Konohakitten on 20 May 2016 - 05:11 AM

Probably, my son's love the orignals, as do my hubby and I. They saw the previews for this new one and they got so excited, they want to watch it,so yeah I'm game.

#909868 Boruto The Next Generation: Chapter 1

Posted by Konohakitten on 03 May 2016 - 05:14 AM

I skimmed through it but I stopped early on when I noticed that Im basically reading the Bolt movie. I thought this manga was supposed to take place after those events. Did I miss something? This decision makes the characters look even worse because I saw the first like 20 minutes of the Bolt movie so I remember what the characters look like and seeing them in this manga makes them look even worse.

I'm trying to give this new guy the benefit of the doubt, but it's so hard when he makes a character like Hinata look like a creepy porcelain doll, and Himawari, like sraight up garbage,she's horrid.

I actually feel bad for her character. I never liked her design, and I wasn't impressed not one bit when they first revealed her at the end of Naruro. I thought she looked nothing like Hinata and nothing like Naruto. It's like they got features from each parent and put them onto a blank face so a lot of the times when I look at her I don't see a little boy or a little girl. She's like a haphazard mishmash of both parents and you add that horrid haircut of hers that has not been consistent the entire time she's been around and you have one ugly child. She's never been cute, but this design is something I simply cannot unsee, it's so bad.

Then the beginning literally makes me think of a fan fiction story being turned into a manga. The weird tribal tattoos, the guy's hair, the outfits, it screams fanmade material. It makes me think of those drawings of Super Saiyan 5 that used to float all over the internet back in the day. With crazy hair, fur color, and crazy outfits, yeah that's all I was thinking about when I saw Bolt and this pathetic looking enemy.

Like I'm supposed to believe that he destroyed the entire Village and killed Naruto, shinobi Jesus ladies and gentlemen. I'm sorry but I just can't comprehend how people are going to look at this and be on the edge of their seats for the next month's chapter because it seems so half-hearted, rushed, insulting, and stupid.

#908877 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by Konohakitten on 24 April 2016 - 05:01 PM

I absolutely loved this chapter! For some reason it felt so long, like I was expecting each high note to be the end of the chapter, but it just kept going! Oda totally dominated in the pacing of this chapter. We got to see so much, it was awesome! Truth be told I never thought we would get to see Luffy react to his father,but it was indeed validating to finally see it happen. His reaction was priceless.

I can't believe Kaido obliterated Kid. That right there sent shivers down my spine. I was like oh God Luffy you've done it this time. kitten just got real, no more pirate games!

I'm also really liking the way Luffy has been behaving since he arrived on Zou. He's still himself, what with his goofy moments, but Im definitely seeing a more toned-down mature version of him. We don't get to see that too often, except when he's fighting. Sometimes I tend to forget that he's capable of behaving that way. He's been competent about everything that's transpired and what needs to be done to fix it. His no bull attitude to saving Sanji, his refusal to help Momo at first, and his snippy attidude with Chopper in this last chapter is a breath of fresh air when it comes to how Luffy is in most chapters. That's just me though.

I also can't believe that Sanjis bride is indeed that 3 eyed girl we saw one of the first times we saw a big mom. I wonder how he's going to dig that extra eye, more of her to love I guess ❤

#907477 Favorite AVGN Review

Posted by Konohakitten on 12 April 2016 - 01:31 AM

I freaking love all his reviews, but two of my favs are Bugs Bunnys Birthday Blowout/crazy castle review and the Hong Kong 97 review. The ending of that one was perfection.

#907430 One Piece discussion thread

Posted by Konohakitten on 11 April 2016 - 04:40 PM

Tashigi was back in the anime today!

She had a little flashback while showing gratitude towards Fujitora

Tashigi is so freaking cute, just saying ❤

#907198 New Boruto Manga?

Posted by Konohakitten on 09 April 2016 - 04:51 PM

Lol so I saw Sawyer's video on the artwork and oh man the looks on his face to the artwork was just absolutely hillarious.

That's how I came about finding out about this quote on quote new take on old characters cover. Sawyer's reaction was hilarious, I never liked seeing his Naruto reviews since he's a big Naruto fan boy, but he's not as bad as forneverworld, and I actually really do enjoy his One Piece Manga reviews.

Anyhow he pointed out the freaking elephant in the room, being every single character and why they look the way they look, especially Sasuke! One thing he touched is what it all boils down to and that's that this is the price fans pay for Naruto being milked so much.

All those big narutards that never wanted the series to end got what they wanted. You wanted it to go on sure, but guess what the original creator doesn't want to so you guys are going to have to have someone else do the artwork for it. Then we get something that looks like really bad fanart. Now I'm an artist as well and what I see when I look at this artwork is someone that isn't using their own style, nor are they using the original creators look . Perhaps it'll get better, who knows, but for now it looks like a hot mess.

What makes it look even worse is that some genius decided to put Kishimotos work and this guy's work right next to each other, who the f*** does that! Like seriously you want this guy's work to be the new face of Naruto, and yet you put his work right next to Kishimoto! Perhaps his work wouldn't have gotten so scrutinized had it been on its own, but having it right next to Kishimoto is making it look even worse since you're able to tell the obvious difference in artistic talent!

It's just freaking crazy. In the end everyone is entitled to their opinions on what they think of this new manga. However no one can deny the fact that this is all the results of greed!!