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#531232 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 21 May 2014 - 09:21 PM

yuk. I changed my mind lol.

well he is one of the few that like Sakura but I think he may have changed as it was a long time ago. James used to like NH as did many others before they changed to liking NS.

#530882 Naruto 677

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 21 May 2014 - 12:11 PM

I have to say this was a very good chapter and it seems everyone but the edo kages and team 7 have been captured I just wonder what they can all do at this point.


As for the NH/ Hinata moment I just laughed, I mean it just shows she is selfish she is I mean everyone is in danger and the world is ending and all she can say is Naruto kun. need we say anymore.

#529828 Who's your favorite Doctor incarnation?

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 17 May 2014 - 09:53 PM

I favor all the funny ones...xD

Lol true I mean they are each funny but also dark at times as well I mean look at the 10th and 11th both got dark at time.


10th waters of mars


11th a good man goes to War


and the 12th has yet to be shown hence why I didn't put him on and I hear that this season 8 will be very dark.

#528838 Naruto 676

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 14 May 2014 - 12:02 PM

"Obito is No more , i took his body" its the same as the last time he did that besides Obitto can't be gone without having his resolution with Kakashi imo.


:narusaku:  :smexy: me liked that  :D

That is why I feel that Obito may come back again after all BZ was wrong last time.


Lol I know I like it too as we all know they will be doing much more later on with Sakura ending up pregnant, yeah I went there. 

#528821 Naruto 676

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 14 May 2014 - 11:42 AM

When Naruto saved Sakura did he touch her......?

Nevermind, forget what I said.

And my joke prediction came true.....

I think we all know what he did maybe even Sakura knows this too lol


At this rate, SS will be dead beyond romance. I mean damn Kishi...

And your saying that is a bad thing SS is slowly dying :D

#526413 Naruto 675

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 07 May 2014 - 12:06 PM

One more thing. I really can't wait to watch the reviews from 4neverworld and sawyer7mage especially sawyer who can't keep his bias in check. It's going to be a blast lol.

Well I'm watching 4Neverworld right now and so far no bashing Sakura which is a shock to me.


Oh, I got something harsh later today. I need to do this.

Lol well I know it will be funny hell the SS fans are most likely mad right now or they are seeing thing to fit their own needs.



If you don't want negativity don't read. 

Sakura Rant


I know how you feel why is Kishi doing this to Sakura? Why I mean come on Naruto better lose this healing thing that he has after Madara is tasking down, that or Sakura better get a damn power up all I will be ticked if she is just simply left out of the fight next week.


Probably, Kishi has something planned for Sakura. Even he knows what Naruto is doing is Sakura's job. We'll get an explanation I assume or things will be self explanatory.

I hope so I mean we need something for Sakura and not have her stand there and have Naruto and Sasuke do all the work.


SS fans thinks that Sakura still loves Sasuke and this actually was the chapter that have killed NS :/


Kakashi said that Sakura has now different fellings since then. If 12 years old Sakura liked Sasuke, what kinda feeling does she have now? A supreme love? LOL Sincere love? A true love is always sincere.

lol well let them dream, let them dream after all soon the hard truth will hit them.

#523110 Naruto 673

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 16 April 2014 - 10:19 PM

If Hinata is Kaguya reincarnated them i'm Chuck Norris lol .

lol oh tell me about it I just hope we are all right.


If Sakura can't be at the same level, what chance does HInata have? She is a terrible fighter, she only won ONE fight in the whole manga...I just....I can't even... :twitch:

Well KeikoxYusuke tell them that, oh wait we NS are dumb and have no brains and are nothing more than Zombies, but hey let them dream its all they have right now so yeah let them dream.


You mean like this?naruto__fruit_by_gintara-d7e3sl4.png

lol why do I get the feeling that is a NH wet dream not to be mean but come on for the love of god when will they stop.

#519831 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 24 March 2014 - 06:27 PM

All I can say is that we know that by the end of the yeah NS will be confirmed that is a fact that we all are hopping for and know to be true.

#516816 Naruto 666

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 26 February 2014 - 06:07 PM

I have to say that this was a good chapter with interesting things already going on, but from what I have heard I will have to say that Naruto will not get the Rinnegan as its not needed I mean both of Naruto's eyes are fine. So there is no need to just rip out one of his eyes just so he can get it and later use it all he likes. I know that many want him to get the Rinnegan, but you have to think about does Naruto really need it at this point what would he use it for and why would he get rid of one of his own eyes that is working?

#512736 The NEW NaruSaku Debate Thread

Posted by TheFirstEvil100 on 03 February 2014 - 09:21 PM

I just wonder what will be Sakura's character development and how much Kishimoto will do for her as we all know she needs some that involve Naruto. But I also wonder what he will do with her I mean this is Sakura time to shine to show what she can do, to show she is not useless, to show she cares for Naruto in away that she never did for Sasuke.


At least that is what I hope I mean there is so, so much that could happen.